Business and Society Test Questions

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According to management scholar Karl Albrecht, scanning to acquire environmental intelligence should focus on:

eight strategic radar screens

the purpose of the world trad organization is to

eliminate barriers to free trade among nations

The unspoken understanding among employees of what is and is not acceptable behavior is called

ethical climate

Advocacy advertising focuses not on a company's views on controversial political issues, but rather on a particular product or service


Only G-8 nations are affected by corporate operations, and as a result, social responsibility has not yet become a worldwide expectation


biodiversity refers to the number and variety of species that have become extinct


following laws can always define proper action


illegal acts committed by employees, such as fraud and insider trading , are called blue collar crimes


in most companies a moral atmosphere cannot be detected


regulation cannot be applied to international business bhavior


the majority of large us corporations do not have codes of ethics


the worlds income is distributed equally among nations


Business managers need a set of ethical guidelines to help them

identify and analyze the nature of the ethical problem

the load policies of the world bank

impost strict restrictions on debtor countries which can sometimes lead to hardship

Expert witness testimony is often provided

in congressional hearings

public policy tools involve a combination of

incentives and penalities

Building ethical safeguards into a company's everyday routines is called

institutionalizing ethics

Companies see the need to build more coherent initiative as they move into the

integrated stage

which of the following statements is not true about arable land

it is a nonrenewable resource

policies that affect the supply, demand, and value of a nations currencies are

monetary polices

Overall corporate citizenship initiatives are

more advanced in northern that in southern europe

shareholder activism is

more pronounced in the US

In 2009 the international monetary fund and the world bank projected that the global economy crisis would lead to losses

of more than 4 trillion in the value of stock and other assets

a thing layer of gas that protects the earth from excessive ultraviolet radiation from the sun is


a common tactic in a financial incentive political strategy is

political contributions

a new imperative for governments businesses and society is to

preserve the global commons and assure its continued use

which of the following statement is not true about effienciency

prices for eco efficient products reflect highly inflated costs of environmental resources

in 2008 a google and yahoo advertising partnership that would allow google to sell ads alongside some search results in yahoo prompted:

protests by consumer groups, advertising associations and some firms.

the most successful global businesses in coming years will be those companies that

recognize the imperative for sustainable development as an opportunity both for competitive advantage and ethical action

campaign finance reform was sought in the US to

reduce the corrupting influence of money in the political process

under the US Corporate Sentencing Guidelines , if a firm has developed a strong ethics program, corporate executive found guilty of criminal activity may have their sentecnce


in december 2003 a federal court ruled that the campaign finance reforms ban on soft money

restricted a large source of government corruption

People everywhere depend on ethical systems to tell them whether their actions are

right or wrong

Developing products and services that meet the needs of the worlds poorest citizens is sometimes called

selling to the bottom of the pyramid

which ethics policies are most popular amongst European and Canadian companies?

statement of the company's values and missions

in 2001, the french Parliament passed the "new economic regulations" law which requires a social performance audit focusing on its impact on

the community

A conception of right and wrong is

the definition of ethics

according to the utilitarian reasoning, if the benefits outweighs the cost, then the action is ethical because it produces

the greatest good for the greatest number of people

Reregulation is

the increase or expansion of government regulation

companies have been permitted to contribute to political action committees since

the mid 1970s

the richest 1 percent of people in the world receive as much income annually as

the poorest 57 percent

the most important agreement which codifies human rights is the

the universal declaration of human rights

Global market channels involve a firm producing goods in

their home country and exporting them to other countries

Peoples ethical beliefs come from

their religious background , family, and education

Cooperation between business and government often occurs when

they encounter a common problem or enemy

a cooperative government business relationship on one issue does not guarantee cooperation on another issue


any business that wished to do so can improve the quility of its ethical performace


cost benefit analysis is often used to determine the costs of regulations


sustainable development is an appealing idea but also a very controversial one


sustainable development will require technology cooperation through long term partnerships between companies in developed and developing countries to transfer environmental technologies


the words natural resource base-the air, water, soil,minerals, and so forth is essentially finite, or bounded


regulation can be argued as justified based on

utilitarian and justice grounds

a critics of globalization might argue that companies decide to manufacture in China mainly because of chinas

weak health and safety regulations

in a 2009 harris pool how many people believed that political action committees were seen as too powerful

85 percent

Scholars found that spirtuality

A and B

Which of the following companies is being the most socially responsible?

