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What performance grades must be substantiated in the comments block on performance evaluations?

1. All 1.0 grades, 2. Three 2.0 grades, 3. Any grade below 3.0 in Character or Command Or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity.

What rank will a service member be appointed upon graduation from OCS, and incur a minimum active duty obligation of how many years?

1. Appointed as Ensigns, 2. 4 year active duty obligation.

Graduates of MECP are commissioned as what rank, and incur a military service obligation for how long?

1. Commissioned as Ensigns, 2. Incur an 8 year military service obligation, with a minimum of 4 years on active duty.

1. What is the date of the USS Forrestal Fire? 2. How long did the fires burn during the USS Forestal Fire? 3. What was the final casualty count of the USS Forestal Fire?

1. July 29, 1967 2. 8 hours 3. 132 dead 2 missing and presumed dead 62 injured

1.What was the date of the Attack on Pearl Harbor? 2. What was the significance of the Attack on Pearl Harbor? 3. What ships were lost during the Attack on Pearl Harbor?

1. December 7 1941 2. It precipitated the U.S. entry into World War II 3. USS Arizona USS Oklahoma USS California USS Nevada and USS West Virginia

Who can be the rater for personnel E1 to E4?

1. E6, 2. Civilian equivalent.

What are the performance marks for each performance recommendation?

1. EP = 4.0, 2. MP = 3.8, 3. P = 3.6, 4. Progressing = 3.4, 5. SP = 2.0.

Who may sign performance evaluations as the reporting senior for E5 and below?

1. Enlisted OIC in the grade of E9, 2. Civilians in command positions in the grade of GS9 to GS12.

Commanders, Commanding Officers, or OIC's must personally sign what type of documents?

1. Establish policy. 2. Center on the command's mission efficiency and are addressed to higher authority. 3. Deal with certain aspects of military justice. 4. Are required by law or regulation.

How is the Navy Performance Evaluation System utilized for officers, CPOs, and other enlisted personnel?

1. FITREP for Officers W2 to 06, 2. CHIEFEVAL, E7 to E9, 3. EVAL, E1 to E6.

What are the two methods to follow up on late correspondence?

1. Forward a copy of the original with the term "TRACER" written or stamped in the top margin. 2. Contact the command by phone or via e-mail.

What specific programs are contained within the MSC IPP?

1. Health Care Administrator, HCA, 2. Physician Assistant, PA, 3. Radiation Health Officer, 4. Environmental Health Officer, 5. Industrial Health Officer, 6. Entomology Officer, 7. Pharmacy Officer.

1. What was the date of the Battle of Midway? 2. What was the significance of the Battle of Midway?

1. June 3, 1942 2. Was the decisive defeat of the Japanese that put an end to their thrust in the Central Pacific Ocean. The Turning point of the Pacific War.

What are the ACT requirements when applying for STA-21?

1. Must be within 3 years of application due date, 2. Score 21 in math, and 20 in English.

What are the SAT requirements when applying for STA-21?

1. Must be within 3 years of application due date, 2. Score 500 in math, and 500 in critical reading/verbal.

What provides intensive instruction and preparation for the academic, military and physical training curricula at USNA?

1. NAPS.

What are the two components for the STA-21 program?

1. Naval Science Institute, 2. Full time, year round study up to 36 months at a NROTC affiliated University.

What ranks are graduates of the USNA commissioned as?

1. Navy, Ensigns, 2. USMC, 2nd LT.

1. What was the date of the USS Cole Attack? 2. What was the final casualty count of the USS Cole Attack?

1. October 12, 2000 2. 17 dead 39 injured

when were speciality marks added?


When was Recruit Training Command established at Great Lakes, Illinois?


In what year was the Code of Conduct first prescribed?


The first fleet ballistic missile submarine was launched in what year?


In what year did the SOY start recognizing one outstanding Sailor to represent the many superior petty officers serving in shore establishments Navy wide?


In what year was Executive Order 12633 issued amending the Code of Conduct to use neutral-gender language?


What maximum number of year's active service can a master chief petty officer serve and still be eligible to apply for the Chief Warrant Officer Program?

24 years

Vessels may not discharge unpulped trash within what minimum distance from the U.S. coastline?

25 nm

What is HYT for E-8?

26 years

What is the HYT for E-8 SELRES personnel?

26 years

Confinement on bread and water has a maximum duration of how many days?


Each urinalysis sample is tested how many minimum number of times by one of the Navy's drug screening laboratories?


Traffic light behavior is divided into __ zones


Training programs will use a __-tiered behavioral zone


A member normally has to reenlist within how many months in order for his or her service to be considered continuous?

3 months

What performance grade signifies that personnel can handle the aspect of the next higher paygrade?

3.0, Dependable, "Fully Qualified", Journeyman Performance.

What performance trait represents performance to full Navy standards?


The DOD SER shall be completed within how long of medical evaluation after a suicide attempt?

30 days

What is HYT for E-9?

30 years

What is the HYT for E-9 SELRES personnel?

30 years

This PQS series number tests the trainee's readiness to perform a designated task.

300 PQS

What is the time frame a member entering MECP has to complete all degree requirements?

36 consecutive calendar months, full time, year round, beginning in the fall of the year selected.

ECP selectees must have finished sufficient undergraduate course work to be able to complete requirements for a technical degree within what maximum length of time?

36 months

Rip out teams to remove asbestos will be composed of what minimum number of persons?


As a part of a full sea bag how many sets of utilities are required?

4 sets

paragraph in a naval letter should be short and contain roughly what maximum number of sentences?

4 to 5

What minimum active service obligation must ECP selectees have before detaching from their present command?

4 years

Trident I missiles have a multiple warhead capability and a maximum range of how many nautical miles?


Applicants for MECP must have what minimum recommended ACT scores that are not older than 3 years?

42 ACT score, 21 math and 21 English.

Under article 15 of the UCMJ, you have how many days to appeal the punishment awarded to you if you feel that it was unjust or disproportionate?


Correspondence from Congress should be answered within how many days of receipt?

5 working days.

Through the various treaties with other countries in the world, what portion of the land area are we committed to defend?


What OPNAV instruction requires supervisors to ensure that their personnel are aware of safety precautions, the work site is safe, and personnel are outfitted with protective clothing?


Publication on DON policy for sexual harassment


How many goal setting elements should you consider when setting goals witin the work center?


Upon receipt of PCS orders to STA-21, each selectee will be required to acquire what length active service obligation by extending or reenlisting?

6 year active service obligation.

What is HYT for E1-E2?

6 years

What is HYT for E-3?

6 years, or 8 if PNAd on advancement exam for E-4 /and/ approved via PTS.

Commands are advised to maintain copies of medical/ dental and service records for how long after the member's death in order to complete the DOD SER?

6-8 wks

What is the standard size paper for all official letterhead stationery?

8 1/2 inches by 11 inches.

What is the military service obligation upon commissioning from the MSC IPP?

8 year military service obligation, with a minimum of 3 years on active duty.

What is HYT for E-4?

8 years

What is the HYT for E-1/E-2 SELRES personnel?

8 years

Standard size paper for all Official stationary is

8-1/2 by 11 Inches

Personnel should be entered in hearing testing program if they are required to work in a designated noise hazard area with sound levels that average more than wht maximum decibel (dB) level?

84 dB

Under article 15 of the UCMJ, the commanding officer has how many punishments identified that he or she can impose at mast?


All DON personnel, military and civilian, will be educated and trained upon accession (within __ days)


Performance traits are graded on what scale?

A 5 point scale, 1.0 to 5.0.

Applicants for OCS must have what type of degree or higher from an accredited institution in a field of study or major which satisfies requirements for the specific designator desired?

A Baccalaureate degree or higher.

A reduction in rate for enlisted members would rate what type of performance report?

A Special Report.

An E6 who has performed duty at a new command for at least 3 months and has not yet received an observed report at that command, may receive what type of report for a promotions selection board?

A Special Report.

After how many days is a regular Navy sailor ineligible for SGLI after being separated?

After the 120th day

What topic is covered by MPM 1160-010?

Age Limitation of Enlisted Personnel for Continuation on Active Duty

The Department of the Navy sets the requirements for advancement for paygrades E-1 through E-9. Which of the following is the determining factor in advancement?

A vacancy

What does the A, B, C, D mnemonic refer to when using Time Critical Risk Management?

A, Assess the situation. B, Balance resources, C, Communicate to others, D, Do and Debrief the event.

Name the 3 reasons HYT Waivers can be requested...

ACDU and FTS requests to continue beyond established HYT gates will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Examples of requests which may be given favorable consideration include: a) In support of urgent, immediate operational requirements in a deployed or soon-to-deploy unit. b) Ratings which are identified as undermanned c) Waivers for obligated service (OBLISERV)

In absence of CO/CIO Acting Personnel should Type____ below their Name


Who said "Damn The Torpedoes" and what Battle is the famous quote from?

ADM Ferrogut is quoted as saying "Damn The Torpedoes" during the Battle of Mobile Bay.

What are the three formats for expressing dates for Navy correspondence?

Abbreviated format, standard format, and civilian format.

What are one of the most misused aspects of correspondence?

Abbreviations and acronyms.

Intentional wrongful or improper use of government resources.


A type of harassment that 'need not result in concrete psychological harm to the victim, but rather need only be so severe that the perception of a hostile workplace exists

Abusive work environment

When students are attending NAPS, what status are they considered to be in?

Active Duty Enlisted Status.

For Navy personnel writing to higher authority on a personal matter affecting the command, how is it addressed?

Addressed to the higher authority and send it "Via" your chain of command.

What on the performance evaluation report identifies the type, defines the context in which it was received, and make more informative to detailers and selection boards?

Administrative Blocks, blocks 1 to 19, 21 to 26, and 48 for Evals.

Commands are expected to take wet action as necessary to correct inappropriate behavior?

Administrative and Disciplinary

If a Sailor takes part in insensitive practices, he/she receives counseling on treating people equally. If counseling isn't effective, what action, if any, may take place?

Administrative or disciplinary action

___ personnel are responsible for treating others with dignity and respect


A Sexual Assault victim has the right to be reasonably protected from who.

Alleged Offender

Which of the following drugs is abused on the pretense of weight control?


A "Via" addressee will always forward official correspondence with what?

An endorsement.

Suicide Prevention training must be conducted how often?


When is the Service Dress Blue uniform authorized for wear while traveling?


When are E9 performance evaluations due?

April 9.

Informal Correspondence font style

Arial Time Roman CG

What types of font are acceptable for informal correspondence?

Arial, Times New Roman, or CG Times.

