Biology module 1 study guide

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Which of the following terms is associated with polychaetes?


Gas exchange in terrestrial insects is accomplished through:

the use of tracheae

Mammals descended from a group of reptiles known as:


Members of phylum Ctenophora are diploblastic but lack cnidocytes.


The wood of conifers consists mostly of tracheids.


The fourth phylum is a collection of which unusual plants that share certain traits not found in other gymnosperms?


Which of the following are exclusively terrestrial?

chilopods and diplopods

The common ancestor of all animals is/are the:


Integuments develop into the megasporangium.


Microphylls evolved from stem branches.


Mosses have stems, roots, and leaves.


The chordate nerve cord is hollow and located ventrally.


The lowermost and outermost whorl on a floral shoot consists of petals.


The term "cleavage" refers to a series of meiotic cell divisions.


Within the chordate classes, the unique characteristic of the class Aves is:


Which of the following is NOT an adaption that contributes to the biological success of insects?

high infraspecific competition

Where does digestion in a sponge takes place?

individual cells

The body wall of cnidarians and ctenophores consist of:

inner and outer cell layers separated by a jelly-like mesoglea

Seed plants produce ovules, each of which is a megasporangium surrounded by ___________.


Arthropods with mandibles, a single pair of antennae, and two legs on most body segments are:


Refer to the accompanying figure. What is the function of the structure labeled as 8?


The structure in the accompanying figure labeled ____ is characteristic of the phylum to which this organism belongs.


Ascomycetes reproduce sexually by forming:


The vast majority of bilateral animals have a fluid-filled body cavity, or coelom. Which of the following is an exception?


To include your eyes and ears in the same section, you would need to cut your body in which plane?


Which generation is significantly reduced in size and entirely dependent on the sporophyte generation?


The first land animals likely moved onto land how long ago?

450 million years ago

How is a pseudocoelom different from a coelom?

A coelom is a cavity fully lined by mesoderm

A fish with a cartilaginous skeleton and paired fins would be in the group:


Which of the following correctly describes fungal spores?

They are nonmotile and reproduce either sexually or asexually.

Which statement about basal angiosperms is FALSE?

They evolved after the core angiosperms

Why are mosses and liverworts limited in size?

They lack vascular tissues

What is the function of the phloem in plants?

To transport dissolved sugars

Microsporidia are unicellular parasites of animals.


How is the pollen of pine trees primarily disseminated?


Which vascular tissue is responsible for conducting water and dissolved minerals in plants?


Which unicellular fungus is probably in most kitchens?


Gametophytes also produce female gametangia known as:


The club fungi typically reproduce by producing:


An elongate uniramid with many legs as well as poison claws is known as a(n):


Fungi that lack septa are called:


The main structural protein in the extracellular matrix and an important shared derived characteristic of animals is:


Cycads may be characterized as being:

dioecious and having motile sperm

A polyp is a type of stinging cell.


A radula is characteristic of certain members of phylum Platyhelminthes.


A true coelom develops within the ectoderm.


After a moss spore germinates, it forms a prothallus.


If a plant produces microspores and megaspores, then by definition, it is homosporous.


In the process of double fertilization, one sperm fuses with the egg and the other sperm fuses with a spore.


In zygomycetes such as Rhizopus, the zygospore is haploid.


Snakes are most closely related to:


Segmentation is important in annelids as an aid in:


Annelids are segmented worms


Convergent evolution resulted in placental and marsupial mammals with similar structural features.


The most unique feature of the echinoderms is their:

water vascular system

Which of the following is NOT a correct statement regarding fungal infections of plants?

Damage is always systemic and spread throughout the plant

What is a disadvantage to having an exoskeleton?

Exoskeletons do not prevent desiccation

Which two plants of the Carboniferous period contributed to the formation of today's coal deposits?

Horsetails and club mosses

After fertilization in angiosperms, what does the ovule develop into?


Which of the following protostomes does NOT have a coelom?


The first animals to show cephalization have several characteristics. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

These animals had a proboscis.

Which is a characteristic of ribbon worms and flatworms?

They are acoelomates.

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of cnidarians?

They have one body shape, known as medusa.

Which statement about whisk ferns is FALSE?

They lack true stems

Gnetophytes are different from other gymnosperms in that gnetophytes have vessel elements.


Which of the following has vertebrae that are concave at both ends?


Adult tunicates develop which of the following?


'Which of the following are the largest living vertebrates?


What is the process occurring at point 3 in the accompanying figure?

Zygote germination

One true characteristic of all animals is that they:

are heterotrophs

The first air-breathing land animals were:


The sac fungi are characterized by sexual reproductive structures called:


Sea stars are primarily:


Which pair of words is incorrectly matched?

coelom—nο body cavity

Biramous appendages in arthropods are only present in which organism?


