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3.50 m.

Turnabout spaces should also be provided at or within ____ of every dead end;

max 0.48 m

Urinals should have an elongated lip or through type; the ___ height of the lip should be____

1.06 m

Vertical pull handles, centred at ____ above the floor, are preferred to horizontal pull bars for swing doors or doors with locking devices

less 2.0m higher

Walkway headroom should not be ___ than ___ and preferably ____

minimum 1.20 m

Walkways should have a ___ width of ___.

max 1:100.

Walkways should have a ____ cross gradient of ___

6.50 mm

Walkways should have a continuing surface without abrupt pitches in angle or interruptions by cracks or breaks creating edges above ____

Php 2000-5000

Any person violating the act should suffer a fine of ______ to _____

Less one month, one year

Any person violating the act should suffer a penalty of imprisonment of not ___ than _______ but not ______

greater 0.20 m, less 1.80 m

Any ramp with a rise _____ than _____. and leads down towards an area where vehicular traffic is possible, should have a railing across the full width of its lower end, not ____ than ____from the foot of the ramp;

0.90 m to 1.20 m

Control panels and emergency system of accessible elevators shall be within reach of a seated person; centreline heights for the topmost buttons shall be between _____ to _____ from the floor;

min 1.20 m

Corridors shall have ___ clear width of ____.; waiting areas and other facilities or spaces shall not obstruct the minimum clearance requirement

not more than 1:12

Curb cut-outs should have a gradient ___

Feb 25 1983

Date of act's aporoval

1.20 m to 1.30 m

Manual switches shall be positioned within ____ to____ above the floor

0.20 m

Manual switches should be located no further than ____from the latch side of the door

max 25 mm

Thresholds shall be kept to a minimum; whenever necessary, thresholds and sliding door tracks shall have a ____ height of ____ and preferably ramped;

not less than 1.80 m

. A level area ___________. should be provided at the top and bottom of any ramp

min 1.70 x 1.80 mts

Accessible water closet stalls shall have a ___ area of __________

min 1.50 m x 1.50 m 1.20 m.

A ____ clear level space of ___________ shall be provided before and extending beyond a door EXCEPTION: where a door shall open onto but not into a corridor, the required clear, level space on the corridor side of the door may be a minimum of _____ corridor width

1.50 m

A circle of ___in diameter is a suitable guide in the planning of wheelchair turning spaces.

1 for every 50 up to 150, 100

Accessories, tenement houses and or row houses, apartment houses or town houses- ___ for every ___ units up to ___. Additional for every ____

1.80 m and 1.50 m

Entrances with vestibules shall be provided a level area with at least a____. depth and a ____. width;

0.30 m

A tactile strip_______. wide shall be installed before hazardous areas such as sudden changes in floor levels and at the top and bottom of stairs; special care must be taken to ensure the proper mounting or adhesion of tactile strips so as not to cause accidents

2.25 sq. m, min 1.50 m

A turning space of ________. with a ____ dimension of ______ for wheelchair shall be provided for water closet stalls for lateral mounting

1.20 m

A walkway from accessible spaces of ____. clear width shall be provided between the front ends of parked cars

min 1.10 m. x 1.40 m

Accessible elevators shall have a ____ dimension of __________

not more than 30.00 m

Accessible elevators should be located _______________. from the entrance and should be easy to locate with the aid of signs

min 3.70 m

Accessible parking slots should have a ____ width of ____

min 0.80 m

All doors shall have a ____ clear width of ____

braille signs

Button controls shall be provided with __________ to indicate floor level; at each floor, at the door frames of elevator doors, braille-type signs shall be placed so that blind persons can be able to discern what floor the elevator car has stopped and from what level they are embarking from; for installation heights,

min 20 mm, max 1mm

Button sizes at elevator control panels shall have a ___ diameter of ______ and should have a ____ depression depth of ______


