Biology Final

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The long extension of a cell that can propel a cell forward by whipping back and forth (such as human sperm) is called a __________.


If mitosis makes somatic cells, what does meiosis make?


What type of cells do not undergo mitosis?


What term describes the failure of one species' sperm to fertilize the egg of a different species?

Gametic incompatibility

The modern evolutionary synthesis of the 1930s and the 1940s melded together Darwin's findings with ______________.


A collection of cloned DNA fragments that includes an organism's entire genome is called a ______.

Genomic library

Of those listed below, which category of classification is the most narrow?


Which of the following represents a simple sugar (also called a monosaccharide)?


Identify the stage of cellular respiration that occurs entirely outside of the mitochondria.


Identify the stage of cellular respiration when glucose is split into two molecules of pyruvic acid.


How do we know green light is not absorbed by chlorophyll?

Green light is the wavelength of light that is reflected instead of instead of absorbed by the chloroplasts.

Which of the following most often leads to allopatric speciation?

Habitat isolation

The 2+ in Cu2+ tells us that this atom __________.

Has two or more protons than electrons

What contribution did Charles Lyell make?

He provided the first evidence that the Earth is much older than was previously thought.

What separates the strands of DNA in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique?


A testcross is performed to determine if a specific individual is a carrier. The results generate a 50/50 ration of phenotypes. The test subject is therefore _____________.


Which genes are responsible for your overall structure, such as how many legs you have and where they develop?

Homeotic genes

What specifically separates during meiosis I?

Homologous chromosomes

What does "fitness" mean when speaking in terms of evolution?

How many offspring an individual produces

Human embryos have a developmental stage during which they have a tail and pharyngeal pouches (those pouches develop into gills in fish). How can we explain these characteristics of human embryos?

Human embryos share a common ancestor who had gills

Individual water molecules are held to one another by relatively weak __________ bonds.


Which of the three gases is the easiest to break apart: nitrogen gas (N2), oxygen gas (O2), or hydrogen gas (H2)? Which is the most difficult to break apart? What accounts for the differences?

Hydrogen gas, with a single covalent bond is the easiest to break apart. Nitrogen gas, with a triple covalent bond, is the most difficult. Oxygen gas has a double covalent bond, which is intermediate in strength to the weaker single and stronger triple bonds.

The breaking of a large organic molecule into smaller, individual subunits involves multiple __________.

Hydrolysis reactions

All lipids are _______.

Hydrophobic (water fearing)

Final protein refinements, storage, and packaging occur ________.

In the Golgi apparatus

Where does translation occur in eukaryotes?

In the cytoplasm only

Where does cellular respiration occur?

In the mitochondria

Natural selection acts on __________, and __________ evolve.

Individuals; populations

A weed that exhibits resistance to an herbicide ________.

Inherited the gene that made it resistant to the herbicide

What is the correct sequence of events during translation?

Initiation, elongation, termination

What defines a population in evolution?

Interbreeding members of the same species that share a common space

Cells spend most of their lives in ________________.


During which phase of the cell cycle are the chromosomes duplicated?


An old home remedy for anemia was to drink from a jug of water into which was added a handful of iron nails. Why might this have been effective at certain forms of anemia?

Iron is an essential nutrient, and the water would have traces of iron. This would have been effective especially if the anemia was a result of an iron deficiency. Drinking the water would add the essential nutrient into their diet.

The scientific method _________.

Is a rough recipe for answering questions, but the steps need not always to be performed in the same order.

Water is the least dense/lightest when it _____________.

Is frozen/freezes

In an atom, the number of neutrons determines most specifically the ___________.


In science, experiments are widely used. Are experiments better than observational studies? Discuss the merits and shortcomings of both types of studies.

It depends on the question you are trying to answer. Mostly, experiments are better because you can control different aspects of what you are trying to test, which leads to more conclusive results. But observational studies are useful especially in scenarios where you are unable to conduct a proper experiment, such as studying an animal in their natural habitat.

What is the role of light in photosynthesis?

It excites electrons

If you were looking at a cell under a powerful microscope, what would tell you that it is a eukaryotic cell?

It has a nucleus

How is heat involved in photosynthesis and respiration?

It is a waste product

Identify the role of oxygen in photosynthesis.

It is a waste product in the light reactions.

How does a scientist get the corrected version of a gene into the cells of a gene therapy patient?

It is delivered with a modified virus

Identify the role of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis.

It is split to become incorporated into sugars

Which of the following statements cannot be tested by science?

It is wrong that male lions kill baby lions when taking over a new pride.

What happens to the ATP molecule after it has been used to do work?

It loses a phosphate group and is converted to ADP

The cytoskeleton has several primary functions. The first and most obvious is that it acts as an interior skeleton that supports the rest of the cell. What is another function of the cytoskeleton?

It provides a series of tracks along which vesicles can move throughout the cell.

Respiration is called aerobic because ____________.

It requires oxygen

How would the cDNA created in the lab compare to the original DNA?

It would contain only the genes that were producing proteins in the cell at the time the cDNA was created.

When I say a flower is "purple," what have I described?

Its phenotype

What is the name of the syndrome that produces the XXY combination of sex chromosomes?

Klinefelter Syndrome

Gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments according to their _________.


How is life defined?

Life is defined through a set of shared characteristics that all living things display.

Genes located near one another on the same chromosome are often inherited together. These are called ________.

Linked genes

The oldest fossils are typically found in the sediments _____________.

Located deep under the surface

Which cellular structure is unique to animal cells?


Which organelle functions to break down and recycle large molecules?


You want to know whether cookies made with unbleached flour taste better than cookies made with bleached flour; which of the following has the strongest experimental design to test this question?

Make two batches of cookies, one with bleached flour and one with unbleached flour; twenty tasters try both types without knowing which ones they are eating and rank which type they like best.

What is typically the first step in the scientific method?

Making an observation

Recessive disorders related to genes found on the X chromosome but not on the Y chromosome are more commonly expressed in ________.