Which arthropods have mandibles, gills, excretory glands, and statocysts?


Chytrids produce spores that lack a flagellum.


Deuterostomes are split into the Ecdysozoa and the Lophotrochozoa.


Each archegonium produces many eggs.


In plants, sporogenous cells divide by mitosis to form spores.


The cell walls of fungi are composed of cellulose.


The nervous system develops from the endoderm.


The rapid appearance of animals in the fossil record occurred during the Ediacaran radiation.


Vertebrates have a closed circulatory system with a dorsal heart and blood containing hemoglobin.


Xylem is a vascular tissue that conducts dissolved sugars.


Which of the following is a vascular plant?


Lancelets are:

filter feeders

The Portuguese man-of-war is a colony of hundreds to thousands of:


A flower that has sepals, petals, and stamens, but lacks carpels, is known as:

incomplete and imperfect

A plant with parallel veins and floral parts in threes or multiples of three would be classified as a:


Segmentation in arthropods differs from that of annelids because arthropod segments are:

more specialized

Marsupials include the:


Extinct jawless fish include the:


The oldest known megafossils of early vascular plants may be characterized as:

possessing dichotomously branched stems without leaves or roots

Heterospory is believed to have led to the evolution of:


Flowering plants have efficient sugar-conducting cells called _____________ in their phloem.

sieve tube elements

The intermediate host for a blood fluke is a:


Which of the following produces a silken dragline that can be used to determine the sex and maturity level of the spinner?


Which of the following is NOT an example of a cnidarian?


Which is a characteristic of all annelids?

they have a segmented body

The endosperm of an angiosperm seed is typically:

triploid (3n)

An archegoniophore is found in certain liverworts.


In mushrooms, karyogamy occurs within the basidium.


One member of subphylum Chelicerata is a spider.


The genus Pinus, by far the largest genus in the conifers, consists of about how many species?


Which of the following is true of hemichordates?

Acorn worms are a well-known example in this group

Which group of plants were the most recent to evolve?


Which is an example of a member of phylum Zygomycota?

Black bread mold

From an evolutionary perspective, true nerve cells are first seen in the phylum:


The accompanying figures are representative of which of the following?


Lichens are currently thought to be an example of which of the following?

Controlled parasitism

Which of the following phyla is a deuterostome?


Which of the following is NOT an adaptation needed for living on land?

External respiratory surfaces

Which of the following are interesting research plants for studies in genetics because they are polyploids and have multiple sets of chromosomes?


The sori of most ferns are found on which part of the plant?


What is a fungal chemical that shows promise as an anticancer agent because of its ability to inhibit the formation of new blood vessels?


Which of the following phyla is unusual because it is composed of a single species?


Which plant has a jointed hollow stem with reduced megaphylls?


Which of the following genes were similar in the last common ancestor of all bilateral animals?

Hox genes

'Which of the following correctly describes basidiomycetes?

Hyphae of a primary mycelium consist of monokaryotic cells

Which of the following is NOT a derived characteristic of mammals?

Incompletely divided ventricles

Which statement best describes a lophophore?

It is a ciliated ring of tentacles surrounding the mouth

Which of the following is NOT a correct statement regarding segmentation?

It is an example of heteroplasy

Refer to the accompanying figure. Which statement about label 1 is FALSE?

It is part of the sporophyte generation

Flowering plants appeared in the fossil record in the:

Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous periods

Of the following, which would be predicted to grow at the slowest rate?


The inner germ layer, or ectoderm, forms which of the following structures?

Lining of digestive structures

What is the most ancient group of plants alive today?


What are the two clades of the protostomes?

Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa

What type of leaf venation do eudicots possess?


The hypha, a filament that makes up the vegetative body of most fungi, serves which of the following functions?

Nutrient absorption

Which class of echinoderms has the greatest species diversity?


In most fungi, hyphae are divided by cross walls, termed which of the following?


Which is the most economically important bryophyte?


Which of the following is heterosporous?

Spike moss

What does each male cone's leaflike scales that bear sporangia on the underside consist of?


Allomyces has an unusual life cycle in that it spends part of its life as a multicellular haploid thallus and part as a multicellular diploid thallus. This life cycle is known as which of the following?

Alternation of generations

Each individual gametophyte plant has tiny, hair like absorptive structures known as:


In the accompanying figure, which label designates the structures largely responsible for attracting potential pollinators?


Metamorphosis occurs in which of the following vertebrate classes?


A bryophyte having a single large chloroplast in each cell belongs to which phylum?


The fungus that causes black stem rust of wheat belongs to which fungal group?


