C724 Practice Test

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A company has developed a new product and they want to launch a new website through which the product will be sold. To develop this website, the web developers have been relocated to working in cubicles next to those who developed the new product. They are ok with the possibility that the specifics of how the website will work may change as the project progresses and the product development team provides feedback. Which of the project management approaches best fits this scenario?


A manufacturing company has engaged in a strategic initiative to improve the quality of their products. As a result, they have created a data warehouse that includes information on prior production outputs (i.e., number of defects by day and which assembly line they came from), vendors utilized as the source of raw materials, employees who worked on the parts that were defective, environmental conditions without the plant, and other production related data. A system has been setup to review the data in the data warehouse utilizing mathematical algorithms to identify patterns in the data that may point to the causes of the defects so that those causes can be addressed to reduce the number of defects. Which concept is represented by this scenario?

Analytics & Data Mining

Microsoft Office provides a suite of software programs that can be used to create anything from a Document to a presentation file, spreadsheet, or database. Which software type does this represent?


Scenario: A university had determined that they need an improved system that will allow faculty to more efficiently find the information they need when meeting with students. Along the way the analyst finds that there is disagreement among the faculty related to how the system should work and the data that should be included. The analyst decides to work with the disagreeing parties to identify common ground and build on that common to create consensus. Which role is the systems analyst portraying?


A tire manufacturer purchases their stationary and paper products from a local office supply store. Which term below represents this scenario?


An Amazon customer utilizes a Dash button to be able to order laundry detergent with the push of a button. The Dash button is an example of an IoT device. Which term below represents this scenario?


A Fire Department purchases their computers from a local computer shop to support the local economy and because they will be able to get hands on support since the computer shop is right down the road from the firehouse. Which term below represents this scenario?


An organization needs to be able to analyze a large data set that includes information on weather patterns, customer purchases, GIS information related to home values, income levels by neighborhood, voter registration. The technology that allows for the analysis of these data sources has been made possible by increasing computer speeds, network speeds, and data storage capacity. Which concept is represented by this scenario?

Big Data

A nuclear power plant would like to install wireless monitors in secure areas of the plant. The wireless technology used must be secure and they desire for it to only have a short range as limiting the range of the signal also increases the security of the solution. The sensors will communicate with computers that are within 20 feet of the sensors. Which concept does this represent?


A company has experienced a great deal of growth in their customer population and as a result they are renting a new space in their current building to expand their customer service team. The Network Administrator has installed a device that allows the LAN network on the new floor to connect with the LAN network on the old floor.


A student sells their used textbooks which they bought at the campus bookstore to a freshman for $20 because the bookstore only offered $5 to buy the book back. Which term below represents this scenario?


Scenario: A university had determined that they need an improved system that will allow faculty to more efficiently find the information they need when meeting with students. The analyst can see that the faculty need a new system, but the IT team is buried with other projects and do not understand the value of the project. As a result, the analyst helps "sell" the value of the project to the IT team. Which role is the systems analyst portraying?

Change Agent

Which individual is responsible for making sure that a company is protected from data breeches and that the network does not fail due to a cyberattack?

Chief Security Office (CSO)

This technology records the parts of the webpage that a user clicks to compile data that is useful to improve understanding of website usage, software testing, and marketing research. While this is not always true, it can be used in such a way as to individually identify individuals which could violate privacy. Which of the following does this describe?


Scenario: A university had determined that they need an improved system that will allow faculty to more efficiently find the information they need when meeting with students. The system analyst finds that the faculty have their own language of acronyms that the analyst must learn and being able to translate to terminology that the programmers will be able to understand when they design the system. Which role is the systems analyst portraying?


A large retailer has developed a supply chain management system that is the envy of their competitors. However, their competitors have been unable to replicate their SCM despite having tried for years. The SCM allows them to move product to the right location at the right time while minimizing cost. Which of the following is a strategic benefit provided to the company?

Competitive Advantage

Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) has decided to upgrade their network to be able to handle an increase in the number of corporations that are moving into the new High-Tech Corporate Park. To do this, they need to replace the devices at the center of their network to devices that can handle a large volume of traffic assuring that the data packets are directed down a path that takes them toward their destination.

Core Router

Fred operates a sub shop and knows that he has many competitors, so he is always focused on making sure that customers have a good experience and feel a connection with his brand. Fred begins utilizing a strategy where he provides customers with frequent buyer cards and gives them rewards for return trips and for completing surveys about their experience. Which of the following is a strategic benefit provided to the company?