A company trying its best to operate in a way which will help local student get education and jobs

Stakeholder groups can include:

All of the above

The components of a typical issues management process include:

All of the above

What stakeholder group can exercise legal power?

All of the above

Which of the following examples best illustrate the boundary exchanges a company would encounter according to the general systems theory?

All of the above

Which of the following is a typical practice in ethics audit procedure?

All of the above

Which of the following statements is(are) correct about stakeholders power?

All of the above

the interactive digital software association case exemplifies:

All of the above

Once an issue has been identified, its implications must be


Positive reputation can be valued as an intangible corporate:


Proponents against social responsibility feel that public officials, not business people, should solve societal problems because:

Both A and B

A stakeholder map is a useful tool because:

Both A&B but not C

mature adults typically base their ethical reasoning on broad principles and relationships such as:

Both A, B not C

Customers can exercise economic stakeholder power by:

Boycotting products if they believe the goods are too expensive.

An effective way to learn what issues are important to people outside of the organization is through:

Building ongoing, positive relationships with stakeholders

Argentina and Mexico are at what level of citizenship activity?

Catching up

Modern corporations should be socially responsible because they:

Create jobs, influencing the lives of employees.

The "graying" of the population is an example of:

Customer environment

the study of how living things interact with one another in a unified natural system is called


Which ethical criterion is described by the idea that a company should strive for efficiency?


HP Brazil, a subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard, developed the Digital garage project to:

Empower less privileged Brazilian youth to participate in the growing technological society.

the executive body of the European Union is called the

European Commission

Overtime, the nature of business's relationship with its stakeholders often:

Evolves through a series of stages

A public issue exists when there is agreement between the stakeholders expectations of what an institution should do, and the actual performance of those businesses


A tangible asset is something that cannot be seen or counted, but nonetheless has value.


According to management scholar Karl Albrecht, scanning to acquire environmental intelligence should focus on four strategic radar screens.


Being socially responsible means that a company must abandon its other missions


Business cannot expect to be profitable while adhering to the ethical principals of conduct


Businesses and society are independent of one another


Critics of globalization support the spread of American ideals and culture throughout the rest of the world


Enlightened self interest is the idea that the wealthiest members of society should be charitable toward those less fortunate.


Financially sound companies do not need to understand how a public issue is likely to evolve, and how it will affect


General Motors has been called a "template for 21st century capitalism"


Global corporate citizenship refers to putting an organizations commitment to social and environmental responsibility into practice locally.


Globalization is accepted worldwide and creates little controversay


If a company acknowledges the need to build more coherent initiatives , it is in the innovative state of becoming a corporate citizen


Market stakeholders include nongovernmental organizations and the media


Most nations in the world share similar political, social and economic beliefs


Only in the last decade have scholars found a positive relationship between organizations economic performance and attention to spiritual values


The most effective type of lobbying involves targeting only federal officals


The stakeholder theory of the firm argues that a firm's sole purpose is to create value for its stakeholders.


ethics are primarily based on religious beliefs


The foundation that is engaged in inspiring senior management, involving all business lines in the organization, and having an impact by way of results is called

Fundacion Empresa y Sociedad

in 2006 the leading non financial transnational corporation, with foreign assets totaling 443 million was

General Electric

Which of the following statements is true

In Japan, most codes were found to be a mixture of legal compliance and statements of mission

Firms that believe they can make decisions unilaterally, without taking into consideration their impact on other are:

Inactive companies

Which of the following organizations have developed standards to judge corporate performance?