Since an XO female can survive but an OY male cannot, what can we conclude about the genetic information in the X and Y chromosomes?

Males need at least one X chromosome to survive

What is gene regulation?

Mechanisms that turn on and off specific genes to change which proteins are made

What produces four daughter cells?


What produces genetically unique daughter cells?


When does crossing over occur?

Meiosis I

What do we call the sum total of all the chemical reactions that take place in your body?


The spread of cancer cells from their site of origin to sites distant in the body is called ______________.


Select the cellular structure that can be found in both plant and animal cells.


What harvests energy from food molecules to make ATP?


Mitochondria have an unusual characteristic for organelles that make them very useful in genetic studies. This characteristic is _______.

Mitochondria contain their own DNA

Dead or damaged cells are replaced by the process of ________.


In reproductive cloning, when a clone grows from a single cell to a full organism, the development happens through ___________.


What are inhibitors?

Molecules that prevent enzymes from working

Before Darwin published his work, Lamarck and others had suggested mechanisms for evolution. By what means did Darwin propose species evolved over time?

Natural Selection

Which of the following represents a double-blind study?

Neither the test group nor the researchers know whether the test group is receiving a placebo or the actual treatment until all the data are collected.

Can you inherit physical traits that your parents acquired during their lifetime?


Chromosomes are often represented as an X, with two sister chromatids attached at the centromere. Do chromosomes always look like an X?

No, chromosomes only look like an X following DNA replication, and before cell division; the rest of the time, they only have one sister chromatid each.

Is most of our DNA made up of genes?

No, genes make up only 1.5% of our DNA.

Is a virus considered alive?

No, it does not possess all of the requirements for life.

Do only plants have vacuoles?

No, other organisms, such as certain types of fungi and protists, have vacuoles that serve different functions.

Do all cells of the body express the same genes?

No, since they don't all need to make the same proteins

Can the PCR technique be used to copy an entire chromosome all at once?

No, the PCR machine can only copy fragments of DNA

Is the number of chromosomes in each cell of an organism a good indicator of the complexity of that organism?

No, the number of chromosomes does not indicate how complex and organism is.

Which process of evolution does not change the total number of species?

Non-branching evolution

What process can lead to an individual having too many or too few chromosomes?


Which of the following is the correct sequence of events during mitosis?

Nuclear membrane dissolves, chromosomes line up, sister chromatids split, nuclear membrane forms.

What is the monomer of the DNA molecule?


Alcohol is a waste product produced by yeast in the presence of sugar and the absence of ________.


Eukaryotes are ____________.

Often multicellular, sometimes unicellular

Where are ribosomes located in eukaryotic cells?

On the rough endoplasmic reticulum and in the cytoplasm

What are oncogenes?

Oncogenes are mutated proto-oncogenes

The signal transduction pathway allows ___________.

One cell to regulate the gene expression of another cell

Which processes can be carried out by consumers?

Only cellular respiration

Which of the following statements is not correct about DNA replication?

Only genes are replicated in DNA replication

What part of a chromosome goes through transcription and translation?

Only genes go through transcription and translation

Prokaryotes consist of ____________.

Organisms belonging to two different domains, bacteria and archaea.

The passive transport of water is specifically called ___________.


It is sometimes jokingly said that you could study for your biology test by placing your textbook under your pillow at night and thereby learn by osmosis, as the knowledge would flow from the book to your brain while you slept. Aside from the obvious silliness of this claim, what is wrong with the use of the word "osmosis" in this context? How might you lose knowledge (if knowledge could actually flow along a concentration gradient between a book and a brain) if you tried this technique?

Osmosis specifically refers to the flow of water down a concentration gradient. You would be learning by diffusion, not osmosis. Not to mention the concern that if you had more knowledge in your brain than in the textbook, information might flow down the gradient, out of your brain, and into the book once again.

Which two observations led Darwin to conclude that there is competition for survival?

Overproduction of organisms and limited food resources

What is the most common element in your body?


What kind of bond joins amino acids together to form a protein?

Peptide bond

What are carcinogens?

Physical or chemical factors that can lead to mutations causing cancer

Assuming incomplete dominance, if a homozygous red-flowered plant is crossed with a homozygous white-flowered plant, what will be the color of the offspring?


The small circular molecules of DNA commonly found in bacteria are called ____________.


Which cellular structure is unique to prokaryotic organisms?


The slow drifting of sections of the earth's crust, sometimes separating, other times colliding, is known as ________.

Plate tectonics

Water "beads up" on synthetic fabric such as polyester but binds to cotton. What is the most likely explanation for this?

Polyester is non-polar, whereas cotton is polar

Which of the following processes generates a continuum (spectrum) of varying phenotypes?

Polygenic inheritance

What is another name for the polymers of carbohydrates?


The statement, "There are 628 gray squirrels living on campus," describes the ________ of gray squirrels on campus.


Water behind a dam has a certain amount of stored energy that can be released as the water falls over the top of the dam. It may be enough energy to turn a mill wheel or an electricity-generating turbine. Choose the term that best describes the type of energy stored in the water at the top of the dam.


All prokaryotes are in the domain ______________.

Prokaryotes are in different domains.

Which of the following statements is correct? Regarding prokaryotic and eukaryotic cellular evolution

Prokaryotic cells evolved a lot earlier (over a billion years) than eukaryotic cells.

Which of the following is not a modification to the mRNA before leaving the nucleus?

Promoter building

Enzymes are a type of __________.


How does a cell typically know when to divide?

Proto-oncogenes code for growth factor proteins that initiate cell division.

The atomic number corresponds to the number of __________ in a specific element, while the atomic weight corresponds to the number of ___________ in a specific element.

Protons; Protons and neutrons

The rapid diversification of species seen in the fossil record followed by long periods of stasis is part of the _______________ model of evolution.

Punctuated equilibrium

What passes through the nuclear pores?


If DNA directs the production of RNA, what does RNA make?

RNA makes proteins

During a chemical reaction, atoms are ____________.