Charges all persons to promptly execute the lawful orders of their seniors comes from which of the following articles?

Article 1020

General responsibilities and duties of all officers and petty officers within the Navy come from which of the following articles?

Article 1020

what article of the UCMJ allows nonjudicial punishment to be awarded?

Article 15

Which of the following actions to correct a military or professional deficiency can be awarded only through nonjudicial punishment?

Assign extra duty

What is the age requirements for attending the USNA?

At least 17 years old, and not have passed their 23rd birthday on Induction Day.

Applicants for OCS must have at least how many months of obligated service remaining on current enlistment upon receipt of order to OCS/ODS?

At least 6 months.

What are the service requirements for an active duty member applying to the LDO program?

At least 8 years, but not more than 16 years of active Naval service.

Navy Regulations requires the clothing of all nonrated personnel to be inspected at what interval?

At regular intervals

When can you convert your VGLI to a commercial policy held by a participating company without proof of insurability?

At the end of each 5-year term period.

For an idea to gain emphasis within a sentence, where should it appear?

At the start or the end of the sentence

When you assess your workers' job performance, you should look at which of the following areas?

Attitude, knowledge, and work habits

1. What were the dates of the Battle of Guadalcanal?

August 7, 1942 till Febuary 9, 1943

To provide guidance on Navy performance evaluations is the purpose of which instruction?

BUPERS Instruction 1610.10C, Navy Performance Evaluation System.

What degree is awarded up graduation from the USNA?

Bachelor of Science Degree, B.S.

Ensure all responses for FOIA information and Privacy Act information are reviewed by whom?

Base or command FOIA and Privacy Act coordinator, or the base or command judge advocate general.

At times, even though you do all that you can to evade the enemy, you are captured. When this happens, what does the Code of Conductg direct you to do as soon as you are captured?

Begin planning your escape

Similar relationships where are unduly familiar _______________ may also be pre-judicial to good order and discipline or of the nature to bring this credit on the Naval service and are prohibited.

Between officers or between enlisted members of different rank or grade

Which, if any, of the following effects of pollution is the most serious?


Pollution can result when which of the following types of agents is/are introduced into the air, water, or soil?

Biological Chemical Physical

What respirator cartridge color should be used when working around organic vapors?


Color INK

Black Blue-Black

If the eval report will be a wholly Not Observed Report, what block would you enter the "X"?

Block 16.

What blocks of the performance eval are used for the reporting senior?

Block 22 to Block 27.

What block of the eval report would you enter the members PFA cycles during that period of reporting?

Block 29.

What block on the eval report would the enlisted designator be placed?

Block 3.

What eval block will have the individual trait average for the eval?

Block 40, average of blocks 33 to 39.

What eval block is used for the individual promotion recommendation?

Block 45.

What eval block is where the individual being evaluated will sign?

Block 51.

What block on the eval report would you enter the UIC of the members ship or station?

Block 6.

What block on the eval report would you enter the Ship or Station the member is assigned to?

Block 7. Examples: Ships, CG-47 TICONDEROGA. Aviation, CVW-9, VR-58.

What block on the eval report would you enter the members promotion status?

Block 8.

What blocks of the eval report are the Performance Traits?

Blocks 33 to 39.

What two methods of data collecting by the CAT require other data sources to be used to draw conclusions and produce findings that can be validly interpreted?

Observations and surveys

In order to ensure that a proper response or original letter is prepared, what must the originator complete?

Obtain appropriate concurrences, resolve major differences, and arrange for any needed retyping.

Navywide advancement exams are based on which of the following standards?

Occupational standards

___-duty or ___-duty behaviors that affect the military workplace may also be considered to be sexual harassment

Off, non

When in doubt exists over whether to release certain information for Congressional Correspondence, who should be contacted for guidance?

Office of Legislative Affairs.

Who coordinates the Navy Shore SOY program?

Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, OPNAV, Command Master Chief.

Which of the following commissioning programs requires that you have at least a baccalaureate degree?

Officer Candidate School Program

What is the initial commissioning program for individuals possessing at least a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution?

Officer Candidate School, OCS.

Personal relationships between _____________ which are unduly familiar and do not respect differences in rank and grade violate long-standing custom and tradition of the Naval service.

Officer and Enlisted members

Who must ensure that within a amount of time of the report of an offense that the accused fully advised of his or her rights concerning a possible NJP?

Officer contemplating imposing NJP

When prejudicial to good order or of a nature to bring discredit on the naval service, personal relationships between ________ or ____________ which are unduly familiar and that do not respect differences in grade or rank are prohibited.

Officer members or Enlisted members

For Navy personnel writing to higher authority on a personal matter affecting the command, how should the letter be prepared?

On plain bond paper in standard letter format.

When are cover's required to be worn while out to sea?

On specific watches or on ceremonial occasions

What will an ensign wear on their sleeve?

One 1/2 inch stripe

What will a rear Admiral (Lower Half) wear on their sleeve?

One 2 inch stripe

What will a Fleet Admiral wear on their sleeve?

One 2 inch stripe with four 1/2 inch stripes above it

What are the earring uniform regulations for women?

One earring per ear centers on the earlobe, 4mm-6mm approximately 1/8-1/4 inch plain with shiny or brushed matte finish, screw on or with post

In the event that ordering special uniform items is not practical, Navy women are authorized to wear what male uniform items until when?

Peacoat, all-weather coat, jacket and sweaters, shoes, rating badges, coveralls, belts and buckles, utility shirts and trousers, working Khaki shirts and trousers; as long as they are serviceable

Personnel authorized to use a signature stamp of someone else's signature, must do what, to each signature they stamp for authentication?

Pen their initials next to each signature.

What writing instrument should be used to fill out a work cetner schedule and time line?


A behavior that may be unwelcome and work connected, but not sexual

Performance counseling

What is the work cetner's most valuable resource?


Which of the following resources within your division are the most important in accomplishing a task?

Personnel and materials

To ensure your work center meets the deadlines set for the completion of tasks, which of the following factors must you properly manage?

Personnel, materials, and time

What is often the more efficient way of coordination, than formal written coordination, especially if a letter is brief and routine?

Phone, in person, or via e-mail.

Historically, uniforms have been the product of a sailor's environment by what three things?

Physical, Geographical, and Technical

What should always be included in correspondence that might prompt a reply or inquiry?

Point of contact, return telephone number, and e-mail address.

When using the ABCD Model in TCRM, what does the color Yellow represent?

Potential for consequential errors have increased.

What is "RE-R1"?

Preferred reenlistment

In early US Military, How were officers and enlisted selected.

Primarily through an election, before education became the determining factor.

Relationships which are unduly familiar between __________ and __________ are prohibited?

Recruiting personnel and prospects

___ zone: Sexual favors in return for employment rewards, threats if sexual favors are not provided, sexually explicit pictures (including calendars or posters) or remarks, using status to request dates, or obscene letters or comments


Which of the following punishments is considered the most severe form of NJP?

Reduction in grade

What does MILPERSMAN 1160 relate to?

Reenlistments & Extensions overall

Personnel from the Fleet who are applying for entrance into the USNA, must apply for a nomination from whom?

Secretary of the Navy.

Billet numbers on the watch, quarter, and tation bill consist of either four numberals or a letter and three numerals. What do the last two numerals indicate?

Section seniority

What is SCORE?

Selected Conversion and Reenlistment. Incentive to reenlist and convert to a CREO 1 rate.

Selective Early Retirement Criteria

Selective Early Retirement (SER) criteria for commissioned officers and warrant officers is promulgated by a NAVADMIN prior to the fiscal year SER board. The NAVADMIN will also include guidance in the submission of voluntary retirement requests in order to be excluded from SER board consideration.

What is the STAR Program, and which MPM articles covers it?

Selective Training and Reenlistment (STAR) Program; covered in MPM 1160-100.

What is STAR?

Selective Training and Reenlistment - allows first-termers to reenlist with a guarantee of "A" (and possibly "C" school).

The Navy's Health and Physical Readiness Program promotes health and fitness at the command level. As part of this program, naval personnel are required to undergo fitness testing at what interval?


When there is no time to send important correspondence "Via" the chain of command and still meet a deadline, what may you do?

Send correspondence via the chain of command, with an advance copy to the "To" addressee.

The responsibility for preventing inappropriate relationships must rest primarily on the?

Senior Member

Who is responsible for uniform policy afloat?

Senior Officer Present (SOPA)

For performance evaluations, who's responsibility is it to propose a promotion recommendation?

Senior Rater.

What type of performance reports are the foundation of the performance record?

Regular reports.

Who determines the final distribution of promotion recommendations within the member's summary group using command-directed procedures where applicable?

Reporting Senior.

What timeframe would be considered an "early reenlistment" and who would the approving authority for an early reenlistment request?

Requests for early reenlistment (outside the 1-year window) must be forwarded to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-811) for consideration.

What are examples of Navy personnel writing to higher authority on personal matters affecting the command?

Requests for retirement or resignation.

Which topic is covered by MPM 1160-031?

Required Counseling Upon Enlistment and Reenlistment

When are E7 and E8 performance evaluations due?

September 15.

Being caputre does not mean that you cannot still be useful to your country. If captured, your duty is to take which of the following action?

Resist the enemy by all possible means

Assisting families, units and service members affected by suicide behaviors


Data collection and incident investigation shall be pursued with sensitivity to avoid what.


Who is the founder the bluejacket Manual? When?

Ridley Mclean 1902.

The actual service record is contained on which of the following side(s) of the enlisted service record?


Which Navy Program reports data for Sexual Assault victims who are 18yrs or older except for victims of marital rape.

SAVI - Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention



Who is the Uniform Board guided and established by?

SECNAV and CNO (Secretary of the Navy and Chief of Naval Operations)



Report Control Symbol OPNAV 1752-1, Sexual Assault Incident Data Collection Report is assigned to NAVPERS 1752/1 and is referred to in paragraph 6a (1) & (2) and is approved per what instruction.


Which reference establishes the Victim Witness Assistance Program (VWAP) for DON and provides further guidance to DON for assisting victims and witnesses of crime.


Which USMC program covers all victims of Sexual Assault regardless of age and reports data under their FAP.


What form do you fill out to reduce coverage under SGLI?

SGLV 8286

Overseas location should establish guidelines for interaction with nation authorities in regards to Sexual Assault investigation under applicable what.

SOFA - Status of Forces Agreement







Which of the following persons is responsible for training division personnel in mishap prevention?

Safety Petty Officer

Enlisted safety committee recommendations concerning the command safety program are submitted to which of the following persons?

