BIO202 Exam 2: Immune system Chapter 21

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Interferons are cytokines that do the following three things: (hint: AIM)

1. Activate immune cells 2. interfere with viral replication 3. modulate inflammation

Our bodies make approximately _______ different types of lymphocyte antigen receptors. With only 25,000 different genes in our body, how can so many antigen receptors be made?

-100 million -random recombination of gene segments

Humoral immunity can be acquired either actively or passively. Define and give an example of the naturally and artificially acquired form of Active immunity:

-Active immunity: your body makes antibodies in response to an antigen -Naturally acquired: you encounter an antigen in your environment (ie. cold) -Artificially acquired: you receive a vaccination

While ____________lymphatic vessels carry lymph from the tissues to the lymph nodes, ________________vessels carry cleansed lymph way from the lymph nodes.

-Afferent -Efferent

__________cells are found in the ____________ centers of the lymphoid follicles, and ________cells wander through the deep _____________, searching dendritic cells for their special antigen.

-B -germinal -T -cortex

Helper T cells are critical for the activation of ______ and ___________T cells.

-B cells -cytotoxic T cells

Antibodies can be found on the plasma membrane of __________________ (where they act as antigen receptors) or free in the extracellular fluid, there they are known as ______________________________(_____________________)

-B-lymphocytes -immunoglobulins (gamma globulin's)

The two major classes of lymphocytes that mediate cellular immunity are based on the presence of surface proteins called _____ proteins. The most common are those with the ________markers.

-CD -CD4

______________immunity is directed against pathogens within the cells. This immunity involves ___ lymphocytes.

-Cellular -T

What classified cells fall under the heading Antigen-presenting cells, and where are they found?

-Dendritic cells found in tissue -Macrophage cells found in tissue -B-cells found in blood

_____________cells are not needed for certain antigens such as polysaccharides. These antigens are known as "T cell-______________antigens".

-Helper T -independent

_______________immunity is directed against pathogens in the _______________fluid. This immunity involves ____ lymphocytes

-Humoral -extracellular -B

The lymphatic system consists of the following three parts:

-Lymphatic vessels -Lymph -Lymph nodes

The _____ proteins are one major class of self-antigens. Thus, before and organ transplant, the donor's and the recipient's ________ proteins are matched as closely as possible to decrease the chance of organ ____________

-MHC -MHC -rejection

If the T cell recognizes the antigenic fragment bound to the _____ protein on the B cell, the T cell binds to the B cell and ________ are released from the T cell. The exchange of signals between the B and T cells is called ______________

-MHC -cytokines -co-stimulation

T cells recognize antigens by binding to _____ proteins on an antigen presenting cell such as a dendritic cell. this process is known as ________________ _________________. If T cells fail to recognize this protein, they die by a process known as _____________

-MHC -positive selection -apoptosis

_________________(__) cells are a type of lymphocyte, but, unlike B and T cells, they are not specific. However, they can still recognize abnormal cells. T cells look for the presence of abnormal antigens on the cell surface, while these cells look for the ____________________- of normally occurring ________________.

-Natural Killer (NK) -absence -self-proteins

Name the 5 components of the innate internal defense system. (hint: New King Iguana Found Adoring Pretty Pocahontas)

-Natural Killer cells -Inflammation -Fever -Antimicrobial Proteins -Phagocytes

Neutrophils and monocytes/macrophages (monocytes develop into macrophages in the tissue) are the two types of phagocytes. Which phagocyte is most abundant? Which phagocytize more pathogens? Which cell is not found in healthy tissue?

-Neutrophil -Macrophage -Neutrophil

What classified cells fall under the heading Phagocytes and where are they found?

