Biology 1110 Clicker Questions

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If the cell was a cube and you doubled the height, width, and length of the cell, how much would the volume increase? A. 8-fold B. 9-fold C. It would stay the same. D. 4-fold E. 2-fold

A. 8-fold

If two affected people have an unaffected child, it is a dominant or recessive pedigree? A. Dominant B. Recessive

A. Dominant

If a woman is heterozygous for type A blood and marries a man heterozygous for type B blood, what are the possible genotypes of blood types for their children? A. IAIB, IAi, Ibi, ii B. IAi, IBi C. IBi D. ii

A. IAIB, IAi, IBi, ii

A cell is placed in a hypotonic solution. Which way will the water move? A. Into the cell B. Out of the cell C. No net movement

A. Into the cell

Patient History: 55 year old female; excellent health to date; recent onset of: fatigue, headaches, abdominal pain, weight loss Physical Examination: swelling of eyelids, patient limb paralysis, hyperkeratosis (increased pigmentation) skin on palms and soles, white banding on fingernails, muscle weakness Laboratory Results: low levels of ATP production, unusually high levels of arsenic, abnormal levels of cell death-not due to apoptosis (programmed cell death)-rather cell death appears to be due to lack of energy to maintain homeostasis due to low ATP levels What is the malfunctioning organelle? A. Mitochondria B. Rough ER C. Nucleus D. Lysosomes

A. Mitochondria

Patient History: 42 year old male, no major health issue to date, notable increase in weight over past month-gain of 17 pounds, recent lethargy, patient is on a new eating regimen-every meal is from a "fast-food restaurant" Physical Examination: enlarged liver, muscle weakness Laboratory Results: negative for hepatitis, excessive glycogen granules in liver, high levels of fat in liver, low testosterone levels, abnormal cell calcium balance What is the malfunctioning organelle? A. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum B. Ribosomes C. Golgi apparatus D. Lysosomes

A. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Aspirin increases the permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane resulting in dissipation of the proton gradient. Which of the following is true? A. There would be a decrease in ATP production. B. Glycolysis would decrease. C. Both a and b D. None of the above

A. There would be a decrease in ATP production.

State whether the procedure could cause cells to grow out of control. A copy of the activated ras oncogene isolated from a tumor is introduced into a cell that carries two normal copies of the ras proto-oncogene. A. YES-cause tumor B. NO-no tumor

A. YES-cause tumor

A copy of the activated ras oncogene isolated from a tumor is introduced into a cell that carries two normal copies of the ras proto-oncogene. State whether or not the procedure could cause cells to grow out of control. A. Yes-cause tumor B. No-no tumor

A. Yes-cause tumor

Facilitated diffusion uses A. carrier and channel proteins to move molecules across the membrane. B. ATP to move molecules across the membrane. C. nothing, the molecules move on their own across the membrane. D. none of the above.

A. carrier and channel proteins to move the molecules across the membrane.

When ATP levels are high, oxidative pathways are inhibited, so acetyl-CoA is channeled into A. fatty acid synthesis. B. pyruvate formation. C. the Krebs cycle. D. the electron transport system. E. NAD production.

A. fatty acid synthesis.

Brefeldin A is a drug that disrupts transport from the ER to the Golgi apparatus. What other organelles and membranes are affected? A. lysosomes, transport vesicles, plasma membrane B. mitochondria, peroxisomes, plasma membrane C. vacuoles, mitochondria, plasma membrane D. lysosomes, transport vesicles, nuclear membrane E. all intracellular organelles and membranes

A. lysosomes, transport vesicles, plasma membrane

Another male patient comes in with red-green color blindness which you know id X-linked in humans. If the male is red-green color blind, and both his parents have normal vision, which of the male's grandparents is most likely to be red-green colorblind? A. maternal grandfather B. paternal grandmother C. paternal grandfather D. either grandfather is equally likely

A. maternal grandfather

If an organism normally has 34 chromosomes, how many molecules of DNA should there be in the G1 phase of the cell cycle? A. 68 B. 34 C. 17 D. 136

B. 34

How many different genotypes are possible from the cross Aa x Aa? Phenotypes? A. 1; 1 B. 3; 2 C. 2; 3 D. 4; 4

B. 3; 2

State whether the procedure could cause cells to grow out of control. A copy of the mutant Rb tumor suppressor gene is introduced into a cell carrying two normal copies of the Rb gene. A. YES-cause tumor B. NO-no tumor

B. NO-no tumor

Imagine you've isolated a yeast mutant that contains histones resistant to acetylation. What phenotype do you predict for this mutant? A. The mutant will grow rapidly. B. The mutant will show generally low levels of gene expression. C. The mutant will show generally high levels of gene expression.

