Biology Unit 8 - The Amazing Human

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What does the digestive system generally do? Select all that apply.

breaks down food into its base nutrients

An important mineral in the formation of bones that should be included in our diets, is ________.


What is bone composed of? Select all that apply.

calcium salts surrounded by protein fibers called collagen

The body stores fat deposits in connective tissue that lies beneath the dermis.


In the Urinary System, which of the following is not absorbed back into the blood? Select all that apply.

fats, vitamins, salts

a gland that controls involuntary body functions, such as your heartbeat


Which of the following organ produces bile during digestion?



long, thin extension of a nerve cell that allows for communication throughout the nervous system

an organ that expands and contracts to inhale air with oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration


The pulse is controlled by the ______________, which is controlled by the __________.

pacemaker, brain

The ________ nervous system is the branching network of nerves that reaches into the rest of your body.



organs that filter the blood and remove wastes from it

Which type of bone cells help build bones?


The three types of bone cells are _________, __________, and _________.

osteocytes, osteoclasts, osteoblasts

a gland that controls most of the hormones in your body and is considered a major influence on more primary urges, such as hunger and thirst

pituitary gland

the fluid portion of the blood


the cell fragments that help your blood to clot


What are the four functions of bones?

protection, support, movement, production of blood cells

Which of the following gets chemically digested in the small intestine? Select all that apply.

proteins, carbohydrates

A human body changes from a child state into a body capable of reproduction during ____________.


sense the environment and give this information to the sensory neurons, which then send the signal to the central nervous system


transport oxygen throughout the body and carbon dioxide that is to be exhaled

red blood cells

Which of these are the components of human blood? Select all that apply.

red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets

What does the thyroid gland do?

regulates metabolism, energy, growth and development, and the general activity of the nervous system

the system that supplies oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the blood


The part of the eye responsible for processing image is the ________.


Which of the following make up the axial bones?

ribs, skull, vertebrae

There are two different types of cells in the retina; ___________, which detect shape and movement and is helpful for seeing in dim to dark conditions, and ______________, which help us to see sharply and the bright, vivid colors.

rods, cones

What does the pancreas do?

secretes enzymes that can digest carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

What is the endocrine system responsible for?

secretes hormones that regulate almost all other processes in the body

carry signals from the outer parts of the body to the central nervous system

sensory neurons


situated or lying beneath the skin

The human's largest organ is the ___________.


The dead skin cells have a special protein called keratin that provides waterproofing and protection for everything underneath them.


The epidermis contains both dead and living cells.


tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder


the tube where the urine exits the body


A female sex organ that is responsible for nourishing the baby and providing a place for a baby to grow inside a mother is the ___________.


to carry oxygen-poor blood away from cells


Sound waves cause __________ in the ear that are eventually sent to the brain to be interpreted as sound.


muscles that move at the will of a person

voluntary muscle

the defense of our bodies against disease

white blood cells

A recently fertilized egg is called a(n) __________.


The stages of pregnancy are __________ (fertilized egg), __________ (from implantation of fertilized egg in uterus to 8 weeks), and __________ (8 weeks to birth, about 9 months).

zygote, embryo, fetus

What does the enzyme pepsin do?

Pepsin breaks down proteins into amino acids.

When you are born, you have _______ bones. When you are an adult, you have ________ bones.

350, 206

You are born with _______ bones, but end up with ________ bones as an adult.

350, 206

How many days out of the month can fertilization occur?

4 - 6 days

Which of the following makes a human a human?

- dancing and philosophy - the ability to do math and create art - self-awareness - communication and spiritual awareness *- all of these*

Which of these is the large intestine's function? Select all that apply.

- inserts water into digested matter - makes feces - produces Vitamin K and B vitamins

What are the functions of skin? Select all that apply.

- sense of touch - protect the insides - maintain body temperature

Skin helps us cool off through. Select all that apply.

- sweat glands that produce sweat that is evaporated - dilating blood vessels that get larger

The statements below describe how a stimulus in the environment would stimulate a response in the nervous system. Arrange it chronologically by filling in 1-5 in the blanks.

1. Receptor neurons from a part of the body sensing a stimulus from the environment. 2. A message about the stimulus is sent to the sensory neurons. 3. Then, it goes to the brain. 4. The brain interprets the message. 5. Finally, it sends a message back to the motor neurons for an action.

You are listening to the radio station. The statements below describe how you are able to hear the music. Arrange them chronologically by filling in 1 - 6.

