Birds in our lives test 2

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dollar value of illegal wildlife trade and its value relative to other organized illegal trade

$5 to $20 billion annually. Just behind black marketing of drugs, weapons and human trafficking

Large number of pigeon species but there are

(20%) species threatened 12 extinct

why crow hawking is difficult

1) Crows are large prey and can gang up and injure a raptor 2) Crows are always in a group, and there is always a spotter crow that will sound the alarm when the raptor is spotted 3) Crows are smart and live in family groups, meaning they will mob a raptor and kill it if left alone for too long

things to consider before buying a parrot (type of parrot, commitment duration, and cost)

1. Consider what type of bird you are looking for as a companion. 2. Consider your commitment duration. 3. Living arrangements should factor into your decision. 4. Make sure you are not allergic. 5. Costs also need to be factored in the purchasing decision

training an eyess vs a passager for falconry.

Allowing a eyess to eat its first kill is very important to drive home the success of a hunt and to instill confidence. This can be done with older birds but is not as necessary.

significance of parrots ingesting clay

Clay particles are negatively charged and bind to the positively charged alkaloids, preventing their absorption from the intestines, thus protecting the bird's health. Clay may also be a source for sodium. It neutralized the toxins.

clipping wing feathers (why do it and how)

Clip feather so bird does not escape or injure itself. Use sharp scissors to make a clean cut - this clip will prevent flight. Always clip both wings.

the threats to the United States from illegal wildlife smuggling

Disease transmission--Potential introduction of invasive species Habitat destruction

be familiar with the basic physical characteristics of the merlin.

Generally 1/3 heavier than the kestrel Excellent at maneuvering in flight since they primarily hunt perching birds. They have a brown coloration and both sexes have a faint mustache mark on their face.

feather color of most parrots


general characteristics of macaws

Long Tail Feathers, large beaks, strikingly beautiful colored plumage, highly desired as pets, some weigh over 3 pounds. Playful, incredibly loyal, adaptable, trainable, and like some physical contact. Loud vocal noises

the importance of vultures in the ecosystem and preventing disease

Play a vital role in the ecosystem by cleaning up rotting flesh and preventing the spread of animal diseases.

signs that a bird may be sick

Ruffled feathers. Sleeping excessively. Eating less food. Sneezing. Runny nares. Eye discharge. Weight loss. Increased sleeping. Monitor its feces.

household hazards for pet parrots

Standing water, lead paint, kitchen, bedrooms

are eagles large hawks?

eagles are the largest of hawks.

Double Clutching

many raptors have more than one brood per season

the significance of closed versus open leg bands on parrots

1. Leg bands can assist you in gaining valuable information about a parrot that you may purchase. 2. A closed leg band is an indicator that the parrot was born in captivity - they help in bird identification and record keeping. 3. Imported birds are given open bands - they are engraved with an identifying number and are specific code for the quarantine station

how is training a raptor for falconry accomplished, stages of training a raptor for falconry

1: First feeding and manning the bird 2: Flying to the fist or creance training 3: Lure training 4: Entering

biting in parrots, why it happens

1Young birds - recently weaned, exploring their environment by "mouthing" and tonguing is common. In mature birds, biting is unusual but it can happen for a few reasons - 1. Something is wrong. 2. They are sick. 3. They have been startled. 4. They are frightened. 5. When they have elevated sex hormones. 6. When they are feeling dominant.

general recommended feeding guidelines

80-85% of its caloric intake should be from appropriate pellets. The other 15% to 20% are made up of fruits, vegetables, nuts or other food. Only give them junk food sparingly. Don't let food sit out for a long time

be familiar with the basic physical characteristics of the american falcon

AKA- "Sparrow Hawk" Smallest of the North American falcons Males and females have pairs of black vertical stripes on the sides of their faces called a "mustache" and a "sideburn." Very good at hovering in a head wind, and are often used for hunting game birds.

species of parrots known for their talking ability

African Greys Amazons Eclectus Macaws Cockatoos

advantages of a pelleted diet

All of the ingredients are ground to make the diet mixed, and then cast into uniform pellets. and they provide a balanced diet.

know the purpose of the AFA

American Federation of Aviculture- defines anyone keeping exotic birds in captivity as an aviculturist. The purpose of this organization is to represent all aspects of aviculture and to educate the public about keeping and breeding birds in captivity. Operates at the international, national, state, and local level. The mission and purpose of AFA shall be to promote the advancement of Aviculture through educational programs that support the advancement and improvement of breeding practices, husbandry practices, and living conditions for exotic birds, conservation, research and legislative awareness.

