Biology Unit 1

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1. Dideptide and an amino acid in the optimal position to a form a tripeptide?

............R O ......R ..O ...........||..|.........|.... || H-N-C-C-N-C-C .....|....|..........|....|.....| .... H .H .......H H .OH

2. If 30% nucleotides in a single strand RNA molecule are adenine then what percent are thymine

0 %

1. Refers to the graph which illustrates the percent change in mass of pieces of plant tissues placed in solutions of different sucrose Which mass of plant pieces would not change

0.7 M

7. assuming population was in hardy weinburg equilibrium for G locus frequency of allele G in gray moths emerged in 1980


3. Net number of ATP molecules produced during glycolysis from the metabolism of a single glucose molecule is closest to which?


3. NaF is added to cells undergoing cellular respiration, which of the following will most likely accumulate in the cells?


7. Assuming the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for G locus what percentage of the moths natural population was white in 1962


2. If 45% of nucleotides in double stranded DNA are guanine, what percent is expected to be cytosine


2. sequence for segment of DNA is 5' - ATGTACTAACC - 3' which forms pairs to produce normal double helix of DNA


2. what does the backbone of DNA and RNA consist of

5' phosphate sugar 3'

7. In a certain flock of sheep, 4 percent of the population has black wool and 96 percent has white wool. Assume that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. What percentage of the population is homozygous for white wool?


3. energy required to run calvin cycle reactions of photosynthesis comes from which two produced during light dependent reactions


1. Based on the results of the experiment, which of the following types of molecules did the bacteriophages most likely inject into the bacteria cells?


3. O2 released during photosynthesis comes from


3. graphs representing enzymes sensitive to changes in pH include which of the following

I II III curve down increase to right then constant constant down right constant

3. enzymes with highest activity at an alkaline (basic) pH are represented by which of the following graphs

II only increases to right and then goes constant

3. intermediate electron acceptor for oxidations that occur in both glycolysis and in krebs cycle reactions


2. Which describes one of the movements taking place?

Na+ transport out of the cell requires ATP hydrolysis

7. Which conclusion is best supported by the information presented in the graph?

Natural selection over multiple generations is favoring antibiotic resistance in the population of bacteria

2. Which of the following best describes the role of the structure labeled Y?

Structure Y is the location where proteins are synthesized

2. UV radiation can damage DNA by breaking weak bonds which explains how occurs

UV radiation disrupts double helix structure by breaking hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous base pairs

3. Which best explains the mechanism by which alanine inhibits pyruvate kinase activity?

alanine binds to an allosteric site of an enzyme, changing the shape of an enzymes active site

2. Which is evidence that eukaryotes and prokaryotes share a common ancestor?

all eukaryotes and prokaryotes contain ribosomes

1. Which of the following best explains the reactions of these enzymes?

amylase aids in the addition of a water molecule to break covalent bonds whereas glycogen synthase aids in the removal of a water molecule to form colvalent bonds.

1. mitochondria = eukaryotic and have their own DNA and ribosomes are similar to those typical prokaryotic which justifies

ancestral cell most likely engulfed anaerobic prokaryote in relationship beneficial for both cells

1. Which graph is the most appropriate representation of the experimental results documented in the table?

bar graph

2. Which graph is the most appropriate representation of the experimental data?

bar graph with standard error bars

1. which is a characteristic of mitochondria and cholorplasts supports endosymbiotic theory

both contain DNA molecules

3. process in which carbon from CO2 is incorporated into organic molecules

calvin cycle (light independent reactions of photosynthesis)

3. process found in photosynthesis and cellular respiration


2. Site of glucose synthesis


2. Site of conversion of chemical energy of glucose to ATP


3. reactions of glycolysis in


7. assuming the size of the tusk is herritable which most likely is a long term effect of poachers target African elephants with large tusks

decrease in average tusk size because elephants with large tusks are less likely to survive and reproduce

2. what statement best describes what happens when two monosaccharides are joined together to form a disaccarhide

dehydration reaction that joins two monosaccharides and creates water molecules as a byproduct

1. simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion are related in that both

depend on concentration gradient

3. which can be answered by the diagraph (y axis is enzymes x axis is pathogens bigger curve on top smaller on bottom reactants on left products on right)

does addition of enzymes reduce active variation energy required for a reaction

3. Which explains the difference in ATP production between those two molecules?

electrons of FADH2 are tranferred through 3 complexes of the elctron transport chain whereas those of NADH are transferred through all 4 complexes

7. The reversal in beak size from 1988-1993 was likely related to which of the following events?

end to the drought

1. which describes an advantage eukaryote organisms have over prokaryote organisms

eukaryotes have organelles that allow for compartmentalization of cellular processes which increases efficiency of those processes

1. when a substance moves across the plasma membrane along the concentration gradient at a faster rate than expected by simple diffusion alone but without expenditure of metabolic energy processes is

facilitated diffusion

7. Which best explains the increase in average beack size in the finch population during the drought?

finches with bigger beaks are better able to crack thick-walled seeds and produce more surviving offspring

