Bio 104 Final

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Building roads, parking lots, buildings and bridges all contribute to:

habitat destruction

root hairs

increase the capacity of roots to absorb water.

The phylum name Arthropoda refers to:

joint appendages

Competition, predation, and ____ are the main types of interactions that occur among species in a community.


What two tissues transport materials throughout the entire plant body?

phloem and xylem

Which process does not return carbon to the atmosphere?


Unlike eudicot roots, the center of most monocot roots is occupied by the:


The two groups representing the "jawless" fishes are:

placoderms and petromyzontida

Which of the following series correctly represents the hierarchical organization within ecology?

population - community - ecosystem - biosphere

Which arthropod has chelicerae, pedipalps, and silk glands?


The process by which water is lost by evaporation from aerial plant parts is known as:


A ____ is an underground stem that is greatly enlarged for food storage.


Compound leaves have:

two or more leaflets instead of a single blade

Xylem transports water and dissolved nutrient minerals in which direction?


Salamanders are members of the order:


Gas exchange in terrestrial insects is accomplished through:

use of tracheae

The accompanying figure models a(n) __________-shaped growth curve.


Which scenario illustrates a homeostatic mechanism?

a thermostat keeping a house at 72 degrees

Gas exchange in arachnids takes place by tracheal tubes, ____, or both.

book lungs

Which of the following is NOT an adaptation needed for living on land?

egg shells

Sea cucumbers will ____ when environmental conditions deteriorate.

eject their digestive tract, respiratory structures, and gonads

A species' numbers are so severely reduced that it is in imminent danger of extinction throughout all or a significant part of its range. This species would be considered:


Which class of animals has the largest number of species?


What is the purpose of the waxy cuticle in plants?

It prevents desiccation

Many poisonous snakes share warning colors of red, yellow, and black. This is an example of:

Mullerian mimicry

Yeasts reproduce asexually by


The tropical rainforest trees form shallow roots concentrated near the surface in a mat few centimeters thick. These swollen bases or braces are called:

buttress roots

Which of the following is considered a key human made contributor to global warming?

carbon dioxide

The process of photosynthesis involves the conversion of:

carbon dioxide and water into sugar

During photosynthesis ____ diffuses into the leaf, while ____ diffuses out of the leaf.

carbon dioxide; oxygen

Sea stars are primarily:


Sexual reproduction results in:

genetic diversity among offspring

Parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma are classified as tissues in the:

ground tissue system

Which structure or structures function to open and close the stomata?

guard cells

Which two plants of the Carboniferous period contributed to the formation of today's coal deposits?

horsetails and club mosses

Flowers that are strongly oderiferous and blue or UV purple in color would most likely be pollinated by:


Homeostatic mechanisms are processes that:

maintain a relatively constant internal environment

a grass hopper belongs in the Ecdysozoa clade because of its ability to:


The term for physical damage to a seed coat that induces germination is:


Biological diversity is an index of the variety of living organisms in an ecosystem, and includes:

species richness, genetic diversity, and ecosystem diversity

Order ____ includes the snakes.


Leaflike outgrowths at the base of the leaf stalk are referred to as:


Which structure is used to help regulate buoyancy of fish?

swim bladder

Which is a unique adaptation in insects not found in any other arthropod?


Class ____ includes mostly extinct species and a few current species such as feather stars and sea lilies.


On the accompanying figure, identify the point that indicates the carrying capacity for this population.

D (level line)

Movable spines are found on ____ of the phylum Echinodermata.


In a fungus, a complex multicellular reproductive structure is called a

Fruiting Body

____ is an anticoagulant used by leeches.


A main function of a plant's root system is to:

absorb dissolved nutrients and water

Epiphytes have ____ that anchor the plants to the surface on which they grow.

aerial roots

Metamorphosis occurs in which of the following vertebrate classes?


The tetrapods include:

amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals

What environment is characterized by high nutrient inputs and by relatively great fluctuations in salinity and temperature?

an estuary

Which of the following is a function of stems?

anchor plants

Concentric rings found in the cross section of the wood of trees are known as:

annual rings

What is the male sexual structure that produces sperm in plants?


