Biology 15-17

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If you found an animal with no symmetry, to what group would it belong? Give an example of an animal group that is radially symmetrical and one that is bilaterally symmetrical.

1. Sponges 2. Cnidarians 3. Annelids

If the generation time is 20 minutes, how much time will have gone by when the final generation shown has doubled

20 minuteutes

The generation time for a prokaryote is 30 minutes. If one cell is present on a petri dish how many cells will be present in 3 hours?


If an individual procaryote divides every 20 minutes, how many individuals will there be after an hour


What part of a fungus is the mushroom that you can buy at the store?

A fruiting body

What evolutionary innovation separates all land plants from their aquatic ancestors

All land plants receive Co2 through their leaves and are not submerged in water

Which protist group do you think is most closely related to plants?

Amoebas are the most closely related to plants because looking at the tree it is closest.

An individual with a deep closed belly button is more likely to have more bacteria in his or her belly button compared to an individual with a shallow open belly button


What advantage might a bilaterally symmetrical animal have over one that is radially symmetrical, and vice versa

Animals with bilateral symmetry move more efficiently, but radial symmetry has 360 degree access to their environment

Are mollusks more closely related to flatworms or to annelids?

Annelids because they share a more common ancestor

Is there anywhere you think archaeans could not survive

Anywhere that is not extreme

In what ways do terrestrial plants and their aquatic ancestors differ?

Aquatic plants have water support their whole system and dehydration is not an issue. A terrestrial plant has roots that anchor it to the soil and it can die from dehydration

Where in the figure is the earliest split between Archaea and Eukarya? When did it occur?

At the base of the tree where Eukarya began (2.7 million years ago)

Where in the figure would you place the first life found on earth


What group of fungi most resembles the mushrooms you buy in a grocery store?


Give examples of places archaeans are found

Belly button and lava

Why is it important that the fruiting body is aboveground

Below ground spores would not be able to travel by wind

What kind of symmetry to you have


In what ways are terrestrial plants and their aquatic ancestors the same

Both plants absorb Co2 and require water and minerals

Outline the key evolutionary innovations of plants

Bryophytes (moss) adaptation to land Ferns vascular tissue Gymnosperms (pine trees) seeds evolve Angiosperms (Peach tree) Flowers evolve

Which of the following pairs are most closely related a. Bacteria and archaea b. bacteria and eukara c. archaea and eukarya d. domains bacteria archaea and eukarya are equally related


What is distinct about the kingdom Protista

Cannot be classified as a plant, animal or fungus

In which of these categories would you place the bacteria responsible for nitrogen fixing? Why?

Chemoautotrophs because they use nitrogen from the atmosphere and carbon from carbon dioxide

In which of these categories do decomposers belong?

Chemoheterotroph, because they recieve both carbon and energy from dead or dying organisms.

Which of the following organisms are extant eutherian mammals and most closely related to humans


Which primate group is most closely related to humans?


According to the phylogenetic tree below which of the following combinations are most closely related

Cilates and ameobas

Are ciliates more closely related to euglenoids or diatoms? To Euglenoids or to forams?

Ciliates are more closely related to diatoms and forams

Individuals who participate in research as experimental subjects are

Citizen scientists

Are sac fungi more closely related to molds or to club fungi

Club fungi

There is a well known biofilm found in your mouth. What is it?

Dental Plaque

What kind of mammal is a cow? A Human?


How do ferns differ from bryophytes? Do they share this difference with other plant groups?

Ferns have lignin in their vascular systems, bryophytes don't. Gymnosperms and angiosperms also have this adaptation.

How do we know that fungi are eukaryotes rather than prokatrotes

Fungi are multicellular

Pinus Sylvestris, scotch pine is native to europe and asia. Most american refer to them as christmas trees. this species of tree grows from the naked seeds produced on cones and released about 22-24 months after pollination. this tree is an example of a _____ from kingdom _____.

Gymnosperm and plantae

What groups might a plant with seeds belong to? What about a plant with flowers?

Gymnosperms are the plant group with seeds and the angiosperms evolve flowers.

A prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell are placed in an environment ideal for growth of both cells. After 24 hours it is observed that the prokaryote cell population is significantly higher than the eukaryote population. This has occured because prokaryotes

Have a simpler structure which allows more rapid reproduction

Prokaryotes are capable of reproducing more rapidly than eukaryotes because prokaryotes

Have less genetic material

What body segments do you have

Head, thorax and abdomen

What species of hominins other than the neanderthals may have commingled with modern humans

Homo erectus

Under what conditions might bacteria want to coordinate to increase their reproductive rate

If environmental conditions are very good, then it makes sense for the population of bacteria to grow as quickly as possible to take advantage of those conditions

What source of energy would you expect a cave-dwelling prokaryote to use?

It could not rely on light, so it would most likely use chemical energy

What feature of the ginseng plants tell you that it is not a fern or a gymnosperm

It has flowers

What features of the ginseng plant tell you that it is not a bryophyte?

It has roots and grows taller

Why do you think we no longer have partially opposable big toes

It made walking and running upright more difficult

What other reason besides continuing to use trees might explain why early homonins had partly big toes

It was likely a gradual change over thousands of generations

Which primate group is most distantly related to humans?


When people talk about animals, they are sometimes referring only to mammals. How would you explain to them their error?

Mammals are a subsect of a much larger group; animals include invertebrates, bird and lizards

Possums are found throughout much of Central and North America. ALthough their bodies are covered in hair, their tails and ears are hairless. They have many teeth and opposable clawless thumbs on their rear appendages. They produce poorly developed young that live in mom's pouch fir about two and a half months before climbing on her back. Possums are ____


Anaerobic archaeans living in hydrogen rich environments may feed on hydrogen and release ______ gas as a by product


Why does mitochondrial DNA come from only your mother

Mitochondria are found in the egg not the sperm

In light of the out-of-Africa hypothesis, which of the following is a parsimonious reason why species like homo neanderthalensis, homo floresinensis, and homo erectus do not exist today?

Modern homo sapiens outcompeted and replaced other homnin species as they migrated around the world

How does the hypothesized origin of modern humans differ from the hypothesized orgin of Neanderthals.

Modern humans evolved from archaic humans in Africa and spread to the rest of the world

What evidence suggests that neanderthals never lived in Africa

Modern humans of African descent have neither mitochondrial nor nuclear neanderthal DNA in their genomes

Compare and Contrast the three types of mammals

Monotremes: lay eggs Marsupial: Have a pouch for undeveloped young Eutharians: have a placenta and birth developed children All: have hair, sweat glands and produce milk

Do amphibians have amniotic eggs?


From the micrographs here, does it appear that all the prokaryotes have flagellum?


If a neanderthal human hybrid was born to a human mother and a neanderthal father, could you tell by the mitochondrial DNA sequencing


In what way does the pattern of footprints in this figure suggest that the print makers were walking upright

No hands or knuckle prints accompany the footprints

Are all the algae groups equally related?

No, brown algae is the least closely related to the three types

Through natural selection, deleterious traits will tend to disappear from a population over time. Which traits might have been deleterious for ground-dwelling early homonins?

Opposable toes, walking on four limbs

Paramecium caudatum are unicellular organisms with a thick flexible pellicle covered in cilia and two nuclei. They ingest bacteria and other microorganisms in the environment. Paramecium caudatum is a ----- in the kingdom -----.

Protozoan and protista

Is a sea star radially or bilaterally symmetrical

Radially symmetrical

Many bacteria are able to reproduce more quickly in warmer conditions. What does this suggest to you about the importance of refrigerating foods?

Refrigerating foods slows generation time, so dangerous bacteria like e coli have less of a chance to increase to a threatening level

Adaptations to upright walking also meany that human females have more difficulty giving birth than do females of other species. What adaptation would you predict has had the greatest impact on this result?