7. the eastern gray squirrel 64 black and 36 gray B=0.4 b=0.6 5 years later B=0.6 b=0.4 which is the best explanations

frequency of B allele increased due to selective pressures of the environment

7. which observation best supports the claim that two species have structural similarities as a resultion of convergent evolution

genetic ___ = low function and same form = different

3. the process in which sugar is oxidated to pyruvic acid


7. Which best describes the likely evolution of the TA52R38 locus in the gorilla population?

gorillas who could taste bitter toxins were most likely to survive and reproduce then nontasters

2. which statement is true about nitrogenous base pairing in DNA

guanine and cytosine pair, forming 3 hydrogen bonds

2. a researcher measures the temperature at which two different samples of double stranded DNA denature (separate into single strands) sample 1 denatured at a significantly lower temperature than sample 2 did based on the data researcher claims the DNA in sample 2 is composed of an increased percentage of guanine and cytosine than DNA in sample 1 is which because it supports

guanine and cytosine pairs denature at a higher temperature because they have more hydrogen bonds between them than adenine and thymine pairs do

1. which is true about the structure of prokaryotic cell respiration

has a cell wall exterior to plasma membrane and contains ribosomes

1. Which of the following best explains why a cell's plasma membrane is composed of two layers of phospholipids rather than just a single layer?

having two oppositely oriented layers of phospholipids allows only the hydrophilic heads to interact with water inside and outside the cell

7. the wing of a bat, flipper of a whale, forelimbes of a horse appear very different yet studies reveal presence of same basic bone patters are an example of


3. which question is relevant to the calvin cycle

how is ATP used in formation of 3 carbon carbohydrates

7. amino acid sequence of cytochrome is exactly the same in humans as chimps, there is a difference of 13 amino acids of cytochrome of humans and dogs, and a difference of 20 amino acids of cytochrome between humans and rattle snakes

humans apparently are more closely related to chimps than a dog or rattlesnakes

7. Which is a plausible explanation for the ancestry of the tortoise subspecies?

individuals with different adaptations in shell share and leg length best exploited the food resources and left more surviving offspring on each island

7. which supports the claim by scientists that pesticides will lose effectiveness

insects that are naturally resistant to pesticides will survive and reproduce more than insects that are sensitive to pesticides

1. which statement is true reterm-38garding movement of substances across cell membranes

ions are unable to move through the phospholipide bilayer because non polar tail regions of phospholipids are hydrophobic

1. which of the following is most directly responsible for water's unique properties?

it forms hydrogen bonds

1. which diagram of the cell is most efficient at eliminating waste by diffusion

it is a cube with dimensions of 1x1x1

7. Which statement best summarizes organic evolution as it is viewed by modern evolutionists?

it is the differential survival and reproduction of certain phenotypes

3. process in which CO2 is released by the product of oxygen reduction reactions

krebs cycle (citric acid cycle)

3. a scientist determined the rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction by measuring products over time curve generated from data collected

large amount of substrate consumed

7. The fittest individuals of a species are those that?

leave the greatest number of reproducing descendants

3. process in which O2 is released as a byproduct of oxidation reduction reaction

light dependent reaction of photosynthesis

3. which of the following is the importance of different light dependent and light independent reaction of photosynthesis

light dependent reactions produce ATP and NADPH light dependent reactions use energy stored in ATP and NADPH

2. of the following macromolecules which one is responsible for insulating and protecting vital organs


7. which best explains the directional shift in beak length in these birds

longer beaks allow birds to better access seeds in bird feeders

2. Which contains hydrolytic enzymes associated with the intracellular digestion of macromolecules?


3. Many chemical reactions that, by themselves require energy input (have a positive free-energy change) can occur because the reactions?

may be coupled to the hydrolysis of ATP

2. amino acids found in the region of polypeptide folds away from water which part of a cause contributes to hydrophobic behavior of this region of polypeptide

methyl CH3 group

1. which provides the best evidence that mitochondria were once free living prokaryotes

mitochondria and prokaryotes are found in a variety of sizes

1. which is the strongest evidence supporting endosymbiont hypothesis

mitochondria have highly folded membranes

2. What is the organelle that is a major producer of ATP and is found in both heterotrophs and autotrophs is the?


3. Potato boiled for 10 minutes and then cooled for 10 minutes before tested, average time for disks to float to the surface of the hydrogen peroxide solution would be

more than 30 seconds

1. Which of the following best matches the fertilizer component with the molecule in which it will be incorporated by organisms in the area

nitrogen will be incorporated into nucleic acids

2. Which of the following type of bond is used to connect monomers in biological macromolecules

nitrogenous pairings

1. Which of the following explains the location of the amino acids in the folded protein?

nonpolar R groups that connot form hydrogen bonds with water are pushed into the middle of the protein