-Neutrophil cells found in the blood -Macrophage cells (matured in tissue monocytes ) found in the tissue

Humoral immunity can be acquired either actively or passively. Define and give an example of the naturally and artificially acquired form of Passive immunity:

-Passive immunity: the body receives antibodies from another person or animal -Naturally acquired: antibodies are passed from mom to baby via breast milk. -Artificially acquired: injected into the body (ie. rabies shot)

Secondary lymphoid organs, where lymphocytes become activated, include the following structures: (hint: SPLAT)

-Spleen -Peyer's patches -Lymph nodes -Appendix -Tonsils

B cells them migrate deeper into the cortex where ___cells are found. In most cases, full activation of B cells requires the assistance of ____________ cells. These are known as " T cell-_____________antigens"

-T -helper T -dependent

Certain ____________cells (from adaptive defense system) can enhance the killing process within a macrophage. This happens when the macrophage presents _______________from the bacteria to this cell. This is an example of the interaction between the innate and adaptive defense systems.

-T cells -antigens

Name 4 key ways adaptive defenses differ from innate defenses: (hint: THAI)

-They are specific -Have memory cells -Are systemic -Involve B and T cells

Name three circumstances in which T cells would be activated against body cells: (hint: TIC)

-Transplanted cell from another individual -Invaded by a virus -Cells became cancerous

The purpose of inflammation is to bring _____________ and ___________ into an injured area.

-White blood cells -protein

The antigen receptor on a B cell is an immunoglobulin, which is ___-shaped and basically a membrane bound _______________

-Y -antibody

In modern, industrialized countries, the most common function of IgE is its role in ___________________responses. When exposed to an _________________such as pollen, the body makes IgE antibodies

-allergic responses -allergen

Immature T cells migrate to the thymus. In the outermost cortex they form new ________________. They them migrate to the ________________ to test these new receptors.

-antigen receptors -medulla

Each are of the Y-shaped antibody has identical ________________ sites. The shape of these sites must match the shape of the ___________________ _____________on the antigen in order to bind.

-antigen-binding -antigenic-determinant

B and T lymphocytes recognize pathogens by _____________ to them. The lymphocyte recognizes the ______________ ________________ found on the antigens

-binding -antigenic determinant

The immune system can develop receptors for a specific antigen before that antigen enters the body. Lymphocytes make a wide variety of receptor, and when an antigen _______________ and _____________ one of these receptor,s the cell divides, making many _____________ in a process called ________________ ________________

-binds -activates -clones -clonal selection

Leukocytes are normally found in the ______________, while non-leukocytes are found in the __________________.

-blood -tissue

Cells of the immune system originate in the __________________. These cells are called ______________________ when traveling in the blood and are classified according to the shape of their ___________________ and the colors of their ________________when stained.

-bone marrow -leukocytes -nucleus -granules

The _______________ and the ______________ are primary lymphoid organs because the B and T cells originate and/or mature in these organs.

-bone marrow (B cell) -thymus (T cell)

Dendritic cells are responsible for activating most T cells. They can express __________________proteins.

-both MHC class I and MHC class II

Dendritic cells are responsible for activating most T cells. They can capture antigens found _______________________________

-both extracellularly and intracellularly

Dendritic cells are responsible for activating most T cells. They can activate _______ cells

-bother CD4 and CD8 cells

Regulatory T cells suppress the activity of other T cells by direct ____________. They are important in helping to prevent _______________diseases

-cell-to-cell -cytokines -autoimmune

Once T cells are activated they undergo proliferation (called ____________________) and differentiation. ___________, a type of cytokine, is necessary for the proliferation.

-clonal expansion -Interleukin 2

Receptors have two regions. The ___________ region is the same for all antigen receptors, while the ___________region is specific for an antigen.

-constant -variable

NK cells kill the _______________ T cells; direct contact with a target cell causes it to undergo _______________, a form of cellular suicide.