Animals with chemical defenses are also typically:


Which class of echinoderms has the greatest species diversity?


Organisms that manufactures their own food are known as:


At zero population growth:


The introduction of a foreign species into an area where it is not native is called:

biotic pollution

Which of the below are living descendants of the dinosaurs?


Which is an example of a member of phylum Zygomycota?

black bread mold

The broad, flat part of a leaf is called the ____, while the stalk that attaches the leaf to the stem is called the ____.


Which of the following is not a predicted outcome of climate change?

change in precipitation patterns

The cell walls of fungi are composed of:


A tissue is a group of ____.

closely associated, similar cells

The organisms associated with patches of floating ocean vegetation would be an example of:

clumped dispersion

The union of gametes is called ____ and takes place within the ____ of a flower.

fertilization; ovary

What is the mode of nutrition for clams and oysters?

filter feeders

Most mollusks are:

found in fresh water

The sori of most ferns are found on which part of the plant?


The ____ niche is the broadest role that an organism can potentially have in a community.


Which is a basic difference between gymnosperms and flowering plants?

gymnosperms produce seeds borne naked, while flowering plants produce seeds enclosed within a fruit

The breakup of large areas of habitat into small, isolated patches is called:

habitat fragmentation

____ is the wood of flowering plants and ____ is the wood of conifers.


Sugar is translocated in phloem from a source, or an area of ____, to a sink, or an area of ____.

high sugar concentration; low sugar concentration

Harmful introduced species usually come into an area by:

human beings

The partly decayed organic portion of soil is called:


The absorption of water by a dry seed is known as:


All echinoderms are found:

in marine habitats

Foreign species that have negative effects on native species are called:

invasive species

Sharks detect motion in the water or waves by their:

lateral lines

The monotremes are an unusual group of mammals because they:

lay eggs

The spines of a cactus are actually modified:


Reduction in ____ growth is used as a sensitive indicator of air pollution


A true body cavity completely surrounded by ____ is called a coelom.


A plant with parallel veins and floral parts in threes or multiples of three would be classified as a:


Most conifers have separate male and female reproductive parts on the same tree. This condition is referred to as:


Sea stars eat:

mostly crustaceans and mollusks

What type of leaf venation do eudicots possess?


Eudicot leaves typically have:

netted venation

Which process is not involved in the hydrologic cycle?


Bacteria are most essential in the cycling of:


What three elements are most often limiting factors for plant growth?

nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium

The structure that is characteristic of the phylum Chordata is.


A community consists of ____ species in a given area.


Which is an example of a monocot?


Stomata are

openings in leaf epidermis

Marsupials include the:


A group of associated tissues is known as a(n):


Roots, stem, leaves, flower parts, and fruits are referred to as:


Extinct jawless fish include the:


Which term describes an animal that lays eggs?


Sharks that are ____ incubate their eggs within the mother's body.


Monocot leaves typically have:

parallel venation

All woody plants are:


Cork cambium and the tissues it produces are collectively known as:


Dissolved sugars are transported in:


Which part of a flowering plant is the immature male gametophyte?

pollen grain

One characteristic of class Bivalvia is that they:

posses two shells with a hinge

Growth that results in an increase in the length of a plant is referred to as

primary growth

Roots that arise from branches or vertical stems, and that are used to support a plant in an upright position, are referred to as:

prop roots

The female plant structure on which a pollen grain must land for sexual reproduction to occur is the:


Echinoderms are unique because:

the adult and larva are both radially symmetrical

Which of the following is not a type of connective tissue?

the heart

Which statement about asexual reproduction is true?

the offspring of asexual reproduction are genetically identical to the parent

Mammals descended from a group of reptiles known as:


Which is a characteristic of all annelids?

they have a segmented body

Why are mosses and liverworts limited in size?

they lack vascular tissues

Which of the following is a structure adapted for seed dispersal by animals?

thick, indigestible seed coats

When the death of species is less imminent, but the population of a particular species is quite small, it is defined as being:


The heart of amphibians has ____ chambers. The hearts of birds and mammals have ____ chambers.