Safety council (department head level)

Which of the following personnel is responsible for identifying eye-hazardous areas?

Safety officer

Where and when did the Surrender of japan during World War II occur?

The Surrender of japan was signed in Tokyo Bay aboard the USS Missouri on 2 September 1945.

Experience has proved that "model" POW camps, where food is regular and tereatment is considerate, fall into which of the following categories?

They are the exception

'Quid pro quo' is otherwise known as

This for that

When is it authorized to wear covers indoors?

Those member's in a duty status and wearing side arms

To a large degree, the image and effectiveness of the DON is portrayed how?

Through the tone, quality, and responsiveness of correspondence.

What refers to applying ORM at the point of commencing or during execution of a mission or task, at the time critical level?

Time Critical Risk Management.

When using letterhead stationery, the "From:" line will always contain what?

Title of the activity head and command name.

Mishaps are investigated for which of the following reasons?

To correct unsafe conditions

The TRIAD has been developed and maintained for which of the following purposes?

To deter nuclear attack

What is the sole mission and fundamental reason for the existence of the fleet ballistic missile submarine?

To deter war

Our naval forces conduct various exercises with alllied forces for which of the following reasons?

To develop better foreign relations

During the emergency destruction of classified material, which of the following material should be destroyed first?

Top secret special access material

Increasing the aweareness of suicide concerns, improving wellness and ensuring personnel know how to intervene when someone needs help


Information concerning equal opportunity contained in command records may NOT be obtained through which of the following methods?


What will commensurate with a member's senority and level of command responsibility supervision.


What elements consists the suicide prevention program?


Someone in a command position makes sexual advances towards you, making it impossible to do your job. You are being sexually harassed.


To maintain public confidence in its integrity, all naval personnel must comply with the Standards of Conduct and Professional Ethics.


True or false: E-9 personnel who receive a HYT waiver forfeit their twilight tour eligibility.


True or false: HYT waivers for the STAR program are for first-term personnel only


True or false: Members undergoing investigation for alleged offenses, awaiting non-judicial punishment or trial by courts-martial, undergoing non-judicial punishment, or serving sentence by courts-martial, including probation with respect to a suspended punitive discharge or confinement, may not be discharged for reenlistment.


True or false: SGLI benefits are terminated after the 31st day a person is continuously U/A.


True of false? Printing names of officials on letterhead stationery is prohibited.


True or false? Authorized subordinates of different activities may correspond directly with each other on routine matters.


True or false? Commanding officers may authorize the use of a signature stamp or an electronic signature that replicates their signature where personal signing of a correspondence is impractical or is routine in nature?


True or false? Delegation of signature authority may be made to military and civilian subordinates.


True or false? You can bypass intermediate commands that clearly have no interest in a letter's content and no requirement to comment or act.


True or false? You can use e-mail for formal and informal correspondence?


what is the maximum of small barrettes/combs/clips that are similar to the hair coloring be used?


What shore type commands fall under the Navy Shore SOY program?

Type 1 and Type 6.

What commissioning program's academic curriculum focuses primarily on technical fields of study such as engineering, math, and physics?


What is currently the oldest U.S. Navy Commissioned Vessel? When was the USS Contitution Christened?

USS Constitution Christened in October 1797. "Old Ironsides"

Officer and enlisted members are prohibited from engaging in _____________ regardless of the service affiliation or service rules of the other person.

Unduly familiar personal relationships

Violation of this instruction or Article 1165 subjects the involved members to disciplinary action under the?

Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)

The Code of Conduct was adopted to provide guidance for service personnel in which of the following circumstances?

When facing the enemy as prisoners of war

Which of the following writing practices is the best approach to a subject when writing a directive?

Write diretly to a user





____ zone: violating personal space, whistling, questions about personal life, lewd or sexually suggestive comments, suggestive posters or calendars, off-color jokes, leering, staring, repeated requests for dates, foul language, unwanted letters or poems, or sexually suggestive touching or gesturing


If you are 55 years old, you may not extend, reenlist, or remain on active duty unless what condition(s) exist?

You have 16 or more years of active service creditable towards transfer to Fleet Reserve

Which of the following factors is imortant in a survival situation and greatly reduces your chances of survival and escape if it is lost?

Your knowledge of the area

Which of the following terms describes the Navy's recognition that drug and alcohol abuse is incompatible with the Navy's effort to instill pride and professionalism?

Zero tolerance

In a survival situation, when you become mjore alert, hear better, see better, and are able to perform feats of strength, you are experiencing

a normal reaction to fear

When placed in a survival situation, what publication(s) give(s) the senior person the authority to be in charge?

Both Code of Conduct and Navy Regulations

Which personnel are not authorized to wear any facial hair?

Brig awardees, brig prisoners, restrictees

What is the preferred style of writing for performance evaluations?

Bullet style.

An individual who sign under designated authority will use the term"_______ below their Name

By Direction

Based on the ship's overall manpower, how are TAD requirements usually allocated?

By department

How is the action office in correspondence shown?

By including the code or person's title in parentheses immediately after the activity's name.

When does a process become an applicant for enlistment or appointment in any of the Armed Forces?

By the beginning to complete a DD Form 1966, NAVCRUIT 1100/11, or comparable form

You should inform your subordinates of their standing in the division in which of the following ways?

By the use of counseling

Who develops policy guidance fo rthe Navy's Suicide Prevention Program?

Deputy CNO

What are the three fundamental pillars on which United States military strategy rests?

Deterrence, forward defense, and alliance solidarity

As subordinate writing to a senior, which of the following approaches should you avoid when setting the tone of the letter?


Incoming action correspondence should be routed how?

Directly from the correspondence management office to the action office, with duplicate copies to intermediate or coordinating offices.

When corresponding through channels, how should communications to whom?

Directly to the top official of the organization concerned by title.

Who will ensure training throughout the Navy on Fraternization?

Director, Military Personnel Plans and Policy Division

Who will provide technical guidance and training for military security forces and DON civilian law enforcement personnel involved in prevention of and Response to Sexual Assault.

Director, Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NAVCRIMINVSVC)

The authority which is granted to all officers and petty officer to fulfill their duties and responsibilities is known as what type of authority?


When the unwelcome sexual behavior of one or more persons in a workplace interferes with another person's work performance

Hostile environment

What inspection is scheduled by higher authority, without the knowledge of the commanding officer, to determine if the ship is fit for continued naval service?


Data collection and reporting must protect the victim's what


When responding to a Congressional request, how should the closing line read?

If I may be of any further assistance, please let me know.

Gapping a Billet.

If a contact relief is required by the command or to avoid gapping a billet, officers may be asked to submit a modification to their retirement date if the detailing community cannot provide a relief in time, or the retirement request may be denied.

In a survival situation, you can always improve your situation if you take which of the following actions?



Instrumental during victory in the Battle of The Midway. december 1941 when us learned Japanese Navy's plan to capture the MidWay islands. along side the Hornet and yorktown.

What is the most flexible elements of the TRIAD?

Intercontinental ballistic missiles

The D in the ABCD Model for TCRM relates to what step or steps in the 5-Step ORM process?

Is tied to steps 4 and 5 of the 5-step ORM process, do the mission.

The A in the ABCD Model for TCRM relates to what step or steps in the 5-Step ORM process?

It combines the first two steps of the 5-step ORM process.

Which of the following fleets would you find in the Western Pacific and Indian Ocean regions?


What kind of military creases are not authorized with the uniform?

Sewn In

What is a crimanl act that is absolutely incompatible with DON's core values, high standards of professionalism.

Sexual Assault

Which system establishes a single comprehensive database in which the prevalence of sexual assault within the DON can be monitored and analyzed.

Sexual Assault Incident Data Collection Report And Explanation

A form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature

Sexual Harassment

Behavior that is unwelcome, sexual in nature, and connected in some way with a person's job or work environment

Sexual harassment

What is the maximum bulk of hair for men and women?

Shall not exceed approximately 2 inches as measured from the scalp

What is the primary pollution concern of Navy personnel?

Shipboard wastes

What individual performance recommendation is a recommendation AGAINST promotion and must be justified in the comments?

Significant Problems.

What evaluations should be treated as adverse evaluations?

Significant problems, or any recommendation against retention.

How many articles make up the Code of Conduct?


Which of the following words hurt naval writing by stretching sentenesm delaying meaning, and hiding responsibility?

It is

The Navy's land management program involves which of the following efforts?

Soil and water conservation

What does the NAVPERS 15878H (manual) relate to?

It is the Retention Team Manual, a reference tool for career counselors, division officers, and other personnel involved in the Retention Program.

Where does the first stripe start on the sleeve of an officer?

It starts 2 inches from the edge of the sleeve, multiple stripes have 1/4 inch intervals in between

The B in the ABCD Model for TCRM relates to what step or steps in the 5-Step ORM process?

Specifically ties to making risk decisions, step 3 of the 5-step ORM process, to mitigate risks.

How is the civilian format for expressing dates in Navy correspondence completed?

Spelled out month, 1 or 2 digit day, a comma, and the 4 digit year.

A drug abuser deeply under the influence of narcotics displays which of the following characteristics?


Window-envelope letter format has no "From:" line, so every copy that goes outside your activity must be on what, to show it origin?


Which of the following terms identifies abatement?


When delegating authority, you should delegate to which of the following competent levels to develop your subordinates?


Assisting the safety officer in keeping the safety program visible to all hands is the responsibilty of which of the following groups?

MAA/Safety Force

Unabbreviated grade


Who is the CNO coordinator for the SOY program?


What enlisted to officer commissioning program provides a pathway for active duty enlisted of all ratings to obtain a baccalaureate degree in nursing and a commission into the Nurse Corps?

MECP, Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program.

Which MPM article covers Extension of Enlistments?

MPM 1160-040

Relationships which are unduly familiar between __________ and _________ are prohibited?

Staff/Instructor and student personnel

Routine drills are based on ship's bills and stem from basic bills outlined in which of the following publications?

Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S Navy

In which of the following publications will you find the description of the duties, responsibilities, and authority of a division officer?

Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy

When are E5 performance evaluations due?

March 15.

Conduct, which constitutes fraternization, is not excused or mitigated by a subsequent ___________ between the offending parties?


Can a Chief serve as a reenlisting officer?


Must non-citizens become citizens in order to enlist or reenlist?

No. Legal immigrant aliens may enlist/reenlist without applying for US citizenship.

Most pesticides fall into which of the following categories?


What is the age requirements for attending NAPS?

Not have passed their 22nd birthday on July of that year they will enter NAPS.

When are E6 performance evaluations due?

November 15.

