biology 1.1 and 1.2

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a group of organisms that are closely related and can produce fertile offspring

what chemicals carry instructions of growth and development in organisms?

DNA and RNA (ribonucleic acid)

examples of ancient Greek contributions/contributors

-basic principles of modern science -Hippocrates -Aristotle -developed a system of logic

what life processes does a beetle have that a car doesnt?

-1/more cells -reproduce naturally -metabolism -pass traits to offspring -grow and develop through life stages

ex of behavioral forms of homeostasis

-a human is cold, it puts on a jacket -reptiles get cold so they move to a warm rock

examples of things in the biosphere

-bodies of water and their inhabitants -land animals and their habitats -areas of the atmosphere with living things in them

what were some contributions vasalius made?

-book of anatomy during mid 1500s -challenged greeks limited observations -based his anatomical descriptions off of findings from dissecting corpses (greeks just observed outside body)

ex of biology records over the centuries

-cave paintings of prehistoric peoples food supply -art and carvings show beginnings of anatomical and medicinal discoveries. -domesticated animals -chose best plants and crops, relates to genetics even if they didnt know it

examples of what systems biologists study

-dna researchers focus on a singular cell's system -ornithologists study predator/prey relationship in ecosystems

example of structure and function with teeth

-front teeth are sharp so they rip and tear -canines are pointy for gripping and tearing -back molars are flat and short for grinding grain and food -teeth structure also show we are meant to be omnivores

ex of human/bacteria similarities

-genes both based off dna and rna -cells rely on same energy source -similar structured cells (membrane)

what were some contributions that da Vinci made?

-he studies anatomy of animals and humans -used art to show his understanding (like the Vitruvian Man) -introduced systematic observation and documentation methods

example of different organisms responding to light

-human pupils contract in response to bright light -plants grow towards light -some like fungi need light to grow

exs of structure and function with cells

-membrane channels are shaped so only certain chemicals can pass through them -brain cells have branches that allow the to process info and send messages -red blood cells are small and disk shaped in order to carry oxygen through small blood vessels

ex of species evolving to resemble other species

-orchid that looks like an insect attracts other insects that help pollinate it -thorn bug has adaptation to make it less visible to predators. this allows it to survive and reproduce, which spreads the trait

examples of extremophiles and their habitats

-special bacteria in the Mariana trench that survive extremely high temps and low pH -animals in Antarctica

what are the seven characteristics of all organisms?

-they all have one or more cells -a metabolism -the ability to reproduce -must maintain homeostasis -can pass traits to their offspring -grow and change overtime -respond to their stimuli

what are some factors that allowed scientists to explore the world during the scientific revolution?

-travel -increased communication -universities -new tech developments

what does the car have instead of the life processes

1/more atoms -produced in a factory -combustion turns gas into energy -inspire new models -car models improve, car parts age

how many species discovered every year?


How are species related to the concept of biodiversity?

A higher amount of species in an area means that the are is more biodiverse.

Describe the relationship between cells and organism

All organisms are made up of at least one cell. Organisms need healthy cells in order to function.

How are structure and function related to adaptation?

An organism can have an adaptation that causes the structure of it's body part to change. As a result, it could function differently.

what is the main explanation for evolution called?

Darwin's Theory of evolution by natural selection (of adaptations)

Andreas Vasalius

Flemish physician during during the scientific revolution

what similarities do the beetle and car have and why

Homeostasis: Car computer stops so it doesn't hit Beetle brain stops it Beetle homeostasis regulates temp Car computer keeps temp steady Respond to stimuli: Computer in the car Brain in the beetle

How does biodiversity depend on a species' ability to reproduce?

If a species is living in a certain environment and it cannot reproduce, it will die off. This means there is at least one less species in that area which makes it less biodiverse.

What societal needs were addressed by science in the ancient world?

In the ancient world, science was used in many ways. Tribes studied their food source, whether it be a plant or animal, in order to feed themselves. They also used science to treat illnesses and to bury the dead.

Explain how the history of biology demonstrates that new knowledge can change established knowledge.

In the beginning of biology early scientists and philosophers declared things to be true that were very wrong. Hippocrates thought that imbalances in a person's four humours or fluids caused illness, but now biologists know they are caused by viruses, bacteria and genetic mutations. They also believed that some life rose from nonliving matter such as mice coming from dirty blankets, but now scientists know that that is not the case because of the cell theory. Just looking at the different beliefs about humans across the ages is enough to see just how much science has changed.