-cytotoxic -apoptosis

The helper T cell can help activate the CD8 cell to become a ______________ T cell in two ways, explain:

-cytotoxic -it stimulated the dendritic cells to express additional co-stimulatory molecules -it secrete cytokines (including interleukin 2) to help activation

Exception: normally, when cells express endogenous foreign antigens on class I MHC proteins on their cell membrane, they are marked for destruction. This is not true for __________________ cells. On these cells the presentation acts as an activation signal for _______cells

-dendritic cells -CD8 cells

Two major functions of immune system

-destroy disease-causing organisms -detect and kill abnormal cells (ie. cancer cells)

When neutrophils bind to cell adhesion molecules, they are activated and leave the blood vessel by a process called ______________. Once in the tissue, the neutrophils follow a chemical trail to the site of infection, in a process called ___________________.

-diapedesis -chemotaxis

The mucus membranes not only provide a barrier, but htey also produce a variety of protective chemicals. For example, the stomach secretes ______________enzymes and has a very ______________pH.

-digestive enzymes -low pH

The Y shaped antibody determines whether it can be joined with other antibodies to form a _________________ (pair) or ______________(5 antibodies)

-dimer -pentamer

Fragments of ________________,degraded proteins are loaded onto these proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum, If the antigenic peptide is a ____________antigen, the body cell will be destroyed.

-endogenous -foreign

Th1 cells secrete _________ interferons, which increase the effectiveness of _________________ and _______________T cells. Th2 cells secrete interleukins ___ and ____, which promote activation of ______cells

-gamma -macrophages -cytotoxic -4 and 5 -B cells

List the two key factors in the production of IgE:

-helper T cells -Interleukin 4

Antigen presenting cells communicate with CD4 cells, which will become __________ cells. Antigens presented on class II cells are ___________ antigens.

-helper T cells -exogenous

Name three ways the pathogen is destroyed:

-hydrolytic enzymes digest the pathogen -more reactive-oxygen-intermediates are produced -more acidic inside because of protons pumped in

As result of the actions of the histamine release, the effected person may get a runny nose (due to ______________), and has difficulty breathing (due to ______________________)

-increased capillary permeability from histamine and other inflammatory mediators -constriction of bronchial smooth muscles from histamine and other inflammatory mediators

At least 10 different TLR's have been identified on human phagocytes. Two reactions are triggered when TLR's recognize a pathogen.

-ingestion of pathogen -release of chemical alarm signals that mobilize cells of innate and adaptive immunity

The interferons secreted by this cell bind to receptors on nearby cells, causing these nearby cells to produce proteins that _________________ by degrading ________________ and preventing synthesis of ___________________.

-inhibit viral replication -viral RNA -viral proteins

Antigen-presenting cells will express co-stimulatory molecules when they have been signaled by the ________ defense mechanisms that infection is present. However, if there is no infection, the antigens on the MHC protein are likely to be ________________. Thus, without co-stimulation, the T cells become inactivated, a process called _____________

-innate -self-antigens -anergy

Name the two major categories of the innate (non-specific) defenses:

-innate external defenses (surface barriers) - skin and mucous membranes -innate internal defenses - cells and chemicals

The lymphatic vessels collect excess ________________________ fluid that leaves the _____________________ and returns it to the cardiovascular system.

-interstitial -capillaries

List the three properties of the skin that help it resist invasion:

-keratin -intra-cellular junctions -skin secretions (lysozymes)

Special lymphatic capillaries in the intestines, called _______________, transport absorbed _________________ from the intestines to the blood.

-lacteals -lipids (fat)

The lymph is filtered through the __________________, where ________________ and ______________________ are removed and the immune system can be activated.

-lymph nodes -antigens -pathogens

B and T cells have the ability to recognize antigenic determinants because their surface is covered with 10,000 - 100,000 __________ ___________ receptors. All of these receptors on a specific B cell are identical; thus, the cells bind optimally with only one ___________ __________________

-lymphatic antigen -antigenic determinant

A phagocyte recognizes and binds to molecules found on pathogens using special membrane receptors such as the _____________ receptor and the _______________(___)receptor.