PQS does not apply to which of the following systems?

Nuclear propulsion systems

How should numbering pages of enclosures be completed?

Number only second and later pages.

Standard subject identification codes (SSICs) provide which of the following standard systems throughout the Navy?




Who is the Responsible Office for HYT?

OPNAV (N132)

What form is used when applying for enlisted to officer commissioning programs?

OPNAV 1420/1, Officer Programs Application.

What form is used at all levels of competition when grading the SOY candidate?

OPNAV 1650/17, SOY Grading Sheet.

What is used to track correspondence routed for action?

OPNAV 52111/7, Correspondence/Document Control Card.

What instruction provides concise information on each commissioning program open to enlisted personnel?

OPNAVINST 1420.1B, Enlisted To Officer Commissioning Programs Application Administrative Manual

What instruction provides guidelines and procedures for the Sailor of the Year Program?

OPNAVINT 1700.10M.

Which of the following logs is used by your division or department to maintain its supply inventory?


A hostile work environment can include: Sexually explicit _______, SE _____, Touching, and unwanted pressure for _____

language, posters, dates

As a petty officer you have the authority to issue orders. Subordinates are requred to follow your only if your orders are


All reported incidents of sexual harassment shall be investigated and resolved at the _____ appropriate level


Yellow zone __ be sexual harassment


The true strength of sea power can only be measured in terms of a nation's ability to use the sea to further its?

national objectives

What is the Navy's Birthday? What year was the Department of the Navy formed?

oct 13 1775..

Individuals believe they are being sexually harassed based on their ______


Reprisals are _______


Sexual harassment is _____


Reporting (define)

reporting of incidents of suicide and suicide-related behaviors

What was the first Navy ship established?

schonner hannah, took british ship USS unity as her first prize.

An element that enables a sea dependent nation to project its political, economic, and military strengths seaward is known as?

sea power

The Navy has the ability to outlast any aggressor with?

secure sea-lanes

Normally 'Quid Pro Quo' occurs from a ____ to a ____

senior, junior

All incidents shall be resolved promptly and with _____


Telling sexually explicit jokes, displaying sexually suggestive pictures, and talking about sex are obviously "_____ in _____"

sexual in nature

All personnel ____ be made aware of the avenues of resolution and redress that are available


Individuals who believe they have been sexually harassed ____ be provided the opportunity to seek resolution and redress


The economic costs of sexual harassment are _______


The controling document for the entire procedure is the

tag-out log

The equipment deficiency list contains all of the following information except

the PMS requirements

Under which conditions can a person reenlist within 6 months of discharge and still be considered to have continuous service?

the member is classified RE-R1 and holds a rating listed as in Career Reenlistment Objective (CREO) 1 or 2 groups

Service members who are married or otherwise related (i.e., father, son, etc.) to other service members, must maintain?

the requisite respect

Prejudice to good order and discipline and discredit to the naval service may occur when what happens?

the senior's objectivity is called into question

Which of the following indicators is one of the dangers to the hallucinogen abuser?

the unpredictability of the effects of the drug

Why have unduly familiar personal relationships between officers and enlisted members traditionally been contrary to naval custom?

they undermine the respect for authority

Responsibility of Personnel Support Office/ Administrative Office

tificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, and forward to the disbursing office maintaining the member's active duty pay account. Close the member's service record and prominently mark at top of the corner, "Retired." Forward with health record to the following: Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM) Reserve Personnel Services (PERS-4912) 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38054

Some people would consider ____, to be sexual in some cases but not in others


To keep abreast of the knowledge and experience of your personnel, you should randomly review each member's

training record

On non-nuclear ships a tag-out audit is conducted every

two weeks

For sexual harassment to occur, ________ sexual behavior must occur in or impact on the work environment


Three criteria of sexual harassment: _______, _____ in nature, and occur in or impact on the ____ environment

unwelcome, sexual, work

Incidents of sexual harassment cover a wide range of behaviors, from ____ comments to ____ acts, and can be subtle or overt

verbal, physical

At a minimum, how often should you take inventory so that you will know when to order additional supplies?


When you attend department meetings, remeber to check which of the follwoing factors before the meeting?

work progress

To continue to exist as we know it today, the United States must have a policy that recognizes its?

worldwide commitments

If ____ zone behaviors occur repeatedly, especially after it is defined as unwelcome, it becomes red zone behavior


Responsibility of NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4823). Authorization for placement on the Retired List will be issued. A package containing

• DD 363N (Rev. 12-99), Certificate of Retirement; • DD 2542 (Rev. 5-01), Certificate of Appreciation for Service in the Armed Forces of the United States; and • other information should be received not later than 6 months prior to retirement date.

Which of the following operations causes the most pollution?

• Industrial • Municipal • Transportation

Which of the following personnel can be victims of sexual harassment?

• Men • Women

Which of the following characteristics are traits of a good Sailor?

• Puts the good of the ship and the Navy above personal likes and dislikes

Which of the following statements is a purpose of the Reenlistment Quality Control Program?

• To provide a personnel management program to control rating manning • To issue reenlistment criteria • To establish standardized professional growth points

Which of the following are sources that set forth the basic disciplinary laws for the U.S. Navy?

• U.S. Navy Regulations • Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy • Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)

Which of the following phrases describes sexual harassment?

• Unwelcome sexual advances • Requests for sexual favors • Verbal or physical conduct that is sexual in nature

Navy personnel are prohibited from taking part in a civil rights demonstration under which of the following circumstances?

• When the demonstration occurs during duty hours • While they are in uniform • When the demonstration occurs on a military reservation

For ____ employees, confidentiality is guaranteed during the _____ stage of a discrimination complaint, if requested

civilian, informal

Using ____ ____ will normally be enough to determine whether or not a certain behavior is sexual in nature

common sense

Sailors, Marines, and civilians who model the ____ values do not engage in negative behaviors such as sexual harassment, and do not _____ those behaviors in others

core, condone

Sound leadership must be the ______ of the effort to eliminate sexual harassment


Active service?

defined as all active duty for training performed subsequent to 9 August 1956 in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or any reserve component thereof, and Army or Air Force National Guard. An enlistment in the Regular Navy or a minority enlistment terminated prior to January 1978 within 3 months of the normal or extended enlistment will be credited as a full term of enlistment or extended enlistment. A minority enlistment is not creditable as a full enlistment for retirement.

By placing the resolution of complaints of discrimination at the lowest possible level, it emphasizes _______ accountability


Annual training shall include the application of pertinent______ and formal complaint procedures


For military personnel, disciplinary actions include: _____ counseling, comments in fitness reports and evaluations, _____, and punitive measures under the UCMJ

informal, ADSEP

What are SCORE's incentives?

"A" School, followed by "C" school (where applicable). Automatic advancement to PO3 or PO2 (if qualified). Entitlement to SRB, if qualified.

In the absence of the Commanding officer and where specifically authorized by law or regulation, an officer who temporarily succeeds to command shall sign official correspondence with what term typed below their name?


What is typed below the signature of correspondence when the signatory has been formally, but temporarily appointed to replace an official who signs correspondence?


How is correspondence signed by an individual who has delegated authority?

"By direction" typed below their name.

How is "continuous service" defined in MPM 1160-030?

"Continuous service" is defined as service in the Regular Navy or Navy Reserve that is continued by reenlistment under the following conditions: a) Reenlistment within 3 months following discharge or release from active duty. b) Reenlistment within 6 months following discharge or release from active duty, provided the member is classified RE-R1. c) If a member has previously served an enlistment in the Regular Navy (not including service as an inductee) or Navy Reserve, member's enlistment therein will be a "reenlistment." d) "Enlistment (under continuous service conditions)" is applicable to the enlistment of a member of the Regular Navy who enlists in the Navy Reserve, or a member of the Navy Reserve who enlists in the Regular Navy within the time frame defined above for "continuous service" after expiration of obligated service (OBLISERV), or at any time prior to the expiration of OBLISERV.

Include intermediate commands as what type of addresses instead of "via" addresses if you want them to see certain routine correspondence without having to endorse it?

"Copy to".

When a piece of correspondence is in its final form and the official that would normally sign the correspondence is unable to do so, it is permissible to have the correspondence signed how?


From which war does the quote "remember the Maine" come from and what does it refer to?

"Remember the Maine" comes from the Spanish/American war over cuba and refers to the sinking of the USS Maine while on patrol in the Havana Harbor which resulted in the deaths of 260 sailors.

When sending correspondence that requires a response or has action for the recipient, put what in your letter when you have a compelling reason to receive a response back?

"Reply by" due date.

Any cognizant addresses should be in what line, when it is determined that they should see a letter before it reaches the "to" addressee?

"Via" line.

Cost of SGLI?

$.80 per year per $10,000, in $10,000 increments up to $250,000.

The Military Cash Awards Program (MILCAP) provides monetary recognition of up to what maximum amount?


What is the minimum service obligation upon initial appointment as an officer from USNA?

1. 5 years active duty, 2. 3 years Individual Ready Reserve.

To be considered for a SECNAV nomination, a candidate for the USNA should obtain what scores on SAT?

1. 550 in math, 2. 500 in critical reading/verbal.

Evals on personnel E6 and below should contain the signatures of whom?

1. A Rater, 2. A Senior Rater.

What does HYT stand for, and which MPM article covers this topic?

High Year Tenure (HYT) is covered in MPM article 1160-120.

What are the Navy requirements when identifying Navy and Marine Corps personnel in correspondence?

1. Abbreviated rank for officers and rate and warfare designator for enlisted personnel with no space between rank/rate and warfare designator. 2. First name, M.I., and last name 3. Staff corps abbreviation 4. Branch of Service 5. Last 4 of SSN 6. Designator for an officer.

To be considered for a SECNAV nomination, a candidate for the USNA should obtain what scores on ACT?

1. 24 in math, 2. 22 in English.

If you disclose information about a person to unauthorized personnel, you could be fined up to what maximum amount?


Q: A member must meet the following professional growth criteria to establish reenlistment eligibility...?

