BYU English 12 Part 2 Final Exam

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Which of the following is a counterclaim acknowledged?

"...there are concerns that an increasing focus on social media might interrupt the lives of those approaching death more than improve them."



Which is an example of situational irony?

A police officer is sent to prison for theft

Who tells Romeo that Juliet is dead?


Why does Winston wake up crying in the room above the shop?

He was dreaming of his mother.

Who was Alexander Hamilton?

a Founding Father of the U. S.

For killing Tybalt, Romeo is


Paris explains to the Friar that his marriage to Juliet is to be so quick because

they are moving to Mantua

Which of the following was the central message of the speech?

"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"

Which of the following examples describes a motif?

"The Imperial March" is played every time Darth Vader is on screen in Star Wars.

Which of the following is an example of parallelism?

"There must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments. There must be an end to speculation with other people's money. And there must be provision for an adequate but sound currency."

All sonnets ________. (Mark all that apply.)

-have 14 lines -are in iambic pentameter -alternate rhymes -end in a couplet

Analyze the following poem by matching the concrete observations with its probable abstract conclusion. Opportunity Master of human destinies am I;Fame, love and fortune on my footsteps wait.Cities and fields I walk. I penetrateDeserts and seas remote, and, passing byHovel and mart and palace, soon or late,I knock unbidden once at every gate. If sleeping, wake; if feasting, rise, beforeI turn away. It is the hour of fate,And they who follow me reach every stateMortals desire, and conquer every foeSave death; but those who hesitateCondemned to failure, penury and woe,Seek me in vain, and uselessly implore. I answer not, and I return no more. 1. Opportunity is the narrator, describing itself. 2.The poem's main idea has to do with the topic of opportunity. 3.Opportunity presents itself to everyone, from the very poor to the very rich, and all over the world. 4.Gives a sense of urgency. 5.The consequences of not heeding the call of opportunity.

1. First person point of view 2. Title is "Opportunity" 3. "hovel and mart and palace" "deserts and seas remote" "cities and fields" 4. wake, rise, don't hesitate, knocks once 5. "fame, love and fortune" vs "failure, penury and woe"

Match the following examples with the correct rhetorical appeal. 1.The American Dentist Association endorses specific toothpaste brands. 2.Advocates for decreased media violence quote a well-respected psychologist regarding the influence of media violence on children. 3.The use of elderly man in Hot Wheels advertisement reminds potential buyers of what they felt like when they were young. 4.In an effort to encourage better enforcement of existing laws, statistics are provided that show that lack of enforcement has had negative effects and actual enforcement has had positive effects. 5.Pictures of puppies are displayed while Sarah McLaughlin sings in an effort raise money for an animal charity.

1. ethos 2. pathos 3. pathos 4. logos 5. pathos

A good definition of theme is

A universal truth taught by the story

Which is an example of dramatic irony?

A women casually walks home alone in a neighborhood where killers are lurking

The Wealth of Nations was written by

Adam Smith

Who wrote the Federalist papers?

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay

Who did Washington's Vice President, John Adams, not get along with?

Alexander Hamilton, a member of his own party

Who outlined the three types of rhetorical appeals?


Decisions should be made according to traditional, Judeo-Christian tradition.


Government's main job is to protect freedom and provide security.

Conservativism Libertarianism

The economy thrives best in a free market.

Conservativism Libertarianism

Which parties are most concerned with protecting gun rights?

Constitutional Republican Libertarian

Which parties believe in capitalism and a free economy?

Constitutional Republican Libertarian

The theme of the Ai Weiwei video could be summed up as "________."

Courage means standing up for what is right, regardless of the consequences

Which parties are most concerned with economic fairness and equality?

Democratic Green

Which parties call for universal health care?

Democratic Green

Which parties encourage legislating environmental protection?

Democratic Green

Which parties encourage universal and federally funded pre-K and college education?

Democratic Green

"Not I, believe me. You have dancing shoes/ With nimble soles; I/ have a soul of lead/ So stakes me to the/ ground I cannot move." This quote from Romeo and Juliet is an example of

Double entendre

Who preserved Hamilton's papers and established his legacy by starting an orphanage?


Paine calls _______________ the parent country of America.


If you are writing a short paragraph response, you can just jump right into the answer without putting the question into context.