Customer Satisfaction

Company A has realized that they are in a mature industry. As a result, there is a good deal of competitive rivalry. This rivalry is driving profits down and they realize that they cannot continue to compete. They decide that they need to develop new products or services to enter a new industry that is more profitable. In order to identify the industry, they would like to enter, they need to analyze data from various industries as well as data related to their current strengths and weaknesses. Based on the type of decision which IS system (DSS or MIS) would represent the best tool for performing this analysis?


Customer buying history is considered which of the following components of an Information System?


This policy relates to the length of time that the organization must store the data to comply with legal requirements while at the same time minimizing the impact of a data breech. Which concept does this represent?

Data Retention

The policies related to who can access what data and how they access the data is vital. For example, are they able to use ad hoc reporting to query data or is the data only accessible via an online dashboard. This is an important decision that the data governance committee must consider. Which concept does this represent?

Data Retrieval

This process involves assuring that the data is secure while it is in the database. Utilizing encryption is a great way to maintain security in relationship to this aspect of data governance. Which concept does this represent?

Data Storage

Which individual is responsible to designing and managing the systems that store and allow for the retrieval of an organization's data?

Database Administrator

You have been hired as the CSO and have been asked to engage in a technical feasibility study to investigate ways of improving authentication systems. Authentication utilizing a username and password and a swipe card with an embedded RFID chip. What type of authentication does this represent

Dual-Factor Authentication

The CFO has asked that a project which has just begun the analysis be re-evaluated in terms of the expected Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). She believes that the project may exceed its budget. Which type of feasibility study would be needed to address this concern?

Economic or Financial Feasibility

StartMyBiz.com has created a system that allows any entrepreneur to be able to create a web-enabled storefront with little to no technical knowledge and without the help of a web developer. How would you classify the product created by StartMyBiz.com?

End-user development

This network is used to improve the flow of communications between partner organizations. It may include suppliers or B2B customers of the firm. For example, this type of network may allow a supplier to log into a portal that allows them to see if their partner, a retail store, is low on inventory and if products should be shipped based on previously agreed to desired inventory levels.


In the state of Ohio, the governor wants to improve the Internet infrastructure in the state to attract more high-tech companies. To do this the governor invested $100 million dollars in running high speed lines throughout the state.What is the best type of connection to use?

Fiber Optics

The CEO has asked that each department reduce their budget by 5%. This department is charged with providing ROI numbers to other units within the company to aid them in making the best decisions on where to trim their budgets. Which department (i.e. business function) benefits from this technology?

Finance/ Accounting

The device that protects a company's network from being attacked has been configured to block all inbound traffic except for website traffic, but the new CSO points out that the security settings can be improved by limiting traffic to only the company's website. What device is the CSO suggesting should be reconfigured?


SCENARIO: University X's Fundraising department has been very successful when it comes to connecting with Alumni and other donors. The data they have collected over the years is the key to their success. Having accurate contact information as well as information about past gifts and other indicators of giving capacity is vital. However, these types of information change over time as people move, change phone numbers, or increase their wealth. Of course, it is also vital that when a donor shares changes to their information or when a new donor is entered into the system that the data is entered accurately. QUESTION: The Database Administrator has taken steps to improve the quality of the data entered into the database by preventing users from entering information incorrectly. For examples, the zip code field will not allow the user to enter less than 9 digits to assure that the full zip code is entered correctly. The system also includes drop down boxes for the abbreviations that are acceptable in the State Field. What strategy is being utilized?

Formatting Rules

An edge router is considered which of the following components of an Information System?


A department mines the prior year's data to determine if there are patterns related to absenteeism on a month-by-month basis. Which department (i.e. business function) benefits from this technology?

Human Resources

A medium sized corporation has purchased a competitor, which effectively doubles the size of their business overnight. After performing an analysis of the previous competitor's network, they determine that now that they are a larger company they will upgrade their data center so that they can purchase 10 high powered servers and relocate the 30 different systems used by the two companies onto the 10 servers. They will take each of the 10 servers and allocate resources such a hard drive storage, RAM, and CPUs to 2 or more systems allowing each of the 10 servers to run 2-4 of the systems. There are a couple of advantages to this approach. First, they did not have to purchase 30 servers. Second, they will save on the electric that would have been needed to operate 30 servers. Finally, they can adjust the amount of RAM, CPU speed, or storage to the various systems depending on the number of users logged in.


