BJU Physical Science 6th edition: Chapter 6
triple bond
A chemical bond formed when atoms share three pairs of electrons
An organic molecule with a carbonyl group located at the end of the chain.
Why does benzene have the -ene ending?
Benzene has a -ene(double bond) ending because scientist thought it had a double bond between a carbon and hydrogen but that is not true. Benzene is an aromatic hydrocarbon.
Hydrocarbons with one or more carbon-carbon double bonds
Compounds with the same formula but different structures.
benzene ring
Consists of six carbon atoms, have alternating double and single bonds
What are polymers?
Polymers are gigantic molecules(macromolecules) formed by linking many smaller molecules together.
How do you recognize a branched chain molecule?
A branched chain molecule has carbon atoms that connect to other carbon atoms that are not on the end of a straight chain. So there is more than one path that you can follow when counting carbon atoms.
double bond
A chemical bond formed when atoms share two pairs of electrons
What is a functional group?
A functional group is the atom or group of atoms that scientists insert to form the substituted hydrocarbon. Also called a substituent.
saturated hydrocarbon
A hydrocarbon with single bonds only.
A simple compound whose molecules can join together to form polymers
A single-stranded nucleic acid that passes along genetic messages
A three dimensional polymer made of monomers of amino acids.
Name a substituted hydrocarbon that may be used as a fuel additive.
Alcohol is a substituted hydrocarbon that can be used as a fuel additive.
How do ketones and aldehydes differ?
Aldehydes have a carbonyl group (C=0) at the end of the chain and the Ketones don't have the carbonyl group at the end of the chain.
How did the definition of organic compound change over time?
Chemists originally defined an organic compound as any compound produced by a living organism. Today scientists define an organic compound as one that contains carbon. All organic compounds contain carbon. Not all compounds that contain carbon are organic.
Energy-rich organic compounds, such as fats, oils, and waxes, that are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Name 3 characteristics of carbon atoms that allow them to form so many different organic compounds.
First, It has 4 valence electrons, which allows Carbon to bond with 4 different atoms. Second, strong carbon to carbon bonds which most organic compound form on and Third, The structure of carbon with its four valence electrons allows it fo form single, double and triple bonds.
What is the role of DNA in cells?
It is the nucleic acid that directs the reproduction and growth of cells in all living organisms
What substituted hydrocarbon (s) contain(s) a carbonyl group?
Ketones and Aldehydes contain the carbonyl group.
What are the parts of a nucleotide?
Nucleotides are monomers that consist of phosphate sugar and nitrogen base. The order of the nucleotides in nucleic acids encodes the information for the cell.
What are the three basic structures that organic molecules can have?
The three basic structures that organic molecules can have are straight chains, branched chains, and rings.
are hydrocarbons in which a hydroxyl group (OH) replaces at least one of the hydrogen atoms.
substituted hydrocarbons
are organic compounds where one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced with other atoms or groups of atoms called functional groups.
Why is butene much more reactive than butane
butane has no double or triple bonds between carbon atoms whereas the butene contains a double bond between carbon atoms.
What biochemical macromolecules do our bodies use?
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids
Name two uses of alcohols
ethanol is used as an antiseptic agent and some alcohols are used as fuels in the internal combustion engines.
starches and sugars
examples of carbohydrates that are used by living things as a source of energy
hydrocarbons in which a carbonyl group is present on a carbon atom that is not at the end of a chain.
is the nucleic acid that directs the reproduction and growth of cells in all living organisms.
large compound formed from combinations of many monomers
monomers that consist of sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen -containing base.
hydrocarbons are:
organic compounds consisting of only carbon and hydrogen
examples of synthetic polymers
plastics, nylon, and synthetic rubber
nucleic acids
polymers that are made up of monomers called nucleotides. They contain the instructional code for the reproductions, growth, and all other processes of cells.
aromatic hydrocarbons contain
six-carbon benzene rings
the starches and sugars present in foods. they break down into glucose to produce energy.
Define carbohydrate.
Carbohydrates are compounds made of carbon hydrogen and oxygen atoms. They are often polymers of sugars in our food.
Why do different substituted hydrocarbons have different properties?
Functional groups substituted into hydrocarbons change the compositions and therefore the properties of the original molecule.
What is the relationship between a hydroxyl group and alcohol?
One way of classifying alcohols is based on which carbon atom is bonded to the hydroxyl group.
How do you know that pentanol is an alcohol?
Pentanol has the -ol ending in its name which identifies alcohols. Alcohols are hydrocarbons in which a hydroxyl group (OH) replaces one of the hydrogen atoms.
How do plants, animals and humans use sugars?
Plants make glucose during photosynthesis to produce energy during cellular respiration.Glucose circulates in the blood of animals and humans and is called blood sugar. It is the primary form of energy for humans and animals.
What are proteins?
Proteins are polymers formed by linking amino acids. They are the building blocks of muscles, blood, skin, tendons and hair.
Compare saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.
Saturated hydrocarbons have only single bonds between the carbon atoms in a molecule while unsaturated hydrocarbons contain any double or triple bonds between carbon atoms.
Why did scientists originally think that man could not synthesize organic compounds?
Scientists believed that organic compounds contained the vital force and that only living organisms could make them. But German chemist Friedrich Waller inadvertently made urea an organic compound in the laboratory. He started the period of synthesizing many organic compounds.
What type of substituted hydrocarbon might have an iodine atom in place of one of the hydrogen atoms?
The Alkyl halide can substitute a hydrogen with Iodine.
a carbon compound with a carbon-carbon triple bond.
single bond
a covalent bond in which two atoms share one pair of electrons
Carbonyl group (C=O)
a functional group consisting of a carbon atom linked by a double bond to an oxygen atom.
a hydrocarbon containing only single covalent bonds
substituted hydrocarbon
a hydrocarbon in which one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced by atoms of other elements
unsaturated hydrocarbon
a hydrocarbon that contains one or more double or triple bonds
What is a hydroxyl group?
a hydrogen bonded to an oxygen (-OH)
amino acid
a simple organic compound containing both a carboxyl group (C=OOH) and an amine (NH2) group.
Organic chemistry
is the study of the composition, structure, and properties of carbon-containing compounds.
organic compounds form as:
straight chains, branched chains, and rings.