-mannose -toll-like (TLR)

The complement system is a cascade of interdependent proteins which enhance both the innate and adaptive defenses. When activated, these proteins can:

-mark cells for phagocytosis -promote inflammation -kill some bacteria by themselves

The 2nd line defense mechanism identifies enemies by recognizing ____________ unique to pathogens. When they are overwhelmed, the secrete ____________ to mobilize the adaptive defenses.

-markers (surface carbohydrates) -antigens (chemical messengers)

When exposes to the same antigen again, the _____________B cells generate a secondary immune response. This response is generated ________________ and produces a_____________ number of effector cells.

-memory -faster -greater

Elevated body temperature is advantageous to our defense system because:

-most pathogens cannot grow at higher temperatures -the liver and spleen to sequester iron and zinc (needed by microorganisms) -an increase in the metabolic rate, which speeds up tissue repair via phagocytosis and enzymatic activity

IgD antibodies are located on the surface of _________________ cells and act as an antigen receptor. The participate in activating the _____cell

-naive -B

The lymphatic capillaries have ________________ valves to collect the excess interstitial fluid and any leaked _________________

-one-way -proteins

When naive B cells encounter their specific antigen (usually in the __________________ of the lymph node), the antigen is brought into the B cell by ________________. The peptide fragments of the antigen are displayed on the surface of the cell bound to ____ proteins

-outer cortex -endocytosis -MHC

IgE is produces as a result of the body's infestation with _____________ ____________. Which white blood cell is important to combat this infestation?

-parasitic worms -Eosinophils

Functions of the spleen include removing:

-pathogens -aged erythrocytes -platelets

Apoptosis: Cytotoxic T cells look for the presence of MHCs with foreign antigens and release ____________ and _________ or they bind to an ______________ receptor (Fas receptor) on the surface of the cell

-perforins -granzymes -apoptosis inducing receptor

A phagocyte engulfs a pathogen and brings it inside the phagocyte in a vesicle called a ____________, which later fuses with a lysosome, and then it is called a __________________.

-phagosome -phagolysosome

When an antigen activates a B cell, the cloned ________________ (effector cells) secrete antibodies for about _____ days. This is known as the ___________immune response.

-plasma -7 -primary

Specific B cells called _____________ cells secrete ______________, which bind to the antigens

-plasma -antibodies

Functions of the spleen include storing:

-platelets -breakdown of products of erythrocytes

Bacterial components and cytokines act as _________________, which cause the body's thermostat to set its temperature higher, thus causing a _______________.

-pyrogens -fever

Surface carriers include the skin and mucous membranes of the ________________, ___________________ and __________________________ tracts.

-respiratory -gastrointestinal -genitourinary

Class II MHC's are produced in the __________________________________ and pick up the exogenous antigens when they fuse with the ____________________

-rough endoplasmic reticulum -phagolysosome

If a T cell recognizes this protein (the one mentioned above), it is then tested for recognition of _______________________ to body's own antigens. This process is known as _________________ _________________. Immature T cells that do not recognize the body's own antigens are called ____________________ and allowed to mature

-self-antigens -negative selection -self-tolerant

The first exposure to an antigen is called ________________. As a result, IgE antibodies are present on __________ and _________. During the second exposure, the allergen causes the release of ___________ and other inflammatory mediators

-sensitization -mast cells -basophils -histamine

Each chain has a _________________region which is unique for each antigen, and a _______________region which is the same for each antibody in a given class of antibodies.

-variable -constant

Identify IgA or IgM as the correct antibody to characteristic: Found in breast milk


Identify IgA or IgM as the correct antibody to characteristic: Found in the mucosa of the GI tract


Identify IgA or IgM as the correct antibody to characteristic: These antibodies are found in secretions of tears, sweat, and saliva


Identify IgA or IgM as the correct antibody to characteristic: First antibodies secreted in response to a new antigen


Identify IgA or IgM as the correct antibody to characteristic: Retained as monomers on the surface of B cells


Identify IgA or IgM as the correct antibody to characteristic: Secreted as pentomer


When the surface barriers (innate external defenses) are penetrated, what is the next line of defense?