(1) Serving as a petty officer; (2) Serving in pay grade E-3 having passed the Navy-wide advancement exam, but not advanced (passed but not advanced (PNA)), or formerly been a petty officer in current enlistment and be currently recommended for advancement to pay grade E-4. (3) Personnel that fall under the Perform to Serve (PTS) Program must have approval prior to reenlistment. *Note: CWAY approval replaces PTS approval (MPM article is outdated)

Guidelines for Submission. Applications for retirement may be submitted under the following guidelines:

-If requested retirement date coincides with the projected rotation date (PRD), submit request between 6 and 9 months in advance of the requested retirement date or PRD. - If requested retirement date does not coincide with PRD, submit request 9 to 12 months in advance of the requested retirement date to allow ample time to identify a relief for the retiring officer. Retirement requests submitted more than 12 months in advance will not be accepted. - If an officer is notified by any means (E-Mail, message, telephone, or personal visit) that permanent change of station (PCS) orders will be issued, and the officer is within 6 months of the normal PRD, a retirement request will not normally be approved. (The 1st day of the 6th month prior to an officer's projected date is considered to be the commencement date of the 6-month period.) -If an officer is notified more than 6 months prior to the PRD that PCS orders will be issued, the officer may decline the assignment and request retirement to be effective any time up to and including the normal PRD. -An officer who has not been notified of impending orders may request retirement for any date agreed upon by member and detailing community.

Requirements for Submission of Request

-Member will submit NAVPERS 1336/3 (Rev. 8-05), Special Request/Authorization via the chain of command. -Upon approval by the commanding officer (CO), submit NAVPERS 1336/3 to the command's career counselor. -Forward to the personnel office, which will submit the request to Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM),

Responsibility of Retirees. The retiree must

-keep NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4912) informed of the home address. -inform NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4912) of travel or residency outside the United States for a period in excess of 30 days. - respond promptly to all official correspondence addressed to the retiree by proper authority. - understand the retiree is subject, at all times, to the laws, regulations, and orders for Navy. The retiree may wear the uniform from place of release to home within 3 months after the date of release and subsequently on occasions of ceremony

Members will not be allowed to acquire active obligated service beyond their 65th birthday unless ... ?

... they will not be eligible for transfer to the Fleet Reserve until after that date.

If you're 65, you can't remain in active duty to make a 30-year retirement unless...

... you have 28 years in (without prior approval of NAVPERSCOM)

The competitive cycle for the SOY will cover what dates?

01 October to 30 September every year.

Quarters for muster and inspection are held each work day just before


How is the standard format for expressing dates in Navy correspondence completed?

1 0r 2 digit day, spelled out month, and 4 digit year.

All command selecting a SOY will have their selection boards complete and packages ready for submission to their respective force commander by what date?

1 December each year.

When must STA-21 applications be submitted by?

1 July of the year in which the applicant desires acceptance into the program.

How far above the eyebrows should the garrison cap be worn?

1 inch

What is the size of the CPO collar device?

1 inch

What should the margins be set at for correspondence?

1 inch margins.

Conditional enlistment extensions may be done in increments of how many months, up to an aggregate of how many months?

1 month increments, up to 48 months aggregate

How is the abbreviated format for expressing dates in Navy correspondence completed?

1 or 2 digit day, 3 letter abbreviation for the month, and 2 digit abbreviated year.

How long do you have, after separation, to apply for VGLI?

1 year and 120 days.

In 1794, what were first US ordered for construction under the naval act.

1)USS united states. 2) USS Constellation. 3) USS Constitution. 4) USS Chesapeake 5) USS Congress 6) USS President

Submarines may discharge negatively buoyant compacted trash not less than 12 nm from the U.S. coastline only if the water depth is greater than how many fathoms?


What is the size of the CPO miniature cap device?

1-1/4 inch

How far above the visor shall the insignia for a ball cap be placed?

1-1/4 inch above the visor

What is the size of the CPO cap device?

1-3/4 inch

For a reporting period in which a member has failed three or more PFAs in the most recent 4 year period, how is it documented for enlisted members?

1. 1.0 in "Military Bearing" or Professionalism, Block 35 for Chiefs, Block 36 for Evals, 2. "Significant problems" and "Retention Not Recommended".

1.What were the dates of the Voyage of the Great White Fleet? 2.What was the purpose of the Voyage of the Great White Fleet?

1. 16 December 1907 till 1909 2. Show of Sea Power

1. What was the dates of the Battle of Leyte Gulf? 2. What was the significance of the battle?

1. 23 till 25 October 1944 2. The Imperial Japanese Navy was virtually destroyed in three connected sea to air battles.

What are the 6 different Physical Fitness Assessment codes that can be used in Block 20 on evals?

1. P - passed, 2. B - passed BCA non-participant in PRT for other than medical reasons, 3. F, overall PFA failure, failed BCA or PRT, 4. M, medically waived from entire PFA, 5. W, passed BCA but medically waived from 1 or more PRT events, 6. N, No PFA conducted during reporting period.

What are the 4 types of promotion status that can be placed in block 8 of the eval report?


Who must work together to ensure consistent interpretation and application of Navy standards for performance evaluations?

1. Rater, 2. Senior Rater, 3. Reporting Senior.

What are the three types of reports that must be submitted?

1. Regular reports, 2. Concurrent reports, 3. Operational Commander reports.

To alert all addresses of the unusual routing of an advanced copy of correspondence, what must be done?

1. Repeat the action addressee by Standard Navy Distribution List (SNDL) short title in a "Copy to:" line and include the term "advance" in parentheses after the short title. 2. Send correspondence directly to the "To" addressee with a concurrent copy to each intermediate addressee.

Who is ineligible to compete for the SOY?

1. Sailors selected for CPO, 2. Sailors eligible for Enlisted Recruiter of the Year.

Enlisted summary groups consist of members of what?

1. Same pay grade, 2. Same promotion status, 3. Same type of report, 4. Same reporting senior, 5. Same ending date.

The ABCD model in TCRM based its foundation on what?

1. Scientific principles, 2. Ability to focus individuals, 3. Increase their situational awareness, 4. Improve their performance in time critical environment.

What is the 5-step promotion recommendation scale?

1. Significant problems, 2. Progressing, 3. Promotable, 4. Must Promote, 5. Early Promote.

What should be considered when choosing a due date for correspondence sent that requires a response or action?

1. Time to make it up the chain of command to be signed. 2. Time for it to reach the people who will take action. 3. Time for them to gather the info and prepare a response. 4. Time for the response to make it back to you.

When was the Quasi war with france?

1798-1800. Constellation defeated two frigates and enteprise captured 80 french ships.

What are the 6 Navy Commissioning Programs offered to enlisted personnel?

1. US Naval Academy (USNA), and Naval Academy Preparatory School, NAPS, 2. Officer Candidate School, OCS, 3. Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program, MECP, 4. Medical Service Corps In-Service Procurement Program, MSC IPP, 5. Limited Duty Officer, LDO, and Chief Warrant Officer, CWO, 6. Seaman to Admiral-21, STA-21.

What are the Marine Corps requirements when identifying Navy and Marine Corps personnel in correspondence?

1. Unabbreviated grade. 2. First name, M.I., and last name 3. last 4 of SSN without hyphens 4. Military occupation specialty 5. Branch of service.

What is the ABCD Model in TCRM designed to assist with?

1. Working in dynamic working environment, 2. Monitoring a static or routine situation to capture errors, 3. Makin a decision with partial information.

An enlisted member who receives any trait grade of what, loses eligibility for their Good Conduct Medal?

1.0 trait grade.

What performance grade must be substantiated in the comments, as well as general comments on the remainder of the evaluative blocks?


What is the maximum length that the mustache may be?

1/2 inch

What is the regulation for embroidery on the utilities and coveralls?

1/2 inch high blocked letters on the utilities and 3/4 inch high blocked letters on the coveralls

When a hairstyle of multiple braids is worn, braids shall be small in diameter approximately?

1/4 inch


10 U.S.C 6323 AND SECNAVINST 1811.3M

Type face for Text

10 to 12 point front size

This PQS series number serves as a self-study aid for the trainee.

100 PQS series

This series number addresses specific or unique safety precautions.

100 PQS series

A heat stress survey should be conducted whenever the work station dry-bulb reading exceeds what temperature?

100 degree F

Survival is a group or team effort. What total percentage of individual effort must be put forth by each member to make sure the group or team is not captured?

100 percent

Evading the enemy in open woods is difficult because under favorable conditions enemy observers are able to see up to what maximum distance?

100 yards

Applicants for MECP must have what minimum recommended SAT scores that are not older than 3 years?

1000 SAT score, 500 math and 500 critical reading/verbal.

OCS is how many weeks long?

12 weeks long.

What is the HYT for E-3 SELRES personnel?

12 years

How many characters are allowed for filling out Block 29, Primary/Collateral/Watchstanding duties/PFA, of the eval report?

14 total characters.

What is the HYT for E-4 SELRES personnel?

14 years

What is HYT for E-5?

14 years for members with less than 10 years of total military service as of 1JUL05. 20 years for all others.

Without using court-martial intervention. What article of the UCMJ empower a commanding officer to impose punishment for minor offenses on both officer and enlisted personnel?


Your rights are found under what UCMJ article?


The frequency between regular reports shall not exceed what time frame unless approved by NAVPERSCOM, PERS-32?

15 months.

The SECNAV may appoint how may enlisted members of the regular and Navy Reserve and Marine Corps to the USNA each year?


What are the widths of the stripes that are worn on the sleeve of officers?

2 inch, 1/2 inch or 1/4 inch

As a part of a full sea bag how many pairs of coveralls are required?

2 pairs

What is on the visor of flag officers?

2 rows of gold leaves and acorns

Commands must retain copies of enlisted evals and Chief evals for how long?

2 years.

What is HYT for E-6?

20 years

For Reserve personnel to be eligible to volunteer for recall to fill Temporary Active Duty (TEMACDU) or Naval Reserve Canvasser Recruiter Billets, they must be able to complete ... qualifying years, as defined in BUPERSINST 1001.39D, by age ... for reserve retirement eligibility.

20 years...age 60

This PQS series number breaks the subject equipment into smaller, more easily understood sections.

200 PQS series

To be elegible for SCORE, a member must have at least how many months, but no more than how many years, of total active military service?

21 months and 12 years, and have served 24 months in their present rate.

What is the HYT for E-5 SELRES personnel?

22 years

Over how many years of seagoing experience demonstrates that seniors must maintain thoroughly professional relationships with juniors at all times?


Any amount of alcohol or drug consumption prior to (within appoximately how many hrs of) the incident constitutes "use" backed up by the victim's account or blood test.

24 HRS

What minimum Reserve Active Duty Obligation must a Full Time Support member have in order to reenlist?

24 months

Unconditional enlistment extentions must be at least how many months minimum to how many months maximum?

24 months minimum; 48 months maximum

What time frame does an applicant to the MSC IPP have to complete their degree?

24 to 48 months.

What is HYT for E-7?

24 years

What is the HYT for E-6/E-7 SELRES personnel?

24 years

What should be included for each individual with delegated authority?

A brief outline of the scope of delegation.

