AVMF lesson 18
What times can a pilot obtain fuel and services in September at TOL airport?
0900-0100 hr local time
As standard operating practice, all inbound traffic to an airport without a control tower should continuously monitor the appropriate facility from a distance of
10 miles
If the SSV class of VORTAC is listed as as terminal class, the altitudes and distance to adequately receive the signal of the VORTAC is
1000 feet to 12000 feet and 25 NM
Pierre Regional Aiport- what frequency can be monitored for hazardous inflight weather advisory service in this area?
112.5 MHz
On what frequency can a pilot receive HIWAS in area 1?
117.1 MHz
At Sioux Gateway Day which frequency should be used?
118.7 MHz
At Coeur D' Alene, which frequency should be used as a CTAF to monitor airport traffic?
122.8 MHz
At Coeur D' Alene, which frequency should be used as a CTAF to self announce position and intentions
122.8 MHz
What is the correct UNICOM frequency to be used at Coeur D' Alene to request fuel?
122.8 MHz
What is the CTAF/UNICOM frequency at Barnes County Airport?
The CTAF/MULTICOM frequency for Garrison Airport is
122.9 MHz
The CTAF'UNICOM frequency at Jamestown Airport is
123.0 MHz
The control tower frequency for Addison Airport is
126.0 MHz
If Dallas Executive Tower is not in operation, which frequency should be used as a CTAF to monitor airport traffic
127.25 MHz
Determine the approx latitude and longitude of Currituck County Aiport?
What is the approx latitude and longitude of Cooperstown Airport?
47*25'N-98*06 'W
Determine approzimate latitude and longitude of ShoShone County Aiport
47*33'N- 116*11'W
FAA advisory circulars containing subject matter specifically related to Airmen are issued under which subject number?
FAA advisory circulars containing subject matter specifically related to Airspace are issued under which subject number?
FAA advisory circulars containing subject matter specifically related to Air Traffic and General Operating Rules are issued under which subject number?
What depicts a CLass E airspace that begins at 700 feet AGL?
A magenta vignette that goes around an airport
What is the acronym for a computerized command response system that provides automated weather, radio check capability, and airport advisory information selected from an automated menu by microphone clicks?
What is the recommended communications procedure for departure at Currituck county airport?
Broadcast intentions prior to taxi and announcing runway of departure
What is the recommended communication procedure when inbound to land at Cooperstown Airport?
Broadcast intentions when 10 miles out on the CTAF/MULTICOM frequency 122.9 MHz
According to the chart supplement, what are the operated requirements of a VORTAC?
Collocates VOR and TACAN navigational facilities
What information is contained in the NTAP?
Current NOTAM and FDC NOTAMs
FAA advisory circulars are available to all pilots and are obtained by
Downloading them from the FAA website
which airport is located at approx 47*41'N - 101*36'W?
Weather information is available at the COE airport?
From AWOS 3 135.075
When approaching Lincoln Municipal from the west at noon for the purpose of landing, initial communications should be with
Lincoln Approach Control on 124.0 MHz
Which statement about longitude and latitude is true?
Lines of longitude cross the Equator at right angles
Which airport is located at approx 47*34'30"N and 100*43'00"W?
Which public airport depicted is indicated as having fuel?
Minot Int'l (area1)
What is the recommend communication procedure for landing at Lincoln Municipal during the hours when the tower is not in operation
Motion airport traffic and announce your position and intentions on 118.5 MHz
Where is the Loup City Municipal located with relation to the city?
Northwest approx 1 mile
When NOTAM are published in the NTAP, they are
Only available in a standard weather briefing if the pilot requests published NOTAMs
What is the traffic pattern for Runway 25
Right hand traffic pattern
Which public use airports depicted are indicated as having fuel?
Rockwell (area 1) and Sulphur Springs (area 5)
Which type radar service is provided to VFR aircraft at Lincoln Municpal
Sequencing to the primary Class C airport, traffic advisories, conflict resolution, and safety alerts
Traffic patterns in effect at Lincoln Municipal are
To the left on Runway 14 and Runway 32; to the right runway 18 and runway 35
What is the recommended communications procedure for a landing at CCA?
Transmit intentions on 122.9 MHz when 10 miles out and give positions reports in the traffic pattern
Where in the Chart Supplement can you find info where a pilot would need prior authorization from other than ATC to land at certain airports?
Under military remarks
The CAUTION box denotes what hazard to aircraft
Unmarked balloon on a cable to 3008 feet MSL
The flag symbol at Lake Drummond represents a
Visual checkpoint used to identify position for initial callup to Norfolk Approach Control
The flag symbols at Statesboro Bullock County Airport, Clanton- Evans County Airport, and Ridgeland Airport are
Visual checkpoints to ID position for initial callup prior to entering Savannah Class C airspace
Which airport is located at approx 47*21'N and 101*01'W?
Is fuel ever available at Crawford Airport
Yes, 100LL fuel is available for emergency use only