1. Which macromolecule is used to carry genetic code?

nucleic acids

2. sequences for 2 short fragments of DNA are shown which is one way the 2 differ

one would become denatured at a lower temperature than two because AT base pairs have two hydrogen bonds whereas GC base pairs have three

3. most likely explanation for results in graph 1 is

pH affects shape of active site of an enzyme

7. p = frequency of dominant allele and q = frequency of recessive allele which represents the frequency of individuals show dominant phenotypes

p^2 + 2pq

3. what most likely causes the trends in oxygen concentration in the graph (very bumpy curved graph)

photosynthesis produces more O2 than is consumed by respiration during the day

3. Which designs should the students use as a control for the experiment?

place a catalase-soaked disk in the beaker of water

1. which experimental design will reveals in fastest net rate of H2O movement into chamber A

placing salt water in chamber A and distilled water in B

1. Which components of cell membranes is responsible for active transport


2. Which are synthesized at the ribosome?


2. which macromolecules below could form structural parts of the cell, be enzymes, or be involved in cell movement or communication


3. During respiration most ATP is formed as a direct result of the net movement of?

protons down a concentration gradient

2. which part of an amino acid will determine if an acid is hydrophobic or hydrophillic

r group

7. Evolution fitness is measured by

reproductive success

2. which of the following isnt a component that makes up the nucleotide monomer DNA

ribose sugar

3. Which best explains the reactions specifity of one enzyme?

shape and charge of the substrates are compatible with the active site of an enzyme

7. Which graph best predicts the distribution of beak depth in the finch population after several years of drought?

short bar to tall bar

2. Carbon dioxide a nonpolar molecule, will most likely enter a cell through which process?

simple diffusion through the membrane

2. Which type of cell would be best suited for lining the alveoli of the lungs, where diffusion of carbon dioxide and oxygen must occur very rapidly?

simple squamous cells

2. students analyzed genomes and each genome had 28% adenine 20% thymine 35% cytosine and 17% guanine what is the structure

single stranded

7. Which best explains the increase in average coyote size following the crash in the rabbit populations?

smaller coyotes were at a hunting disadvantage, so fewer survived long enough to reproduce

1. which graph best represents the membrane of starch water and glucose in a dialysis bag over the course of investigation

straight line of starch curved line up of water curved line down of glucose

7. The California newt, Taricha torosa, lives in the coastal areas around Los Angeles. Which of the following is a valid null hypothesis relating fitness to survival of a bottleneck event in a coastal area where a small, isolated population of California newts resides?

survives bottleneck randomly so ___ in allelic frequencies of salamander populations do not attribute to fitness

1. What is the relationship between the amount of chlorophyll a in a water sample and the concentration of nitrogen in that sample?

the concentrations of nitrogen and chlorophyll a are directly correlated

7. Which statement best explains the changes seen in S. Pistillata in response to the changing water conditions?

the corals' adaptation is an example of natural selection because the tolerance is in response to a changing environment and has a genetic basis.

3. hydrogen ions pumped out of the mitochondria across the inner mitochondria membrane into the space between the inner and outer membrane result is

the creation of a proton gradient

2. hydrolysis is involved in

the digestion of sucrose disaccharide to its monomers of glucose and fructose

7. Which could best explain the change in fur color distribution, as shown in the table?

the field was primarily composed of light-colored soil and little vegetation, offering gray mice protection from predators

3. Why the disks rose to the surface faster in the more concentrated hydrogen peroxide solutions?

the higher substrate concentrations in the more concentrated solutions speeded the reaction

2. Which best explains how the phospholipid bilayer of a transport vesicle contributes to cellular functions?

the phospholipid bilayer allows the vesicle to fuse with the golgi apparatus and the plasma membrane, allowing the exocytosis of proteins

1. pathogenic bacterium has been engulfed by a phagocytic cell as part of a nonspecific (innate) immune response best illustrates responses

the picture with bacterium and lysosomes

2. Which of the following best explains the advantage these projections provide the cell?

the projections increase the surface area-to-volume ratio of the cell, which allows for more efficient nutrient exchange with the environment

7. 25% of 1000 have attached earlobes (homo recessive) frequency of recessive allele

the square root of 0.25

1. Which of the following explains how the amino acids substitution has resulted in decreased catalytic activity by the mutated enzyme?

the substitution altered the secondary and tertiary structure of the enzyme so that the mutated enzyme folds into a different shape than the normal enzyme does

2. Which best describes how the three structures indicated by the arrows work together?

to synthesize and isolate proteins for secretion of for use in the cell

3. In which of the following tubes did the greatest reduction of the DCPIP occur after 60 minutes?

tube 2

1. Synthesis of protein or carbohydrate polymers always produces which of the following as a by product?


1. Which of the following best explain how water is able to move upward from the roots of a plant , through its xylem in the stem, and out the leaves?

water and xylem are both polar, water molecules have the ability to form hydrogen bonds with each other and with the walls of the xylem

3. which best describes the role of water in photosynthesis

water molecules donate electrons to electron transport chain

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