Capacity Space= 301-500 Seating Wheelchair Seating= __?__


Capacity Space= 4-50 Seating Wheelchair Seating= __?__


Capacity Space= 51-300 Seating Wheelchair Seating= __?__

1 out if 26-50, 100

Condominiums/ Tenement houses- ___ out of __ to __, additional 1 for every __

20 min, 3 hr

Disabled passengers shall be given __ minutes to embark ahead of the ___ embarkation time

Max 1 hr

Disabled passengers should be allocated a ___ of ______ for disembarkation

0.82 m. and 1.06 m, 0.90 m

Doorknobs and other hardware should be located between ____ and ____ above the floor; ____ is preferred

0.30 m. to 0.40 m

Doors along major circulation routes should be provided with kick plates made of durable materials at a height of ____ to ____

more 4.0 kg, 1 kg

Doors should be operable by a pressure or force not ____than _____; the closing device pressure an interior door shall not exceed ___

min 0.90 m.

Dropped curbs at crossings have a width corresponding to the width of the crossing; otherwise, the ____ width is ___

more than 1:12

Dropped curbs shall be ramped towards adjoining curbs with a gradient not ______

max 1:20

Dropped curbs shall be sloped towards the road with a ___cross gradient of ___to prevent water from collecting at the walkway.

less 1.20m

Effective width of footways past any obstruction should not be ____ than ____


First class, premiere and air-conditioned buses shall have at least ___ designated seats for disabled persons near the door

less 50mm

Handrails attached to walls should have a clearance no ____ than ___from the wall.

1.0 m to 1.06

Handrails for protection at great heights may be installed at ___ to ___.

less 40 mm

Handrails on ledges should have a clearance not ___ than ____.

0.90 m and 0.70 m

Handrails shall be installed at ___ and ___ above steps or ramps.

30 mm to 50 mm

Handrails that require full grip should have a dimension of ___ to ___.

0.70 m and 0.90 m

Handrails will be provided on both sides of the ramp at _______ and ______ from the ramp level;

1.5 m 2 m, 10 m

Have central refuges of at least ____ in depth and preferably____, provided as a midcrossing shelter, where the width of carriageway to be crossed exceeds ___

1 for every 50 up to 150, 100

Hotel motel iins pension houses apartels- ___ for every ___ units up to ___. Additional for every ____ at ingress level

max 13 mm x 13 mm, more 6.50 mm

If possible, gratings should never be located along walkways. When occurring along walkways, grating openings should have a ___ dimension of ____________ and shall not project ___ than __ above the level of the walkway

less 1.20 m

If the footway width will be reduced to ____ than ___ because of the excavation, the temporary covering should extend across the whole of the footway

0.20 m

If unavoidable, loose materials temporarily stored on footways must be properly fenced and prevented from encroaching onto the main footway by the use of a kickboard at least _____ . high which will also serve as a tapping board for the blind

min 1.50 m max 12:00 m

In lengthy or busy walkways, spaces should be provided at some point along the route so that a wheelchair may pass another or turn around. These spaces should have a ____ dimension of ____ and should be spaced at a ____ distance of ____ between stops

0.30m 7.5 mm

In order to aid visually impaired persons to readily determine whether a washroom is for men or for women, the signage for men's washroom door shall be an equilateral triangle with a vertex pointing upward, and those for women shall be a circle; the edges of the triangle should be____ long as should be the diameter of the circle; these signages should at least be____thick .


Jeepneys shall have at least ____ seats, preferably the front seats as designated seats for disabled persons.

Public works and highways

Minister 1 of BP344

Transportation and communication

Minister 2 of BP344

National commission concerning disabled persons

Minister 3 of BP344


Passenger trains shall have at least ___ designated seats per car for disabled persons nearest to the door


Passenger airplanes shall have at least ___ designated seats for disabled persons near the front exit/entrance door on a per aircraft type Basis.