What is the annual clothing replacement allowance?

A cash allowance provided for replacing a minimum quantity of each required uniform and paid over the estimated useful life of the articles

On what basis should supervisors assign duties such as food service and compartment cleaning?

A fair, rotational basis

Normally, which of the following signs is the first emotional reaction following a dose or heroin?

A feeling of relief

How is the delegation of authority prepared for each individual that the authority applies?

A letter so delegating that authority to the individual by name.

When making duty assignments such a general quarters stations or a cleaning station, who should be assigned responsibility for that duty

A specific person

Who would provide medical training and technical guidance for appropriate personnel in order to provide comprehensive medical management for alleged Sexual Assault victims.

CHBUMED - Chief Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

Who shall establish an Integrated Database (IDB) to capture and track reported incidents of sexual assault against persons who are over the age of 18 who are married to their alleged offenders and to track subsequent investigative and/or legal actions.


Who established the SOY program?


Overall responsible for having written suicie prevention and crisis intervention plans that include the process for identification, referral, access to treatment and follow-up procedures for personnel who indicate a heightened risk of suicide?


Who shall provide GMT or similar annual training curricula on suicide prevention?


Who guides the counseling program and monitors counselor performance and results?


Preferred font style and size for Official Correspondence

COurer New 12 point font

Who in the enlisted to commissioning program, are technical specialists who perform duties requiring extensive knowledge and skills of a specific occupational field at a level that is normally expected of a MCPO?


Prejudice to good order and discipline or discredit to the naval service may result from which circumstances?

Call into question a senior's objectively, preferential treatment, undermining authority, compromising chain of command

In the art of survival, which of the following requirements permits you to see but not bee seen?


Nonjudicial punishment is better known in the Navy by which of the following titles?

Captains mast

Yellow means


Page Number should be ______ from the bottom of the page

Center 1/2 inch

Where should page numbers be in correspondence?

Centered, 1/2 inch from the bottom of the page.

Drinking a large amount of cough medication is a common method of abusing which of the following drugs?


By long standing custom and tradition __________ are separate and distinct leaders within their assigned command/

Chief Petty Officers

Personal relationships between ________ and ________ who are assigned to the same command, which are unduly familiar and that do no respect differences in grade or rank, are prohibited?

Chief Petty Officers (E7 to E9) and junior personnel (E1 to E6)

Which of the following commissioning programs provides the Navy with officers who are technical specialists in their fields?

Chief Warrant Officer Program

Who develops procedures and policy to ensure Service Members who exhibit suicide-related ideations, communications or behaviors are properly evaluated and treated?

Chief of BUMED

The guidance and policy for making sure that equal opportunity works rests with what office?

Chief of Naval Operations

What person directs and supervises the Navy's voting program?

Chief of Naval Personnel

Who is responsible for the FITREP, CHIEFEVAL, and EVAL program?

Chief of Naval Personnel.

What type of material would you not use a window envelope?

Classified material, involves national security, personal in nature, or sent to high-level offices.

Properly written correspondence that does what, aids the effective management and operation of the DON?

Clearly and succinctly establishes a position, correctly and completely answers questions, and conveys the right message.

Soil and water conservation

Collection, holding, and transfer

Which of the following subjects is NOT covered during the Navy Rights and Responsibilities workshiop?

Comatant skills

CMEO is an equal opportunity management system controlled primarily at which of the following levels?


Who is responsible for paying for the soiled uniforms that are damaged due to lack of adequate protective garments?


The Navy Rights and Responsibilities workshop is conducted by which of the following groups?

Command Training Team (CTT)

Who shall develop, conduct, and maintain a training continuum for all individuals sexual assault training.

Commander of NETC

Who will provide indoctrination and annual training to all hands on the subject of fraternization?


This person designates in writing those individuals authorized to act as qualifiers.

Commanding Officer

Which of the following personnel has the authority to administer nonjudicial punishment?

Commanding Officer

Who must approve the removal of asbestos insulation aboard ship?

Commanding Officer

What person determines the content and priorities of the command ombudsman program?

Commanding officer

Responsibility of Disbursing Office

Complete the disbursing data entries on DD 214.

What type of performance reports provide a record of significant performance in additional duty, temporary additional duty, CAI status or designated billet assignment?

Concurrent reports.

Which, if any, of the following classified material does not require controlled routing?


What is the cap device for commissioned officers?

Consists of two gold crossed fouled anchors with burnish silver shield surmounted by a burnish silver spread eagle facing the wearer's right

What is the cap device for commissioned warrant officers?

Consists of two gold crossed fouled anchors, of a size to be inscribed in a circle 2-1/4 inches in diameter

What type of correspondence is one that requires some type of action, requires a response, or has a long-term reference value?

Controlled correspondence.

What is a critical step in the processing of outgoing correspondence?


What type and size font is preferred for official correspondence?

Courier New 12 point.

Which of the following drugs can cause the heart or arteries to burst and cause a massive coronary?


The Aegis installed weapons system is on which of the following platforms?


What has the Navy historically relied upon to define the bounds of acceptable personal relationships among its members?

Custom and Tradition

When did D-Day occur.

D-Day occurred on 6 June 1944.

Letter Head beguns with


For instances of suicide and undetermined deaths for which suicide has not been excluded by the medical examiner shall complete the __________ within how many days of notification of death?

DOD SER; 60 days

Which reference provides guidance on assisting victims and witnesses of crime from initial contact through investigation, prosecution, and confinement.

DODI 1030.2

As a minimum, how often should you assess your division's personnel and matreial readiness?


Which of the following officer is responsible for the administration of the CBR defense bill?

Damage control assistant

Who will be responsible for obtaining data elements through a coordinated effort with all agencies involved in the reporting investigation, or Prosecution of Sexual Assault.

Data Collection Coordinator

What should be done to all incoming controlled correspondence on the day it arrives at the command?

Date stamped.

Give three examples of unduly familiar relations.

Dating, borrowing money between enlisted and officer members, private business relationships

A person who has taken an overdoes of cocaine may experience which of the following reactions?


Depressant overdoses, whe take with alcohol, may result in which of the following conditions/


Applicants to the USNA must have a medical exam determining they are physically qualified, performed by whom?

Defense Medical Examination Review Board, DODMERB.

Deliberately observing how a person handles some part of a job.


Sign-off authority for final PQS qualification may be delegated to what minimum level of authority?

Department Head

This perons recommends final qualifications to the commanding officer

Department Head

This person recommends interim qualification of watch standers

Department Head

SECNAV M- 5216.5

Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual

Abuse of which of the following types of drugs results in the appearance of alcohol intoxication, but without the odor of alcohol on the breath?


Which of the following management tools should be used by the division officer to maintain a current watch, quarter and station bill?

Division notebook

Responsibility for ensuring division members are aware of their, watch, quarter and station bill assignments is delegated to which of the following persons?

Division officer

The preliminary (PIO) compmletes what section of the NAVPERS 1626/7?


What paygrade must an Active Duty enlisted member be in order to apply to the MSC IPP?

E-5 to E-9.

What paygrade must an Active Duty member be in order to apply to the CWO program?

E-7 to E-9.

A CPO or SCPO may be the reporting senior for which performance evaluations?

E4 and below only.

Enlisted applicants selected for OSC that are in paygrade E-4 and below are advanced to what paygrade upon reporting to OCS?


What pay grade should the Suicide prvention coordinator(SPC) be?

E7 or above (whenever possible) AND MUST be designated in writing by the CO

When EMI is assigned to correct a military deficiency, which of the following limitaiton normally is observed?

EMI is assigned in periods not to exceed 2 hours daily

You can use for formal and informal correspondence


All first-term Sailors in paygrades E-1 through E-6 requesting reenlistment must be approved for reenlistment through what program?


What commander CO OIC must personally sign

EST Policy Certain aspect of military Justice Require by law or regulation Center on the command mission or efficiency and are addeessed to higher authority

Under the Clean Air Act, what government body has the primary responsibility for assuring air quality?

Each state

What promotion recommendations are based solely on performance and do not require eligibility for early promotion?

Early Promote.

What constitutes HYT for an E-4 Active Duty Sailor?

Eight years would be HYT for this group.

Which of the following types of warfare assists in detecting and targeting hostile forces and making it more difficult for the enemy to detect and target friendly forces?


What are the 4 main eligibility requirements to reenlist?

Eligibility requirements for reenlistment: (1) Be medically qualified; (2) Meet the eligibility standards prescribed, including HYT, as set forth in MILPERSMAN 1160-120; (3) Have been recommended by the member's commanding officer (CO) for reenlistment; and (4) Meet quality control standards as outlined in this article (MPM 1160-030)

When no opinion or comment is needed on correspondence, what may the "Via" addressee elect to do?

Endorse with the term "forwarded".

Which office manages extensions for active duty USN & FTS Sailors?

Enlisted Active Programs (PERS-811)

When using the ABCD Model in TCRM, what does the color Red represent?

Errors may occur that can not be caught and become consequential to the task or mission.

When using the ABCD Model in TCRM, what does the color Green represent?

Errors may occur, but ill be caught by the individual.

The temporary withholding of privileges is an effective tool in correcting a minor infraction of miltary regulation. Which of the following privileges CANNOT be withheld as part of this nonpunitive measure?

Exchange of duty

This person acts as an overall training supervisor?

Executive Officer

What authority allows the use of SSN in corresponding within the DoD?

Executive Order 9397.

The victim's identity will not be released to the media without the victim's what.

Express Consent

Sexual Assault against children and those that occur within a marital relationship shall be reported under which DON Program.

FAP - Family Advocacy Program



What provides a fast and reliable means for sending official correspondence?

Facsimile machines.

If you cannot resolve a complaint among the personnel involved, you can attach a written complaint to a special request chit and forward it through the chain of command. You must do this within 5 days?


Your performance evaluation does not reflect your attitude toward and your conduct in support of the Navy's equal opportunity program.


Who trains safety petty officers and damage control petty officers in selecting, fit testing and maintaining respirators?

Gas Free Engineering officer

True or false: Candidates for advancement who will be over the established HYT date for their present paygrade on the first day of the advancement cycle (see table below) are still eligible for advancement consideration.

False (unless a waiver is obtained, or the member is an E-3/E-4 awaiting results of E-4/E-5 exam AND member intends to reenlist or extend)

True or false? "Pen and ink" changes to a piece of correspondence is acceptable?


Women's uniforms were designed to duplicate what?

Fashion Trends

All persons placed in a survival situation feel which of the following useful emotions?


Who is Osmond Ingram? What is the Name of the first ship named after an Enlisted Man?