Shakespeare didn't actually write the sonnets.


An author who has many errors in spelling and capitalization hasn't paid enough attention to ________.


Conservatism is concerned mostly with what?

Free market and traditional western values.

For the following sentence, complete the three entries listed in lesson 1.2: Identify parts of speech Identify sentence parts and phrases Identify clauses and sentence types Freedom replaces the ancient hatreds among the nations with comity and peace.

Freedom: noun/subject replaces: verb/predicate the ancient: adjective/predicate hatreds: noun/predicate among: preposition/predicate the nations: noun/predicate with: preposition/predicate comity: noun/predicate and: conjugation/predicate peace: noun Independent clause and compound sentence

Who devises the plan to fake Juliet's death?

Friar Laurence

Why does Miranda choose to focus on Alexander Hamilton?

Hamilton was a young, illegitimate immigrant, and that would resonate with young audiences.

What is Doublethink?

Having two opinions that disagree with each other but holding to them.

Which of the following is not an example of Shakespeare's impact on our language?

He designed new grammar patterns

What did Hamilton do that ultimately led to the ruin of his reputation?

He had an extramarital affair

How is Mercutio a foil character to Romeo?

He is the opposite of Romeo's somber and even minded nature.

What did Ai Weiwei do when his building and art was destroyed?

He videotaped and posted the experience

What experience may have helped Orwell understand the potential influence of media and technology before writing 1984?

He was a writer of propaganda for the British Empire.

What conclusion does Winston make after he is brought to a comfortable place after being tortured?

He was foolish to resist the party alone

Shakespeare used a famous meter to write his plays. One reason was probably because it was easy for actors to memorize and sounded nice to listen to. What is this meter called?

Iambic Pentameter

How is the Appendix of the book 1984 written compared to the rest of it?

In standard english

An author addressing the audience element should focus particularly on what things?

Including background information to improve the reader's understanding

What is one of the most significant benefits to studying history and historical literature?

It can stop history from repeating itself.

Which three people felt threatened by Hamilton and wanted to bring him down?

Jefferson, Madison, and Burr

During the balcony scene, which of the following happens? (Mark all that apply.)

Juliet worries about being too forward Juliet is concerned it is all happening too fast Romeo promises to marry her Romeo and Juliet express their love for each other

Which of the following is not an example of a theme in Pyramus and Thisbe?

Karma and the Law

The author uses Winston's conversation with Syme as an opportunity to develop which of the following themes?

Language is a necessary element of freedom of thought and expression.

Social, economic and political equality should be legislated.

Liberalism Socialism

The environment is more important than personal property rights or economic growth.

Liberalism Socialism

The means of production should be directed democratically, as opposed to privately.

Liberalism Socialism

Which parties are concerned, above all, with protecting personal and individual freedom?


Personal liberty and freedom is paramount.


Which of the following citation formats should be used in this course?


What significance does Mercutio's name have with Mercury.

Mercury as an element is very responsive to temperature. He is an erratic and responsive character.

How did Winston know that Mr. O'Brien was a part of the Brotherhood?

O'Brien referred to Syme, even though he had been eliminated.

Which rhetorical appeal is related to the effects of emotions.


Why do many political arguments quickly become superficial and circular?

People aren't always sure where they stand on the political scale.

Why did George Washington warn against political parties?

People have a natural inclination to group with those who share similar ideologies forming divisions.

. Did the Founding Fathers have less flaws than politicians today?

Probably not. All men are fallible, even though the Founding Fathers have been romanticized to seem perfect

In a literary setting, how can you make your voice more heard?

Proper use of rhetorical devices

Which parties are against abortion in most or all instances?

Republican Constitutional

Because Shakespeare's characters represent the essence of human characteristics we find them relatable. The Baz Luhrmann version of Romeo and Juliet emphasizes this point that...

Shakespear's works are timeless.

Liberalism is concerned mostly with what?

Social change and economic equality.

George Orwell wrote 1984 as a warning against...


What is an example of a claim from the National Geographic article about surveillance?

Surveillance is a weapon against all dishonest people

What is the Patriot Act?

Surveillance of communications on the internet and phone calls

Which is an example of verbal irony?

Talking loud enough for her uptight teacher to hear, "I think people who give easy A's are really considerate."