What should one do if the results of an experiment consistently do not support the original hypothesis?

Reject the original hypothesis and formulate a new hypothesis.

What is the name of the enzyme that builds cDNA out of mRNA?

Reverse transcriptase

Which is the correct pathway of a protein through a cell as it is being made?

Ribosome, Golgi apparatus

Which would have the highest concentration of C-H bonds?

Saturated fat

Which of the following molecules is solid at room temperature?

Saturated fats

Evaluate the following statements, which statement is accurate? Regarding scientists and the use of the word theory.

Scientists use the word theory to mean a hypothesis that has been supported by many experiments; non-scientists use the word theory to mean a hypothesis that remains to be well tested.

The type of mutation that alters the nucleotide sequence of a gene but does not alter the amino acid sequence of the protein produced from that gene is called ____________ mutation.


What are attached at the centromere?

Sister chromatids

What specifically separates during anaphase of mitosis?

Sister chromatids

Skin is sometimes referred to as the largest organ of the body. Why is skin considered to be an organ and not a tissue or some other structure?

Skin consists of multiple tissue types that cooperate to perform a specific task.

Which would most likely pass unaided through a plasma membrane?

Something small and non-polar, such as nitrogen gas.

Which stage of photosynthesis, if any, can function in the dark?

Stage 2 (the Calvin cycle)

If a cell had a damaged central vacuole, it would have difficulty performing what function?

Storing water

Name the fluid-filled interior of the chloroplast.


Which of the following is a polysaccharide?


Which of the following is not made from long chains of glucose?


The main purpose of the Calvin cycle is to produce _______________.


Which reaction represents cellular respiration?

Sugar + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide+ Water + ATP

The bulk of the mass of a plant is made from __________.

Sugars made in photosynthesis, which were made from carbon dioxide.

Certain parasites, such as intestinal tapeworms, cannot survive outside of their host. Why are they still considered alive?

Survival outside of a host is not a requirement for life.

Individuals with variations that make them best suited to their environment are, on average, more likely to _____________.

Survive and reproduce

According to the base pairing rules of DNA, if the sequence of bases on one strand was AGGCTTA, what would be the sequence of bases on the complementary strand?


What field of science has as its goal to classify all living things into a hierarchical system of relatedness that runs from most broad to most narrow?


Before the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, what was the prevailing public consensus regarding species evolution?

That species were permanent and unchanging

Which of the following is not a characteristic of life? A.) The ability to reproduce B.) The ability to move C.) The ability to grow and develop D.) The ability to respond to the environment

The ability to move

What is different from one DNA nucleotide to the next?

The base

What is the definition of energy?

The capacity to do work

The bacteria that cause tooth decay have a capsule. What does this tell you about the relative effectiveness of a toothbrush with stiff bristles and one with soft bristles.

The capsule is a sticky outer coating found on some bacteria cells, including the ones that cause tooth decay. A soft bristled brush may not be strong enough to remove the bacteria from the tooth enamel.

Why do some leaves change color (red, yellow, orange, etc.) in the fall?

The chlorophyll molecule breaks down and other pigments now become visible.

A needle can be made to "float" on the surface tension of water. What causes this surface tension to form?

The cohesion of water molecules to each other

Select the most complete explanation of what the pH scale measures.

The concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution.

What happens during cytokinesis?

The cytoplasm is split and distributed to the two daughter cells created during mitosis.

What molecule(s) link the light reactions (stage 1 of photosynthesis) to the Calvin cycle (stage 2 of photosynthesis)?

The electron shuttles (ATP and NADPH)

What happens during the electron transport chain of the light reactions?

The electrons release their energy, which is captured by ATP and NADPH

ATP molecules are charged during cellular respiration; where does the energy to charge the ATPS come from?

The energy comes from the breaking of chemical bonds within glucose

What does it mean when we say a gene is "turned off"?

The gene cannot be transcribed and translated into a protein

Why can a person who is unable to produce insulin be successfully treated with insulin derived from genetically modified bacteria?

The gene that produces insulin in humans was inserted into the bacteria where it continues to produce human insulin

Which model of evolution is closest to what was originally suggested by Charles Darwin?

The graduated model matches best the reasoning of Charles Darwin

Yeast is used to produce beer and wine but can also make bread rise. All of these processes involve the production of alcohol. Explain why you can eat bread and not get drunk.

The heat of cooking bakes out the alcohol.

Which of the following bonds is the weakest?

The hydrogen bond

The recessive trait is expressed in an individual when ___________.

The individual has two recessive alleles

What is different between two alleles of the same gene?

The information they carry. For example, one allele might carry the information for blue eye pigment, while the other carries the information for brown eye pigment.

Define Mendel's laws of independent assortment.

The inheritance of one character has no effect on the inheritance of another character.

Which of the following accurately describes the pH scale?

The pH scale runs from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic), with 7 as a neutral.

Many medical studies include a control group in which patients receive a medically ineffective treatment that resembles the treatment tested. What do we call the ineffective treatment?

The placebo

Many medical studies show that patients who receive a treatment feel better even if the treatment was an ineffective sugar pill. What is this phenomenon called?

The placebo effect

Which structure selectively regulates the transport of substances into and out of a plant cell?

The plasma membrane

What is the smallest unit that can evolve?

The population

What is radiometric dating?

The process of determining the age of a fossil from radioactive isotopes

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the process of science?

The process of science involves testing hypotheses, but also phases of exploration, communication, and societal outcomes.

What will be accomplished by lowering the activation energy of a reaction?

The reaction will proceed more quickly

To large extent, a protein's function is dependent upon its shape. What determines a protein's shape?

The sequence of amino acids

The unique chemical qualities of individual amino acids do not directly determine the function of an enzyme. What, then, is the role of the individual amino acid's unique chemical qualities, and what directly determines the function of an enzyme?