1 for every 50 up to 150, 100

Private or off campus dormitories- ___ for every ___ units up to ___. Additional for every ____ at ingress level

min 0.10 m

Ramps shall be equipped with curbs on both sides with a ____ height of ____

min 1.20 m

Ramps shall have a ____ clear width of ____;

min 1.50 m x 1.50 m, max 12.00 m

Recesses or turnabout spaces should be provided for wheelchairs to turn around or to enable another wheelchair to pass; these spaces shall have a ____ area of_________ . and shall be spaced at a ___ of ______


Regular buses shall have at least ___ designated seats for disabled persons near exit/entrance doors

max 1.60 m min 1.40 m

Signs on walls and doors should be located at a ___ height of ____. and a ___height of ___.

less 1.20 m

Signs should not reduce the available footway width to ___ than ___


Single detached/ Duplexes - how mang percent should be constructed

1 out if 26-50, 100

School or company staff housing units- ___ out of __ to __, additional 1 for every __

min 2.0 m

Should a sign protrude into a walkway or route, a ___ headroom of ___ should be provided;

min 1mm

Signage labelling public rooms and places should have raised symbols, letters or numbers with ___ height of ___

max 0.45 m, max 1.20 mts.

The ___ height of water closets should be ____.; flush control should have a ___ height of _____

min 0.90 m

The ___ width of a curb cut-out should be ___

max 1:12

The ____ gradient shall be ____- RAMPS

0.70 m

The comfortable clearance for knee and leg space under tables for wheelchair users is ___

0.70 m, 1.20 m, 0.40 m

The comfortable reach of persons confined to wheelchairs is from _____ to _____ above the floor and not less than _____ from room corners.

0.90 m/sec, less 6

The flashing green period required for the disabled should be determined on the basis of a walking speed of _______rather than 1.20 m/sec. which is what is normally used. The minimum period for the steady green (for pedestrians) should not be ____ than ___ seconds or the crossing distance times 0.90 m/sec., whichever is the greatest


The height of the top of the rail should be at least _____. above the adjacent surface.

6:00 m, 1:12, not less than 1.50 m

The length of a ramp should not exceed ___. if the gradient is ___; longer ramps whose gradient is 1:12 shall be provided with landings ________________.;

1.10 m to 1.30 m

The length of wheelchairs varies from ____ to ____

not exceed 25 mm

The lowest point of a dropped curb should ______from the road or gutter.

1 20, 2

The minimum number of accessible water closets on each floor level or on that part of a floor level accessible to the disabled shall be ____ where the total number of water closets per set on that level is ____; and ____ where the number of water closets exceed 20

greater 0.35 m

The railing should incorporate a tapping rail to assist the blind, and this should not be ____ than ______ . above adjacent surface

0.6 m to 0.75 m

The width of wheelchairs is from ____to ____

straightforward right

To guide the blind, walkways should as much as possible follow _________ routes with _____ angle turns


Tread surfaces should be a __________ material; nosings may be provided with slip-resistant strips to further minimize slipping .


When seating capacity exceeds 500, an additional is provided for each increase of __ seats


Whenever and wherever possible, accessible parking spaces should be _________ or to an angle to the road or circulation aisles

more 1:20 or 5%.

Whenever and wherever possible, walkways should have a gradient no ____ than _________


__ percent of the total number of units of government-owned living accommodations shall be accessible and fully usable by the disabled persons

max 0.80 m, 0.60 - 0.70 m, 0.50 m

___ height of lavatories should be ____. with a knee recess of __________. vertical clearance and a ____ depth

1 out of 4

___ out of ___ public telephones shall be accessible to disabled persons and shall be provided with visual aids required,


____ entrance level should be provided where elevators are accessible;

1 1

____ movable grab bar and ____ fixed to the adjacent wall shall be installed at the accessible water closet stall for lateral mounting; fixed grab bars on both sides of the wall shall be installed for stalls for frontal mounting;

Slanted, open stringers

________ nosings are preferred to projecting nosings so as not to pose difficulty for people using crutches or braces whose feet have a tendency to get caught in the recessed space or projecting nosings. For the same reason, __________ should be avoided

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