You have been hired by the CSO, Art Vandalay, to aid in assuring that the company network remains secure. During the onboarding and training process you notice that the company does not have a system that monitors and identifies potential attempts to hack into the ERP. You recommend a system that will monitor network traffic and alert you if it appears that someone is attempting to hack in. What is this system called?

IDS - Intrusion Detection System

This cloud service involves the Cloud Provider providing a server with no software installed and an Internet connection that will allow you to manage the system and install any software you will need. You are responsible for managing all aspects of the system except for hardware. If the hardware fails, the Cloud Provider must repair the hardware.


You have been hired as the CSO and have been asked to engage in a technical feasibility study to investigate ways of improving authentication systems. Equip all laptops that allow the built-in camera to be used for facial recognition as a means of authenticating. What type of authentication does this represent?

Identity based authentication (i.e., Who you are)

Bob's Country Bunker has decided that they need to be able to track buying behavior and strategically determine how much of a discount (i.e., $5, $10, $15, etc.) to offer customers to maximize customer spending. Which of the following is a strategic benefit provided to the company

Improved Decision Making

This network is primarily focused on communications with customers. It may involve a public website which is visible to anyone without a username or password or it may consist of a portal website that requires a login to receive personalized content such as order history, purchasing, etc.


This network is primarily targeted towards employees. It requires a login and contains information that is internal to the organization. For example, it may include links to information such as benefits and company policies.


Vandalay Industries has developed a new vending machine that can connect wirelessly to the Internet and report back to the vending machine management company sales and inventory levels so that the management company can optimize the number of times they restock the vending machine to assure that it does not run out of inventory. Which concept does this represent?


You have been hired as the CSO and have been asked to engage in a technical feasibility study to investigate ways of improving authentication systems. The current authentication method is to utilize a username and password. What type of authentication does it represent?

Knowledge based authentication (i.e., What you know)

An electrical contractor has two branch offices and has utilized a video conferencing solution that utilizes the telephone system for the voice transmissions and a DSL Internet connection to transmit and receive the video feed. The company also has a separate Internet connection that is used by the staff to surf the web and access email. They are planning to install equipment that will allow them to use a single Internet connection for the video, voice, and data.


This online consortium focuses on providing a means for businesses to connect to buy and sell from one another. This consortium may focus more on facilitating individual transactions rather than focusing on facilitating lasting relationships between the businesses. What does this represent?

Net Marketplaces

Which individual is responsible for building and maintaining the connections between servers, computers, printers, and the Internet?

Network Administrator

About 6 months after the situation described in #5 above the CSO decides that they need to upgrade their equipment and install a device that is application aware meaning that it knows the types of applications the company runs and can better detect and address potentially harmful network traffic reducing the need for a Network Administrator to manually adjust security rules.

Next Generation Firewall

Amazon has developed a robust website that allows customers to purchase a large variety of products. The system can also identify patterns in historical purchasing patterns to predict and recommend products that customers are likely to be interested in. This effort has increased the amount spent on a per shopper basis. Amazon depends on purchase history as the key to this system so that at the time of check out shoppers are more likely to add items to their cart. Which concept is represented by this scenario?


Walmart's data center is one of the largest in the world. They upload all transactional information from every store to a cloud-based database every 30 minutes. This allows them to have the latest data to be used for analysis. They can then have software crawl through the database to identify purchasing trends that allow them to assure that the right products are stocked at the right store to assure that sales are not constrained by a lack of inventory. Which concept is represented by this scenario?


A retail chain with a long history operating primarily as a bricks and mortar company, but 5 years ago they began to sell their products online. When they launched their online store, they created a separate division within their company that focused exclusively on online sales. While this strategy allowed them to get up and running online it seems it created some issues within the larger organization. For example, the bricks and mortar operation maintained their own inventory of products while the online division maintained a separate inventory. This presented an issue as the brick and mortar operation often has surplus inventory at the end of a season that just sits on their shelves until it can be shipped back to headquarters, but the online division will sell out of the very same products that the brick and mortar locations have a surplus of. To fix this situation, the company will overhaul operations to combine both online and brick and mortar operations to encourage sharing inventory, which will reduce overstock and increase profitability. This new strategy will streamline all sales so that they are tracked in the same system and allow customer's orders to be shipped directly from a store to their home or the customer can pick up the item in the store near their home. Which term below represents this scenario?