The side groups of an amino acid are what give the amino acid its unique chemical qualities. These allow specific amino acids in the polypeptide chain to bind to other specific amino acids, which fold and twist the polypeptide into a three-dimensional shape. The shape may include an indention called the "active site" that directly functions as the binding site for the substrate. Active sites often include cofactors and coenzymes that improve its functionality.

What is cytokinesis?

The stage of the cell cycle after the cell has divided its DNA and during which the cytoplasm gets divided.

Select the ultimate source of energy for nearly every organism on this planet.

The sun

Which of the following represents a blind study?

The test group does not know whether they are receiving a placebo or the actual treatment, but the researchers do.

What is the core theme that unifies all of biology?

The theory of evolution by natural selection.

What is the definition of endocytosis?

The transport of large molecules into the cell

A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect in the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observations and experiments, is referred to as a(n) __________.


A controlled experiment is one in which ___________.

There are at least two groups, one of which does not receive the experimental treatment.

Three of the following statements are correct. Identify the statement that is not correct regarding genetically modified organisms.

There are no risks associated with GM crops

What is the role of chloroplasts in animals?

There is no role, as animals do not have chloroplasts

Predict what would happen as the entropy of a system approaches 100%.

There would be little order in the system

If two organisms of different species share more similar DNA sequences with each other than with other species, we can conclude that ________.

These two species are very closely related

In many ways, a mule is a superior animal to the horse or donkey. Mules are often stronger and can jump higher than either of their parents. Why, then, are mules considered to be a "weak hybrid"?

They are sterile

Where do the molecules used as the inputs of the Calvin cycles (ATP and NADPH) come from?

They come from the the light reactions

What are the ecological consequences of acidification of rain and oceans?

They damage the health of ecosystems.

What does it mean when we say, "This scientific study was published in a peer-reviewed journal"?

This study was evaluated by qualified and impartial experts before being published

A codon is _____________.

Three nucleotides of RNA that code for an amino acid

How does water enter a plant?

Through the roots (by osmosis)

Identify the principal role of photosynthesis.

To convert solar energy into the chemical energy of sugars

Identify the principal role of cellular respiration.

To convert the chemical energy of sugars into the chemical energy that fuels life's processes.

What is the main purpose of cellular respiration?

To produce ATP

What is the role of primers in the PCR techniques?

To target specific areas of DNA

Oil hydrogenation can produce a product, such as vegetable shortening or margarine, that is spreadable at room temperature because of an unusual bond that does not occur naturally. What is the name of this category of lipid?

Trans fat

Which of the following dietary fats is considered to be the least healthy?

Trans unsaturated fat

Which process results in the creation of mRNA?


Which of the following statements is true in prokaryotic organisms?

Transcription and translation both occur in the cytoplasm.

Which of the following statements is true in eukaryotic cells?

Transcription occurs in the nucleus, and translation occurs in the cytoplasm.

Genetically modified organisms that acquire genes from a different species are called ______________ organisms.


Ribosomes _____________.

Translate mRNA into proteins

Ribosomes are directly associated with which process?


Evaluate the following statement about heat: Heat is released in all energy conversion processes as a byproduct.


Heat is released in both photosynthesis and cellular respiration as a byproduct.

True, both processes release heat

Evaluate this statement: Crossing over is the only mechanism that creates genetic variation by creating hybrid chromosomes with new combinations of alleles.

True, independent assortment and random fertilization create genetic variation by shuffling chromosomes instead

When one cell goes through cell division, it produces ________.

Two identical cells

Which of the following is an accurate description of the plasma membrane?

Two layers of phospholipids with a number of proteins embedded within.

What are isomers?

Two molecules that have the same atoms arranged differently.

How is translation initiated?

Two ribosomal subunits bind to the mRNA transcript.

If genes are described as "sex linked," then they are ________.

Typically on the X chromosome

If the codon is AAA, what is the complementary anticodon?


Cancer is ___________.

Uncontrolled cell growth

The offspring produced via asexual reproduction are genetically ____________ to the parents.


DNA profiling relies on an individual's ________, no two of which are the same between different people, except identical twins.

Unique set of short tandem repeats within DNA

What is the main function of DNA helicase in DNA replication?

Unzipping the DNA double helix

The base that is not found in DNA, but only in RNA is ______________.


Substances are often packaged into small _________ for transport, either through the membrane or throughout the interior of the cell.


What prompted Darwin to publish his book decades after he began writing it?

Wallace, a colleague, was about to publish a similar manuscript

Where do the electrons that are excited by the energy in sunlight come from?


Which of the following best describes the chemical equation for photosynthesis?

Water + Carbon dioxide + Energy = Sugar + Oxygen

What are the main by-products of cellular respiration?

Water and carbon dioxide

How can we explain that water is a solvent?

Water has a polar nature, and as such its polar molecules will bind to substances that have positive or negative charges.

The genetic code is ______________.

What allows codons to be translated into amino acids

Barr bodies are associated with ________.

X chromosome inactivation

Is a clone genetically identical to its parent(s)?

Yes, a clone is genetically identical to its single parent (the donor of the nucleus)

Can energy be harvested by the cells from glucose without oxygen?

Yes, but much less than with oxygen

Can one gene make different proteins?

Yes, by splicing the resulting mRNA differently (i.e., removing different exons)

Are there ways to prevent cancer?

Yes, there are many ways cancer can be prevented, including through a healthy diet and exercise.

Were there any eukaryotic cells on Earth 1.5 billion years ago?

Yes, they first appear in the fossil record around 1.8 billion years ago.

The scientific method has limitations. It can only answer objective questions based on quantitative facts from observable, measurable, and repeatable experiments. It cannot answer subjective questions based on qualitative beliefs or opinions such as the presence of deities and ghosts or who makes the best doughnut. Could the scientific method theoretically be used to answer the question, "Does throwing a virgin into a volcano prevent it from erupting?" Support your answer.

Yes, you could theoretically answer the question using the scientific method. Although the question is morally controversial, it could be solved because as an experiment, it is observable, measurable, and repeatable. There are many volcanoes as well as virgins in the world. You could observe the results from each time you threw a virgin into a volcano while you measured the frequency of eruptions.