Innate Internal defenses

Name the cells the immune system attacks in Type I diabetes:

Insulin producing cells in the pancreas

What happens to the thymus as we age?

It decreases in size and activity (may disappear)

Describe identifying characteristics of Basophils

Large granules hide lobed nucleus, stains blue/purple

Describe identifying characteristics of Monocytes

Largest WBC, kidney or S shaped nucleus, no granules

Specialized immune cell


The condition of a buildup of fluid in the tissues caused by lymphatic vessels that do not function properly is called?


Apoptosis: Natural Killer cells look for the absence of ____________ and are thus able to eliminate abnormal cells that cytotoxic T cells cannot detect.

MHC proteins

The purpose of ______________________is to generate memory cells, thus protecting us without the risk of getting sick.


Chemical mediators active cell adhesion molecules on endothelial cells. _____________________is the process where neutrophils and monocytes bind to cell adhesion molecules.


What classified cells fall under the heading of Other cells, and where are they found?

Mast cells found in tissue

List what CD4 cells become and what class of MHC proteins they bind to:

Most become helper T cells Some become regulatory T cells CD4 cells bind to Class II MHC proteins

MALT stands for:

Mucosa Associated Lymphatic Tissue

Name the cells the immune system attacks in Multiple sclerosis:

Myelin in the nervous system

Name the lymphocytes that have not encountered their one specific antigen:

Naive lymphocyte

T-cell independent antigens are generally ______________responses.


Many pathogens have evolved strategies to avoid being killed by phagocytes. For example, some bacteria enclose themselves in capsules. __________________is a process of coating bacteria to enhance phagocytosis by a macrophage.


Which type of pathogen is always extra-cellular?

Parasitic Worms

There are four general ways that antibodies work: (hint:PLAN)

Phagocytosis - act as opsonins to destroy pathogens Lysis - initiate complement activation resulting the the destruction of the pathogen Agglutination - the clumping of molecules to enhance phagocytosis Neutralization - which prevents toxins and viruses from interacting with body cells

Name the cells the immune system attacks in Hemolytic anemia:

Red blood cells

Describe identifying characteristics of Lymphocytes

Small leukocytes, round nucleus, no granules

Interleukin 1, a cytokine, acts as a chemical alarm to alert the immune system to the presence of a pathogen. List the three actions given for interleukin 1: (hint: SAP)

Stimulates helper T cells to release Interleukin 2 Acts as a pyrogen at the hypothalamus Promotes activation of lymphocytes

Name the cells the immune system attacks in Graves disease:

TSH receptors

What is the best method for a lymphocyte to find its antigen?

To hunt for its antigen

What causes a cell to secrete interferons?

Viral infection

Which type of pathogen is always intra-cellular?


Both adaptive and innate defense systems can activate this cascade via several pathways. a) _____________________ on cells activate the cascade via the classical pathway. b) _____________________ bind to sugars on the surface of bacteria (____________________pathway) c) A lack of ____________________proteins on body cells activate the alternative pathway.

a) Antibodies b) Lectin, lectin pathway c) inhibitory

Allergic reactions to peanuts can be very serious, causing systemic allergic reaction known as _________________


Specificity of B and T cells depends on their ability to recognize _________________ ________________.

antigenic determinants

There are two ways to induce a process of self-destruction in a cell, which is called ______________;


if lymphocytes attack the body's own cells, this will result in a/an ________________________ disease


Primary lymphoid organs, where B and T cells originate from the ___________________________

bone marrow

B cells mature in the _______________________

bone marrow (how they came to be called B Cells)

The Y shaped antibody determines whether the antibody remains ________ to the B cell


Interleukin 2, released by helper T cells, causes proliferation of activated lymphocytes. This process is called ________________

clonal expansion

T the T cell becomes activated when it encounters its antigen. The T ell then undergoes repeated cell division known as _______________ ______________.

