BUS 345 Chapter 11, Business Ethics, Global Bus CH 16, Business Ethics Ch4, Business Ethics Ch 14, Business Ethics Ch 17

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The development of smarter high-tech tools was advanced by:


The Non GMO Project is:

About genetically modified foods

The Alien Tort Claims Act applies to:

Actions that occur on U.S. soil

Most applications of biotechnology will come in the fields of:

All of these

Privacy and informed consent are issues that:

Become even more important on the Internet than in brick-and-mortar businesses

Using biology to discover, develop, manufacture, market, and sell products and services is called:


The FCPA differentiates between:

Bribes and grease payments

Which of the following is not an argument commonly used against bribery?

Bribes are unfair because foreigners can get them, while U.S. citizens cannot

Developing Internet policies, helping their companies avoid consumer litigation, and handling consumer complaints are all functions of a:

Chief privacy officer (CPO)

All of the following groups have criticized MNC labor practices except:

Church groups

One of the most serious invasion of privacy issues with respect to e-commerce is:

Collection and use of personal information

Which of the following is not mentioned as a frustration executives have with government officials, according to a recent McKinsey survey?

Concerned that government aims to redistribute the balance of wealth

The criticism of their use of sweatshops has led MNCs to do all of these things except:

Create the Fair Labor Association

"Big Data" is:

Data proliferation and overload

The philosophy of Western industrialized nations and their MNCs includes all of these factors except:


The advantages of offshoring to developing countries have been:


Selling products and services online is known as:


The most intensely monitored employee activities are:

Email and Internet usage

One major study of workers found that employees admitted engaging in the following unethical act(s):

Employees engaged in all of these acts

All of the following are technological means by which companies invade consumer privacy except:


Which of the following is not a characteristic of sweatshops?

Forced prostitution

Economic integration of many formerly national economies into one worldwide economy is called:


A continuing concern in the realm of privacy issues is:

Identity theft

Copyrighted material, such as songs or poems, are often referred to as:

Intellectual property

Which of the following is not a feature of the global economy?

International laws governing fair trade

The process by which firms increase their awareness of the influence of international activities on their future and establish and conduct transactions with firms from other countries is known as:


The major issue related to electronic surveillance is:

Invasion of privacy

There has always been a strong reaction in the United States to any form of industrial policy because:

It conflicts with the widely held view of government's role in the economy.

All of the following are arguments in support of bribery except:

It is a way of providing needy foreigners with money they need

One of the main issues related to genetically modified foods is:

Labeling requirements

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act:

Makes it illegal for the representative of an American corporation to offer or pay officials of foreign governments for the purpose of getting or maintaining business

Major strategies MNCs may use to conduct global business, but still maintain an ethical sensitivity include all of these except:

Modify or redesign products

At one time, it was assumed that the use of robotics in the workplace would lead to:

More jobs

Which of the following is not an example of corruption:

Negotiating for the lowest price on a contract

Moving jobs that have historically resided in the home country to a lower-cost host country is called:


The most challenging situation for an MNC to face is:

Operating in less-developed countries

Which of the following is not a way that businesses attempt to protect consumers' privacy?

Periodic purges of databanks

A technique that lures prey into revealing passwords and other private data by providing a convincing offer is called:


Which of the following is not considered a questionable business practice made possible by the Internet?


The number one ethical issue in doing business over the Internet is:

Possible invasion of privacy

Ethical issues in the global environment include all of these except:

Production efficiency

Regarding the infant formula controversy, Nestle was criticized for all of these actions except:

Providing purified water with the formula

All of the following are proposed standards for the SA8000 program, to improve sweatshop conditions, except:

Providing retirement benefits

Which of the following is not an SA8000 standard proposed to improve sweatshop conditions?

Provision of educational opportunities for workers

Which of the following is not one of the broad issues facing MNCs in their relationships with host countries?

Religious and other traditional holidays

Ways that companies can address issues related to the ethical use of technology include all of the following except:

Relying on local and federal laws

The newer form of industrial policy is exemplified by:

Robert Reich's book, "American Frontier."