What might happen to your red blood cells if your blood solute concentration began to fall rapidly below normal?

Your blood cells would enlarge and could rupture because water would move into the cells via osmosis.

What might happen to your red blood cells if you were suddenly unable to regulate the solute concentration of your blood and it began to rise?

Your blood cells would shrivel because water would move out of the cells via osmosis

Upon fertilization, the egg and sperm fuse to form a single cell called a(n) ________.


Somatic cells are __________.

diploid (2n)

List the different types of macromolecules of life, and for each one, list one of its functions and its main monomer.

-Carbohydrates: Short-term or immediate energy source (function); Monosaccharides (Galactose, glucose, or fructose)(monomer) -Lipids: Long-term energy source (function); Glycerol and fatty acid chains (2-3) (monomer) -Proteins: Controls the rates of reactions, fights diseases, forms cell structures, regulates cell processes, and transports stuff in/out of the cell (function); Amino Acids (monomer) Nucleic Acids: Store and transmit your genetic information (function); Nucleotides (monomer)

Name at least 3 organs that are apart of your digestive system. Explain why the organs you chose are in fact organs and not something else. Describe their role in the digestive system.

-Stomach (chemical digestion), small intestine (nutrient absorption), large intestine (water reabsorption), liver (bile production), gallbladder (bile storage), pancreas (digestive enzyme production) -These organs all consist of multiple tissue types that cooperate to perform a specific task.

In a dihybrid cross involving two autosomal traits on different chromosomes in which the parents are purebred for the opposite forms of both traits, how many of the offspring would be expected to be homozygous recessive for both traits?

1 out of 16

A zombie apocalypse wipes out almost the entire human species before the zombie threat is eliminated. Only a group of 100 people who were at a family reunion on an uninhabited island survived. They returned to the mainland completely unaware of what had happened to everyone. Answer the following question(s) regarding the few survivors who now begin to rebuild the human population. 1.) Certain traits will have been lost from the gene pool forever. This loss of diversity in a reduced population is called _____________. 2.) Despite an abundance of habitat, why will it be difficult for the human species to recover? 3.) Which of the following processes is mot likely to occur on this small population of humans?

1.) Bottleneck effect 2.) The reduced genetic diversity will make it difficult for the population to adapt to new diseases or other environmental changes 3.) Genetic drift

Use the following study to answer the following question(s): A current trend among professional baseball players is to wear braided titanium necklaces. The titanium reportedly regulates the flow of energy through the body. The player wearing the necklace then shows improved strength, tires less, and recovers more quickly. 1.) If you were to evaluate these claims using the scientific method, what would be the first step? 2.) Which of the following would be the strongest evidence for or against the necklace's effectiveness?

1.) Develop a hypothesis 2.) A bar graph comparing batting averages of the players who wear the official titanium necklace and those who were unknowingly wearing a fake titanium necklace.

Use the following information to answer the following question(s): You wake up one morning feeling slightly under the weather. A close family member enthusiastically suggests that you take some Echinacea, an herb commonly used as a cold remedy. You then decide to design an experiment to test Echinacea and see if this claim is true. You think "If taken at the beginning of a cold Echinacea will reduce cold symptoms." 1.) Your statement, "If taken at the beginning of a cold, Echinacea will reduce cold symptoms," is called a(n) ___________. 2.) You decide to test the effects of Echinacea on 100 people who are experiencing similar cold symptoms. Which of the following groups would represent an appropriate control in your experiment? 3.) If you give 100 sick people tablets similar to Echinacea but with no herb (called a placebo), and do not tell them whether they are receiving the placebo or the Echinacea tablet, what kind of control would this be?

1.) Hypothesis 2.) 100 sick people given tablets similar to Echinacea but with no herb 3.) A negative control, since you are expecting no change to happen to this control group.

Use the following commercial to answer the question(s) below: A recent commercial advertised for a wristband that claimed to restore health and balance by taking advantage of natural frequencies of your biofield. It supports its claim by showing several people first struggling to balance without the wristband and then balancing fine with the wristband. 1.) Why should you be skeptical of the claims made in this commercial? 2.) Which of the following is a potential problem with the information presented?

1.) It was not a controlled study, but rather an anecdotal evidence. 2.) Answer: All of the above are potential problems with the information presented. - There was a small sample size (only a few people presented) - There were no control groups presented - There was no indication that the results were repeated

Use the following study to answer the following question(s): A researcher applies varying amounts of fertilizer (0, 2, 4, 8, 10 units) to 50 potted tomato plants. All other variables that may affect the outcome (watering, temperature, sunlight, plant size, etc.) are kept the same from pot to pot. At the end of the growing season, the tomatoes grown on each plant are weighed to determine which fertilizer level produced the largest tomato yield. 1.) Which variable is the independent variable? 2.) Which variable is the dependent variable? 3.) Is the study presented above a controlled experiment?

1.) The fertilizer amount 2.) The tomato yield at the end of the growing season 3.) Yes because only the amount of fertilizer was changed, everything else was kept the same.

If a cell had 12 chromosomes at the beginning of meiosis II, how many would each daughter cell have after the completion of meiosis II?


Assuming complete dominance, what is the expected ratio of genotypes of the offspring following the cross of two heterozygotes?


How many chromosomes did you inherit from your father?


If a human diploid cell and a human haploid cell somehow managed to fuse together and not lose any of the chromosomes, how many sets of chromosomes would be inside the newly formed cell?


When did life first appear on Earth?

3.5 billion years ago

How many nucleotides are required to code for 10 amino acids?


If you know that a DNA double helix consists of 20% adenine, what percentage of the DNA double helix is guanine (G)?


The PCR technique doubles the amount of DNA in a sample in each cycle. If you started the PCR technique with two fragments of double-stranded DNA, calculate how many double-stranded DNA fragments you would have after four cycles.


Assuming complete dominance, what is the expected ratio of phenotypes of the offspring following the cross of two heterozygotes?