clonal expansion

The Y shaped antibody determines whether it activates the ___________________system


Polypeptide chains of antibodies are held together by ________________ bonds


The HIV virus binds to CD4 surface proteins and destroys the ______________ cells

helper T cells

When tissues are injured, macrophages release chemical mediators, called _________________________________.

inflammatory mediators

The T-cell receptor recognizes antigen fragments housed in cell membrane proteins called _______________ _______________ ________________(___) proteins.

major histo-compatibility complex (MAC)

Describe identifying characteristics of Neutrophils:

multi-lobed, purple w. pale granules

Once the surface barrier has been broken, the second line of defense, the innate internal defense system (also called ____________________), attempts to limit the spread of pathogens.

non-specific defense system

The Y shaped antibody determines whether it acts as an ______________ to promote phagocytosis


List the 3 key points for B cell activation:

1. B cells respond to extracellular antigens 2. These antigens are concentrated in the secondary lymph organs 3. B and T cells continually recirculate and congregate in the secondary lymph organs (where the antigens are concentrated)

Name two results of presenting the exogenous antigen on class II MHC proteins:

1. CD4 cells are converted to helper T cells when dendritic cells and Macrophages present the antigen 2. B cells and Macrophages present antigens to helper T cells to request further activation

The leakiness of the capillaries allows plasma and proteins to leak into the injured area. What three important classes of proteins enter the affected area: (hint: CAC)

1. Complement proteins 2. Antibodies 3. Clotting factors

In addition to the complement system, other chemicals act as inflammatory mediators: (hint: Chupacabra Handcuffed Plump Kittens)

1. Cytokines 2. Histamine 3. Prostaglandins 4. Kinins

Inflammation accomplishes three things: (hint: DPS)

1. Disposes of pathogens and dead cells 2. Prevents spread of injurious agents 3. Sets the stage for repair

During clonal expansion, two basic types of cells are produced. Name the cells and their role in this:

1. Effector cells - which attack the antigen-presenting cell 2. Memory cells - which remain to be reactivated if the antigen is ever encountered again

Name the 5 classes of antibodies, each with a distinct type of stem: (hint: MADGE)

1. IgM 2.IgA 3.IgD 4.IgG 5.IgE

Lymphocytes must distinguish between normally occurring internal antigens called _____________________ and those external to the body.


Name three main lines of defense with an example:

1. Innate External defense (1st line): skin, mucous membranes (surface barriers) 2. Innate Internal defense (2nd line): antimicrobial proteins, phagocytes, other cells 3. Adaptive defenses (3rd line): B and T cells mount attack against some foreign substances

Name two major anatomical parts of the immune system:

1. Leukocytes: specialized immune cells 2. Lymphoid organs and tissues (bone marrow)

List the Leukocytes in order of frequency from most to least common: (hint: Never Let Monkeys Eat Banana's)

1. Neutrophils 2. Lymphocytes 3. Monocytes 4. Eosinophils 5. Basophils

Pathogens are classified according to size and location on the body. List five types of pathogens classified according to their size

1. Parasitic worms 2. Fungi 3. Protozoa 4. Bacteria 5. Viruses

Name the four cardinal signs of inflammation: (hint: SHRP)

1. Swelling 2.Heat 3. Redness 4. Pain

List the two steps necessary for T cell activation:

1. T-cell receptors 2. B-cell receptors

Summarize the three events that happen in the germinal centers to the offspring of the original, activated B cell:

1. affinity maturation; results in antibodies that are highly selective for the antigen 2. antibody class switching; results in the cells producing IgG, IgA or IgE antibodies 3. differentiation; results in cells becoming plasma cells or memory cells

Phagocytes have receptors that can attach to opsonins on the bacteria. Two factors can act as opsonins:

1. antibodies 2. complement proteins

Unlike class I MHC proteins, which can be displayed on any nucleated cell, class II MHC proteins are only displayed on select cells. Name the three antigen-presenting cells that have class II MHC proteins:

1. dendritic cells 2. macrophages 3. B-cells

To become immune-competent, B and T cells must accomplish two things:

1. generate viable lymphocyte antigen receptors 2. survive a series of practical exams

Auto-immune diseases occur as a result of what three events?

