Bio 191 Unit 2

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What is being described? Causes the histone to relax, which results in increased transcription


What physiological group of the Archaea kingdom/domain is being described? Withstand ph 2.0 and lower


What is being described? Found just under the plasma membrane in the cell


What is being described? Replication results in both original and new DNA dispersed among the two daughter strands

Dispersive replication

What is being described? Function: Stores water, ions, nutrients, and wastes. Help regulate osmosis. Assists in movement of some cells.


What is being described? Where tRNAs exit

E site

What is being described? Evolved when one cell of a prokaryotic species was engulfed by and lived of a cell of another species. The engulfed species provided their hosts with advantages because of special metabolic activities.


What is being described? Genetic modifications are passed down without actual changes to the DNA sequence.

Epigenetic inheritance

The nucleic acid's primary structure is the _______ _______.

Nucleotide sequence

What is being described? Command and control center of the cell. Store hereditary information (DNA). Found in a form called chromatin


What do specialized cells start off as?

Stem cells

The _______ ______ _______ faces the exterior in DNA's secondary structure.

Sugar-phosphate backbone

What is being described? Caused by a frameshift mutations and base-pair substitutions. Neurodegenerative disorder

Tay-Sachs disease

What is being described? Tell the enzyme where to stop transcription of a gene

Termination sequence

What doe the messages sent out into the cell direct?

The assembly of proteins

What is being described? The process of using the mRNA to direct the production of a protein.


What is the picture below?

Trp operon

Each tRNA has:

A single amino acid, anticodon

What is being described? Receives new tRNA

A site

What are the 3 binding sites for transfer RNA called?

A, P, E sites

Where is the amino acid added to in tRNA?

3' end

Where are new nucleotides added?

3' end only

The nucleotide sequence is written in the ____ -> ____ direction.

5' -> 3'

What is the 1st statement of the Cell Theory?

A cell is a highly organized

What is the 4th statement of the Cell Theory?

All cells are essentially the same in chemical composition and metabolic activities

What is the 3rd statement of the Cell Theory?

All cells come from preexisting cells and DNA is passed from cell to cell during cell division

What is the 2nd statement of the Cell Theory?

All organisms are made of cells

Where is the unique anticodon attatched to in tRNA?

Amino acid

What is being described? Allow cells to form sheets. Sheets are tightly bound together, but still space to pass in between cells. Desmosomes created the junction.

Anchoring junction

What is being described? Single celled prokaryotes. Transcription and translation of DNA is more like eukaryotes than prokaryotes. Found in extreme environments (extremophiles). Split into physiological groupings.

Archaea kingdom/domain

What is being described? Largest domain of life by sheer number. All members of this domain are sing-cell and prokaryotic. Have cell walls that contain peptidoglycan. Decomposers, pathogenic, and make yogurt/cheeses.

Bacteria kingdom/domain

What are examples of prokaryotic cells?

Bacteria, archaea

What mutation is being described? Involves a change in one pair of nucleotides

Base-pair subsitution

What is the name for mutagens that cause cancer?


What is being described? H2O2 -> H2O + O2


How do cells become specialized?

Cell differentiation & gene expression

What is being descried? Allow cells to form strong connections. Facilitate or prevent passage of materials. Facilitate communication

Cell junctions

What is being described? Describes the steps for going from DNA to protein

Central dogma

What is being described? Complex structures that assemble microtubules in animal cells. Used during cell division to separate chromosomes


What helps assist in proper protein folding?


What is being described? Help move a cell. Many, shorter appendages


How do cells move?

Cilia, flagella, pseudopodia

What is being described? The mRNA is read in three-nucleotide units. Corresponds to a particular amino acid.


What is being described? The two strands of DNA completely separate to act as templates for the assembly of two new strands. After replicating, the original strands rejoin, preserving the original DNA molecule and leaving a completely new one

Conservative replication

What are the 3 possible alternatives as to how DNA could serve as a template for a new DNA molecule?

Conservative, semiconservative, and dispersive replication

Elongation is ______ on the leading strand.


Where does transcription and translation take place in a eukaryotic cell?


