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Which of the following taxa would be the most inclusive?


Which of the following is missing in the cell walls of archaea but not bacteria?


Within ciliates, what do the micronuclei control?


_______________ are RNA viruses that have a DNA polymerase called reverse transcriptase, which transcribes the RNA genome into a DNA intermediate.


What does ssDNA stand for?

-Single stranded DNA

What is vertical gene transfer?

-The transmission of genetic material from parents to offspring during reproduction

What is a very small infective agent that consists of a core of nucleic acid and is dependent on a living host?


Which statement about viruses is FALSE?

-Viruses can manufacture proteins

Which characteristic defines a virus?

-Viruses cannot metabolize.

Which of the following cause disease and often death?:

-Viruses that have only a lytic cycle

An example of homologous structures is the wing of a bat and the:

-arm of a human

Small hairlike structures made up of protein on the surface of bacteria are called:


A taxon that includes all the descendants of an ancestor is called:


What type of protist was responsible for the Irish potato famine in the 1840s?

-Water mold

Where would you likely find Euryarchaeota bacteria?

-Cow digestive tracts

Which is the only prokaryote to carry on photosynthesis that generates oxygen?


Which is not one of the characteristics of a population?

-Demographic range

Which protist groups consists of individuals who often have intracellular shells of interlocking plates?


Which protist group contains the organism Trypanosoma, a colorless parasite that can cause African sleeping sickness?


Members of which protist group is one of the fossilized deposits in the unique geological formation of the White Cliffs of Dover?


The cause of your strep throat is from what type of bacteria?

-Gram-positive bacteria

Which of the following are known for their elaborate courtship?

-Peacock spiders

Lytic reproductive cycles destroy host cells.


What type of symbiotic relationship occurs between a ruminant and the bacteria in its digestive tract?


___________ is the scientific study of the diversity of organisms and their evolutionary relationships.



-The scientific study of the diversity of organisms and their evolutionary relationships

By what gene-transfer method does a phage transfer bacterial DNA from one bacterium to another, resulting in genetic recombination?


The evolutionary history of a group of organisms from a common ancestor is known as:


According to the progressive hypothesis, viruses may have originated as mobile genetic elements such as:


A monophyletic group is defined by:

-shared derived characters

The novel traits that evolve and remain present in a descendant organism are referred to as ___________________.

-shared derived characters

Viroids cause a variety of plant diseases and are composed only of:

-strands of RNA.

___________ are terrestrial, multicellular, photosynthetic organisms.


The immunodeficiency virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a(n) enveloped virus.


Which of the following taxa would be the least inclusive?


What is commensalism?

-A relationship between individuals of two species in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm

What was likely engulfed by another, larger cell that eventually evolved into mitochondria?

-Aerobic bacteria

10. What is considered a fundamental evolutionary divergence?

-Distinction between prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Which classification level contains the greatest number of species?


What is the translation of "pseudopodia," a characteristic of the amoebas?

-False feet

What are the small circles of DNA that exist within the bacterial cytoplasm in addition to the bacterial chromosome?


Which hypothesis asserts that viruses are remnants of cellular organisms and evolved from small cells that were parasites in larger cells?

-Regressive hypothesis


-The arrangement of groups based on similarities that show evolutionary relationships

Due to our increasing ability to analyze DNA sequences and other molecular data of organisms, scientists are more often classifying organisms by their:

-evolutionary history

A taxon that diverges earlier than the other taxa being considered in cladistic analysis is a(n):


When a virus penetrates the host plasma membrane and moves into the cytoplasm it is called:


After kingdom, what is the next taxon by which organisms are grouped?


A virus is a very small infective agent that consists of a core of nucleic acid and is dependent on a living host.


How do some bacteria respond to adverse environmental conditions?


How do bacteria move?

-By means of a rotating flagella

What is the protein coat of a virus called?


Which protist group is characterized by having a micronucleus and a macronucleus?


At what stage of a lytic infection are phage components put together to make new viruses?


How many domains form the three main branches of the tree of life?


Which statement about biofilms is FALSE?

-Biofilms are usually less than 2 μm thick

Peptidoglycan consists of:

-sugars crosslinked with proteins

Some bacteria avoid being phagocytized by a host's immune system by means of:

-their capsule or slime layer

An example of homoplastic structures is the wing of a butterfly and:

-wing of a bird

Viral proteins can damage host cells by which process?

Overwhelming the host cell with a large number of viruses

Why is penicillin ineffective against gram-negative bacteria?

-Penicillin cannot reach the thin peptidoglycan layer easily because it is protected by the bacteria's outer membrane.

What are the viruses that attack bacteria?


Taxonomy is the science of:

- naming, describing, and classifying organisms


-A group of organisms with a common ancestor

Which group of protists includes the dinoflagellates that cause red tide?


Which one of these is not a mammal?


Which of the following are rod-shaped bacteria?


What are spherical-shaped bacteria called?


What significantly contributes to the rapid evolution of prokaryotes?

-Horizontal gene transfer

Which of the following is the most common structure of a virus?