What is the relationship between adaptation and natural selection?

Natural selection is a process where individual organisms survive better in an environment than other individuals of the same species because they have an adaptation.

How does technology affect the advancement of science?

New technological developments allow scientists to look at what they are studying in different ways, which usually allows them to further understand what they are studying.

How is the process of natural selection involved in evolution?

When organisms with adaptations live longer and reproduce more than other individuals in their species, they spread their adaptation more efficiently. Over time the unadapted organisms die off and the adapted ones thrive which causes the species to evolve.

negative feedback

a change in a system causes a response that tends to return the system to its original state


a community of organisms and their physical environment

what happens in natural selection?

a genetic trait causes some individuals to survive and reproduce more successfully in an environment than others in the species

what is the concept of evolution based off of?

a variety of scientific evidence that has been collected over time

what things are included in the diversity of life?

a variety or places, types, sizes, and functions of organisms

how many species go extinct each year?

about 50,000

organism/enviro ex

bees use plant pollen for food. bees movement helps pollinate plants

how did ancient civs use their knowledge of biology?

address different needs: -asians used herbal medicine -s americans developed agriculture techniques -egyptians practiced mummification

what parts of biology does evolution affect?

all levels, from cells to the biosphere


all of the chemical processes that build up or break down materials

evolution accounts for

all the unity and diversity of organisms


an inherited trait that gives an advantage to individual organisms an is passed onto future generations

Leonardo da Vinci

an italian artist and scientists that made great scientific contributions during the revolution


an organisms role or job in an environment


an organized group of related parts that interact to form a whole

what did Hippocrates do?

ancient Greek guy, made a school of medicine in 400 BC. also had theory of 4 humours

what did Aristotle do?

ancient Greek, developed first organism classification system based on whether the animals had red blood or not


any individual living thing

what and when was the scientific revolution?

began in the fifteenth century (1400s -1700s). there is a renewed interest in art and science throughout europe

multicellular organisms

are larger than unicellular ones and have different more complex functions

Why do biologists usually focus on a certain type of system?

because systems are so complex

what are the current species a result of?

billions of years of evolution

what happens to biodiversity as you move away from the poles and towards the equator?

biodiversity increases as you move closer to the equator

ex of organism similarities

cell structures, chemical processes, characteristics of life

how long has biology existed?


evolutionary adaptations

changes in a species that occur over many generations due to environmental pressures not choices

what else can influence science and philosophy?

changes in politics and government

what type of energy do all organisms use?

chemical energy, but from different sources. some use enviro chemicals, some absorb from sunlight, animals absorb from eating

every day meaning of adapting

consciously getting used to something new


deoxyribonucleic acid, the genetic material of an organism that contains information that determines inherited characteristics

what is the reason that life is so diverse?


how is evolution related to the environment?

evolution is a long term response to environment that occurs where there is life

what are the four unifying themes of biology?

evolution, structure and function, interacting systems, and homeostasis

ex of new information replacing the old

experiments leading to the cell theory and its discovery by different scientists replaced the old theory of spontaneous generation

why do organisms need energy?

for their metabolism

what does studying organisms help scientists learn?

gives them deeper understanding of their behavior, knowledge etc

example of systems in the heart

heart cells have systems so they have energy. together heart muscles, valves, arteries, and veins make the circulatory system

foot structure and function in a human vs beetle

humans: flat foot ,works of rough moderately inclined surfaces. does not work on slippery or vertical planes beetles: foot shape curved to grip slippery surfaces, climb walls but also walk on flat ground

Why is homeostasis important?

if an organisms conditions such as temp, blood sugar, and acidity are not stable cells do not function correctly and they can die also allows for organisms to survive in a variety of climates

where can systems be found in biology?

in molecules, cells, and throughout the biosphere

what does it mean when an organism is developed?

it is mature and can reproduce

why is negative feedback important?

it is the main way organisms maintain homeostasis

what is the DNA of multicellular offspring like?

it is usually the combined DNA of the two parents

what are the three basic areas of science

life science, earth science, physical science


life science, the scientific study of all forms of life

what was scientific development like in Europe during the middle ages?

little to no advances were made in Europe, but there was continued growth in china and India


made up of all living things and all of the places in which they are found; every part of the sphere is somehow connected

what's one reason there were many scientific advances in the revolution?