Civil Disobedience was written after Thoreau spent a night in jail for refusing to pay a poll tax in protest of

The Mexican-American War

From 1984, what are 'War is Peace' and 'Freedom is Slavery' examples of?

The Party's beliefs

Senator Joseph McCarthy led a campaign to root out any potential subversive supporters of communism in the government. Many lost their jobs to this which hunt known as _________.

The Red Scare

Which platform believes in prosperity as the product of self-discipline?

The Republican Platform

Why does it feel like Politics can be overwhelming or hopeless?

The average citizen seems powerless in their society.

Although Political parties change with time, what should they always reflect?

The cultural beliefs and values of the population.

Which is an example of onomatopoeia?

The dog barked for so long I didn't sleep one wink

During the Great Depression, why were people starving to death even though there was food in the fields?

The farmers couldn't afford to harvest their crops.

Which of the following would be an accurate thesis for Federalist No. 51?

The government needs checks and balances and a separation of powers.

What expression summarizes how we are responsible for the consequences of our words in the context of text analysis?

The power of language can influence others for good or bad.

Using the poem that you analyzed in the previous lesson, see if you can identify the theme. Opportunity Master of human destinies am I;Fame, love and fortune on my footsteps wait.Cities and fields I walk. I penetrateDeserts and seas remote, and, passing byHovel and mart and palace, soon or late,I knock unbidden once at every gate. If sleeping, wake; if feasting, rise, beforeI turn away. It is the hour of fate,And they who follow me reach every stateMortals desire, and conquer every foeSave death; but those who hesitateCondemned to failure, penury and woe,Seek me in vain, and uselessly implore.I answer not, and I return no more.

The theme of the poem is believing in yourself and that you should never give up HOPE.

What happened because the Gods were pleased in the end of the story of Pyramus and Thisbe?

Their parents sealed their ashes in a single urn

What did most of the people in the United States think of George Washington after the Revolution and his terms as president?

They loved and revered him

Why do social media and the internet create an interesting dynamic in regards to the constitution and rights?

They pose a threat to the intrusion of privacy and information protection

________believed that, "That government is best which governs least".


How are the 14 lines of a Shakespearean Sonnet divided?

Three four-line stanzas and a rhyming couplet

Analyze the excerpt from Malala's speech. "Malala day is not my day. Today is the day of every woman, every boy and every girl who have raised their voice for their rights. There are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers who are not only speaking for human rights, but who are struggling to achieve their goals of education, peace and equality...I raise up my voice - not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard. Those who have fought for their rights: Their right to live in peace." What is an example of the purpose of Malala's speech?

To advocate for peace and equality for people harmed by terrorists societies.

What was one of Mercutio's goals with the Queen Mab speech?

To convince Romeo to go to the Capulet party

Winston betrays Julia in the end, both physically and mentally.


What race and socioeconomic status listed below most closely describes the Founding Fathers of the U. S.?

White, wealthy

What does O'Brien claim is Winston's crime?

Winston refuses to let the party have his thoughts, memory, and history

According to the description and history of Julia in chapter 3, the difference between Julia's and Winston's relationship to the Party was that ________.

Winston was opposed to specific Party doctrines and the Party ideologies, while Julia was just generally opposed to the Party, inasmuch as it affected her own life

Did Hamilton's story and legacy ultimately survive?

Yes, his story is told by the musical Hamilton

Did some people want George Washington to be king of the United States?

Yes, some people thought Washington was a great enough man to be king

From the Baz Luhrman version of Romeo and Juliet we learn that much of modern culture still relates to what?

Young and tragic love stories

Pyramus and Thisbe communicated through

a crack in the wall

Hamilton was George Washington's aide-de-camp. What is an aide-de-camp?

a military officer acting as an assistant to a superior officer

What is a motif?

a recurring pattern with symbolic significance

Analyzing concrete elements is important for making conclusions about

abstract elements

The highlighted sections of the line, "still a restriction on the right to travel, still an instrument to impose upon ordinary men and women the will of a totalitarian state" is an example of ________.


The reference to the money-changers and the plague of locusts both are references to the Bible. This literary device is called __________________.

an allusion

Where do Julia and Winston rendevous a few weeks after their return to London?

an old church

The thesis of the article is _____________________.

an open conversation about death online can help increase our enjoyment of life and understanding of its eventual end.