When shopping online companies provide search features as well as organize their products into categories such as "Lawn and Garden", "Clothing", "Groceries", etc. to make it easier to find the items you are looking for. What term best fits this description?

Online Catalog

A hunting and fishing store has established a website where their customers can post questions as well as answer one another's questions. They can also share tips and read and comment on articles posted by the store. What term best fits this description?

Online Community

It is possible to transfer money to other individuals or to businesses via this technology. What term best fits this description?

Online Payments

A University has decided to look at student pass rates in comparison to time spent in online textbooks. In order to look for patterns in the data they are utilizing data mining. They hope to identify best practices that can be used to recommend study strategies that will increase student success. Which of the following is a strategic benefit provided to the company?

Operational Excellence

This cloud service involves the Cloud Provider supplying the hardware, Internet connection, and services such as a database service, but they do not manage all aspects of the server and you are responsible for managing the system should it run into issues.


A CEO is considered which of the following components of an Information System?


The Plant Manager has been working with the CIO to develop a new system for tracking defect rates, but there is a shift manager that feels this change will not be good for his team, so he has come up with many reasons he and his team are unable to make it to meetings about the project. It remains to be seen if this shift manager's action can reduce the effectiveness of the system being developed Which type of feasibility study would be needed to address this concern?

Political Feasibility

Ford Motor Company has established a business-to-business community that focuses on providing a venue for collaboration, communication and to conduct business. Ford fully owns and manages this business-to-business community. What does this represent?

Private Industrial Networks

Issuing invoices to customers is considered which of the following components of an Information System?


Company A has found that their biggest competitor will be releasing a new version of their phone. This competitor's smartphone is superior and includes two features that so unique that customers are willing to pay a premium. Which of the following is a strategic benefit provided to the company?

Product Differentiation

A department utilizes data mining to analyze the best means of organizing their manufacturing facility to achieve operational excellence. Which department (i.e. business function) benefits from this technology?


Which individual will use a variety of computer languages to develop systems that enable businesses to operate effectively and efficiently?


A nuclear power plant wants to assure that only authorized individuals are allowed access to the high security areas, such as the control room, when they are on duty. In other words, even if Kevin is authorized to enter the control room when he is on duty they want the security system to deny Kevin access to the control room after his shift ends or before it begins. They have decided to use dual factor authentication to grant employees access to the control room by combining a rolling code authentication with a physical device that must be swiped to unlock the door. Which concept does this represent?

RFID card

When entering data into a system it is vital that the data be entered in a consistent way. For example, if a lumber company's inventory system expects lumber dimensions to be entered in English units (i.e., feet, inches, yards, etc.) then it is important that the measurements are not entered in metric units (i.e., centimeters, meters, etc.). Which concept does this represent?

Recording Data

An organization has setup a microwave wireless connection between its two office buildings that are on the opposite sides of Atlanta. The buildings are too far apart for the signal to reach between them as a result you must locate an antenna to receive and rebroadcast the signal half way between the buildings.


A Network Administrator located in Dallas has just been informed that his company will be acquiring a firm in Columbus Ohio and that he will need to manage the network in Columbus from his Dallas office. To accomplish this the Network Admin proposes the replacement of the equipment in Columbus with networking equipment that can be reconfigured and controlled remotely so that the Network Admin will not need to visit Columbus to adjust the network.


This cloud service involves the Cloud Provider supplying all software and hardware. It is the Cloud Provider's responsibility to manage, upgrade, and repair all aspects of the system should it fail.


In a recent department meeting an employee suggested that perhaps the company could save money if they re-evaluated the demand for their products based on regional weather patterns. Their goal is to improve decision making concerning pricing strategies in light of demand. Which department (i.e. business function) benefits from this technology?

Sales/ Marketing

The CEO expresses concerns to the CIO that the Software Development Team has taken on multiple large-scale projects and wants to assure that the projects can be completed on-time. Which type of feasibility study would be needed to address this concern?

Schedule Feasibility

A company desires to improve the information dashboards and ad hoc reporting used by the sales staff. They would like to move quickly recognizing that the sooner they can make progress towards their goals the faster the sales staff will be able to take advantage of the new tools to increase sales. They are ok with the project evolving as progress is made. Which of the project management approaches best fits this scenario?


The website for a popular online retailer allows shoppers to search the site and select items they would like to purchase. The items remain selected even if the customer leaves the site so that they can review the items selected and determine if they wish to make the purchase before they finalize the purchase by checking out. What term best fits this description?