B. The mutant will show generally low levels of gene expression.

You are still looking for other types of drugs to treat your cervical cancer patients. Cell division is usually blocked by the addition of cytochalasin and other drugs that cause the disassembly of actin filaments. Why would you expect these drugs to have this effect? A. They would inhibit interphase and the cycle would not begin B. They would inhibit cytokinesis C. They would prevent chromosomes from lining up at the metaphase D. They would prevent chromosome condensation

B. They would inhibit cytokinesis

An insulin receptor antagonist ( a "blocker" that binds but does not stimulate the receptor) would most closely mimic: A. Type 1 diabetes B. Type 2 diabetes C. Neither, it would have no effect on cellular glucose metabolism

B. Type 2 diabetes

Which of the following is an example of signal amplification? A. catalysis of many cAMP molecules by several simultaneously binding signal molecules B. activation of 100 molecules by a single signal binding event C. activation of a specific gene by a growth factor D. activation of an enzyme molecule E. utilization of a second messenger system

B. activation of 100 molecules by a single binding event

In reactions mediated by protein kinases, what does phosphorylation of successive proteins do to drive the reaction? A. make functional ATP B. change a protein from its inactive to its active form C. change a protein from its active to its inactive form D. alter the permeability of the cell's membranes\ E. produce an increase in the cell's storage of inorganic phosphates

B. change a protein from its inactive to its active form

Which of the following is NOT true of the gram negative cell wall of a bacteria? A. contains a cytoplasm B. contains a thick layer of peptidogylcan C. contains lipopolysaccharide D. contains lipid E. gives the cell its shape

B. contains a thick layer of peptidoglycan

Hormones are transported throughout the circulatory system, but they affect only specific tissues or cells because A. only the capillaries at the target will let the hormones out of the blood. B. only the target cells have receptors for the hormone. C. the nontarget tissues catabolize or destroy the hormones. D. the hormones know where their targets are located.

B. only the target cells have receptors for the hormone.

As the cell doubles in dimensions from its original size, A. the surface area would increase much more than the internal volume of the cell. B. the volume would increase much more than the surface area. C. the volume would decrease much more than the surface area. D. everything will stay the same.

B. the volume would increase much more than the surface area.

If a pharmaceutical company wished to design a drug to maintain low blood sugar levels, one approach might be to design a compound A. to stimulate G protein activity in liver cells. B. to activate phosphodiesterase. C. that stimulates cAMP production in liver cells. D. that mimics epinephrine and can bind to the epinephrine receptor. E. that does any of the above.

B. to activate phosphodiesterase.

When homologous chromosomes cross over, what occurs? A. Two chromatids get tangled, resulting in one re-sequencing its DNA. B. two sister chromatids exchange identical pieces of DNA. C. DNA segments are exchanged between nonsister chromatids of homologous chromosomes. D. Each of the four DNA strands of a tetrad is broken and the pieces are mixed. E. DNA segments are exchanged between sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes.

C. DNA segments are exchanged between nonsister chromatids of homologous chromosomes.

If a cell has completed the first meiotic division and is just beginning meiosis II, which of the following is an appropriate description of its contents? A. It has half the chromosomes but twice the DNA of the originating cell. B. It has the same number of chromosomes but them have different alleles than another cell from the same meiosis. C. It has half the amount of DNA as the cell that began meiosis. D. It is identical in content to another cell from the same meiosis. E. It has one-fourth the DNA and one-half the chromosomes as the originating cell.

C. It has half the amount of DNA as the cell that began meiosis.

Which cell would be best for studying lysosomes? A. Muscle cell B. Nerve cell C. Phagocytic white blood cell D. Bacterial cell

C. Phagocytic white blood cell

What happens in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis? A. Plants make energy needed for cellular reactions. B. Plants make food. C. Plants make energy to drive the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis. D. All of the above.

C. Plants make energy to drive the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis.

The hormone insulin needs to communicate with the rest of the body to control glucose levels. Which of the following best describes a signal transduction pathway that is used in insulin signaling? A. binding of a signal molecule to a cell protein B. catalysis mediated by an enzyme C. sequence of changes in a series of molecules resulting in a response D. binding of a ligand on one side of a membrane that results in a change on the other side E. the cell's detection of a chemical or mechanical stimulus

C. Sequence of changes in a series of molecules resulting in a response

A scientist hypothesizes that DDT will cause decreased reproductive success of young alligators by premature cracking of underdeveloped eggs. The scientist proposes to store alligator eggs at various concentration of DDT and count the number of alligator eggs that hatch and result in mature babies. Which of the following is true of the independent variable in this experiment? A. The dependent variable is the DDT. B. The independent variable is the number of eggs hatch. C. The independent variable is the DDT. D. The independent variable is the number of eggs.

