Bone, Cartilages , ligaments, innervation of the larynx
hyoepiglottic ligament
attaches the epiglottis to the hyoid bone
thyroepiglottic ligament
connects thyroid and epiglottis
Cranial Nerve X: Vagus
provide motor supply to all intrinsic muscles one of the major nerves that give sensory information to CNS
superior laryngeal nerve-internal branch
provide sensory supply
superior laryngeal nerve-external branch
supplies cricothyroid muscle
aryepiglottic folds
what 3?
whats 1?
pyriform sinus
whats 2?
whats 4?
whats 5?
whats 6?
true vocal fold
whats 7?
false vocal fold
whats 8?
recurrent laryngeal nerve
Motor to all other intrinsic muscles
glossoepiglottic ligament
The ligament between the tongue and the epiglottis.