two methods of bird sexing and advantages or disadvantages of each method

Bird sexing can be accomplished by DNA sexing which is a genetic analysis of a blood sample. Cheap and non-invasive but only gives the sex, not any reproductive capability of the bird Laproscopic surgery. Gives insight into reproductive ability and sex. Invasive and expensive. Risk of bird death during

behavior modification and training in parrots, general guidelines on what to do and what not to do

Birds want attention, and to be part of the flock that includes the humans of the household. An owner should start with verbal commands while using a firm tone and direct eye contact. Do not punish your parrot because that gives them attention. Always be consistent.

problems with seed based diets

Can be excessive in fat, low in fiber, low in sodium, calcium, and other vitamins and minerals.

soft billed birds

Developed to provide a name to a collection of birds that aren't parrots but kept by humans as cage birds. Do not have soft bills but eat soft foods. Need large cages (length is important) as they fly rather than climb

the term soft billed bird what it means in the pet trade

Developed to provide a name to a collection of birds that aren't parrots but kept by humans as cage birds. Do not have soft bills but eat soft foods. Need large cages (length is important) as they fly rather than climb

food source for lories and lorikeets

Diets consists primarily of pollen and nectar, supplemented with fruits.

disadvantages and advantages of different cage and perch types

Disadvantages: 1. Spoke formations are dangerous. 2. Bird cages can be very expensive and those that aren't as expensive rust and degrade easily. 3. Ornate cages are dangerous. Advantages: 1. Knock down cages might be worth the extra money because they are convenient for moving. 2. Wood perches are good because they are more comfortable and birds can chew them, but they have to be replaced and are hard to clean. 3. Cement-conditioning perches are good

world distribution of parrots in general terms

Distribution in the southern hemisphere and tropics, with most found in South America and Australia. Found in temperate and cold mountain elevation. Typically found in lowland tropical forests, open forests, and savanna ecosystems

reverse sexual dimorphism

Female is large and more colorful than male

reverse sexual dimorphism, and its importance in ensuring food for young

Females are a lot bigger than males. Since the female is larger, she will prey on larger food than the male, reducing competition, and allowing for a more diverse food supply for the young.


Forest hawks; have sound, rounded wings convenient for their dash-and-grab hunting style. Largest size is about the size of a crow.

essentials of feeding racing pigeons

Fresh, clean water is essential! Pigeons are grain eaters so they are mostly fed a diet made up of things like millet, popcorn, peas, milo, buckwheat, rice, safflower, and oat groats (which is supplemented with a vitamin and mineral grit for nutritional balance.) Pigeons are also known to over eat, so most are fed for 10 minutes twice a day to prevent them from getting overweight.

the importance of the falcon/hawk's body weight in falconry

If the bird is too light due to prolonged underfeeding, there may be a loss of endurance and performance. If the bird is overfed and heavy, there is no interest in the hunt.

Asian vulture crisis

In Asia, as vulture numbers declined due to diclofenac, feral cat and dog and rat populations increased, leading to a rabies outbreak that later became a human health concern.


Iron storage disease. Too much iron accumulates primarily in the liver, but in other tissues as well. Ultimately leads to oxidative damage to cells and cell loss and loss of function in these vital organs. Seen in soft bills.

the biological basis for homing ability (sun compass, sensitivity to the earth's magnetic field, vision and memory, olfactory)

It allows birds to migrate between large geographical regions and still be able to migrate back to their original location. Some birds are philopatric and migrate back to their place of birth for their own reproduction.

screaming in parrots why it happens and how to prevent it

It is part of their natural flock behavior. To prevent the calls, greet the bird, and tell it goodbye and that you're coming back when you leave. Redirect the bird's focus on something else

general characteristics of eclectus

Known for dramatic reverse sexual dimorphism, in which the female is more brillantly colored. More sedate and enjoy being near humans, but don't like petting. At least seven subspecies

distinctive anatomical features of parrots (foot arrangement, use as hands and beak structure)

Large downward curved upper mandible and an upward curving lower mandible positioned so that the upper mandible closes over the lower mandible. The bill is used like a third foot that assists them in climbing canopy trees. Zygodactyl - 1st and 4th toes point backward and 2nd and third toes point forward, this allows some parrots to use their feet as their hands.