What is being described? Extensive network of protein fibers. Support: provides internal structure to the cell. Transport: or organelles and protein vesicles. Cell motility


What is being described? Closes the gaps between the new DNA strands.

DNA ligase

What is being described? Incorporates complementary nucleotides and adds nucleotides at the 3' end, new strands elongate in opposite directions.

DNA polymerase

What did Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl find after testing the three alternative hypotheses for replication of DNA?

DNA replication was semiconservative

What is being described? Causes histones more positively charged, making them more tightly bound to negatively charged DNA, which results in decreased transcription levels.


The sugar-phosphate backbone of a nucleic acid is ______.

Directional (has polarity)

Elongation is ______ on the lagging strand causing the need for Okazaki Fragments.


What is being described? Single or multi-cellular organism whose cell(s) are organized by internal membranes

Eukarya kingdom/domain

What is being described? Proteins coded by mRNA. Allows for rapid evolution of proteins "Evolution by exon shuffling"


Where do archaea live?

Extreme enviornments

What is being described? Helps move a cell. One or a few, long structures.Tail like.


What mutation is being described? One or two nucleotide pairs are inserted into or deleted from the molecule, altering the reading. Codons downstream of the insertion or deletion site specify an entirely new sequence of amino acids

Frameshift mutation

What 2 things in RNA need to be modified before the process of transcription is completed to protect it from being degraded?

G-cap is attached backwards to the 5' end, poly A added to the 3' end

What is being described? Allows small ions to pass between cells. "Large pipes" or opening between cells

Gap junctions

What is being described? The use of information in DNA to direct the production of particular protein.

Gene expression

What is being described? The information contained in DNA is stored in blocks


What is being described? Modify molecules. Package molecules in vesicles. Distribute the molecules at the end destination

Golgi complex

What physiological group of the Archaea kingdom/domain is being described? Live in extreme salt environments


What is being described? Unwinds the DNA, which is held open with single strand binding proteins


What type of bonding is between the complementary base pairs (A-T ad G-C)?


What is the Trp operon and Lac operon used for?

Induce gene expression

What is being described? Ropes of intertwined protein

Intermediate filaments

What is being described? Parts of the DNA that give rise to mRNA segments that are cut out. Reason for noncoding regions (introns) is becoming clear. They could be important to the evolution of complex organisms


The ____ strand elongates away from the fork.


What is being described? Has three binding sites for transfer RNA (tRNA) located directly adjective to the exposed rRNA sequence on the small subunit

Large subunit

The _____ strand elongates into the replication fork.


What is being described? Degrades proteins, carbs, fats. Degrades materials taken in by the cell. Degraded in the acidic environment pH 5


Who tested the three alternative hypotheses for replication of DNA (1958)?

Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl

What binds to the cell surface to create a biochemical change within a cell?

Messanger molecule

What physiological group of the Archaea kingdom/domain is being described? Produce methane in anaerobic (no oxygen) conditions usually at extremely cold temps


What is being described? Adding methyl groups to Cytosine


What is being described? Actin; long, slender microfilaments. Cross-linked into bundles and networks. Largest structure within the cell. Determine shape and can provide "Crawling motion" (different from the cilia and flagella for motion)


What is being described? Tubulin; hollow tubes. Thickest filaments of the cytoskeleton Function in movement of chromosomes, movement of organelles, structural component of cilia and flagella, made of two proteins called A-tubulin and B-tubulin


What mutation is being described? May result in a polypeptide chain with one amino acid different from the normal sequence.

Missense mutation

Where do most mutations occur?

Mistakes in DNA replication, defects in meiosis or mitosis

What is being described? Site of cellular respiration. Surrounded by two membrane and has a very high surface area. Sites for chemical reactions - break the covalent bond in sugars. Has its own DNA (maternal inheritance).


Where does the mitochondria receive its DNA from?


What is being described? Agents that cause mutation. Include various types of radiation (X-rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays, UV rays) and certain chemicals


What is being described? Genes undergo changes in nucleotide sequence of the DNA.


The ______ _______ face the interior in DNA's secondary structure.

