BIS 101 Computer network

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Which three of the following statements are true regarding troubleshooting network hardware issues?

If your network is not working it is a good idea to check the status of the indicator lights. Sometimes firmware updates can occur that can cause a network outage. If you experience trouble you may need to reboot the hardware device. A device that is not positioned properly can cause weak signals and system issues.

Broadband is usually measured in __.


Which two of the following statements are true about the development of the Internet?

Paul Baran developed packet switching. One of ARPAnet's challenges was to ensure that if individual computers or networks failed, the overall network would continue to operate. ARPA hired MIT Professor J.C.R. Licklider to connect computer networks of four universities.

Which three of the following statements are true regarding packet switching?

The Internet uses packet switching to transfer data and information between hosts. Addressing information and data are included in each packet. All packets are routed through a network based on the associated address information.

Some cell phone carriers that promise "unlimited data" will actually limit your high-speed 4G LTE data to a couple of gigabytes per month.

True Reason: Some cell phone carriers that advertise unlimited data place restrictions on the amount of 4G LTE data you can use each month.

Which three of the following statements are true regarding cellular Internet service?

Uses cell phone radio waves to transmit and receive Internet signals. Many providers offer data packages that may place limits on uploading and downloading. Many smartphones can send and receive Wi-Fi signals, allowing them to become hotspots.

Which two of the following are true regarding IP addresses?

When you purchase your Internet service from an ISP you receive the right to use their block of assigned addresses. IP Addresses are assigned by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

The transmission media with the largest bandwidth is ___.

fiber-optic cable

Radio waves that transmit Internet signals to and from satellites in space are called ___.


The concept that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) permit data to be transmitted and accessed without regard to the data's content or amount of bandwidth required to transmit the data is known as net


The device that connects two networks and often provides firewall protection is a


Function of a router

routers connect networks Provide hardware firewall protection can be wired or wired + wireless include a device called a switch

Paul Baran developed packet ------------- in hopes of making Semi-automatic ground environment (SAGE) less vulnerable.


Domain names and IP addresses on the Internet are managed by ___

the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Your Internet signal is carried on a ___

transmission media

Telephone wire is also called ----- pair wire.


ARPA stands for ___

Advanced Research Projects Agency

The specific means by which your Internet signal is carried is called its-----

transmission media

SAGE was developed during the ___ War.


Which three of the following are characteristics of a router?

Connects networks Provides hardware firewall protection Usually incorporates switches

MAC address

Identifies a device within a network

The word "modem" stands for:


Which 3 of the following are true regarding Wi-Fi?

Multiple devices can be connected to one signal. Transmit Internet signals via radio waves. Transmission connections are known as hotspots.

Television cable is also known as

coaxial cable

Fiber-optic cable is ___ to install than coaxial (television) cable.

more expensive.

That Internet Service Providers (ISPs) cannot throttle (slow) data, or charge fees, from specific content providers (such as Netflix) is a concept known as ___.

net neutrality

The network portion of an IP address which is also called the----------identifier is indicated by a certain number of bits, starting with the left-most bit.


Which three of the following statements are true regarding cable Internet service?

Uses the same coaxial cable that brings the cable television signal Usually has more bandwidth than DSL lines Internet service can often be bundled with television service

Which might be a possible choice for Internet service in your area?

Cable Internet

Which three of the following are characteristics of microwaves?

Capable of transmitting Internet signals over long distances. Used to transmit Internet signals to and from satellites. Used to transmit Internet signals where wires may be impractical.


Connect devices within the same network Most home routers have built-in switches Switches identify the various computers, printers, and other devices in a network Switches send the correct data to each correct device

If choosing between cable Internet or DSL Internet service, the Internet transmission medium that tends to provide the most consistent download speed is


The cable that is most commonly used within a network is called ---------- cable and is sold by category (CAT-7, for example).


Which three of the following should be considered when choosing an Internet Service Provider (ISP)?

How many users will be logged on my network at the same time? Will users be streaming data? What ISP choices are available in my area?

When determining how much cell phone data you need it is important to consider which two of the following?

How much data you currently use? Do you use your phone to stream movies or TV?

Which three of the following statements are true regarding an IP address?