What is the maximum number of a single covalent bond a carbon atom can form with other elements?


How old is our planet Earth?

4.6 billion years old

How many chromosomes would be found in the karyotype of a Down Syndrome female?


How many chromosomes and chromatids would a typical human cell have after duplication but before mitosis?

46 chromosomes and 46 chromosomes

While the maximum number of electrons required to fill the outermost shell of an atom varies depending on the size of the atom, almost all of the smaller atoms (atomic numbers 2-20) are considered stable (nonreactive) when they contain ________ electron(s) in the outermost shell.


Human white blood cells are often multinucleated (in other words, have more than one nucleus). How many chromosomes would be present in a human white blood cell with two nuclei?


What is the smallest unit of life?

A cell

A requirement of cladistics is that a grouping must include _________.

A common ancestor and all its descendants.

What is the main difference between an ecosystem and a community?

A community consists of living organisms only, while an ecosystem consists of both living and organisms and their nonliving environment.

The chemical name for table salt is sodium chloride, or simply NaCl. What type of chemical is NaCl?

A compound

What is the type of bond between two strands of DNA?

A covalent bond

What is the basic structure of a triglyceride?

A glycerol head and three fatty acid tails

A population consists of _________?

A group of interacting individuals of one species.

What does the term theory mean to a scientist?

A hypothesis that has been supported by a large number of experiments.

A polypeptide is __________.

A long chain of amino acids

What is a "benign" tumor?

A mass of cells that grows out of control but remains at the site of origin

What is an organic compound?

A molecule that contains carbon bonded to other elements

Choose the pencil that has the lowest potential energy.

A pencil laying on the ground

What is a karyotype?

A picture of all the chromosomes in one person's cell

What is the difference between a primary and a secondary source?

A primary source is the original material published by the scientists, whereas a secondary source is a description of the original material.

What is anaerobic fermentation?

A process that releases energy from food in the absence of oxygen

What is a terminator?

A promoter is a region of DNA that marks the end of a gene.

What is recombinant DNA?

A segment of DNA containing sequences from two different sources

What is a phospholipid?

A special kind of lipid with a water-loving head and 2 water-fearing tails

Which statement best describes passive transport?

A substance goes from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, and this releases energy.

Which statement best describes active transport?

A substance goes from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration, and this requires energy.

What are the three components of a DNA nucleotide?

A sugar, a phosphate, and a base

A woman with blood type B and a man with blood type A could have children with which of the following phenotypes?

A, B, AB, or O

Which molecule has a higher potential energy?


Which of the following is a common energy currency in living cells that powers most living organisms?


Something with a pH of 5 would __________.


Which form of transport requires the expenditure of energy?

Active transport

A homozygous milk chocolate Easter bunny is crossed with a homozygous dark chocolate Easter bunny. Assuming dark chocolate is dominant over milk chocolate and the traits segregate according to Mendelian genetics, which traits will be observable in the offspring?

All dark

Cell theory states that ___________.

All life is made up of cells, and cells arise from preexisting cells

Hemophilia is a sex-linked, recessive genetic disorder. If a woman who was a carrier for hemophilia married a man who had the disorder, which of the following is not true?

All male children would be hemophiliac

Choose the best explanation as to why both consumers and producers perform cellular respiration.

Although they may obtain their sugars in different ways, both consumers and producers rely on cellular respiration to make ATP.

What are the monomers of proteins?

Amino Acids

What does "transfer RNA" actually transfer?

Amino acids

What is the leading hypothesis for what might have brought about the extinction of the dinosaurs?

An asteroid impact

What is a trace element?

An element that is required in minuscule amounts for life.

What is ATP?

An energy molecule

What is a carrier?

An individual that is healthy but carries one disease-causing recessive allele?

Which of the following organism is not a consumer?

An oak tree

Which of the following cells contain a plasma membrane?

Animal cells, plant cells, and bacterial cells

Which of the following is evidence for evolution in action?

Answer: All are evidence for evolution -Bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics over time -Mosquitos becoming resistant to pesticides -The different domesticated breeds of dogs customized for our needs.

For what purpose does a plant use the sugars produced during photosynthesis?

Answer: All of the above -For cellular respiration to produce ATP -For storage -For making cellulose, which makes the bulk of a plant

Fire can move, grow, reproduce, use energy, consume oxygen, and interact with its environment. Why is it not alive?

Answer: All of the above are accurate reasons why fire is not alive. -It does not have cells -It does not consist of complex, well-ordered structures -It does not pass on genes for traits to its offspring

What is misleading about commercials that show "scientific proof" that laundry detergent X is better than another leading brand?

Answer: All of the above are aspects that are misleading. -We are shown only one tee-shirt becoming whiter in each detergent, not 20 tee-shirts in each detergent -We do not know whether the same amount of each detergent was used for washing -We do not know if everything besides the detergents was the same (machine used, type of stains, etc.)

Which of the following are considered fossils?

Answer: All of the above are considered fossils -Footprints or other impressions preserved in stone -Mineralized bones -Animals frozen in ice or preserved in amber

Which of the following statements is correct regarding promoters?

Answer: All of the above are correct -Promoters are regions of DNA that indicates the start of a gene -Promoters are regions of DNA where RNA polymerase can bind to start transcription -Promoters act as a "start here" signal to help control gene expression

The eastern meadowlark and the western meadowlark are two bird species that look very similar to each other. Why do biologists not consider them the same species?

Answer: All of the above are correct -Species are not determined by appearance but by their ability to interbreed naturally -The two species do not live in the same habitat and thus do not interbreed in nature -The two species experience the reproductive barrier of habitat isolation

What is an adaptation?

Answer: All of the above are correct -The result of natural selection -A specialized feature -The accumulation of favorable traits over time

Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding DNA and RNA?

Answer: All of the above are correct -They each contain a slightly different sugar molecule -DNA is double stranded, and RNA is a single strand -One of the bases is different

Which of the following are examples of macroevolution?