Large, wind winged, short billed hawks that prefer forests with open areas for soaring


Less demanding than parrots. ____ with red and yellow feather colors often vary in appearance based on their diet

general characteristics of african greys

Long Tail Feathers, large beaks, strikingly beautiful colored plumage, highly desired as pets, some weigh over 3 pounds. Playful, incredibly loyal, adaptable, trainable, and like some physical contact. Loud vocal noises

sexually dimorphic

Male is large and more colorful than female

main threat to parrots

Man for pet trade and for food

historical perspective (symbolism and use in wars - both for messages and for espionage, famous pigeons)

Many ancient gods and goddess of love are associated with doves. Doves are also used as sacrificial animals in many religions. Today, doves are almost universally viewed as symbols of peace, love, and purity and are commonly represented in funeral floral arrangements and released at wedding The use of pigeons in WWI as a means to transport messages allowed for radio silence for surprise attacks. In WWII, pigeons helped spies in enemy territories communicate with their home governments. Undercover pigeons were also used (they were breed to look like enemy pigeons so that they could blend in in unfriendly territory).

be familiar with the basic physical characteristics of the red tailed hawk

Most adults have brick-red talk with brown bodies, often with streaked breasts. One of the more easily trained and tamale birds. They form strong bonds with the trainer and they are so long lived that they can be hard to become free of. If released they will often times return "home."

Parrot mating

Most parrot pairs are long-term monogamous, with female incubating eggs, male getting food

difference between pigeons and doves

No scientific taxonomic basis for the distinction, they are both Columbidae Dove: smaller species Pigeon: larger species

be familiar with the basic physical characteristics of the golden eagle

Only eagle allowed for use in the US, and you must be a Master Falconer to qualify. They can be trained to hunt prey such a deer, antelope, or coyote.

two phases of homing ability

Orientation and Navigation

common problems encountered by parrot owners

Parrots can be messy. The ability to escape. Their noise. The parrot can attack another parrot. Night frights. Parrots not getting enough sleep.

be familiar with the basic physical characteristics of the peregrine falcon

Peregrine is superior to other falcons in its ability to "wait on," where the falcon flies high above the falconer and waits for prey to be flushed from below. They tend to be easy to train and have reliable temperaments.

project sea hunt

Pigeons were trained by the US Navy to identify object in the water from a glass dome positioned under rescue helicopters. The birds were 93% accurate in locating objects in the water and had a very low false positive rate. The project was shut down due to budget cuts.

reasons birds are placed in rescue facilities

Public has high regard for birds and are rarely euthanized Life event changes Behavioral problems Feather picking/screaming/breeder parrots small birds bought on impulse

Carolina parakeet range and extinction

Range: Across the eastern half of US (NY to Florida). MOst northern latitude range of any parrot. Last reliable record of one in wild is 1904; last one in capitivity died in 1918 in zoo. Habitat destruction lead to its decline.

the basics of training racing pigeons

Squabs are weaned early at 23-25 days of age. At about 40 days they are taught to trap and are put in a cage on top of the loft so they can see but not escape. They are allowed unrestrained access outside the loft after about 2 weeks of trap training. This is done close to night fall to encourage the birds to not stray too far. They have a strong natural urge to be home and roosted by nightfall. At about 70-75 days, youngsters will fly in formation together for about an hour. At this point, morning flights can begin, to allow the pigeon more time and space to assimilate to its surrounding. At around day 120 they can begin road training.

methods used to teach a bird to talk, and for eliminating language and noises not desired

Teaching birds to talk involves speaking clearly and a lot of repetition. Birds learn to talk by observing someone else learn. To eliminate nuisance sounds or foul language, ignore it

define CITES and know its purpose

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is an international agreement b/w governments that went into force in 1975. Establishes international controls over trade in wild plant and animal species (as well as products derived from them) that are threatened or may be threatened due to excessive commercial exploitation.

drugs in pigeon racing (in general what are used and what are their effects)

The following drugs are banned: anabolic steroids, beta-antagonists, corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory non-steroids, opiates, analgesics, performance-enhancing stimulants, synthetic hormones, any drug found to be performance enhancing, and any substance used in attempt to mask the above drugs. Effects: enhance flight muscle mass, increase respiratory efficiency to delay fatigue, reduce pain to increase insurance, or stimulate the bird.