1. Sound waves travel through the air from the radio. 2. These waves cause the air to vibrate; when the vibrations reach your outer ear and hit a membrane called the eardrum, they cause it also to vibrate. 3. The vibrations then pass through three different bones in the middle ear. 4. After traveling through the middle ear, the vibrations reach the inner ear. Fluid in the cochlea also begins to vibrate and moves like a wave. 5. The waves of fluid then hit hair cells in the inner ear, causing them to bend. 6. As the hairs move, nerve impulses are activated and sent to your brain where your cerebrum then interprets the sound.

What are the four different types of blood?

A, B, AB, O

Chewing is a type of chemical digestion.


Enzymes are used in mechanical digestion.


Light passes through several structures in the eye to reach the pupil, which processes images.


The air you displace when you sneeze can reach speeds of up to 153 mph.


The average person will have shed about 305 pounds of skin by the time he/she reaches the age of 70.


The optic nerve at the back of the retina sends signals to the brain where the cerebellum interprets the images.


________ marrow produces __________ blood cells and unspecialized cells, while ______________ marrow is mostly fat.

Red, red, yellow

__________ are the male sex cells.


___________ is a chemical sense perceived by receptor cells in the taste buds of your tongue, while _____________ is the result of multiple senses acting together.

Taste, Flavor

Why does the stomach lining have to be replaced all the time?

The stomach's environment is very acidic, full of hydrochloric acid.

Why do humans have little body hair when compared to other animals?

Thick hair would get in the way of our sweat glands, preventing our ability to cool off our bodies.

About 32 million bacteria inhabit one square inch of skin on your body.


Humans can recognize and remember about 50,000 different scents.


Nearly 60,000 miles of blood vessels exist in the human body.


Saliva adds water to your food and a digestive enzyme called amylase, which helps break down starch products or carbohydrates.


Together, your two feet contain 500,000 sweat glands that can produce more than a pint of sweat per day.


Vision is a response to light.



a female sex organ that is responsible for nourishing and providing a place for a baby to grow inside a mother


a gland that controls involuntary body functions, such as the heartbeat

pituitary gland

a gland that controls most of the hormones in the body


a gland that conveys sensations of touch, pain, and temperature to other parts of the brain


a gland that regulates metabolism, energy, growth and development, and the general activity of the nervous system


a muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach

What is a hair follicle?

a narrow hole in the dermis that has nerve cells and blood vessels and produces hair

What is the definition of stomach?

a pouchlike muscular organ responsible for the majority of the digestion of food


a pouchlike muscular organ responsible for the majority of the digestion of food

Which of the following is the definition of bile?

a substance that breaks down fats into small droplets


a substance that breaks down fats into small droplets

endocrine system

a system of glands and organs that secretes hormones that regulate almost all other processes in the body


a tiny space between one neuron's axon and another neuron's dendrite

Which of the following is the definition of the heart?

a very large, muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body

How many nephrons does each kidney have?

about 1 million


an enzyme that begins to break down proteins into amino acids


an iron-containing protein in blood that carries oxygen


an organ in the circulatory system responsible for pumping blood throughout the body


an organ that secretes a substance


an organ that stores bile and passes it on to the small intestine when it is needed

The tibia is a(n) _____________ bone.


to carry oxygen-rich blood to cells


Which of these is a type of blood vessel? Select all that apply.

arteries, veins, capillaries


branchlike projections out of a nerve cell that allow neurons to communicate with each other

In the arteries?

away from the heart

What are the two categories of bones in the skeleton? _________ and _________.

axial, appendicular

a long, thin, cable-like extension from a nerve cell's body that helps carry messages away from the neuron


Which way does blood flow in the veins?

back to the heart

it is where the waste liquid called urine is stored until it is ready to exit the body


How does skin keep us warm?

blood vessels get smaller or constrict

The command center that controls all the functions of our bodies is the _____.


controls your breathing and heart rates

brain stem

The central nervous system consists of the ______ and the _______.

brain, spinal chord

to carry oxygen and nutrients to cells and waste products, including carbon dioxide, away from cells


involuntary muscle that pumps the heart

cardiac muscle

Which of the following make up the appendicular bones? Select all that apply.

carpals, ulna, patella, scapula, femur, humerus

The brain and spinal cord are part of the ________.

central nervous system

What are the two parts of the nervous system? _______ and _______.

central, peripheral

controls your balance, posture and coordination


controls your higher thought processes, intelligence, memory, skeleton, muscle movement, senses, and all of your activities while you are awake


What are the different types of touch receptors in your dermis? Select all that apply.

change in temperature, pain, touch, pressure

small hairs covered in mucus that line the airways and trap unwanted particles and germs in the air you breath, which are then coughed up or sneezed out of the body


This system is responsible for transporting blood to and from the heart.


a small, branchlike projection from a nerve cell that connects to other nerve cells




the inner layer of skin that contains the blood vessels, nerves, sweat glands, and oil glands


After a sperm burrows inside an egg, a(n) ________ is released that keeps other sperms out.