Answer: All of the above are examples of macroevolution -The creation of a new species -Mass extinctions that wipe 50% or more of living species -The evolution of novel biological features

What is the function of the cell wall?

Answer: All of the above are functions of the cell wall -To provide protection for the cell -To help maintain the shape of the cell -To provide the stiffness needed

Hypotheses must be ___________.

Answer: All of the above are important characteristics of a hypotheses. - Testable - Falsifiable - Repeatable

Which of the following are lines of evidence that support the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Answer: All of the above are lines of evidence that support the theory of evolution -The study of geographic distribution of species on Earth -The comparison of DNA sequences in different organisms -The comparison of body structures in modern organisms

Which of the following is/are major themes in the field of biology?

Answer: All of the above are major themes in the field of biology. - The relationship between structure and function - The flow of information from DNA to proteins - The interconnections within and between levels of biological organization

Which of the following is not a form of passive transport?

Answer: All of the above are passive transport -Diffusion -Osmosis -Facilitated diffusion

Which of the following properties of water molecules has important implications to life?

Answer: All of the above are true -High surface tension -The ability to dissolve polar substances -The ability of ice to float in water

Which of the following is a type of cloning?

Answer: All of the above are types of cloning -Artificial cloning of plants to generate specific types of fruits or vegetables -Reproductive cloning, where organisms are produced through nuclear transplantation -Therapeutic cloning of stem cells to general specialized cell

In what way(s) can mRNAs be processed?

Answer: All of the above are ways in which mRNAs can be processed -By adding caps and tails to the ends of the mRNAs -By removing the introns (the noncoding regions) of the mRNAs -By splicing the exons (the coding regions) of the mRNAs in different ways

Which of the following is a type of treatment for cancer?

Answer: All of the above are ways that cancer can be treated -Chemotherapy -Removing the tumor through surgery -Removing the tumor through radiation therapy

How can your recognize a reliable source of information?

Answer: All of the above are ways to check whether a source is reliable. -By checking whether the authors are well qualified -By checking whether the source of information is primary -By checking whether the information was peer-reviewed

Which of the following can carry out photosynthesis?

Answer: All of the above can carry out photosynthesis -Seaweeds -Some bacteria -Plants

Which of the following was a scientist around the time of Charles Darwin?

Answer: All of the above were scientists around the time of Charles Darwin -Lamarck was a French naturalist that first explored the idea of evolution -Lyell was a geologist that was examining the age of the Earth -Wallace was an evolutionary biologist developing hypotheses about evolution

Which of the following mutations can help lead to cancer?

Answer: All of the above would lead to cancer -Mutations to proto-oncogenes -Mutations to tumor suppressor genes -Mutations to growth factors

What is a gene?

Answer: All of these and more are part of the expanding definition of a gene -A discrete sequence of DNA nucleotides -A section of DNA that codes for one or more proteins -A section of DNA that codes for a portion of a protein

What might happen if a protein has a change in one amino acid?

Answer: All of these may happen -The amino acid chain fold incorrectly -The protein can no longer function properly -The protein has a new shape

Which of the following processes does not generate genetic variation during sexual reproduction?

Answer: All of these processes above generate genetic variation -Crossing over -Independent assortment -Random fertilization

How do buffers minimize change in the pH of biological systems?

Answer: Both of these -By absorbing H+ ions when there is an excess -By donating H+ ions when there is a shortage

Which process requires DNA to undergo duplication before it can proceed?

Answer: Both of these -Meiosis -Mitosis

Which of the following statements is correct? Regarding Archaea

Archaea are older organisms than eukaryotes

Apples that we find in the grocery store today are much larger and sweeter than those found in the wild hundreds of years ago. Which process is responsible for this change?

Artificial selection

Penicillin is a competitive inhibitor produced by a fungus in order to kill invading bacteria. It does this by mimicking the substrate required by the bacterium to build and repair its cell wall. Describe how mimicking the substrate would result in the death of the bacterium.

As a competitive inhibitor, it must bind to the active site of the bacterial enzyme where the correct substrate typically binds. Binding to the active site blocks the correct substrate from binding and prevents the correct products from being formed. Without these products, the bacterium cannot repair its cell wall and consequently dies.

What is an exception to the standard biological species concept used to define a species?

Asexual species cannot be distinguished using this concept

When does the cell plate form during cell division?

At the completion of the plant cell mitosis

Identify the prokaryotic organism from the list below.


Why do bacteria have ribosomes?

Bacteria lack.a nucleus to house the DNA, but they still have DNA and still need to make proteins. The ribosomes are required for translation of the mRNA into a protein. Bacteria also lack the rough endoplasmic reticulum, but this is only used in eukaryotic cells to synthesize the larger, more complex proteins that are often exported out of the cell for use in other parts of the body. Being a single-celled organism, most bacterial proteins are small and do not need to be exported.

The following F1 cross is made: BBGg x Bbgg. Which is not a possible outcome in the F2 generation?


Why is life based on carbon-based molecules?

Because carbon has unique ionic properties

What is the name for the study of the geographic distribution of species?


The approach that consists in comparing DNA sequences to find evidence of a shared evolutionary history is called _____________.


If you were to combine all of the ecosystems on the planet, you would obtain the __________.


The number of electrons of an atom determines its ___________.

Bonding properties

What events can lead to offspring having a unique arrangement of their parents' genes?

Both crossing over and independent assortment

What type of mutation leads to a frameshift in the reading of DNA?

Both insertions and deletions

An individual can be homozygous for a trait, which means ___________.

Both of their alleles carry the same information

Which processes can be carried out by producers?

Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration

Chemical energy is most often released by ___________.

Breaking a bond within a molecule

How does ATP release energy that can be used by living cells?

By breaking a bond within an ATP molecule

Identify the reactants in the following chemical reaction: C10H8+12O2--> 10CO2+4H2O

C10H8 and 12O2

What is the chemical equation for glucose?


