Bio Chapter 1 test

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inserting / removing glasware from rubber stopers

- lubricate glassware - protect hands in towel -

what happened in the 1890's with Pouchet?

- pouchet puts hay infusion in tube -heats up hay very high - left and found micro organisms

whats a scirentific law

A scientific law is a statement or mathematical equation that expresses a relationship between elements under certain conditions. It is usually the result of many indisputable observations. It is an established principle of science. A Scientific law describes things, but it does not answer the question "why?"


F = 212 AND 32 C= 100 AND 0 KELVIN= 373 AND 273 *0* = NO HEAT

Second step ?

Get information and form a Hypothesis

Larger to smaler


What is spotaneous generation?

The idea that life can arise from non living matter THERE IS NO PARENT ORGANISM

Smaller to larger


living things maintaining a relatively stable internal envirorment


scientific notation

moving to LEFT = POSITIVE moving to RIGHT = NEGATIVE


organized way of gathering and analyzing evidence about the natural world


a living planet


a point of view that is personal rather than scientific



what two things are vital to modern science?

communication and sharing of ideas

measurements are often referred to as


in a line graph you find the most consistent variable in the experiment

x axis -on the y you will find the other variable

what does the top/ biggest level include?

• Bioshphere-the part of earth where life exists • Biome-all similar ecosystems on the planet • Ecosystem-all living things and their environment • Community-all living things in a particular area • Population- same species in a particular area

understanding science helps what?

people make descions that also involve cultural customs, values and ethical standards - Can help people predict the conquences of their actions and plan the future



cold glassware and hot glassware look the ...


science as a way of knowing

science is not a list of facts but a way of knowing

abiogenesis generation

spotaneous generation

signal in whcih ornaism srepsond



taken a group living things evolve


the combination of chemical reactions through which an orgaism builds hip or breaks down materials


the information gathered during an experiment

fume hood

used to get ride of dangeous fumes

what does using science involve?

using science involves understanding its context and limitations in society?

What are the certain components of all experiments ?

variables control, experimental group, data

virology ?


what did Leunenock do in the 1660's

-discovered micro organidsms from pond water under lense

what did redi do in the 1660's

-first recoded instance of scientific method - took jars and put meat in them and sealed the jar - half of the jars were left unprotected -half of jars protected -proved that meat turning into flies was untrue

what did needham do after?

-heated gravy up -sealed tube -left gravy and found micro organisms


-the study of life

what happened with pastuer after?

-took flask heated it and twisted the neck into a s shape - put broth in tube - left tube motuh open - no micro orgnaisms

characteristics of living things (list all 8)

1 cells 2 grow and develop 3. reproduce 4. respond to stimuli 5. evolve (populations only) 6. have genetic material (DNA or RNA) 7. Metabolism 8. Status quo- Homeostasis

whats a scientific theory?

A hypothesis which has been accepted as true, which has been tested many times and which has never been proven false after many years, may become a theory. A theory is not usually an isolated bit of information or a single hypothesis, but, on the contrary, it is usually combined with other related hypotheses to form a general frame-work which explains certain phenomenon. A theory can change if a hypothesis on which it is based is proven to be false, or as more data becomes available. A theory is a "big deal" in science.

THIRD step?

Do the Experiment

whats the next step in the scientific method

Draw a Conclusion

how are new ideas created?

curiosity, skeptiscism, open mindedness and crativity

structure and function

each major group or oerganisms has evolved its own particular body part

whats the biggest electrical hazard in the lab ?

electrical shock

controlled experiment

experiment in which there is only one variable

control group

exposed to the same conditions as the experimental group except for one independant variable


food poisoning

physiology ?

fuction of a body

bunsen burners

heating objects


heating objects

genetics study of?



micro organisms

whats the second level include

o Organism-multicellular o Organ system-working together for the same function o Organs-working together for the same function o Tissues-working together for the same function o Cells-smallest unit of life (one celled organisms)

the act of noticing and describing events or processes in a careful certain way


whats the first step in the scientific method

observe and define the problem

what does scientific methodology include?

observing and asking questions, making inferences and forming hypotheses, conducting controlled experiments, collecting and analyzing data and drawing conclusions

what is a way to determine whether two organisms are in the same species ?

