Cardiovascular system

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Which of the following correctly describe erythropoietin?

It stimulates the development of erythrocytes.

The movement of ______ is responsible for the depolarization phase of the action potential in cardiac muscle cells.


The wave of an ECG that reflects the electrical changes of atrial depolarization is the ________ wave.


______ is the substance that coats the inner lining of a blood vessel, acting as a platelet repellent.


The complex of an ECG that represents the electrical changes that are associated with ventricular depolarization is the ________ complex.


Administration of ______ to an Rh- mother carrying an Rh+ fetus prevents the synthesis of anti-D antibodies to Rh+ fetal erythrocytes during pregnancy.


True or false: Blood transported to and from the spleen is an example of a simple blood flow pathway.


A plasma protein called the von _______ factor, helps create the platelet plug.


A vascular spasm usually lasts ______.

a few minutes

As they pass through small blood vessels, erythrocytes may pack together, single-file, like a roll of coins; this formation is called ______.

a rouleau (rouleaux)

Leukocytes are divided into two distinguishable classes called granulocytes and ______.


The plasma proteins most important for maintaining fluid balance in the cardiovascular system are the ______


The proteins that exert the greatest colloid osmotic pressure to maintain blood volume and blood pressure are called


Hormones that help to regulate blood pressure are ______.

aldosterone antidiuretic hormone atrial natriuretic peptide

Hemocytoblasts give rise to ______.

all formed elements of blood

A hemoglobin molecule consists of two polypeptides called ________ chains (globins) and two polypeptides called ________ chains (globins).

alpha; beta

The left coronary artery typically branches into the ______ interventricular artery and the ______ artery.

anterior; circumflex

A person with type A blood has which surface antigen on its red blood cells?

antigen A

Blood pressure is highest in the ______.


what are the smallest arteries?


Capillaries connect ______.

arterioles and venules

Toward the end of ventricular filling, the left and right ______ contract simultaneously.


The fibrous skeleton of the heart is located between the ______.

atria and ventricles

When the ______ contract, blood is forced into the ______ through the open AV valves.

atria; ventricles

The wrinkled flap-like extensions visible in the anterior view of the heart are the _______ .


The heart is innervated by the ______ nervous system.


The posterior-superior surface of the heart is called the ______.


The least abundant white blood cell in circulating blood is the _______.


The nucleus of an eosinophil is normally ______


The nucleus of an eosinophil is(are) ______.

bilobed, dark-staining, surrounded by reddish cytoplasmic granules

The main function of the cardiovascular system is to circulate ______ throughout the body.


Which of the following transports formed elements and dissolved molecules throughout the body and serves as a general "delivery system" for the body?


The change in blood pressure from one end of a blood vessel to its other end is called a ______.

blood pressure gradient

______ shorten as a result of sarcomeres shortening.

both cardiac and skeletal muscle cells

Organs that are highly active metabolically are highly vascularized. Which organs are very metabolically active?

brain liver skeletal muscle heart

Oxygenated blood appears ______ red.


The movement of large amounts of fluids and their dissolved substances in one direction down a pressure gradient is called ________ flow.


Blood coagulation is a process that requires ______, clotting factors, platelets and vitamin ______.

calcium; K

The smallest blood vessels in the cardiovascular system are the ______.


Which have the largest total cross-sectional areas?


Net filtration pressure refers to the difference between net hydrostatic pressure and net colloid osmotic pressure across a ______ membrane.


The time from the start of one heartbeat to the initiation of the next is called a(n) cycle.


Total blood flow equals ______ output.


______ cells cannot exhibit tetany.

cardiac muscle

The volume of blood pumped by one ventricle in one minute is defined as ________ ________ .

cardiac output

When you arise from a sitting to a standing position, ______ is altered to maintain blood pressure.

cardiac output

_______ _______ is a measure of how effective the cardiovascular system is in fulfilling its function in transporting life supporting substances through the body.

cardiac output

The cardiac center and the vasomotor center are called the ________ center.


The process whereby leukocytes are attracted to molecules produced by damaged or dying cells or by invading pathogens is called ______.


The ______ system is responsible for the transport of blood in the body.


Electrical activity is started at the SA node, which causes an action potential to spread through the heart through the ______.

conduction system

The ______ delivers oxygen-rich blood to the thick heart wall while the ______ carries the deoxygenated blood away from the heart wall.

coronary arteries; coronary veins

A(n) ______ is the initial stimulus for the release of EPO.

decrease in blood oxygen

A vascular spasm ______ the amount of blood flowing through the blood vessel.


After delivering some oxygen to body cells, blood is no longer saturated with oxygen and is said to be ______.


Dark red blood is ______.


Nodal cells in the SA initiate a heartbeat by spontaneously _______ to generate an action potential.


Leukocytes enter the tissues from blood vessels by a process called ______ whereby they squeeze between endothelial cells of the blood vessel walls.


When substances such as oxygen and nutrients move from high concentrations in the blood to low concentrations in the tissue cells, it is called ________.