many new technologies were created which allowed scientists to study things in different ways and gain deeper understandings of it

who contributes to science?

many people of different backgrounds

why does evolution cause diversity?

natural selection of genetic traits leads to new species, which means that genetic diversity is responsible for all the diversity of life on earth

Is the scientific meaning of adapting the same as the everyday meaning?


can an organism live without energy?


do all organisms respond to stimuli in the same way?


is negative feedback the only way organisms maintain homeostasis?

no, changing conditions can also trigger a behavioral response. also, some organisms' adaptation help them maintain homeostasis

do all cells have the same functions?

no, different types of cells have different functions. specialized cells work together to form a complete organism

Do different organisms have the same structured parts for the same functions?

not necessarily, this is seen in beetle/human comparison. both parts for walking but have different structure


organisms that live in extreme environments

how many discovered species are there?

over 2 million, half of which are insects


produce new individual

why do organisms react to their environment?

reactions are necessary for survival

How do we know that biology has existed for so long?

records show progression and different interests of different time periods

what does biology tell you about how organisms are related?

shows that they are related and similar.


specific environments

niche example

sugar gliders habitat in upper tree canopy. they eat fruits from trees and poop them out which creates more trees. sugar glider job is seed dissemination. place is in upper canopy

whats the estimated number of unidentified species?

tens of millions


the ability to cause a change or do work


the basic unit of life


the change in living things over time; change in genetic makeup of subgroup, population, or species

why does biodiversity increase closer to the equator?

the climate is consistently warmer there, which allows for more plants to grow. plants are producers and having more producers means that there is more food for the consumers to eat, so they live there too. also, more diverse plant life creates more habitats

how does the adaptation eventually spread throughout the species living in the are

the individuals with the adaptation live longer and reproduce more than those without it, so gradually more and more individuals of the species are born with the adaptation

where do the characteristics of organisms come from?

the interaction of their parts

what's an example of technology leading to scientific advancements?

the invention of the microscope allowed for the discovery of cells. without microscopes cells would be invisible and consequently unknown and undiscovered


the knowledge obtained by observing natural events and conditions in order to discover facts and formulate laws or principles that can be verified or tested


the maintenance of constant internal conditions in an organism


the physical factors that cause organisms to adjust; includes light, temperature, sounds

why is all life similar?

the similarities are a result of a common evolutionary descent

what determines the function of an organism or its body part?

the structure of it


the variety of organisms in a given area; includes differences within species, different species, and habitats

how big are ecosystems?

they are different sizes. large rain forests and the life in singular trees are both ecosystems

how do unicellular organisms reproduce?

they divide into two equal parts that have the same DNA as before

What must happen to an organism's internal conditions when external conditions are changing?

they must remain stable

what happens when organisms reproduce?

they pass genetic material to new offspring

why aren't the living/nonliving categories perfect?

they were made by humans

why are extremophiles important examples of the diversity of life?

they were needed to start life on earth when it was inhospitable. studying them shows how biodiversity evolved and how other organisms can potentially evolve if the world becomes inhospitable again

what happened to old thoughts on how things worked if they were proven wrong?

they're replaced by new theories and information

example of place with lots of niches

tropical rainforests

what is the most common organism found on earth

unicellular organisms, the smallest being prokaryotes

example of this imperfection

viruses and other things are in between the two categories because they posses some of the same characteristics of living things

example of negative feedback

when your body temp drops your muscles cause you to shiver. your blood vessels constrict and this warms your body

why/how does lack of technology limit scientific understanding?

without proper tools and technologies scientists may not be able to get all of the info they need

can two organisms be a system?


do all organisms reproduce in some way?


do organisms interact with their environments?


does evolution occur today?

yes, and it will continue to occur as long as there is life

Are cells affected by structure and function?

yes, differently shaped cells have different purposes

Could a scientist study the relationship of multiple systems?

yes, for example someone could study how brain chemicals affect social settings

are systems important in biology?

yes, many biologists study systems

can a system have living and nonliving things?

yes, oxygen and water are important parts of many systems

do unicellular organisms carry out all of the functions of life?

yes, they have the same basic characteristics as multicellular organisms

were ancient greeks interested in biology?

yes, they made many contributions

are different systems connected at all?

yes, we are affected by far away ecosystems and by systems in our own bodies

Do body parts ever work together to perform a task?

yes. may help in the same overall task, but each part has its own structure and function

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