general characteristics of the kakapo

The heaviest parrot. Large wings but flightless. Herbivore. Green with flecks of brownish gold and black. Strong, musty distinctive smell. Can live to be 90 years old. Only known lekking (males gathering in leks for competitive displays around mating season) species of parrot. Were almost extinct then moved to two islands

the necessity and difficulty of achieving pair bonded pairs of parrots in captivity

The ideal breeding stock is parent-raised domestically born birds. Finding these birds can be difficult because they are not often produced. Also having parents raise their offspring until they are weaned will put them out of production for a longer period of time. Very expensive for a good pair of mates. Parrots are highly intelligent social birds that typically pair with a mate for life. A successful pairing will result in strongly pair-bonded birds.

be familiar with the basic physical characteristics of the gyrfalcon

The largest falcon in the world. Ranges in color from dark grey or black to pure white. They typically prey on large birds such as duck, goose, and other songbirds. Were highly regarded in the medieval times and only a kind could hunt with one.

mourning dove and hunting

The most widespread native species in the US. Also one of the leading game birds shot each year in the US. Some states (mostly NE states) classify them as a song bird and hunting them is not allowed.

be familiar with the basic physical characteristics of the harris hawk

Their thighs and shoulders are chestnut red with legend bare face skin yellow. Hunt cooperatively in the wild and are most successful when hated in pairs or trios, with groups of five hawks being the most successful. Can hunt mammals or birds, but females tend to be better rabbit hunters while males are better bird hunters.

feather picking (three major categories and the causes for each, and telling the difference between mate vs. self-inflicted feather picking

Three major categories. Can be self-inflicted, mate inflicted or a combination of both. 1. Behavioral - it is a habit- probably caused by boredom, or a bad wing-clipping job. Provide toys, increase activity, make the bird forage for food to stop this from happening. 2. Environmental - dry air, allergens, and new environmental stimuli are all causes. Parrots suffer from dry skin in winter. Mist your bird with water. Changing a bird's location could cause anxiety. 3. Medical - zinc toxicity could lead to feather plucking. Skin infections, vitamin A deficiency, impacted feathers, thyroid problems, and obesity are also causes

the importance of toys

Toys provide birds with mental stimulation and physical activity when owners are away at work or school. They are key ways to prevent behavioral issues related to boredom.

general characteristics of amazons

Very common and popular in the US as a mid-sized pet parrot. Over 30 species. Commonly illegally smuggled into the US. Two of its species are classified as extinct. Often exhibit excellent human speech and singing ability. Prone to obesity.

supraorbital ridge

a bony protuberance above the eye - researchers theorize it could protect their eyes from branches while flying in the forest another theory suggests it provides shade-like sunglasses

loft design (general overall parameters to be concerned with)

a floor, four walls, a roof, a landing board, and an entry trap. Many lofts also have an aviary.

local club pigeon racing (racing terms such as counter mark, liberator, etc) how is the winner of the race determined?

about 700 clubs affiliated with the American Racing Pigeon Union alone, pigeon racing is found across the US. the bird with the fasted average speed in yards per minute is the winner


an anti-inflammatory drug given to cattle, a main source of food for local vultures. Birds eating this meat would get sick and die of renal failure.

Parrot Extenction

as a family, the high level of extinction and proportion of parrots threatened with extenction

Eurasian Collared dove and the rapid spread of this invasive species

blue barred rock dove

where did domesticated and feral pigeons originate from?

blue barred rock dove

sources of raptors for falconry

capturing from the wild or captive breeding

new world vultures not related to old world vultures, convergent evolution

convergent evolution

nesting behavior

doves and pigeons normally only produce 1-2 eggs and they are very small compared to adult body size. Pigeons and doves typically produce several broods a year though due to relatively short rearing time of young.

flying from the fist and crow hawking

driving up close to prey in a vehicle, rolling the window down, and letting the raptor go.... it is using a raptor to hunt crow. and it is difficult because

What do we call raptor nests?


toucans, toucanets, and aracari.

have long bills used for obtaining food in the wild and thermoregulation, but these bills are light weight and not that strong

elaborate reproductive displays

high flying undulation, fire eights, talon presentations, and ariel food exchanges

What are two serious threats to raptor populations?