C. The independent variable is the DDT.

When activated by a GPCR, adenylyl cyclase: A. converts AMP to cAMP. B. converts ADP to cAMP. C. converts ATP to cAMP. D. converts cyclic AMP to AMP.

C. converts ATP to cAMP.

In sexually reproducing species, the chromosome number remains stable over time because ___________________ and ____________________ always alternate. A. meiosis I ... meiosis II B. meiosis ... mitosis C. meiosis ... fertilization D. mitosis ... fertilization E. meiosis ... interphase

C. meiosis ... fertilization

Mendel's principle of segregation corresponds to what part of meiosis? A. condensation of chromosomes in prophase I B. alignment of homologues in metaphase I C. separation of homologues in anaphase I D. alignment of chromosomes in metaphase II E. separation of daughter chromatids in anaphase II

C. separation of homologues in anaphase I

A germ line cell with 36 total chromosomes produces ____ gametes that will have ____ chromosomes each. A. 2, 36 B. 2, 18 C. 4, 36 D. 4, 18 E. None of the above

D. 4, 18

A male with type A blood marries a female who has type O blood. Their son has type O blood. What is the genotype of the father and mother? MALE FEMALE A. AA AO B. AO AO C. OO AA D. AO OO E. B and D are both possible


You would like to know if the tumors from two patients (C and D) with cervical cancer respond to radiation therapy. You irradiate the tumor cell growing in culture and observe whether the cells are killed by treatment. Tumor cells from Patient C do not seem to be affected by the treatment, but the cells from Patient D, like normal cells, stop dividing and then die by apoptosis. Which of the following most likely occurs in breast cancer cells with the p53 mutation? A. Both copies of the p53 gene is mutated. B. The mutation in p53 prevents abnormal cells from dying by apoptosis. C. p53 causes a cell to enter G0, blocking cell division. D. Both a and b E. Both a and c

D. Both a and b

A company seeks to develop an herbicide that kills plants by directly interfering (at the cellular level) with plants' ability to maintain turgor pressure. An herbicide could accomplish this by disrupting the membrane of ________________. A. Chloroplasts B. Chromplasts C. Amyloplasts D. Central vacuoles E. Mitochondria

D. Central vacuoles

Measurements of the amount of DNA per nucleus were taken on a large number of cells from a growing fungus. The measured DNA levels ranged from 3 to 6 picograms per nucleus. In which stage of the cell cycle did the nucleus contain 6 picograms of DNA? A. G1 B. S C. M D. G2 E. G0

D. G2

You want to construct a molecule that will migrate easily through a cell membrane. What properties should you give your molecule? A. It should be small and charged. B. It should be large and hydrophilic. C. It should be polar. D. It should be small and hydrophobic. E. It should be hydophilic.

D. It should be small and hydrophobic.

Co Transport

Features: Uses ATP, moves two molecules across Molecule: Glucose, H+ Example: Glucose, Na/K pump

Which of the following statements is true? A. Independent assortment in mitosis creates new genotypes (genetic characteristics). B. Pairing up of chromosomes during meiosis II creates new arrangements of genes within a single chromosome. C. A zygote is created through meiosis. D. Meiosis involves two nuclear divisions without having DNA replication occurring between them.

D. Meiosis involves two nuclear divisions without having DNA replication occurring between them.

There are between 20,000 and 25,000 genes in the human genome, yet our cells are capable of producing more than 90,000 different proteins. How is this possible? A. Many genes are actually yet to be discovered. B. Introns are spliced back together to form mRNAs. C. Micro-RNAs can also be used to make proteins. D. Primary transcript can be edited in different ways by alternative splicing to produce different mRNAs.

D. Primary transcripts can be edited in different ways by alternative splicing to produce different mRNAs.

Which of the following is a function of the S phase in the cell cycle? A. The separation of sister chromatids B. The sorting of chromosomes C. The synchronization of organelle division D. The synthesis of sister chromatids

D. The synthesis of sister chromatids

Which of the following is true if an individual has two different alleles at a given gene locus? A. The individual has 1 blue, 1 brown eye B. There are two alleles in one place on the chromosome C. Two siblings have different appearances D. There is a different allele on each of the two members of a homologous pair

D. There is a different allele on each of the two members of a homologous pair

You are looking more into the mechanisms of cell division. The pathway below shows a map kinase cascade that occurs when a growth factor binds to its receptor. Activated SOS activates Ras, which in turn activates Raf, which in turn activates MEK, which results in the synthesis of proteins that trigger cell division. Growth Factor -> Growth Factor Receptor -> SOS -> Ras -> Raf -> MEK -> MAPK -> New Protein Synthesis -> Cell Division How would a mutant form of Ras that could not be inactivated affect the pathway? A. There would be no cell division; the pathway would be off. B. There would be no cell division; the pathway would be on. C. There would be continuous cell division; the pathway would be off. D. There would be continuous cell division; the pathway would be on. E. The pathway would not be affected.