International organization for standards

A stakeholder analysis

Involves understanding the nature of stakeholder interests.

When a community group sues a company for health effects caused by unsafe toxic chemical disposal, it is an exercise of a stakeholders?

Legal Power

When undertaking social initiatives, company:

May sacrifice short term profits

Corporations working collaboratively with other businesses and concerned persons and organizations is an example of:

Stakeholder networks

Once an organization has implemented the issue management program, it must:

Study the results and make necessary adjustments

Which of the following is not a motivation for adopting a balanced score card approach?

Technological considerations

which is an example of a social and political reform that has led to the acceleration of globalization?

The collapse of the former communist states of central and eastern europe

Which of the following is not considered to be a non market stakeholder?

The natural environment

Which of the following is not a typical use of an ethics reporting mechanism?

To give employees an opportunity to discuss the appropriate rating on their annual performance review without managements influence.

A stakeholder map is a useful tool, because it enables managers to see quickly how stakeholders feel about an issue and whether salient stakeholder tend to be in favor or opposed.


Being ethical includes developing a sense of trust, which promotes positive alliances among business partners.


Corporate citizenship invovles transforming a concern for financial perforamances into a vision of corporate financial and social perforamance


Corporate social responsibility is the idea that businesses interact with the organizations stakeholders for social good while they pursue economic goals


Emerging public issues are a risk and an oppurtunity


Environmental intelligence is the acquisition of information gained from analyzing the multiple environments affecting organizations.


Ethical ideas are present in all societies, all organizations, and all individual persons.


Monetary policies refer to policies that affect the supply, demand and value of the nations currencies


The emergence of public issues often encourages companies to monitor public concerns , respond to government proposals , and participate in the political process


Triple bottom line reporting requires that a firm report financial data


economic regulations aim at modifying the normal operations of the free market and the forces of supply and demand


loaning office personnel is a financial incentive political stratgey tool


most scholars agree that business must participate in politics


the concept of corporate responsibility is rooted in the meaning " to pledge back" creating a commitment to give back to society and the organizations stakeholders


the term sector refers to broad divisions of a whole


under the world trade organizations most favored nation rule, member countries may not discriminate against foreign products for any reason


The four types of stakeholders power recognized by most experts are:

Voting, economic, political, and legal power

public policy is the basic set of goals , plans and actions undertaken by

a governemnt

the mullah in Iran is an example of the power of government derived from

a religious authority

Depletion of the ozone layer, destruction of the rain forest, and species extictions all have an impact on

all of society

The reasons behind the uncertainty of an ethical or unethical decision is that different people and groups

all of the above

an example of an international financial and trade institution is

all of the above

an individual who is a supporter of globalization would argue that it helps the developing world by

all of the above

businesses are expected to be ethical in their relationships with

all of the above

two or more participants joining together to act in concert in the political process is called

an ad hoc coalition

sustainable development

balances economic and environmental considerations

Motorola and Reebok are examples of:

both B C not A

the core ideas of sustainable development is

both a and b not c

managers understanding of government regulation is

both a domestic and international issue

the greatest number of political action committees is represented by


as an additional employee benefit to promote spirituality, companies have begun to provide employees with the services of


The idea that the wealthiest members of society should be charitable toward those less fortunate is the:

charity principal

Deregulation has occurred in the following industries

commercial airlines, railroads, and financial institutions

The costs of corporate social responsibility may ultimately be passed on the:

consumer through high prices

social responsibility reflects:

cultural values and traditions, taking different forms in different societies

with respect to fresh water, according to one estimate, if it were possible to eliminate pollution, capture all available fresh water, and distribute fresh water equitably

demand would exceed supply within a hundred years

a corporate political strategy does not

determine the legal limits allowed for campaign financing

which of the following is an argument in favor of corporate social responsibility

discourages government regulation

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