Two organisms are in the same species if they can mate and produce fertile offspring


a logical interpreatiaion based on what scientists already know


a logical interpretation based on what scientists already know


a scientific explanation for a set of observations that can be tested in ways that support or reject it

sexual reproduction

cells from two parents unite to form the first cell of a new organism

where do ideas from exploaration arise from?

practical problems

does a steep curve on a line graph indicate rapid or a slow rate of change?


publishing peer reviewed articles in scientific journals allow scientists to ?

share ideas test and evauluate each others work

what does publsihing peer reviewed articles in scientific journals allow researchers to do?

share ideas and to test and evaluate each others work

anatomy ?

structure of a body

What is biology the study of?

study of living things

what does the lowest/ smallest level of biology include

• Organelles-cell parts • Molecules • Atoms

what occurs in drawing a conclusion

After performing the experiment, the scientist must analyze his/her data and either accept the hypothesis as true, or reject the hypothesis as false. (The hypothesis is either supported or not supported. Hypotheses can NEVER be proven, only disproven.)

what happens in this experiment?

An experiment is scientific testing. Experiments are designed to test hypotheses.

what occured in 400 B.C. ?

Aristotle tried to reason out solutions to questions thought that meat turned into flies

whats the next step ?

Confirm the results

the genetic code common to all living things


what occurs in confirming the results

The scientist must confirm his/her results by repeating the experiment. This is to be sure the results have not been affected by experimental error. Scienctists would then write up their findings. Scientists usually submit their work to publications, so that other scientists also have the opportunity to confirm or refute the results. Scientific publications solicit peer reviews BEFORE printing the research findings. This is what makes the scientific process so powerful----other scientists, who specialize in the specific scientific area, question, retest, or analyze the results, before the research is confirmed, accepted and published.

Whats data?

These are observations or numerical facts gathered during the experiment. They are usually presented in a tables and graphs. - quantitive data = numbers - qualitive data= descriptive and involve uncountable charceristics

what are variables?

These are the factors that are being tested in the experiment. Ideally, there should be only one independent variable (so that any differences observed in the experimental group can be attributed to this particular variable).

matter and energy

lviign things obtain and use material and energy


involves the act of noticing and describing events or processes in a careful orderly way

biogenisis generation

living from living

information and hereidty

living things are based of a universal genetic code

celllar basis of life

living things are made of cells


living things maintain a relatively stable internal envirorment

Dependent variable?

the variable that is dependent on the independent variable. This is what the experimenter is measuring. normally y axis

independant variable?

the variable that is manipulated by the experimenter. This is the variable that is being tested. normally x axis

Managed variables-

these are the variables (conditions) that are managed by the experimenter so that they are the same for both the experimental group and the control group. (They are sometimes called "controlled variables", which should not be confused with "the control group".)

what are the goals of science?

to provide natural explanations for events in the natural world and to use those explanations to make predictions


- advancements in science can lead to new technology and the technology can cause rise for ore questions to be tested - technology anad science are closely linked SEE MORE IN TEXTBOOK

what are the big ideas of biology

- cellular basis of life -information and heredity - matter and energy - growth, development and reproduction - homeostasis -evolution - structure and function - unity and diversity of life - interdependnace in nature - science as a way of knowing

what did spallazani do instead?

- did not believe Needham -heats up gravy higher - found no micro orgnaisms

how to design an experiment (steps of designing one )

- first think of hypothesis using if- then - manipulation of variable = explain how the control differs from the experimental group - measurment = describe how to measre the effect on the variable - verification= confirm results (do experiment atleast 5 times) - managed variables ( explain conditons that are going to be the same between control and experimental group) - statistical anyalysis= generation of duplicated sets of data - how you will interpret the data - elaboration

clostrianum botulinum

- forms spore which survives during heat - toxin can kill the whole world

when should you wear safety goggles?

- lab activities involving chemicals - involving heating of materials - whenever teacher indicates use

things to remember while making a graph

- which variable to place along the x - which variable to place along the y - scale the graph appropiatetly - make the scale as large as possible within the limits of your paper - x axis label - y axis label -title


KILO = K 1000 HECTO = H 100 DEKA =DA 10 BASE= Mass length volume meter liter gram 1 DECI = D .1 CENTI = C .01 MILI = M .001 MICRO = (weird U) .00001

what do they do in this step?

Scientists need to be curious about the world around them. After wondering about a phenomenon, a scientist would formulate a testable question or problem to help explain this phenomenon.

what happens in this step?

Scientists would gather information about the problem, then form a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a possible answer or solution to the question. It is an educated guess that makes a prediction. It is often stated as "If...Then..." For further clarification, go here. Hypotheses must be falsifiable.

whats a control?

The control is used to compare with the experimental group to see if there are any differences. The control is set up exactly the same as the experimental group except for one thing-- the independent variable.

whats a experimental group ?

This is the group of specimens which are being tested.

asexual reproduction

a single organism produces offspring identical to itself

interdpendance in nature

all forms of life are connected into a bissphere

growth development and reproductiont

all living thigns reproduce

unity and dicersity of life

although life takes an almost unbeliebaly variety of forms, all living things are fundamentally similar at the molecular level

what is the type of graph that best shows the relationship between two variables?

the line graph

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