Biology Chapter 18

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A group of similar species

Dichotomous key

A key for the identification of organisms based on a series of choices between alternative characters.

What are the rules for writing a name using binomial nomenclature?

1. Genus 2. Species 3. Should be italicized


A taxonomic category above the kingdom level.

What is a dichotomous key? Know how to use one.

It is a tool that allows people to determine the identity of items and organisms.

Domain Archaea

Any of various single-celled prokaryotes genetically distinct from bacteria, often thriving in extreme environmental conditions

Linnaean System

Classification system useful for storing and finding information about living things

Domain Eukarya

Domain of all organisms whose cells have nuclei, including protists, plants, fungi, and animals.

Order of Linnaean Classification System

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

What characteristics are shared by organisms in the kingdoms Protista, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia?


Traditional classification uses what characteristic?



First and largest category used to classify organisms


Group of closely related classes


Group of similar families


Group of similar genera


Group of similar orders


Group or level of organization into which organisms are classified

Binominal nomenclature

Naming and classifying organisms by 2 part system of genus & species

Domain Bacteria

One of the three domains of life; contains prokaryotic cells that differ from archaea because they have their own unique genetic, biochemical, and physiological characteristics.

Early classification systems divided all living organism into what two main categories?

Plants and Animals

What are some of the problems with common names?

Scientists avoid using common names because they are often not specific to a particular species.

Know that kingdoms in each of the three domains.

The domains are Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya.

What are the goals of scientists when naming organisms?

The goal is to organize living things into groups that have biological meaning. The first step in understanding and studying diversity is to describe and name each species. By using a scientific name, biologists can be sure that they are discussing the same organism. This is the process of Binomial Nomenclature.

What are the differences between domain Eubacteria and Archeabacteria?

The other two Domains being "Bacteria" and "Eukarya" (which includes us humans). Archaebacteria are characterized by having different cell call components, coenzymes and RNA Sequences compared to bacteria. ... Eubacteria have a rigid cell wall. However, they can be both gram positive and gram-negative.


The science of classifying organisms

What is systematics?

The science of naming and grouping organisms The goal is to organize living things into groups that have biological meaning

What are the characteristics of a scientific name?

The scientific name of a species is formed by the combination of two terms: The first name (capitalized) is the genus of the organism, the second (not capitalized) is its species.

What are the differences between all three domains?

There are three domains of life: Bacteria (also known as Eubacteria), Archaea, and Eukarya. The Bacteria and Archaea are made up entirely of microorganisms; the Eukarya contains plants, animals, and microorganisms such as fungi and protists. The Bacteria and Archaea have been grouped together and called Prokaryotes because of their lack of a nucleus, but the Archaea are more closely related to the Eukaryotes than to the Bacteria.

What are some common characteristics of organisms grouped in the class Mammalia?

They are endothermic, vertebrates, have sweet glands, etc.

What kingdom was split to make two new kingdoms?

Under the three-domain system of taxonomy, introduced by Carl Woese in 1977, which reflects the evolutionary history of life, the organisms found in kingdom Monera have been divided into two domains, Archaea and Bacteria (with Eukarya as the third domain).

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