At what stage of the lysogenic cycle would a prophage appear?


What is a prophage?

-It is phage DNA that is integrated into bacterial DNA.

Which eukaryotic organelles likely arose from symbiotic relationships between larger cells and bacteria?

-Mitochondria and chloroplasts

What is the correct unit of measurement for the size of most viruses?


What is the process that some prokaryotes use to convert ammonia to nitrite, which can then be used by plants and fungi?


Which is an anaerobic excavate that is an endosymbiont of animals?


Which of the following typically occurs all at once and results in rapid cell lysis?

-Phage release

How are cyanobacteria classified (based on their mode of nutrition)?


What form of protist locomotion pushes out cytoplasmic extensions along the leading edge of the cell?


What is a chain of round bacteria called?



-The evolution of a group of organisms from a common ancestor

Why is a new diatom cell slightly smaller than its parent cell?

-The newly synthesized half of the shell fits inside the original one.


-The science of naming, describing and classifying organisms

What is the purpose of sex pili?

-To transmit DNA between bacteria

Most protists are:


Prokaryotes divide using a process called________.

-binary fission

The most common mode of reproduction in bacteria is:

-binary fission.

Linnaeus simplified scientific classification by developing:

-binomial system of nomenclature.

A bacterium that uses the oxidation of inorganic compounds to provide energy for manufacturing nutritious organic compounds is a:


Phylogenetic systematics produce branching diagrams called:


Some protists consist of a single cell with multiple nuclei. This condition is known as;


Scientists using evolutionary systematics to construct a phylogenetic tree would use:

-combination of ancestral and derived characters

The bacterium that causes botulism disease is harmless until it:

-contains a certain prophage DNA

Another name for horizontal gene transfer is____________.

-lateral gene transfer

Pseudopodia are used by Amoeba for ingesting food as well as for:


Scientists may compare similarities between nucleotide sequences of organisms to determine their evolutionary history. This is known as:

-molecular systematics.

Shared homologous structures would indicate that two taxa are:


The genome of most plant viruses consists of what kind of RNA?


The scientific study of the diversity of organisms and the evolutionary relationships between them is referred to as:


A study of the genomes of dogs from around the world indicated that:

-the dogs' closest relative is the gray wolf

What sexual process does a Paramecium employ?


What type of asexual reproduction requires a bacterial cell (F+) to form a pilus that binds to a donor cell (F−), forming a cytoplasmic conjugation bridge between the two cells, then the F plasmid is transferred to the donor cell to the recipient cell through the bridge?


Members of which group are known to form blooms known as red tides?


Which protist group possess a crystalline rod in their flagella?


___________ are organisms that have nuclei and other membrane-enclosed organelles.


Diplomonads belong to which of the following group of eukaryotes?


Which group of protists has a deep oral groove as part of their structure?


Which protist clade (supergroup) is characterized by their greatly modified mitochondria?


How are Archaea found in the Dead Sea classified?

-Extreme halophiles

Transformation, conjugation, and transduction are forms of vertical gene transfer for prokaryotes.


What bacterial process is involved in the production of cheese and yogurt?


Streptococci, the bacteria responsible for strep throat infections, is classified within which group of bacteria?

-Gram-negative bacteria

What group of protists likely gave rise to land plants?

-Green algae

Bacterial plasmids often have genes that code for genetic exchange or antibiotic resistance.


Conjugation is the process by which one bacterium transfers genetic material to another through direct contact.


Horizontal gene transfer greatly contributes to the rapid evolution that takes place in prokaryotes.


Retroviruses have a DNA polymerase called reverse transcriptase, which transcribes the RNA genome into a DNA intermediate.


What is the outcome of the process illustrated in the accompanying figure?

-Two new genetically identical cells that differ genetically from what they were before

Which supergroup classification includes some protists, animals, and fungi?


Which statement about bioremediation is FALSE?

-Very few species of bacteria are used to clean up various forms of pollution

The term "clade" most closely refers to:

-a group of organisms that share common characteristics inherited from a common ancestor.

Most bacterial cells can keep from bursting in a hypotonic environment because of:

-a rigid cell wall

The most significant difference between archaea and bacteria is the:

-absence of peptidoglycans in the cell walls of archaea.

Scientists are now grouping reptiles with birds and mammals because they are all vertebrates that have a(n):

-amniotic egg

Humans, as well as all other mammals, have hair. Hair, then, would be considered to be a(n):

-ancestral character

Plasmids of bacteria often have genes involved in:

-antibiotic resistance

Before an animal cell's membrane fuses with a virus, the virus must first:

-attach to a specific receptor on the plasma membrane of the host cell.

Molecular evidence indicating less than 50% shared genes was the basis for:

-dividing the prokaryotes into two domains, Bacteria and Archaea.

In the late 1970s, Woese argued that there are two fundamentally different groups of prokaryotes by demonstrating:

-gene codes of ribosomal RNA of different bacteria.

Bacterial conjugation is related to____________.

-horizontal gene transfer

In _________________, gene swapping takes place between one genome and another within one taxon or between genomes in different taxa.

-horizontal gene transfer

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