Which statement about gymnosperms and angiosperms is FALSE?

Both groups have free-living gametophytes.

Which of the following is characteristic to most protostomes?

Cell division tends to be via spiral cleavage

As bilateral symmetry evolved, natural selection led to which of the following?


Like fungi, chytrid cell walls contain which of the following?


Which phylum's very few surviving species are tropical and subtropical plants with stout, trunk-like stems, and compound leaves that resemble those of palms or tree ferns?


Extracts from the ginkgo tree are sold in over-the-counter (OTC) medicines purported to increase memory. Extracts from what other gymnosperm were once sold in OTC weight loss supplements?


Chytrids produce which of the following cells at some point during their life cycle, which is an indicator of fungal evolution?


Which of the following is a difference between flatworms and nemerteans?

Flatworm larvae burrow into the skin, whereas nemertean larvae are ingested.

Which statement best supports why animals most likely evolved in the ocean?

Internal fluid and salt balance were easy to maintain.

The gametophyte is the dominant stage in the life cycle for which of the following plant groups?


_______ are small leaves with a single vascular strand.


Which of the following are NOT protostomes?


As a contemporary scientist, which of the following would you use as evidence to propose changing the traditional animal phylogenies?

Molecular data

Which structure places a fish in the class Actinopterygii?

More flexible fins with less bone

How do mosses help prevent soil erosion?

Mosses are packed in dense colonies, holding soil together.

How do mycorrhizae benefit plants?

Mycorrhizae increase a plant's absorptive surface area of roots.

The two groups representing the "jawless" fishes are:

Myxini and Petromyzontida.

Asomycetes are NOT used for which of the following applications?

Prepare vinegar

In which group did the amniotic egg first evolve?


Which structure is used to help regulate buoyancy of fish?

Swim bladder

Larval tunicates superficially resemble which of the following?


Echinoderms' radical symmetry enables which of the following?

The ability to respond effectively in every direction of their surrounding environment

What is the key characteristic that defines the Ecdysozoa clade?

The animal molts

Which was the primary challenge animals faced in adapting to life on land?

The desiccating effect of the atmosphere

Which characteristic best describes vertebrates?

Vertebral column

What is an example of a plant disease caused by a basiodiomycete?

Wheat rust

Placoid scales are found on:

cartilaginous fishes

Puffballs and bracket fungi are most closely related to:

common edible mushrooms.

Hyphae that contain two genetically distinct, sexually compatible nuclei within each cell are described as:


The structure in the accompanying figure labeled as 4 is:


Each spore divides by mitosis to produce a _________________ , and the cycle continues.

multicellular gametophyte

The female gametophyte generation in angiosperms is found in the:

ovule of the ovary.

The oldest definitive trace of flowering plants in the fossil record consists of:

ovules enclosed in podlike fruits.

Birds are most closely related to:


When bread gets moldy with visible black or blue spots, you are looking at masses of the colored:


Which of the mollusks have a closed circulatory system?


Hox genes have been identified in all bilaterally symmetric animal groups.


In angiosperms, the mature female gametophyte is the embryo sac.


The cephalic end of an animal is toward its head.


Which of the following is NOT a function of (typical) amphibian skin?

waste excretion

Refer to the accompanying figure. The structures labeled as 1 are used for:


Which label designates a female reproductive structure in the accompanying figure?


Which of the following embryonic cells are unique to vertebrates?

Neural crest cells

Which term can be applied to both monotremes and sharks?


What is the structure labeled as 9 in the accompanying figure?


How do leeches differ from other annelids?

They do not have setae or parapodia

Which statement about microsporidia is FALSE?

They have mitochondria and Golgi complexes

Which of the following is NOT an example of an animal disease caused by an ascomycete?


What makes up most of the mass of an individual mushroom?

Underground mycelium

Some liverworts reproduce asexually by forming tiny balls of tissue called:


When a moss spore lands in a suitable spot, it germinates and grows into a filament of cells called a:


Which of the following is an adaptation that enables cephalopods to escape from their predators?

rapidly changing colors

Lichens reproduce mainly by asexual means, usually by which of the following?


Members of phylum Nemertea have a tube-with-a-tube body plan.


Plankton consists mainly of microscopic organisms that float in the water.


The chordate notochord is a dorsal longitudinal rod composed of cartilage.


Which statement about mycorrhizae is FALSE?

Arbuscular mycorrhizae are extracellular.

______________ include oaks, roses, mustards, cacti, blueberries, and sunflowers; these are either herbaceous or woody.


Which of the following is NOT a correct statement regarding collar cells?

The collar cell is an extension of the cell wall and consists of microvilli.

The structure labeled as 9 in the accompanying figure was produced by:

meiosis in the resting sporangium

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