Which of the following will prevent the further buildup of greenhouse gases?

use you automobile less and you bikes more

The most unique feature of the echinoderms is their:

water vascular system

Bat-pollinated, night-blooming flowers would most likely display which two characteristics?

white petals and a strongly sweet scent

How is the pollen of pine trees primarily disseminated?


Plants that produce scentless, inconspicuous flowers with enormous amounts of pollen are adapted to which type of pollination?


Which vascular tissue is responsible for conducting water and dissolved minerals in plants?


An example of ex situ conservation is a:


If a plant were placed in continual darkness, it would continue to open and close its stomata at approximately the same time each day. This phenomenon is governed by:

circadian rhythms

Which animal phylum has an asymmetrical body plan?


Why are seeds reproductively superior to spores?

Seeds contain a young plant and also are protected by a seed coat

What is the structure labeled as 9 in the accompanying figure?


Which was the primary challenge animals faced in adapting to life on land?

The desiccating effect of the atmosphere

Spiny echidnas are unlike other mammals in that they:

do not have nipples

The difference between taproot and fibrous root systems is that a taproot system:

taproot consists of one main root with lateral roots, while a fibrous root system has many roots of the same size

Vines use ____ to stay attached to support structures.


Transpiration is most closely associated with:

terrestrial plants

Order ____ includes the turtles and tortoises.


How is a pseudocoelom different from a coelom?

A coelom is a cavity fully lined by mesoderm.

Refer to the accompanying figure. At which point on the graph is the population increasing exponentially?

B (middle of the S curve)

A frog that lacks chemical defenses, yet resembles a poison arrow frog, would exhibit:

Batesian mimicry

Why are bees important to the reproductive success of flowering plants?

Bees carry pollen to other plants

Which is a differentiating characteristic of land plants from green algae?

Land plants have a waxy cuticle

How do mycorrhizae benefit plants?

Mycorrhizae increase a plant's absorptive surface area of roots.

An example of a density-dependent factor that influences the size of a population is:

a fire

Acclimatization is the process by which animals adjust to seasonal changes. Which example is least characteristic of acclimatization?

a lizard basking in the sun

The area where the petiole detaches from the stem is referred to as the:

abscission zone

During ____ between predator and prey species, the predatory species becomes more efficient at catching prey, while the prey species becomes better at escaping predators.


Puffballs and bracket fungi are most closely related to:

common edible mushrooms

The orderly replacement of one community by another is known as:

competitive exclusion

Which action best illustrates in situ conservation?

designating a large area as a national reserve

Today, the major danger to species is:

destruction of habitat

A(n) ____ is the transition zone where two ecosystems meet and intergrade.


The ability to meet humanity's current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs is:

environmental sustainability

The four basic animal tissues are:

epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous

The formation of soil by gradually breaking rock into smaller particles by biological, chemical, and physical processes is known as:


When the last of a species dies, the species is said to be:


Within the chordate classes, the unique characteristic of the class Aves is:


Water is capable of rising to the tops of the tallest trees due to the:

pull of transpiration

Deuterostomes are characterized by ____ and ____ cleavage.

radial; indeterminate

Which structure do numerous mollusks use to scrape algae off rocks?


Which of the following is an adaptation that enables cephalopods to escape from their predators?

rapidly changing colors

The use of the principles of ecology to return a degraded environment to as close as possible of a functional state is called:

restoration ecology

The thick layers of cells covering and protecting the delicate apical meristem is called the:

root cap

Which list correctly orders soil particles in increasing diameter?

sand, silt, clay

What is the third trophic level of a food chain?

secondary consumers

Growth that results in an increase in the girth of a plant is referred to as:

secondary growth

____ begins in an area where there was a preexisting community and well-formed soil.

secondary succession

Vascular cambium gives rise to which of the following tissues?

secondary xylem

What do ferns lack?


Which example represents a structural adaptation that an endotherm might make to maintain body temperature?


____ are good habitats where local reproductive success is greater than local mortality.

source habitats

When the size of a population greatly exceeds K, we can expect that the population will:


____ join roots to leaves and may be above or underground.


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