Nitrogenous bases

What mutation is being described? Convert an amino acid-specifying codon to a stop codon

Nonsense mutation

What is being described? The complementary strand of DNA.

Nontemplate strand

What is being described? The nuclear surface is bounded by a double-membrane.

Nuclear envelope

What is being described? Groups of proteins form openings that permit substance such as proteins and RNA to pass in and out of the nucleus.

Nuclear pores

What is being described? Is a subcellular structure where rRNA is made and subunits of the ribosome are assembled


What is being described? The thick fluid inside of the nucleus (suspends and protects parts)


What is the difference between transcription and DNA replication?

Only copying a piece of a strand of DNA

What is being described? Generates H2O2


What is being described? Receives peptide-bearing tRNA after peptide bond formation

P site

What 2 diseases are caused by the misfolded proteins that aggregate into plaques?

Parkinsons, alzheimers

The cell wall is made up of:

Peptidoglycan, lipids

What is being described? Small organelles that contain oxidases and catalase . Very abundant in liver and kidney cells. Functions: Deals with metabolic wastes and oxidative products


The cell membrane is made up of:

Phospholipids, proteins

What is being described? RNA primers are laid down on each strand with this enzyme


What is being described? Sometimes called a nucleotide. Single, long, very condensed DNA molecule in the form of a ring. Attached at one point to the plasma membrane

Prokaryotic genome

What are the 2 types of cells?

Prokaryotic, eukaryotic

What is being described? DNA sequences that act like switched that turn genes on/off. Located upstream of the structural gene.


Where does RNA polymerase first bind to?


The essential key players in the cell's moment-by-moment existence are ______.


What do genes code for?


What are examples of eukaryotic cells?

Protista, plants, fungi, animals

Instructions are copied from the DNA into messages comprised of ____.


What is being described? Protein that produces the mRNA copy of DNA during transcription

RNA polymerase

What replace RNA primers?

RNase H, DNA polymerase

What did Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl use to test the three alternative hypotheses for replication of DNA?

Radioactive isotopes of N

What is the 3 step process of replacing the RNA nucleotides?

Recognition of mismatch, excision of segment of DNA containing mismatch, resynthesis of excised fragment

What is created as DNA is unwinded?

Replication fork

What is being described? A protein that binds to an operator and physically blocks RNA polymerase from binding to a promoter site. Turns off cell.


What is being described? How prokaryotes reproduce asexually. One cell becomes two cells.

Reproduction by fission

Where does translation occur?


What is being described? not technically organelles (they are not membrane bound and they are found in prokaryotes as well as eukaryotes. Translate RNA into a polypeptide sequence. Either attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or free floating in the cytoplasm.


What is being described? Is an extensive system of internal membranes made by folding the plasma membrane. Used for protein synthesis.

Rough ER

What is being described? The DNA unzips and new complementary strands are assembled using each strand as a template. One original strand is preserved in each duplex

Semiconservative replication

What mutation is being described? Do not alter the amino sequence

Silent mutation

What is being described? Has a short sequence of its rRNA exposed that is identical to the leader sequence that begins all genes. mRNA binds to it.

Small subunit

What are ribosomes comprised of?

Small subunit, large subunit

What is being described? Is an extensive system of internal membranes made by folding the plasma membrane. Aids in the manufacture of carbohydrates and lipids.

Smooth ER

What physiological group of the Archaea kingdom/domain is being described? Live in extreme heat >90 degrees celsius or extreme cold


What is being described? Solutes can't pass around/between cells. They can seal off cavities. Hold together like a zipper. Act as a barrier.

Tight junctions

What is being described? As the DNA unwinds, helps to prevent supercoiling


What is being described? The copying the portion of the DNA template (gene) require to express a protein.


What is being described? The process when a messenger RNA (mRNA) is made from a gene within the DNA.


When does transcription end?

When a termination signal is reached

If you see ______ think 2nd messenger.


What is being described? Type of RNA that carries instructions from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome.


What need to be modified before leaving the nucleus?


What is being described? Type of RNA that makes up part of the ribosome


What brings amino acids to the ribosome to use in making proteins?

tRNA molecules

What is being described? Type of RNA that carries amino acids to the ribosome


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