Exchange processes that occur in capillaries include ______.

diffusion bulk flow vesicular transport

Bulk flow refers to the movement of large amounts of fluids and their dissolved substances in one direction a _________ pressure gradient.


The amount of blood in the ventricles immediately prior to initiation of contraction is called _______ ________ volume.

end diastolic

The heart wall consists of three distinctive layers: _______ , _______ , and endocardium.

epicardium; myocardium

The outermost heart layer of the heart wall is the ______ and is also known as the ______ layer of the serous pericardium.

epicardium; visceral

Cells called _______ transport oxygen and carbon dioxide between the tissues and the lungs.


The general classes of the cell components of whole blood are ______.

erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets

When a blood smear is stained, platelets ______.

exhibit a dark central region

True or false: As a person ages, yellow bone marrow is normally replaced with red bone marrow.


Which are types of capillaries?

fenestrated sinusoids continuous

The destruction of the fibrin of a blood clot is called _______.


The _____ of the heart is formed from dense irregular connective tissue.

fibrous skeleton

Whole blood consists of ______.

formed elements and plasma

Each hemoglobin molecule can transport a maximum of _______ oxygen molecules.


______ do(es) not contribute to the ability of a cardiac muscle to meet its energy demands.

glycolytic enzymes

White blood cells that have specific granules in their cytosol that are clearly visible when viewed with a microscope are called

granulocytes (basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils)

When a person's neutrophil count is elevated, it is most likely because they have recently ______.

had a bacterial infection

Redistribution of blood flow, due to sympathetic stimulation, increases blood flow to which organs?

heart skeletal muscle

Associated with each globin polypeptide of hemoglobin is a ring-shaped, non-protein structure called a ______ group, at the center of which is ______.

heme; an iron ion

When alpha vasomotor receptors are stimulated, resistance is ______ and blood pressure ______.

increased; rises

An increase in cardiac output, resistance, or blood volume ______ blood pressure.


Vasoconstriction of veins shift blood from venous reservoirs and circulating blood volume ______.


As the blood pressure gradient ______, total blood flow is ______.

increases; greater

The apex of the heart is the ______.

inferior and conical end of the heart

Hemostasis occurs in an ______ blood vessel.


The right and left ventricles are separated by the ______.

interventricular septum

The position of the interventricular septum is deep to the ______ located on the heart's superficial surface.

interventricular sulci

When transported by hemoglobin, oxygen binds weakly with the ______.

iron ion of each heme group

When some oxygen has been delivered to tissues and some carbon dioxide has been picked up, blood ______.

is deep red in color

Oxygenated blood is transported from the lungs to the ______ side of the heart.


The circumflex artery supplies blood to the ______ ventricle.


As the cardiac cycle begins, the semilunar valves are closed because the pressure exerted by the blood in the ventricles is ________ than the pressure the blood exerts in the great arteries.


The only formed elements that are nucleated when mature are the ______.


The 15% to 20% of the fluid that isn't reabsorbed into the capillary is picked up by the _______ ________ and filtered before it is returned to the blood.

lymphatic system

The cells in the organs that remove old and/or damaged erythrocytes are called _______.


The right coronary artery typically branches into the right ______ artery, which supplies the lateral wall of the right ventricle, and the posterior ______ artery, which supplies the posterior surface of both the left and right ventricles.

marginal; interventricular

The three tunics of a blood vessel wall are the tunica intima, tunica ______, and tunica externa.


Short-term regulation of blood pressure occurs through autonomic reflexes involving nuclei within the ______. Multiple choice question.

medulla oblangata

The cardiac center is within the ______.

medulla oblongata

The bone marrow cell from which all formed elements are derived is considered to be a ______ because it can differentiate into many different kinds of cells.

multipotent stem cell

Regulation of blood pressure occurs through short-term mechanisms of the ______ system and/or long-term mechanisms of the ______ system.

nervous; endocrine

The pressure that is the difference between the net hydrostatic pressure and the net colloid osmotic pressure is called ________ filtration pressure.


The pressure that is the difference between the net hydrostatic pressure and the net colloid osmotic pressure is called _________ filtration pressure.


The most abundant type of leukocyte in the blood is the ______.


The number of ___________ in a person's blood rises dramatically in the presence of an acute bacterial infection, as more are produced that target the bacteria.


______ in the SA node are the pacemaker cells that initiate a heartbeat.

nodal cells

Arterioles are

not named

The vasomotor center has ______ axons that extend from it to the blood vessels.

only sympathetic

The pericardium of the heart includes an ______ fibrous layer and an ______ serous membrane.

outer; inner

The binding of ______ to hemoglobin gives arterial blood its bright red color.


When the maximum amount of oxygen is being transported by blood - that is, when blood is saturated with oxygen - it is said to be _________.


Which type of blood flows through the left atrium?