1. infection w/ a pathogen that has antigens resembling self-antigens 2. changes in the structure of self-antigens by the attachment of small foreign molecules 3. trauma that causes release of self-antigens that are normally behind barriers (such as the blood-brain barrier)

Name the two types of antimicrobial proteins:

1. interferons 2. complement system

Name two functions of the lymph nodes:

1. removal of antigens and other debris 2. activation of the immune system (B and T cells)

Antibodies consist of two types of polypeptide chains:

1. two heavy chains - located on the inside of the Y-shaped molecule 2. two light chains - located on the outside of the Y-shaped molecule

Chemical mediators cause tow key effects:

1. vaso-dilation, which causes redness and heat 2. increase in vascular permeability, which causes swelling (thus pain)

Name the four contributions of an IgG antibody:

1.Constitutes the greatest of circulation antibodies 2.formed in the late primary and throughout the secondary immune response 3. provides passive immunity to the fetus 4. can be transferred from one individual to another (an example of humoral immunity)

Shared features of B and T lymphocytes functions include: (hint: DReaMS)

1.Diversity of receptors 2.Regulation of activation (clonal expansion) 3. memory 4. Specificity of receptors

Collections of secondary lymphoid tissue (called MALT for short) are distributed throughout the mucosal surfaces of the digestive, respiratory, and genitourinary system. Aside from the diffuse cells in respiratory and other mucosa. Name the specific structures and location (hint: TAP)

1.Tonsils - protection of oral and nasal cavities 2. Appendix - first part of the large intestine 3. Peyer's Patches - distal portion of the small intestine

How many liters per day of interstitial fluid are collected in the capillaries to be returned to the cardiovascular system?


List what CD8 cells become and what class of MHC proteins they bind to:

All become cytotoxic T-cells CD8 cells bind to class I MHC proteins

The ability to distinguish between pathogens depends on the ____________of the lymphocyte antigen receptors.


The _____________cleanses the blood like the lymph nodes cleanse the lymph.


The _____________ of the Y-shaped antibody determines how it will interact with other components of the immune system


The respiratory and digestive tracts are lined with _____________________ that traps pathogens.

sticky mucous

___________________are drugs that bind and block histamine receptors, thus alleviating the allergy symptoms


What classified cells fall under the heading Effector cells of adaptive immunity, and where are they found?

B and T cells found in blood

Describe identifying characteristics of Eosinophils

Bi-lobed nucleus, w. pink granules

All three pathways cause activation of the C3 protein, which splits into two fragments (C3a and C3b). C3a causes ______________________. C3b causes ______________________.

C3a causes inflammation C2b causes opsonization

C3b protein cleaves C5 into two parts. C5a causes ___________________. C5b combines with other complement proteins to form the ____________________(___), which causes the cell to lyse.

C5a causes inflammation C5b combines to form membrane attack complex (MAC)

Functions of the spleen include a site for activation of:

the immune system

_______________ ___ cells circulate through the body searching for infected or cancerous cells by examining the antigenic determinant on _______ MHC proteins on the cell surface.

Cytotoxic T -class I

The ______________, a primary lymphoid organ, is the site for differentiation of lymphocytes into mature T cells.


T cells mature in the _________________________

thymus (how they came to be called T cells)

Cytokines are small proteins that transfer information within the immune system. List the actions of the cytokines: (hint:Hungry Turtles Crave Pickled Peppers)

Help defend against viruses Trigger apoptosis Control differentiation and proliferation of immune cells Promote inflammation Promote activation of immune cells

Which type of immunity involves antibodies?

Humoral immunity

The Y shaped antibody determines the ____________________ pattern - how it travels through the body


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