First Enlisted man Killed In Action in World War I. USS Osmond Ingram (DD 255)

The 8th enterprise CVN-65.

First nuclear powered aircraft carrier. participated in the blockcade of cuba during the missile crisis.

When are Promotion/Frocking reports submitted?

For E6 only, upon promotion or frocking to E7.

When is it possible to use form letters?

For routine matters that require no personal touch.

The number of tag-out logs that each ship class must maintain is specified by which of the following individuals?

Force Commander

What type of standard response can be used to save time?

Form or format letter.

When may former members of the Armed Forces wear a military uniform?

Former members who served honorable during a war and whose most recent service was terminated under honorable conditions may wear the uniform of the highest grad held

What will a Captain wear on their sleeve?

Four 1/4 inch stripes

What constitutes HYT for an E-5 Active Duty Sailor?

Fourteen years would be HYT for this group.

Letterheads that begin with DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY shall be centered on what line from the top of the page?

Fourth line.

What is the term traditionally used to identify personal relationships which contravene the customary bounds of acceptable senior-subordinate relationships?


Intentional misleading or deceitful conduct that deprives the government of its resources or rights.


Our Navy uses a standard filing system for which of the following reasons?

Frequent rotation of personnel

What is the format for Block 20 of the eval?

From oldest to most recent.

To avoid stereotyping men and women, use pronouns and titles that are what?

Gender neutral.

Green means


After your scedule is approved, which of the followngi requiremnts should be met?


Custom requires that junior personnel recognize and respect the authority inherent in a senior's?

Grade, Rank, or Position

___ zone: Shaking hands, or a friendly pat on the shoulder, counseling on military appearance, social interaction, showing concern or encouragement, a polite compliment, or friendly conversation


If your ship is assigned to the Second Fleet, it would probably conduct refresher training at which of the following locations?

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

What are pre-drafted standard letters that contain paragraphs that you may pick from the to best fit the situation for which you are writing?

Guide letters.

What is required to serve more than 30 years in the Navy?

HYT approval of NAVPERSCOM. Normally only considered for E-9.

Abuse of which of the following types of drugs may result in reoccurring effects months after the drug has been taken?


How is signing "For" an absent official completed?

Hand write the term "For" before the name of the regular signing official.

If the delegation of authority is provided for in a directive, how is it indicated?

In a generic reference to a billet or position title.

When should correspondence normally be submitted for signature?

In its final form.

When can't conservative sunglasses be worn?

In military formation

Compatible with sea/shore rotation policy and the needs of the service, service members married to each other will not be assigned?

In the same chain of command

All delegations of signature authority will be completed how?

In writing signed by the person delegating the authority.



Checking regularly on how safely all hazardous jobs are performed.


Looking, with safety in mind, at what people are doing as you go from place to place.


Which of the follwoing tools does a supervisor use to identify and develop solutions to eliminate hazards?

Job safety analysis

Who is widely known as the "the father of the navy"?

John Paul Jones interesting fact: left america to serve in the Russian navy after the decommissioning of the ships due to cost.

Who shall provide advvice, instruction, guidance and assistance regarding legal aspects of the Sexual Assault Prevention Program.

Judge Advocate General Of Navy

When are E3 and below performance evaluations due?

Jul 15.

When are E4 performance evaluations due?

Jun 15.

Who in the enlisted to commissioning program, are technically oriented officers who perform duties limited to specific occupational fields and require strong managerial skills?


This instruction and the prohibition of fraternization found in Article 1165 of the U.S. Navy Regulations are ____________ effective without further implementation.

Lawful General Orders

Assigning your junior petty officers challenging jobs will increase which of the following skills?


_____ is the key to eliminating all forms of unlawful discrimination


Who is considered the father of the steam Navy?

Matthew Perry is considered the father of the steam Navy.

History of the Eight USS ENTERPRISE. ship 1.

May 1775, BRITISH HMS George captured by Colonel Benedict Arnold. Intentionally burned to avoid capture during battle of Seratoga

Who is typically the senior rater for performance evaluations?

Members division officer or department head.

For what period of time may a Sailor reenlist?

Members on active duty reenlisting in the Regular Navy or the Navy Reserve may reenlist on board for a term of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 years.

How are men and women belts be worn?

Men wear the belt with the clip to the left of the buckle and women wear the belt with clip to the right of the buckle

Which of the following materials is prohibited from use or storage aboard ship?

Methyl bromide

From what part of the world does the U.S. import most of its crude oil?

Middle East

What is the policy on military creases?

Military creases are an individual option, sewn in creases are not authorized

What has traditionally defined proper senior-subordinate relationships?

Military customs and courtesies

Where may former members of he Armed Forces wear a military uniform if they are authorized to wear one?

Military funerals, memorial services, weddings, inaugurals and patriotic parades or ceremonies which any active or reserve United States Military unit is taking part

An action or task required by one's position that is expected or required by moral or legal obligation is a duty. Duties fall into which of the following categories?

Miltary and administrative

Service members offered an appointment at the USNA must have a minimum of how many months of active obligated service as of 1 July the entering year?

Minimum of 24 months of active obligated service.

Which of the following terms is used to describe an unplanned event that interrupts work and produces damage and/or injury?


Including your junior petty officers in the planning process prevents which of the following problems from occuriring?


25. During what Civil War battle was the order "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!" given?

Mobile Bay.

Which of the following characteristics of a strike force is one of its greatest assets?


What is the date format for responding to correspondence from Congress?

Month, day, year.

The command's enlisted safety committee should convene according to what schedule?


Proper social interaction among officer and enlisted members has always been encouraged as it enhances?

Morale and esprit de corps

Which of the following modes of transportation creates most air pollutants?

Motor vehicles

What are the service requirements for an active duty member applying to the CWO program?

Must have completed 10 years active, but no more than 16 years of active Naval Service.

What reference should be used when writing to other NATO Forces?

NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) Number 2066, Layout for Military Correspondence.

Which message outlines new DOD policy concerning confidential restricted reporting of sexual assaults.


What form is used for Marine Corps personnel writing to higher authority on a personal matter affecting the command?

NAVMC 10274, Administrative Action Form.

Which form is the Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data?

NAVPERS 1070/602

What form is used for a Sexual Assault Incident Data collection report.

NAVPERS 1752/1

Who is the Responsible Office for STAR Program requests?








Who should the Trater be for E5 and E6 performance evaluations?

Navy CPO.

oluntary active duty retirement requests are submitted to?

Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM), Officer Retirement Section (PERS-4822). Officers desiring voluntary retirement under reference (a) shall submit an official written request to Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), via their commanding officer (CO) (or immediate superior in command (ISIC), as appropriate) and NAVPERSCOM

MPM 1160-020 covers what topic?

Navy Reenlistment Ceremony

The awarding of what medal is authorized for all SOY Sailors who compete below the force level of competition?

Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.

The awarding of what medal is authorized for all SOY Sailors who compete at the force level of competition and above?

Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal.

What elements are grooming standards based on?

Neatness, cleanliness, safety, military image and appearance

As major job completion dates near, you should never allow which of the following situations to happen?

Neglect minor jobs

When, if ever, may you voluntarily surrender to the enemy?


When is it authorized to use SSN in corresponding outside the DoD?


SECNAV nomination requests for the USNA must be received by the USNA admissions office by what date?

No later than 31 January of the year in which the applicant desires admission.

What is the maximum length a man can have his hair?

No longer than 4 inches and may not touch the ears, collar, extend below the eyebrows when headgear is removed show under front edge of headgear or interfere with the proper wear of headgear

SAT or ACT tests must be no more than how many years old when applying to the USNA?

No more than 2 years old.

When using a observed report with a non observed promotion recommendation, what is the number of traits allowed to be evaluated?

No more than 3 traits.

Letterhead stationery of the DON shall bear what size seal of the DoD?

One inch in diameter.

How many rings are authorized while in uniform?

One ring per hand, plus wedding/engagement ring set

In the coordination process of outgoing correspondence, who should the reviews be limited to?

Only those offices that have a substantial interest in the topic of the correspondence.

When should there be restrict assignment of controls of incoming correspondence?

Only to incoming mail that requires a response or has long-term reference value.

When should signing "For" an absent official be used?

Only when a delay would fail to meet a crucial deadline.

When should the use of double-spaced drafts of correspondence be appropriate?

Only when changes are likely.

What inspection is conducted to test the operational ability of the crew and ship in wartime conditions?

Operational Readiness Inspection

The authority that an individual may hold by virtue of assignment to a specific billet within an organizational unit of the Navy is known as what type of authority?


What program provides information and support for Navy personnel who are guests in foreign lands?

Overseas Duty Support Program

Which of the following types of equipment should be used as a source of breathing air ONLY in emergency situations?

Oxygen breathing apparatus

"Informing the public and members of the naval service about Navy operations and programs" is the mission of






Who is the office generally responsible for Reenlistment matters?


What is the age policy related in MPM 1160-010?

POLICY: Enlisted personnel on active duty or inactive duty being considered for indefinite recall a. who will not complete sufficient service creditable for transfer to the Fleet Reserve prior to their 55th birthday; or b. who will not complete sufficient service for 30-year retirement on or prior to their 65th birthday may not acquire active obligated service without specific authorization by Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM), except as indicated in this article.

This person is responsible for ordering all departmental PQS material.

PQS Coordinator

to save words, clarify ideas, and provide balance when you wish to express two or more equally important ideas in a sentence, you should use which of the follwoing types of sentence construction?

Parallel sentences

STA-21 applicants must be able to complete degree requirements and be commissioned by what age?

Prior to their 27th birthday.

All OCS applicants, regardless of their designator, must be able to be commissioned prior to what age?

Prior to their 42nd birthday.

Applicants of MECP must be able to complete the nursing degree requirements and be commissioned prior to what age?

Prior to their 42nd birthday.

Jobs on your work center schedule are listed by what order of precedence?


What promotion recommendation means the member is making progress but is not ready to be recommended for promotion?

Progressing, 3.4 on the 4.0 scale.

What performance recommendations can NOT be assigned on an Eval or Chief Eval when a promotable or higher promotion recommendation for advancement has been given in a previous report in the same pay grade?


What color cartridge protects against radioactive materials?


Continuation (status) reports will be used to provide new or revised information and must be submitted to service headquarters at least how often until final resolution of a case or a determination that the installation commander unable to monitor the progress of a case.


When recipients are offered or denied something that is work-connected in return for submitting to or rejecting unwelcome sexual behavior

Quid pro quo

For performance evaluations, who's responsibility is it to review the member's performance, assign trait grades, propose career recommendations, and draft a justifying comment for each 1.0 grade and any other comments on performance?