hunting and habitat fragmentation are serious threats to raptor populations

functions of the lure

it is swung around in the air to train the bird, condition the bird and increase its endurance, and can also be used to recover the bird from the hunt.


mature adult with complete adult plumage captured from the wild

passenger pigeon

most abundant bird extinction in history

powerful feet with talons

most common way of killing/crushing prey

requirements/procedures for becoming a falconer

must be 12-14 years of age, be patient, enjoy working with animals and hunting.working outdoors, be able to dedicate the time to tend to the bird;s needs, and be willing to dedicate yourself to the sport


nestling removed from the nest and raised in captivity

lack of nesting sites

often limit raptor population growth

falconry equipment

perches, hoods, bells, jesse, bewit, lure, leash, scales

conflict between raptors and pigeon owners

pigeons are naturally very good prey animals for realtors due to their large breast muscles. This has led to many racing pigeons being hunted by raptors (especially rollers that show flashy arial displays and attract attention) and many pigeon racers have gotten in trouble for killing protected raptor species in areas were pigeon racing is prominent.


possibility of captive chicks imprinting on humans and not being able to be taught how to hunt for themselves (then they cannot be released into the wild as adults)

one loft races

racers buy high genetic stock birds and ship them to the home loft as squabs for imprinting. Racing birds are taken to a designated starting spot, released, and the first to return to the loft is the winner.


raptor chicks are altricial at hatching and an asynchronous hatch leads to a chick hierarchy, with the early-hatching chicks being larger. This can lead to siblicide, the killing of other hatchlings

hunting techniques

scavenging, surprise or ambush technique, sitting and waiting for prey to come by, stoop or dive rapidly to kill on the ground, opportunistic and will take advantage of easy prey

methods used by wildlife smugglers

small percentage of shipments are actually inspected; sometimes use USPS, FedEx, DHL secret compartments, shipping containers, clothing illegal species mixed with legal species packaged in other misleading containers, such as plastic detergent containers smuggling of collected eggs on humans in special clothes Using look-alike unprotected species

killing methods

snapping necks, crushing diaphragms, internal bleeding, dismembering

Doves unusual drinking method

some can suck water in one continuous draft rather than scooping water and letting gravity do the work

what are the major causes of death for raptors?

starvation and accidents (collisions with cars and power lines)

the information on permanent pigeon bands

tells you the organization that issued the band, the year the bird was hatched and banded, the local pigeon club the bird belongs to, and the specific bird ID so the club knows who the bird is.

define falconry

the act of training raptors to hunt small game, game birds, or waterfowl in partnership with man

although many raptors are threatened only two species extinct.

there are over 300 species. 17% are threatened. The Guadalupe Caracara and the Reunion Kestrel are extinct.

Female reproductive anatomy of raptors?

they have both ovaries functioning as opposed to just the left one

raptor diversity in body size and prey consumed

they range dramatically from the California Condor (10 ft wing span and weighing about 20#) to the Sharp-shinned Hawk (20 inch wing span and weights 3-7 ounces).

world-wide distribution of raptors

throughout the world with the exception of Antartica and a few isolated oceanic islands

in many cases birds can be legally imported to the United States and this is regulated by the Fish and Wildlife Service

true- 18 Seaports but only 25 % inspected. USDA (APHIS) regulate potentially harmful animal species/ products to livestock of Agriculture

what is the difference in turkey and other vultures when finding food?

turkey vulture uses sense of smell to locate food other vultures use sight

crop milk production, its composition, evolutionary advantage and general nutrient value relative human and cow milk

under the influence of Prolactin, the epithelial cells in the crop are sloughed off and move towards the lumen of the crop. As this happens, prolactin makes the cells acquire a lot of lipids and proteins. The mixture of epithelial cells and water is fed to the young.

mandibular notch

used for snapping pines

game hawking

using a raptor, specifically large falcons, to hunt game birds such as pheasants, quail, pigeons, or ducks

general characteristics of cockatoos

vary greatly in size. One of the most commonly kept parrots in captivity. Some species are considered agricultural pests. Large ____ can be very demanding. Bond and become protetive of humans


when birds spread their wings and tails over their kill to hide it from other, larger birds of prey

They have a worldwide distribution except Antartica, some remote islands, the user Arctic regions, and the hottest parts of deserts.

worldwide distribution of pigeons and doves


yearlings caught during their first fall migration

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