Shopping Cart

An Android operating system is considered which of the following components of an Information System?


A company takes the last week's transaction data from their TPS system's database and copies it into a data warehouse each Friday at mid-night. The data in the TPS database includes many data points, some examples include items sold, who they were sold to, quantities, date/time of the sale. The goal is to be able to use data mining to analyze the data in the data warehouse to identify patterns that would aid in improved decision making related to how to market products. As part of the process of copying the data from the TPS system to the data warehouse the database administrator uses the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process. Before bringing the data from the TPS system into the data warehouse some of the TPS data must be reformatted to use military time and a mm/dd/yyyy format. Using the scenario above, do database warehouses contain Static or Variable data?


Sally is the CEO of an auto parts manufacturing firm and she knows that price is the main criteria her customers consider when deciding who to buy from. As a result, she is looking for ways to drive down costs. She is considering an extranet to increase efficiencies when working with corporate partners. Which of the following is a strategic benefit provided to the company?

Strong Supplier Relations

Scenario: A university had determined that they need an improved system that will allow faculty to more efficiently find the information they need when meeting with students. The system analyst begins by talking with the faculty to understand how they use the current system. To do this, they must learn how to use the existing system. Which role is the systems analyst portraying?

Supporting Expert

Linux is an open source software that provides the foundational functionality to make your computer operational. Which software type does this represent?


Microsoft Windows is a proprietary software that provides the foundational functionality to make your computer operational. Which software type does this represent?


Which individual is responsible for the initial phase of new software development projects? They provide support to both the system's users and the programmers by acting as the point of contact for identifying and negotiating project requirements.

System Analyst

During a project the Lead Software Developer resigns his position. The Lead Developer possessed unique expertise that was critical to the integration of the new system with the organization's ERP system. The CIO is left wondering if this resignation will prevent the project from completing on-time because the team now lacks leadership as well as being down a member who possessed unique skills. Which type of feasibility study would be needed to address this concern?

Technical Feasibility

A company takes the last week's transaction data from their TPS system's database and copies it into a data warehouse each Friday at mid-night. The data in the TPS database includes many data points, some examples include items sold, who they were sold to, quantities, date/time of the sale. The goal is to be able to use data mining to analyze the data in the data warehouse to identify patterns that would aid in improved decision making related to how to market products. As part of the process of copying the data from the TPS system to the data warehouse the database administrator uses the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process. Before bringing the data from the TPS system into the data warehouse some of the TPS data must be reformatted to use military time and a mm/dd/yyyy format. Using the scenario above, what step of the ETL process involves converting the date and time?


Company A has realized that they are in a mature industry. As a result, there is a good deal of competitive rivalry. This rivalry is driving profits down and they realize that they cannot continue to compete. They decide that they need to develop new products or services to enter a new industry that is more profitable. In order to identify the industry, they would like to enter, they need to analyze data from various industries as well as data related to their current strengths and weaknesses. Does this scenario represent a structured or unstructured decision?


System Security software (i.e., Anti-virus, Anti-malware, etc.) helps to protect and maintain your computer by removing viruses and protecting your system from threats such as malware. Which software type does this represent?


A food packaging company would like to install technology that will monitor the temperature and humidity within their freezers around the clock and automatically notify the technician if the environmental conditions within the freezer fall outside of acceptable levels. Which concept does this represent?


The customer of a software development firm is seeking to reinvent their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system by creating a custom solution. They expect the project to take multiple years to complete from the time they begin the analysis phase until they reach the conclusion of the implementation phase. They have asked the software development firm to provide a complete scope document including the total cost for the project as well as a timeline and detailed documentation of the functionality that will be included in the ERP, at the end of the analysis phase. Which of the project management approaches best fits this scenario?


Which individual must be able to create systems that are well designed and easy to navigate so that customers can easily find and purchase products?

Web Developer

When checking out online retailers ask you to fill in information like your name, address, phone number, and credit card number. This information is entered via this technology What term best fits this description?

Web Form

An entrepreneur who grew up in a rural area and wishes to launch his company with its headquarters based in his home town where the telecommunications infrastructure is aging and does not support high speed connections, but he also wants to sell products online and needs Internet access to support daily operations. He needs an affordable way to connect to the Internet via a high-speed connection. What is the best type of connection to use?

Wireless Repeater

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