Which of the following materials is the primary municipal pollutant?

Raw or inadequately treated sewage

When writing a naval letter, you should ensure it is well organized and orderly. Which of the following writing methods is NOT in the correct order?

Stating explanation before answers

When operating sanitation devices in foreign waters, Navy ships comply with which of the following requirements?

Status of Forces Agreement

What is the regulation for stencils?

Stencil letters shall be approximately 3/8 inch high blocked letters

A drug abuser who suffers long periods of time without sleeping or eating is probably abusing which of the following tyeps of drugs?


Red means


Which of the following terms describes an attack that is intended to inflict damage to, seize, or destroy an objective?


The primary mission of our submarine force is to destroy which of the following types of enemy ships?



Suicide Prevention Program

Steel erodes faster than normal when exposed to which of the following air pollutants?

Sulfur oxides

According to NAVOSH regulations, you are required to immmediately report all observed workplace hazards to which of the following persons?


Who is responsible for monitoring and ensuring individuals with shaving waivers are following the treatment regimen?


If you and your Group are isolated behind enemy lines, your chances of making it to friendly forces can be greatly enhanced if you always remember the meaning of the letters in what key word?








How shall the hair above the ears and around the neck for men be?

Tapered from the lower natural hairline upwards at least 3/4 inches and outward not greater than 3/4 inches to blend with hairstyle' hair must not touch the collar.

The Enlisted Distribution Verification Report can beetter enable your division to fulfill which of the follwoing requirements without an adverse effect?

Temporary additonal duty

Sexual Assault Incident reports should be completed within how many days of initial notification to any Navy or Marine Corps support service or command.


Your signature on the tag-out log after an audit serves which of the following purposes?

That the log is verified up to date

What is a practical application of the 5-step ORM process in a time critical environment?

The ABCD Model.

In reference to TCRM, what provides a command language and structure for a measure response when an individual, team, or crew is executing a routine task or under duress from a more complex situation?

The ABDC Model.

What was significant about the Battle of Coral Sea?

The Battle of Coral Sea was significant because it was the first battle where neither fleet saw each other.

What battle is was considered a turning point during World War II, and what aircraft carriers were involved?

The Battle of Midway is considered a turning point during World War II. With the reinforcements of the carriers USS Yorktown, USS Hornet, and USS Enterprise, The Naval force led by ADM Nimitz was able to sink 4 Japanese carriers and a heavy cruiser at the cost of a single carrier and destroyer.

What specific guidance relates to hospitalized members who desire to reenlist?

The CO of a U.S. naval hospital is authorized to reenlist a member who is eligible and otherwise qualified, who so desires and whose enlistment expires while in a patient status, provided it is anticipated that the member will be physically and otherwise qualified for full duty immediately upon discharge from hospitalization.

What was the Great White Fleet?

The Great White fleet was a US Naval Fleet that circumnavigated the world from 16 December 1907 to 22 February 1909 by order of President Theodore Roosevelt. This Fleet was meant to demonstrate the growing American Military power.

You can report fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement to which of the following offices?

The Navy hotline The chain of command The Naval Criminal Investigative Service

Who may administer the reenlistment oath?

The President, the Vice-President, the Secretary of Defense, any commissioned officer, and any other person designated under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense.

What is the purpose of the STAR Program?

The STAR program offers career designation to first term enlisted members who enlist or reenlist and thereby become eligible for the following career incentives: a. Guaranteed assignment to an appropriate Class "A" or "C" School (but not both). b. Possible advancement from PO3 to PO2 upon completion of a Class "C" School c. Advancement to PO3 upon completion of Phase I of an Advanced Electronics Field (AEF) Class "A" School under automatic advancement procedures for the AEF program. d. Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB), if eligible (not guaranteed).

What were the two ships involved in the first battle between two Ironclad ships, and what was the outcome?

The USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia were the to first Ironclad ships to fight, there battle was evenly matched and resulted in a stalemate. -The USS Marrimack was renamed the CSS Virginia by the confederates

What was the first steam ship and when was it commissioned?

The USS Prinston was the first steam ship commissioned in 1843.

What was the first ship designed as an aircraft carrier?

The USS Ranger was the First ship designed as a aircraft carrier.

What was the name of the first Hospital ship?

The USS Red Rover was the Hospital ship.

What was the first operational submarine, and when was it commissioned?

The Uss Holland was the first operational submarine and it was commissioned in April 1900.

To manage and supervise people effectively, you must have which of the following leadership skills?

The ability to listen to and understand what people have to say

According to MPM 1160-020, who presides over a reenlistment ceremony?

The commanding officer (CO) or, in his/her absence, the executive officer (XO) should preside.

Who should preside over reenlistment ceremonies?

The commanding officer (or, if not present, the XO).

What is the hair regulation for women in while in uniform?

The hair may touch, but not fall below the horizontal line level with the lower edge of the back of the collar. With the Jumper uniform, hair may extend a maximum of 1-1/2 inches below the top of the jumper collar

Who should the signature authority be delegated to?

The lowest legal and practical level.

When the Commanding Officers authorizes a deserter's uniforms to be sold what should be done to the uniforms?

The name of the former owner shall be obliterated with a red "D.C." stamp and the purchaser's name shall be placed above, below, or next to it

In a Prisoner of war camp, the senior line officer or non-commissioned officer (NCO) assumes command of fellow prisoners without regard to branch of service. If this senior officer or NCO becomes incapacitated for any reason, who if anyone, assumes command?

The next senior person

Which of the following supervisors supports the Navy's Equal Opportunity program?

The one who relates positively and directly with all people equally

The order that reference appear in referenc block of a naval letter is based on which of the following factors?

The order in which they appear in the text

A concurrent performance evaluation report must be countersigned by whom?

The regular reporting senior.

It is often said that "undu haste makes waste." In a survival situation, if you are careless and impatient, you will begin to encounter which of the following experiences?

The taking of unnecessary risks

How many Naval vessels have been named after Corpsman?

There have been 14 vessels named after Corpsman.

The USNA academic program focuses primarily on technical fields of study, which lead to appointments in what communities in the Navy?

Unrestricted Line, URL, communities. Such as: 1. Surface Warfare, 2. Submarines, 3. Aviation, 4. Special Warfare, 5. EOD.

Which of the following is a criteria for a person's behavior to be considered sexual harassment?

Unwelcome • Sexual in nature • Occur or impact your work

Behavior that a person does not ask for and which that person considers undesirable or offensive

Unwelcome behavior

STA-21 students can receive up to how much money paid to the university to supplement costs of tuition, books, and fees?

Up to $10,000.

How man warfare/qualification designators can be placed in Block 3 of the eval report?

Up to 2.

A periodic report may be extended by a letter up to how many months?

Up to 3 months.

What is the most valuable detection and deterrence tool used by the Navy to identify drug abusers?

Urinalysis testing

To make your writing more like speaking, you should use which of the following writing techniques?

Use everyday words

May elect to takr final action , divert the routing, or return the correspondence to the originator with appropeiate explanation


The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regulations establish a standard for determining employer liability for sexual harassment under Title ___ of the Civil Rights Act




If one of your people has a circulatory disease, you should not allow that person to operate which of the following types of tools?

Vibrating tools



Extravagant, careless, or needless expenditure of government resources.


Which of the following courses is/are recommended for an individual preparing for LDO selection?

Watch Officer

How should the watch cap be worn?

Wear squarely on the head, double folded approximately 2-1/2 inches to 3 inches, with the bottom edge parallel to and 1-1/2 inches above the eyebrows

How should the ball cap worn?

Wear squarely on the head, with the bottom edge parallel to and 1-1/2 inches above the eyebrows

What is the correct wear of the beret for women?

Wear the beret toward the front of the head approximately 3/4 inch from the forehead hairline, and tilted slightly to the right, align insignia above the left eye

Ships of the Second Fleet patrol some of the world's most important trade routes. In what area of the world does teh Second Fleet normally patrol?

Western Atlantic

What person has the responsibility of appointing the command ombudsman?

What person has the responsibility of appointing the command ombudsman?

When would a detachment of individual report be submitted?

When a member is permanently detached with orders to report to another command.

When should the use of form letters be avoided?

When expressing sympathy, apology, or appreciation.

What are men authorized to wear to cover natural baldness or a physical disfigurement?

Wig or Hairpiece

What type of correspondence shortcut eliminates the cost of addressing envelopes and the risks of putting letters in the wrong envelopes?

Window envelopes.

When should controlled correspondence normally be answered?

Within 10 working days, or prescribed by the immediate superior in command, or by the tasking authority for the response.

Within how many days of receipt should Freedom of Information Act requests and Privacy Act requests be answered?

Within 10 working days.

If you want to reenlist on your ship or at your station, how soon must you reenlist, and where must you reenlist if you do not?

Within 24 hours. If you do not, you will need to reenlist at a regular recruiting station.

Personnel shall not be authorized to submit applications to OCS or ODS if within what time frame of transfer or separation?

Within 3 months.

On what side do men and women coats button?

Women's coats button on the left and men's button to the right

Which of the follwoing schedules allows for losses in manpower, logistic problems, work stoppages, and personnel training?

Work cetner schedule

The best chance for survival belongs to a group with a leader who encourages the grouop to practice which of the following methods of working with others?

Work together

An expansive term for military members and may include conduct on or off duty, 24 hours a day


When filing mateerial you should include all of the following except

all early drafts and extra copies

The _____ action to resolve a substantiated incident of sexual harassment will depend upon the circumstances surrounding that incident


Behavior which is sexual in nature is fairly ____ to determine.


Intervention (define)

ensuring timely access to needed services and having a plan of action for crisis response.

The DOD definition of sexual harassment establishes a standard that ______ that of the EEOC


Each incident is judged on the totality of ____


The DON is committed to maintaining a work environment ____ from unlawful discriminatory practices and inappropriate behavior


Historically, and as used in this instruction, fraternization is a?

gender neutral concept

Fraternization affects what?

good order, discipline, authority, and high unit morale

_____ ______ behavior is not sexual harassment

green zone

An enlisted member of the Regular Navy who has completed at least 30 years of active service may be retired upon application. The effective date of retirement is always the first day of the month as authorized by Chief of Naval Personnel (CHNAVPERS). Release from active duty shall be effective on the day immediately preceding the effective date of retirement. A member shall not be retained on active duty beyond the scheduled date of release from active duty unless

• specified in the retirement authorization, • the member is hospitalized, or • a medical board has been accepted by President, Physical Evaluation Board.

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