The use of electronic means by a company to watch or monitor its employees is called:


"Access" in e-commerce ethics refers to:

The difference in computer availability between the rich and the poor

Arguments against industrial policy include all of the following except

The need to rescue "sunset" industries.

The most significant obstacle to the use of biotechnology is:

The potential for public backlash

Surveillance and security by use of computer technology got a big boost as a result of:

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001

Bioethics deals with the ethical issues embedded in:

The use of biotechnology

U.S. based MNCs are increasingly interested in cases brought under the Alien Tort Claims Act because:

They are increasingly being named as defendants in tort cases for doing business in countries with repressive governments

Which of the following is not one of the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics?

Thou shalt not use a computer to spy on fellow employees

All of the following are commandments of computer ethics except:

Thou shalt not use the company's computer for personal business

In the 1970s, because of the differing safety standards around the world, American FMNs:

Took all of these actions

Which of the following is not a concern expressed by executives about government involvement in business?

U.S adults said government should do more

The most basic moral question involved in stem cell research is:

What constitutes human life

A major concern for employers is their workers' use of cell phones:

While driving

Industrial policy is:

a powerful nonregulating approach by government to influence business.

Government intervention in business began with

a push for tariffs.

Government intervention in monopolistic industries is often brought about by

anticompetitive practices.

Government regulations have been criticized for all the following reasons except

being ineffective.

Social regulation's focus on people encompasses their roles as all of the following except

business owners

The public and government use all of the following methods of influencing each other except


Government is generally thought to follow the ethic of


Which of the following industries has not been affected by deregulation?

computer software

After the 1950s, most Congressional legislation that affected business was

concerned largely with the quality of life.

The reason that the United States government passed anti-trust legislation was

due to the anti-competitive practices of some large trusts.

Most Congressional legislation before the 1950s that affected business was

economic in nature.

Government regulation of business through the control of economic or market variables is a form of

economic regulation.

The dilemma of regulation is the tradeoff between

effective control and the burden placed on firms.

The opposite of privatization could be considered


Which of the following is not a role increasing government's complex relationship with business?

government cannot have buying power

A strong industrial policy:

helps firms compete in a fast-moving global economy.

Business generally follows the ethic of


The clash of ethical systems between government and business is centered around

individualist and collectivist ethics.

Every form of state intervention that affects industry as a distinct part of the economy is called

industrial policy

Which of the following is not a method that government uses to influence business?


All of the following are reasons that government regulation of business is needed except

maintain competitive markets.

Which of the following is not a major reason given for governmental regulation?

maintaining a trade surplus with foreign countries

The primary reason for government regulation of business is

market failure

Government attempts to persuade business to act in the public interest are called

moral suasion.

A market in which the economies of scale are so great that the largest firm has the lowest costs and is able to drive out competitors is called a(n)

natural monopoly.

Which of the following is not an effect of induced costs?

new agencies may be created.

The question of whether current public functions should be performed by the government or private sector is addressed by


Modern goals for business include all of the following except

promoting the social welfare

The act of governing or bringing under the control of law or constituted authority is called


The primary purpose of deregulation is to

remove certain industries from old-line economic regulations.

Government influences business through all of the following nonregulatory methods except

requiring equal employment opportunities be granted to job applicants.

Government's new role in its relationship with business during the New Deal era was one of

restoring prosperity and promoting economic growth.

The newest type of social regulations is concerned primarily with


Arguments against privatization include all of these except:

service provisions.

Negative externalities are often referred to as

social costs.

Governmental regulations that seek to further societal objectives are examples of

social regulation.

Arguments for industrial policy include all of the following except

stifling innovation.

Government payments to industries or groups with special qualifications are called


Which of the following is not considered a part of the induced costs of regulation?

the effect on consumers

The dilemma of deregulation is

to enhance competition within the industry without sacrificing applicable social regulations.

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