Which of these is not part of the Rhetorical Situation?


Kate Granger makes the claim that tweeting about her experience with cancer is therapeutic. Which of the following does she use to support her claim?


In order to lift her spirits after Tybalt's death, Juliet's father

arranges to have her marry Paris

Which of the following is not a type of comparison?


Winston defines "human" as ________.

being governed by private loyalties to those you love, not to the government

What caused Winston to betray Julia in Room 101?

being threatened with rats

Pyramus and Thisbe arranged to meet

beneath the mulberry tree

Winston claimed that his embrace with Julia had been a ________.

blow struck against the Party

Queen Mab

brings dreams

Hamilton was a strong proponent for a ____________ system of government.

central or federal

Tybalt is seeking Romeo after the wedding to

challenge Romeo to a duel

Joseph McCarthy cited the increase in those who lived under communist regimes to support his claim that ________.

communism was a threat that must be dealt with before it overwhelmed the West

The line, "Standing before the Brandenburg Gate, every man is a German, separated from his fellow men. Every man is a Berliner, forced to look upon a scar..." is an example of ________.


The line, "...those barriers cut across Germany in a gash of barbed wire, concrete, dog runs, and guard towers." is an example of ________.


An author who makes sure that what has been written contains useful and reliable information, and that his or her ideas are well supported, is concerned about ________.


In the article from Pew Research Center about partisan divides, what supports the author's claims?

data from surveys

Benvolio and Mercutio believe that Romeo is hiding because he is still sad about the breakup with Rosaline. The audience knows he has disappeared to go find Juliet. This is an example of

dramatic irony

Iambic pentameter means that

each line has 10 syllables

Communism is more than a political ideology. It is also...


An author who varies sentence length and complexities within his or her writing is practicing good ________.


Making writing interesting and easy to read is the focus of which ABC's of Writing?


The purpose of the telescreen is to ________. (Mark all that apply)

entertain disseminate propaganda disrupt thought monitor citizens

A professional athlete telling you how to find success in anything such as in business or education is a misuse of which rhetorical appeal?


When President Roosevelt referred to his office as president to back up his proposals, that was an appeal to _____________________.


Juliet's nurse seeks Romeo to

find out when Romeo and Juliet should marry

According to O'Brien, the Party sought power ____________.

for power's sake

Which of these is not one of the three elements of grammar?


Everything was alright in the end, according to Winston, because he _____________.

had finally learned to love Big Brother

Winston claims he has not betrayed Julia because he _____________.

had not stopped loving her

What was the result of the duel for Hamilton?

he aimed toward the sky and was killed

Pyramus thought Thisbe was dead because

he found her bloody veil

Romeo was nervous about going to the masquerade because

he had a bad feeling about it

Even though he's orthodox, Winston believes that Syme will be vaporized because ________.

he is too intelligent and is a threat

What was the result of the duel for Burr?

he killed Hamilton, who hadn't shot at him, and his reputation was ruined

Winston breaks initially when ____________.

he meets with O'Brien

The friar agrees to help Romeo marry Juliet because

he wants to heal the relationship between the two families

What did Hamilton do after the war?

he was Washington's treasury secretary

What does Hamilton do to try and save his legacy?

he writes

Why does it matter that Lin-Manuel Miranda cast actors for Hamilton who don't look like the characters they portray?

his casting decisions make a statement about race

Mercutio describes her carriage in order to illustrate

how small she is

On the piece of paper that the dark-haired girl slipped into Winston's hand was written, "________."

i love you

In Sonnet 116, Shakespeare claims that

if it changes, it isn't love

. A person making a claim about the importance of eating healthy while giving examples of food facts and pie charts is an example of which Rhetorical Appeal?


Winston was finally compelled to begin writing when he ________.

makes eye contact with O'Brien and is certain he feels as Winston does

Answering the why and what questions when writing an argument is called...

making claims

Read this excerpt from FDR's inaugural address. "And yet our distress comes from no failure of substance. We are stricken by no plague of locusts." This is an example of what writing tool?


Which is one of the groups that has been oppressed in this country?