The two main layers of skin are ________ and __________ .

epidermis, dermis


epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layer

a thin layer of tissue that covers the windpipe when you are eating and drinking and opens when you breathe


Skin is made up of four tissues, namely, _______, ________, ________, and _________.

epithelium, connective, nerve, muscle

A muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach is the ___________.


Which of these happens to females when they go through puberty? Select all that apply.

estrogen increases, hips become broader, menstrual cycle occurs

Dermis is the thinnest layer of skin.


Epidermis is the layer of the skin on the inside.


During digestion, carbohydrates, such as starch, are broken into ______________, proteins into ________________, and fats into _________________.

glucose, amino acids, fatty acids

It is because of _________ that it hurts when our hair is pulled.

hair follicles

Which of these are parts of the airway? Select all that apply.

larynx, trachea, nose, mouth, bronchial tubes

Compact bones are the __________, outer layer of bones that make up _____% of the bone's weight whereas spongy bones are _________, and make up ______% of bone's weight.

hard, 80, soft, 20

Which of these are the parts of sperm? Select all that apply.

head, midpiece, tail

What are the five senses?

hearing, taste, smell, touch, sight

an iron-containing protein that carries oxygen in the blood


At the end of the bronchioles are little air sacs called alveoli. The alveoli are connected to the network of blood vessels, which are connected to veins and arteries. The air in the alveoli diffuses into the blood in these vessels. This process describes _____.

how air gets into the blood from the bronchial tubes

The blood picks up carbon dioxide from the cells. The carbon dioxide travels in the blood to the lungs, and then out of bronchial tubes, the larynx, and the nose or mouth. This process describes _____.

how carbon dioxide leaves the body

connect neurons within the brain and spinal cord


muscles that do not move at the will of a person

involuntary muscle

the organs that filter the blood and remove wastes from it


The four major parts of the urinary system are _________, __________, __________, and _________.

kidneys, urethra, ureters, bladder


large blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart


large, muscular blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart

A female has her _____________ if her egg is not fertilized.


If a female's egg is not fertilized, she will have her ___________.



microscopic blood vessels that are one cell thick

carry signals from the central nervous system to the outer parts of the body

motor neurons

voluntary muscles

muscles that move because a person desires (or wills) them to move

involuntary muscles

muscles that move in response to nerve impulses rather than the will of a person


nerve cell that is specially designed for communication in the body

Check all components of the dermis. Select all that apply.

nerve cells, oil glands, sweat glands, blood vessels

Messages travel from neuron to neuron through _____.

nerve impulses

a nerve cell that is specially designed for communication in the body


Which of the following career paths need knowledge about the human body?

nurses, massage therapists, doctors, chiropractors

involuntary muscle that lines the organs and helps squeeze things

smooth muscle

Where is bone marrow found? Select all that apply.

spongy bone

What are the two types of bone tissue?

spongy, compact

What type of muscle is involved when you reach for something?


voluntary muscle that moves body parts

striated muscle

What gets filtered out of the blood in the nephrons due to high pressure? Select all that apply.

sugar, water, ions, amino acids, salts, vitamins

The different taste buds allow us to detect the tastes of __________.

sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami

What are the five tastes we can detect?

sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami

a tiny space between one neuron's axon and another neuron's dendrite


Which of these happens to males when they go through puberty? Select all that apply.

testosterone increases, a deepening of the voice, growth in stature and muscles

To perceive flavor, your brain takes information from the following: Select all that apply.

texture, seasonings, taste buds, sense of smell

a gland that conveys sensations of touch, pain, and temperature to other parts of the brain



the fluid portion of the blood

What is blood pressure?

the force that the blood exerts on the blood vessels of the body

blood pressure

the force that the blood exerts on the blood vessels of the body

compact bone

the hard outer layer of bone that provides protection for the inner layer

spongy bone

the inner layer of bone containing bone marrow or connective tissue


the part of the brain that controls balance, posture, and coordination

brain stem

the part of the brain that controls breathing and heart rates


the part of the brain that controls higher thought processes


the primary pigment that gives skin its color


the process in which a human body changes from a child state into a body that is capable of reproduction


the process of staying the same

Sperm can only develop in a temperature that is 3 °C lower than normal body temperature. This is the reason why _____.

the scrotum is located outside the male body


the thin outer layer of skin that is composed of dead and living cells

What are nephrons?

tiny individual filtering units in the kidneys


tiny individual filtering units in the kidneys

The different types of feeling/touch receptors in the dermis are ______.

touch, temperature, pressure, and pain

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