D. There would be continuous cell division; the pathway would be on.

Which parents below would have the possibility of producing a daughter who is colorblind? A. XRY x XRXR B. XrY x XRXR C. XRY x XrXR D. XrY x XrXR

D. XrY x XrXR

Different forms of genes are called A. traits. B. phenotypes. C. genotypes. D. alleles. E. none of the above.

D. alleles.

In eukaryotes, DNA packing seems to affect gene expression primarily by __________? A. protecting DNA from mutations. B. enhancing the recombination of genes. C. positioning related genes near each other. D. controlling access to DNA. E. allowing unpacked genes to be eliminated from the genome.

D. controlling access to the DNA.

A man who is anchondroplastic dwarf with normal vision marries a colorblind woman of normal height. The man's father was 6 feet tall, and both the woman's parents were of average height. Achondroplastic dwarfism is autosomal dominant, and red-green color blindness is X-linked recessive. How many of their daughters might be expected to be color-blind dwarfs? A. three out of four B. one out of four C. half D. none E. all

D. none

A group of cells assayed for DNA content immediately following mitosis and is found to have an average of 8 picograms of DNA per nucleus. How many picograms would be found at the end of S and the end of G2? A. 12; 16 B. 16; 8 C. 8; 16 D. 8; 8 E. 16; 16

E. 16; 16

Why do siblings look different from one another? A. Each sibling has a different number of chromosomes. B. Products of meiosis contain identical combinations of alleles from the same genes. C. Products of meiosis result in different combinations of alleles from the same genes. D. random combinations of egg and sperm occur. E. C and D

E. C and D

Particular receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) that promote excessive cell division are found at high levels on various cancer cells. A protein, Herceptin, has been found to bind to an RTK known as HER2. HER2 is sometimes excessive in cancer cells. This information can now be utilized in breast cancer treatment if which of the following is true? A. If the patient has RTKs only in cancer cells. B. If Herceptin is found in the breast lymph nodes of the patient. C. If HER2, administered by injection, causes cell division. D. If the patient's genome codes for the HER2 receptor. E. If the patient's cancer cells have excessive levels of HER2.

E. If the patient's cancer cells have excessive levels of HER2.

Which of the following is true of steroid receptors? A. The receptor molecules are themselves lipids or glycolipids. B. The receptor molecules are peripheral proteins embedded in the interior layer of the plasma membrane. C. The receptor molecules are transmembrane proteins with the ligand binding domain on the outside of the cell. D. The receptor molecules are transmembrane proteins with the ligand binding domain on the inside of the cell. E. The receptor molecules may be soluble proteins in the cytoplasm.

E. The receptor molecules may be soluble proteins in the cytoplasm.

If two chromosomes are homologous, they A. look similar under the microscope. B. have very similar DNA sequences. C. carry the same types of genes. D. may carry different versions of the same gene. E. are all of the above.

E. are all of the above.

Skin color in humans, caused by several genes at several loci, is an example of A. multiple alleles at one locus. B. incomplete dominance. C. epistasis. D. pleiotropy. E. polygenic inheritance.

E. polygenic inheritance.

What is the primary function of the Calvin cycle? A. use ATP to release carbon dioxide B. use NADPH to release carbon dioxide C. split water and release oxygen D. transport RuBP out of the chloroplast E. synthesize simple sugars from carbon dioxide

E. synthesize simple sugars from carbon dioxide


Features: Brings small molecules into the cell Molecule: Liquids


Features: Engulfs large molecules into the cell Molecule: Bacteria Example: Lysosomes


Features: Moves molecules into the cell Molecule: Cholesterol Example: Receptor mediated endocytosis


Features: Moves molecules out of the cell Molecule: Proteins

Simple Diffusion

Features: No energy, passive, easily moves through membrane Molecule: O2, CO2, small non polar Example: Movement of gases via the lungs


Features: No energy, passive, movement of water Molecule: H2O Example: Red blood cells

Facilitated Diffusion

Features: No energy, passive, need carrier or channel protein Molecule: Charged, polar molecules Example: Amino acids/carbs during digestion

Active Transport

Features: Requires ATP, moves low to high Molecule: glucose, Na, K+ Example: Na/K pump

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