If the base sequence of template strand reads GCCATTAC, what is the base sequence of the mRNA?


Which is not one of the four atoms that make up the bulk of living organisms?


Which process produces glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (3 GP)?

Calvin Cycle

Two alleles of the same gene ________.

Can be the same or can be different

Which of the following large organic molecules include table sugar?


What are the four classes of large organic molecules important to life on Earth?

Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids

Organic compounds are distinguished by molecules that contain _________ bonded to other elements.


__________ is the polysaccharide most commonly found in highly fibrous foods such as celery.


Today, we are in the _____________ geologic era


Evolution can be best defined as ________.

Change in the gene pool of a population

Which of the following best defines microevolution?

Changes in genes within a population over time

Plastids are storage organelles. A chloroplast is a type of plastid. What does a chloroplast store?


The chemical reactions of photosynthesis occur in which cellular organelle?


What harvests energy from sunlight to rearrange molecules into sugar?


Which cellular structure is unique to plant cells?


DNA plus its associated proteins is called a ________.


Genes are located on _______________.


Which of the following statements is correct regarding chromosomes in a eukaryotic cell?

Chromosomes are strands of DNA, tightly wrapped up, that are located in the nucleus.

What is a photosystem?

Clusters of pigments and proteins that capture light energy

Vitamin C is required to produce collagen. What is collagen, and what would be the symptoms of a vitamin C deficiency?

Collagen is a primary protein used to make the connective tissue that holds us together and repairs wounds. Collagen is also a key component of bone. A vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) would therefore result in slow wound healing and overall fragility.

Comparing the body structures of organisms to find evidence of a shared evolutionary history is called ________.

Comparative anatomy

The bond in which bonded atoms share electrons is called a(n) ________.

Covalent bond

Why does transcription occur in the nucleus and not in the cytoplasm in eukaryotes?

DNA cannot leave the nucleus

Which of the statements is typically false? Regarding DNA and RNA

DNA contains the same nucleotides as RNA

A cloned mammal is made by removing the DNA from the unfertilized egg of an egg donor, replacing it with DNA from a cell of a mature animal, and then implanting that cell into the uterus of a surrogate mother. The cell then divides and behaves as if it were a regular embryo. Answer the following question regarding a clone. 1.) Of whom is the baby a clone?

DNA donor

How is DNA linked to the production of proteins?

DNA holds the instructions for the cells on how to make proteins.

How is DNA linked to the productions of proteins?

DNA holds the instructions for the cells on how to make proteins.

Which enzyme is responsible for adding complementary DNA bases to an exposed DNA strand?

DNA polymerase

Which of the following statements is correct regarding DNA and RNA?

DNA remains in the nucleus at all times; RNA is produced in the nucleus but then leaves the nucleus.

When water melts from a solid ice cube to a liquid, its volume _______ and it mass _________.

Decreases; Stays the same

The building of a large organic molecule from small subunits involves multiple ___________.

Dehydration synthesis reactions

What do the letter DNA stand for?

Deoxyribonucleic acid.

We use energy in many ways. What is one thing we cannot do to energy?

Destroy it

Which classification grouping includes the greatest number of species?


Which grouping includes all of the protists?

Domain Eukarya

Which of the following statements regarding chemical reactions is false?

During a chemical reaction, atoms of one element can be converted into a different element.

At what stage(s) is carbon dioxide needed in photosynthesis?

During both the light reactions and the Calvin cycle.

When is cell-to-cell communication particularly important in regulating gene expression?

During embryonic development

DNA replication is a semi-conservative process. This means that after replication, _____________.

Each new DNA double helix consists of one old strand and one new strand

A college campus - including the students, birds, trees, sidewalks, and air - makes up one complete ___________.


Which of the following is the correct organizational hierarchy, from largest to smallest, in the hierarchal order of life? (Some levels have been omitted, so you are looking for the correct order.)

Ecosystem--> Community--> Population--> Organ--> Tissue--> Cell--> Molecule--> Atom

Why is one side of a single water molecule partially negative while the other side is partially positive?

Electron pairs are unevenly shared between the oxygen atom and the two hydrogen atoms.

During which stage of cellular respiration is the majority of the ATP produced?

Electron transport chain

Which stage of cellular respiration requires oxygen that you breathe?

Electron transport chain

How could an embryonic stem cell be used to repair a severed spine?

Embryonic stem cells can grow into any other cell type, including a nerve cell.

Proteins are diverse molecules that perform a wide variety of functions. Which of the following is not a typical function of proteins?

Energy Storage

What evidence would support the hypothesis that larger cells evolved in part by engulfing other, smaller cells?

Eukaryotic cells have several organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts) that contain a double membrane and have their own DNA. The DNA of the mitochondria and chloroplasts are arranged in plasmids, resembling the DNA of bacteria. They even divide like bacteria. Their smaller size, double walls, and plasmid DNA suggest they were absorbed by endocytosis, but instead of being digested, they were assimilated as powerhouse organelles. The symbiotic relationship evolved to the point where they became a single organism. Additionally, the smaller and simpler prokaryotic cells were on the planet for 2 billion years before the larger, more complex eukaryotic cells appeared, giving them sufficient time to evolve.

Why does sweating cool your skin on a hot, dry day but make you feel warmer on a hot, humid day?

Evaporating sweat cools the skin as the water and the heat it has absorbed move from the skin to drier air. Sweat does not evaporate as well on a humid day, tending instead to build up on the skin, insulating the body rather than cooling it.

What is the main cause of cancer?

Exposure to carcinogens in the environment

Some of the "branches" of a phylogenetic tree do not extend to the end. What do these lines represent?

Extinct species

Evaluate the statement: Only the nucleus of eukaryotic cells contains DNA.


Evaluate this statement: Cholesterol is a type of lipid, and thus all cholesterol lipids are bad for human health.

False because some types of cholesterol increase heart disease, but other types are necessary, especially in the plasma membrane.

The four eras each represent an equal time of Earth's history.

False, the four eras are vastly different in their durations

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