Reorganization of pelvic structure

Which shape in figure 15.7 corresponds to the archaens from deep-sea thermal vents

Rod or bacillus

What group of animals has jaws but not a bony skeleton

Sharks and rays

Why would you expect a hybrid of neanderthals and modern humans to have intermediate features

Some might have intermediate but some could have mixed features

Which of these shapes do you think streptococcus would take?

Sphere or coccus

How do we know that a sponge is an animal, and not a plant or an alga

Sponges are heterotrophic

Structures produced by bacteria but not archaeans that are extremely resistant to boiling and freezing temperatures are


Which one of these shapes is most clearly capable of self-motility? Why?

The comma or the vibrio because of the flagellum

Which of the lobster's appendages is most important for sensing the environment

The head appendage which includes eyes and antennae

Describe the difference you observe between the modern human skulls chin and the neanderthal skulls lower jaw

The human chin is higher and juts out further

What other differences do you observe between the two skulls

The neanderthal has a more profound eyebrow ridge and more sloping forehead

The possum is the only north american marsupial. Describe how its young are born and developed

They are born relatively undeveloped and crawl into the mothers pouch where they nurse to grow

Why are many archaeans referred to as extremophiles

They are found in extreme environments

Which advantages do you think the naval microbiome citizen scientists recieved

They may have felt a sense of contribution and purpose

In which of the three ways did the navel microbiome participants contribute

They were the experimental subjects

Would you predict that aquatic plants would be more like plants in a rain forest or more like desert plants

They would survive more in the rain forest due to the humidity

Through natural selection, advantageous traits will tend to persist in a population over time. Which traits might have been advantageous for ground-dwelling early homonins?

Upright posture, arched feet

What characteristics are common to all the primates, including humans?

Use of tools, a capacity for symbolic language, and the performance of deliberate acts of deception

The phylum chordata includes several subgroups of organisms. To which of these subgroups would humans belong to


List all of the lobster's thoracic appendages

Walking legs, crushing claw, cutting claw

Which of the following is an example of the last segment of an arthropod's body having evolved into a beneficial trait

Wasp abdomen with stinger

Under what circumstances are scientists able to do whole-genome sequencing, and when are they restricted to mtDNA sequencing

Whole genome sequencing: well preserved cell or tissue with fully intact DNA mtDNA sequencing: Isolated cells and tissue with damaged DNA

If a human neanderthal was born to a human mother and a neanderthal father, could you tell by whole genome sequencing that it was a hybrid


If a neanderthal human hybrid was born to a human father and a neanderthal mother, could you tell by the DNA sequencing


According to the phylogenic tree below

Zygomycetes have an equally close relationship to basidiomycetes and ascyycetes

Outline the key evolutionary innovations of fungi

Zygomycetes molds Ascomycetes sac fungi Basidiomycetes club fungi

Jim is mowing the lawn and accidentally runs over a large round object that seems to explode in a cloud of dust. Upon closer examination, he determines that the object was actually the club-shaped reproductive structure of an organism that has cells with cell walls but no chloroplasts and the dust particles were actually spores. This organism is probably a ____ that belongs to the kingdom ____.

basidiomycete, fungi

Explain why prokaryotes can reproduce more rapidly than eukaryotes and why rapid reproduction can be advantageous

binary fission, and they may acquire DNA from each other or their environment via horizontal gene transfer. This helps the prokaryote to take over the organism faster

Eggs provide ___ to the zygote

both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA

Outline the key evolutionary innovations of protista

diplomands, euglenoids, ciliates, Brown algae, Forams, Red algae, green algae, Amoebas

Explain how citizen science contributes to scientific research

mass data collection

Which of the following organisms displays radial symmetry

sea anemone

List three characteristics shared between bacteria and archaea

single-celled organisms, a single loop of DNA free in the cytoplasm, Wide diversity in metabolism

Differentiate between bacteria and archaea and explain why they are together referred to as prokaryotes

their DNA, plasma membrane structure, and metabolism

If a human neanderthal hybrid was born to a neanderthal mother and ahuman father could you tell by whole genome DNA sequencing that it was a hybrid


If you were a monotreme would you still produce milk and nurse your young

yes all mammals do

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