IP stands for Internet Protocol. In most home networks IP addresses are assigned by the Internet Service Provider. If two laptops are connected to the same home network, they connect to the Internet through the same IP address.

Which two of the following are characteristics of fiber-optic lines?

Made of one or thousands of fibers High-speed transmission

Which 3 of the following are commonly used Internet transmission media?

Tv cable Telephone wire Wifi radio waves

Which three of the following are the common reasons for purchasing broadband Internet service?

You have several devices online at the same time. You want to stream music or video. You need relatively high-speed Internet service.

The volume of data that can be carried on an Internet transmission media in an amount of time is called __.


An Internet connection that has enough bandwidth to allow multiple computers to be connected to the same router is called a

broadband connection

Because it uses the same wire that carries television signals, you usually do not have a choice regarding the -----------Internet Service Provider uses in your neighborhood.


Put your router near the ____ of your house or apartment, because the router broadcasts signals in equal strength in all directions


Protocols for the World Wide Web are maintained and updated by the World Wide Web


Routers that can send Internet signals over two distinct frequencies are called _____ routers.


The device in a network that coverts analog (wave) signals into binary (digital) signals and vice-versa is


Unlike circuit switching, data transfer with ___ does not rely on a dedicated physical path

packet switching

A request for an electronic "echo" or response from another computer or server is called a(n) ___.


Data on the Internet is usually stored on specialized computers called ___.


For a network to connect to the Internet, it must use the ___ suite of protocols.

transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP)

Put the steps for how circuit switching works when placing a land line based phone call in the correct order.

Pick up Dial When Once

The redundancy of Internet connectivity is based on a technology called ___

packet switching

Information is transferred over the Internet in small data groupings called


Packet-switched networks break information into units called

packets or datagrans

The forerunner of today's Internet was the DoD's (Department of Defense


Which three of the following statements are true regarding how IP addresses are determined?

An IP address is determined by the network on which it is hosted. All hosts on the same network share the same established network address, but are assigned a unique host number. Often IP addresses are structured and assigned by a service called a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).

Which three of the following items are needed to install a home Wi-Fi network?

An Internet signal A modem A router

Which of the following Ethernet cables has the largest bandwidth? Drag the appropriate response to the empty box. CAT 6A CAT 5 cable CAT 4 cable CAT 7 cable

CAT 7 cable

Which three of the following statements are true regarding fiber-optic Internet service?

Fastest home network option (if available) Not available in all areas Signal is carried by light waves so it is less subject to electromagnetic interference.

Which three of the following are the characteristics of cellular service?

Fastest-growing means of accessing the Internet Allows mobile devices to access the Internet Many smartphones can convert cellular signals into Wi-Fi signals

Which three of the following should be considered when deciding whether or not to use cellular Internet service at home?

Is a broadband (4G or 5G) cellular signal available? Will multiple users be logging onto the network? If on a limited data plan, how much data are typically uploaded/downloaded per month?

A signal transmitted every few seconds by a wireless router so that user's computers can find identify the Wi-Fi hotspot is called a(n):


Which two of the following statements are true regarding digital subscriber line (DSL) Internet service?

Uses telephone wires as transmission wires Internet signal tends to be very consistent

The _____ portion of an IP address is indicated by the remaining bits that are present after the network identifier and identify the host of the network.


A public Wi-Fi site is referred to as a


Capable of sending Internet signals tens of thousands of miles in a straight line-----------are used with satellites.


The device that allows several computers to use your home network with just one Internet connection is called a ___.



An SSID is the Wi-FI's name. Most routers transmit the SSID every few seconds so roaming devices can find the signal. In home networks, after all legitimate devices have connected to SSID once, transmitting the SSID is unnecessary.

Which three of the following statements are true regarding Internet Protocol (IP) addresses?

Assigned to your home network by your ISP. Means by which your network is identified by other servers and computers on the Internet. ISPs usually have blocks of IP addresses that they assign as demanded.


Converts analog signals into digital signals, and digital signals into analog signals

The Internet is a global network of interconnected networks that uses which three of the following?

Hardware such as servers and routers. Software, specifically the Transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) suite of Internet protocols. Transmission media such as fiber optic cable and satellite (microwave) signals.

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