bio final

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The graph shows how the rate of CO2 assimilation in a CAM plant varies over a 24 hour period. At which time would you expect to observe a high rate of Calvin cycle enzyme activity?

12:00 noon

The tRNA moves between three sites along the ribosome: A, E, and P. In chronological order, what is the pattern of residence of a given tRNA molecule at those sites


Which two labeled structures participate in a phosphodiester bond

A and B

ATP affects the movement of malate form mesophyll cells to bundle sheath cells in which manner

ATP drives the regeneration of PEP

The activity of oncogenes

Both a and C

Suppose atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise dramatically in the future. How do you predict this will affect competition between C3 and C4 plants

C3 plants will outcompete C4 plants, since C4 plants must use more energy in the carbon fixation phase of photosynthesis than C3 plants

In the figure, _______ represents the process that modifies proinsulin to yield insulin


The central dogma of molecular biology stated that DNA is transcribed into ________, which is translated into protein


According to the information given, the energy supplied fir this reaction is stored in the chemical ______ of the products


The anticodon 3 UGI 5 can pair with

both 5 ACC 3 and 5 ACU 3

Information will be sent to the brain because of changes in ion concentrations within the neuron. What specific event is most directly responsible for the change in intracellular ion concentrations

cAMP binding to its gated channel

In the absence of O2, cells capable of fermentation

can oxidize NADH to produce NAD+

Which represents the order of the outer layers in some prokaryotes, starting at the interior and moving to the exterior?

cell membrane, peptidoglycan cell wall, polysaccharide-rich phospholipid membrane, capsule

A key difference between coenzymes and inorganic cofactors is that

coenzymes are carbon containing molecules, whereas inorganic cofactors are usually ions

A mutation in _______ can lead to aneuploidy


In DNA, bonding of A with T and bonding of C with G are examples of

complementary base pairing

mitochondria and plastids are believed to have once been independent organisms because they

contain their own DNA

A haploid cell is a cell

containing only one copy of each chromosome

Which treatment of a mouse protein has the potential to cause either a dramatic change or very little chance in its tertiary structure

covalent modification of one amino acid

Allosteric regulation of an enzyme means that the enzyme may

decrease its activity in the presence of a product of the same or different pathway

During carbon fixation in corn, oxaloacetate to malate, which then moves by _________ from the mesophyll cell to the bundle sheath


Lipids are able to perform all of the following functions except

dissolve polar substances

The ______ theory proposes that some organelles originated when one cell ingested another cell, creating a mutually beneficial relationship


The diagram illustrated the early steps in the evolution of eukaryotes according to the theory of


This cell uses _______ to move this substance against its concentration gradient


When ADP gains a phosphate to form ATP,

energy is absorbed

The enzyme glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase catalyzes the reaction glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 1,3 diphosphoglycerate. The binding of the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to the enzyme creates a

enzyme substrate complex

Which human activities do not rely on diodiverstiy


Which sequence of metabolic paths could a carbon atom take to go from a molecule of glucose to a molecule of DNA

glycosides, pyruvate oxidation, citric acid, amino acid biosynthesis, purine, biosynthesis

The ability of living organisms to maintain a constant internal environment is known as


A fish swimming in a shallow pool of water on a hot summer day has a certain amount of protection from becoming too warm. This happens because a large amount of heat energy goes into breaking the _________ between water molecules before additional energy goes into raising the water temperature.

hydrogen bonds

Initiation of translation of an mRNA has begun, then suddenly ceases after about 20 _______ amino acids are detected at the N terminus. When the entire complex- mRNA and ribosome- binds to a specific signal recognition particle on the RER, translation resumes


the hershey and chase blender experiment was designed to

identify the genetic material in the bacteriophage T2

The distribution of mitochondria between the daughter cells during cytokinesis

in unequal

Epinephrine stimulates a G protein mediated cascade within liver cells, resulting in phosphorylation of two enzymes: glycogen synthase, which is _________, and glycogen phosphorylase, which is _________. This results in _______ glucose being released to the blood and __________ glycogen being stores

inactivated, activated, more, less

The cell membrane is said to ______ as it folds inward to form a pocket around materials in the environment during phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and receptor-mediated endocytosis


The figure illustrates how a __________ responds to an external chemical signal

ion channel

Once a phylogenetic tree has been constructed,

it can be modified or enlarged as new evidence warrants

The figure shoes a signal transduction pathway in a cell. How does adenylyl cyclase become activated so that it can relay the signal during a single transduction event in this particular pathway?

it changes information

If the nucleus evolved via a mechanisms such as that shown in the figure, which statement would be true of the nuclear envelope

it consists of two membrane layers

Which statement about water is false

it is acidic

Which physical feature of DNA is affected by the pairing of purines with pyrimidines

its width

The fermentation process in vertebrae muscle cells produces

lactic acid

In many eukaryotes, there are repetitive sequences called telomeres at the ends of chromosomes. After successive rounds of DNA replication, the _________ strand becomes shorter. In some cells, an enzyme called ________ repairs the shortened strand

lagging, telomerase

The membrane components that enable a biological membrane to have fluidity are


The phase this cell is in is most likely


The phase this cell is in is most likely (2)

metaphase 1

A cross between two parents that differs by a single trait is called a _________ cross