A common error is to describe arteries as the vessels that always transport ______ blood instead of describing it as a vessel that takes blood ______ from the heart.

oxygenated; away

The ability to reach threshold without stimulation is called the ___________ of the SA node.

pacemaker potential

Like the right atrium, the left atrium also has ______ in its auricle.

pectinate muscles

The specific amount of blood entering the capillaries per unit time per gram of tissue is called _______ .


The ultimate goal of the cardiovascular system is for adequate _______ of all tissues.


The heart is surrounded by a visceral and parietal ______.


The function(s) of neutrophils is to ______.

phagocytize pathogens, especially bacteria

Components of whole blood are more correctly called "formed elements" rather than "cells" because ______.

platelets are just cell fragments and mature erythrocytes don't have a nucleus or organelles

The erythrocytes of an individual who is Rh positive (Rh+) ______ antigen D.


Openings of ______ are visible in the left atrium.

pulmonary veins

The cardiovascular system consists of two circulations: the ______ circulation and the ______ circulation

pulmonary; systemic

An erythrocyte is a ______.

red blood cell

The friction due to the contact between the blood and the blood vessel wall is ________ .


The _____ atrium and ventricle are prominent when viewing the heart from the anterior view.


Which side of the heart is more visible from an anterior view?


The right atrioventricular opening is covered by the ______ valve.

right atrioventricular tricuspid

Vasoconstriction of veins shifts blood from venous reservoirs and blood pressure ______.


In the heart, action potentials spread across the ______ of cardiac muscle cells, causing them to contract.


Which of the following are part of the cardiac muscle cells?

sarcolemma myofibrils T tubules

The greatest risk for severe illness and even death of an unborn fetus occurs in which of the following conditions?

second pregnancy, Rh- mother with second Rh+ fetus

The two categories of heart valves are ______.

semilunar and atrioventricular

Plasma and interstitial fluid have ______ concentrations of nutrients and waste products.


One artery, a capillary bed, and one vein associated with an organ describe a ______ pathway of blood flow.


The heartbeat is initiated by the specialized cardiac muscle cells of the ______, which are located in the posterior wall of the right atrium, adjacent to the entrance of the ______.

sinoatrial node; superior vena cava

The contraction of a heart chamber is called ______.


The purpose for the delay in the conduction of the action potential from the AV node to the bundle branches of the ventricles is to allow ______, before the ventricles contract.

the atria to complete their contraction

The function of capillaries is ______.

the exchange of substances between blood and surrounding tissues

Old and/or damaged erythrocytes are removed from circulation as they pass through ______.

the liver and spleen

Platelets are also called ______.


True or false: Clotting factor numbers are in order of their discovery and not their position in the clotting pathway.


True or false: The average cardiac output at rest is 5.25 liters per minute and may substantially increase during exercise.


The walls of capillaries contain only the _______ intima allowing for rapid gas and nutrient exchange between the blood and tissues.


What is the only tunic present in capillaries?

tunica intima

The chemicals that alter local blood flow are collectively called ______ chemicals.


Two distinct groups of autonomic nuclei participate in the regulation of blood pressure; specifically the ________ center and the ________ center.

vasomotor; cardiac

Which two have similar cross-sectional areas?

veins arteries

Which are the major classes of blood vessels?

veins capillaries arteries

The companion vessels to the arterioles are the _______.


The smallest veins are the ______.


The first cells to make blood in an embryo are located in the ______.

yolk sac

Passive filling of the ventricles through the open _______ valves occurs at the beginning of the cardiac cycle while the ventricles are in ________ .

AV; relaxation

______ is a contractile protein that squeezes the serum out of a developing blood clot.


True or false: Large solutes may diffuse via the endothelial cells or intercellular clefts.


True or false: Neurons have a pacemaker potential.


True or false: The heart myocardium is nourished primarily through the diffusion of nutrients from the blood in the heart chambers.


When a person's eosinophil count is elevated, it is most likely because they have recently ______.

- been infected by a parasitic worm - had an allergic reaction (to pollen, for example)

In a healthy adult, ______ of leukocytes will be basophils.

0.5 - 1%

In a healthy adult, ______ of leukocytes will be eosinophils.

1 - 4%

Order the steps of hemostasis from earliest to latest events.

1. vascular spasm 2. platelet plug formation 3. coagulation

Eosinophils are about _______ times larger in diameter than an erythrocyte, and while both of these formed elements have the color red in common, the color of erythrocytes is due to hemoglobin and the color of eosinophils is due to the staining properties of cytoplasmic _______, which otherwise would be colorless.

1.5; granules

In a healthy adult, ______ of leukocytes will be monocytes.

2 - 8%

In a healthy adult, ______ of leukocytes will be lymphocytes.


The average normal adult heart weighs about ______ grams.


In the blood of a healthy adult, ______ of leukocytes will be neutrophils.

50 - 70%

Stroke volume (SV) in a healthy adult is approximately ______.

70 mL

The capillary typically reabsorbs only about ______ of the fluid that has passed into the interstitial fluid.


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