Pyramus and Thisbe were


Is Hamilton totally factually accurate?

no, it is an artist's interpretation

The line, "The totalitarian world produces backwardness because it does such violence to the spirit, thwarting the human impulse to create, to enjoy, to worship." is an example of ________.


A person making a claim about the need for human rights and equality using images of terrorist activity and poverty is an example of which Rhetorical Appeal?


Read this excerpt from FDR's inaugural address. "These, my friends, are the lines of attack. I shall presently urge upon a new Congress in special session detailed measures for their fulfillment..." This is an example of what rhetorical tool?


When President Roosevelt refers to the pioneer trials and spirit that overcame those trials, he was appealing to __________________.


What are partisan politics?

politics involving distinct and separate parties

After he's been stabbed, Mercutio tells Romeo, "Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man" (3.1.94-95). This play on the definition of grave as serious but also as a place where people are buried is an example of


What is word play often called?


In chapter 4, we learn that Winston is deathly afraid of ________.


According to Big Brother, what can the government define for its people?


The Prince arrives during the opening fight and

reprimands the citizens for fighting

When Benvolio bids Romeo good morning, Romeo claims that

sad hours seem long

What precedent did Washington set for the presidents who followed him?

serving only two terms

A comparison that uses like or as is a


Winston claims that the first step in his rebellion was secret involuntary thoughts, and that the last step would be ________.

something that would happen in the Ministry of Love

Which literary device does the following quote from "Right Hand Man" include? We are outgunned (what?) Outmanned (what?) Outnumbered Outplanned (buck, buck, buck, buck, buck)

sound devices

Sun Tzu was a master of


In the context of what we've been talking about, to synthesize means to:

take information from multiple sources and come to an overall conclusion

Who is Roosevelt's audience?

the American people

What was the final straw that caused Burr to challenge Hamilton?

the Election of 1800

What is the context of the speech?

the Great Depression

According to Winston, any hope of overthrowing Big Brother lies in ________.

the Proles

What unique choices were made in the creation of the musical Hamilton to tell the story of Alexander Hamilton?

the cast features people of color and the music is influenced by hip-hop

What choice did Lin-Manuel Miranda make about the casting for Hamilton that was revolutionary?

the cast is mainly people of color

A call to action is found in what part of the argument?

the conclusion

Winston chose to write where he did because ________.

the desk was in an alcove and he couldn't be seen by the telescreen

What is denotation?

the dictionary definition of a word

Queen Mab is

the faeries' midwife

The glass paperweight probably represents ________.

the lost past

What audience was Shakespeare's writing made for?

the masses

Room 101 contains __________________.

the thing you most fear

The "Under Surveillance" article explores the idea that ________.

there are good and bad aspects of surveillance

Which perspective about the Founding Fathers is correct?

there is no one right answer, especially since we didn't personally know them or live in their time

Claims support the ________ and evidence supports the ________.

thesis, claim

Why do we still care about the Federalist Papers today?

they explain and analyze the parts of the Constitution, adding to our understanding

To be Machiavellian means

to be politically cunning

What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers?

to defend and promote the proposed new government

After Winston's nightmare, what does he think would be real freedom?

to die hating the party

Tybalt discovered Romeo at the party and told his uncle, Lord Capulet, who

told Tybalt to leave Romeo alone

According to Christian Sinclair, social media has been a beneficial source of support and attention.


The initial fight scene is started when

two men of the house of Capulet bit their thumbs at men of the house of Montague

According to Winston, orthodoxy is ________.


Ronald Reagan says that "Standing before the Brandenburg Gate, every man is a German, separated from his fellow men." This comparison might serve to

unify the free world in sympathy with the plight of the those in East Germany

Paris believes that Romeo has come to the tomb of Juliet to

vandalize the bodies of Tybalt and Juliet

Thisbe ran from their meeting place because she

was scared of a lioness

What might be a danger of looking at history through the lens of our present culture and ideas?

we might miss important perspectives of the past that explain the actions of historical figures

The call-to-action conclusion of the article is that ________________.

we should spend more time thinking about the fact that our lives are precious and finite

What was a fear that the people in the U. S. had after the Revolution?

y feared there would be a violent power vacuum

Winston's neighbor, Mr. Parsons, ended up in the Ministry of Love with him because he _____________.

yelled "Down with Big Brother" in his sleep

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