Which statement about chlorophyll is false

most of the chlorophyll in a plant particles in an oxidation reduction reaction

A nucleotide centaines a pentose sugar, a phosphate group, and

nitrogen containing base

The tendency of atoms in stable molecules to have eight electrons in their outermost shells is known as the

octet rule

Which statement corrects an inaccuracy present in the table

only noncyclic photophosphorylation uses water as an electron donor

The study of cellular metabolism in the bacterium escherichia coli has allowed scientists to understand many cellular reactions that take place in human cells as well. This is an example of how biologists use model systems to extend their findings to many different types of


Which is a correct pairing os a substance and the process by which it is transported across cell membranes

pancreatic digestive enzyme by exocytosis

If protein is placed in urea, it will retain only its

peptide bonds

Mutants are

permanent changes in DNA

Gap junctions are a specialized component of cells that

permit coordination between adjacent cells

What is attached to the 5' carbon of deoxyribose in DNA


the structural difference between nucleotides and nucleosides

phosphate groups

An mRNA molecule with several ribosomes attached to hit is called a _________


The major drawback of asexual reproduction, as compares with sexual reproduction, as compared with sexual reproduction is that is

produces less variation among offspring

organisms in archea and bacteria do not typically have cells with membrane enclosed internal compartments; therefore, these organisms are knows as


The simple device that ensures that we consider all possible combinations of gametes when calculating expected genotype frequencies is known as a ______ square


Adenine and guanine are bases classified as _______


If a cross is made and a train disappears in the F1 generation, only to reappear in the F2, the trait is probably


Some kinases can affect the activity of an enzyme by the addition of phosphate groups, which an then be removes, much like an on/off switch. These modifications are an example of

reversible phosphorylation

What structure or molecule brings tRNA and mRNA together


All of the following are macromolecules except


A mechanism for increasing the genetic diversity of offspring is

sexual reproduction

Which statement about statistical analysis in science is false

statistical methods are applied to data to definitively prove a hypothesis

What is the difference between a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell

the DNA in a prokaryotic cell is not closed and the DNA in a eukaryotic cell is enclosed

all of the following can result in the misfiling of a protein except

the addition of chaperones

Protein movement within a membrane may be restricted by

the cytoskeleton

Cells are characterized by

the enclosure of biological molecules by a membrane

If a mutation changed a G to an A on one strand of DNA molecule, with a corresponding change in its complement, which attribute of DNA will most likely be affected

the nature of a protein- DNA interactions

In a species of mice, short hair is dominant to long hair. Is a short haired individual is crossed with a long haired individual and both long and short haired offspring result, one can conclude that

the short haired mice are heterozygous

Information transfer in a cell begins with DNA and proceeds to RNA through process A. RNA then proceeds through process B to produce polypeptides. Process A is called


The process b which an RNA molecule is synthesized from a FNA template is called


The process by which and RNA nucleotide sequence is read to make a sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide is called


Choose the correct order of the following four events in the excision repair of DNA

2, 4, 1, 3

Mende preformed a cross between two individuals, each heterozygous for 3 diff traits that are unlinked: round versus wrinkled seems, purple vs what flowers, and tall vs dwarf stems. Of the 64 offspring, how many had wrinkles seeds, purple flowed, and dwarf stems


A species of fish has a diploid chromosome number of 36. How many different types of gametes can be produced from meiosis in a diploid individual with just independent assortment (no crossing over)


six complete cycles of PCR should result in a _________-fold increase in the amount of DNA


Which is an example of a nucleotide


This table is summarizing inputs and outputs of the Calvin Cycle is missing an input. The missing molecule is


Which statement is one of the tenets of cell theory

all cels come from preexisting cells

Which statement best evaluates the accuracy of info presented in the table

The structural description of purines and pyrimidines are reversed

Which molecule shut between the mesophyll and bundle sheath cells in C4 plants during carbon fixation

a 4 carbon molecule and a 3 carbon molecule

Organisms regulate certain metabolic enzymes in cells in order to maintain

a balance between catabolism and anabolism

which structure makes up part of a plasmodesma

a desmotubule

A species consists of

a group of individuals of the same organism that share a common genome

The immediate source of energy for ATP synthesis in chloroplasts is _______, while the ultimate source of energy for ATP synthesis in chloroplasts is __________

a proton gradient; light

cellulose is

a structural organic compound

Wax is all of the following except

a vitamin

Which is not a characteristic of most living organisms

ability to change traits according to need

As shown in box B, the process of cell _________ results from the strong linkage of two membrane-embedded molecules from two diff cells


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