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closed brain injury

Closed brain injury: most common type. skull may be fractured but not penetrated. most common causes of CBIs in adults are motor vehicle accidents and assaults. (ex. severe whiplash)

define coma

Coma: an extended period of reduced consciousness or unconsciousness

describe the conditions (environmental and behavioral) which lead to successful communication between deaf/hard of hearing and hearing individuals

For the D/deaf/hard of hearing person to be as engaged as possible: -meet in quiet enviroments/ eliminate background noise. -lighting is optimal -speak directly to deaf individual -speak slow and enunciate -learn ASL

describe the effect of sound exposure on hearing over time

Loud noises can strain on the hair cells in the cochlea and with ongoing noise they became permanently damaged

Which communication approaches are currently (most recent data) used to educate deaf?

Manual Communication -approaches currently used include speech-only (52%), sign with speech (36%), and sign only (11%).


loss of ability to create new memories since the accident/injury. Impaired hippocampus

Alternating Attention

move back and forth between two tasks

ALS: Lou Gehrig's disease.

-Progressive disease process in the nervous system affecting voluntary movement -Can affect all aspects of speech; respiration, phonation, articulation and resonance but not cognition -Approximately 5,000 people are diagnosed each year

Middle Ear (Ossicles)

(malleus, incus, and stapes) The three tiniest bones in the body form the coupling between the vibration of the eardrum and the forces exerted on th oval window of the inner ear.

Four Processes of hearing: (Acoustics)

-Displacement of air in the environment (send the airflow out, where displacement sends it to the ear.

know the dangers, and recommendations for appropriate wear, of personal music players

-The type of earphone used is not as important as user variables -Noise induced hearing loss with personal music players is a function of intensity(loudness) and duration of listening time. -Medical journals reported a surge in damaged hearing following introduction of the Sony Walkman -Keep the volume down: if someone next to you can hear it, if you can't hold a normal conversation with someone while listening -Avoid prolonged, continuous listening to the systems by taking frequent breaks

Tourettes: describe the findings related to quality of life when compared to youth with other disabilities

-We compared the answers of the youth with TS to youth who had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), youth who had mobility limitations and used wheelchairs or crutches, and youth who did not have any type of chronic condition. In all areas, youth with Tourette Syndrome reported the lowest quality of life scores. -A review of the relationship domain indicated that youth who had more severe tics or who, in addition to their TS, also had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or ADHD reported feeling more unwelcome, spent less time with friends and had more family arguments than youth who had milder tics and no other conditions


Ability to remember past events and previously learned knowledge, as well as learning new information

define infarct

Areas of dead tissue which affects the processing that is located in the affected brain region

Inner Ear (Cochlea/Audition)

Auditory portion of the inner ear. Converting sound pressure impulses from the outer ear into electrical impulses which are passed on to the brain via the auditory nerve.

From Tanner, describe the quality of life domains defined by Lawton, 1991: behavioral competence

Behaviorally, the patient must have the competence to interact with and exercise basic control over his or her environment

Tourettes: coprolalia truth

Coprolalia is shown and seen in movies much more often then it is seen in actual people. It is very rare. FALSE: individuals with Tourette's have coprolalia characterized by streams of creative, sexually explicit obscenity TRUTH: "A tic is a sudden, rapid, recurrent, non-rhythmic, stereotyped motor movement or vocalization".

How do cultural linguistic models view deafness?

Deaf individuals view themselves as a cultural and language minority; deafness not viewed as a disability. **Deaf- those who identify with the culture deaf- from a medical view, a person with a hearing loss

define dysarthria

Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder. It results from impaired movement of the muscles used for speech production, including the lips, tongue, vocal folds, and/or diaphragm. The type and severity of dysarthria depend on which area of the nervous system is affected

list the common causes of acquired brain injury

Falls, assault, struck by/against, unknown/other, motor vehicle-traffic but blasts are the leading cause of TBI for active duty military personnel.

From Tanner, describe the quality of life domains defined by Lawton, 1991: psychological well being

Finally, quality of life is dependent on the person's psychological well-being.

Nondeclarative Memory

Motor Memories such as ride a bike or tie a shoe

Parkinson's Disease:

Progressive disorder affecting the basal ganglia; results in overall slowed movement tremor, shuffling gate, rigidity, lack of facial expression key speech issues are reduced intelligibility and reduced vocal loudness

Tourettes:discuss the age of onset, prevalence for males compared to females

Onset is usually between 3 and 9 years often, symptoms increase then taper off in early adulthood Males affected more than females (about 4:1)

describe the common features/characteristics of tics described by people with Tourette syndrome

Onset usually characterized by simple tics; complex comes later Premonitory sensation- knowing the tic is coming;urge to have the tic Tics often worsen as the day goes on Tics may be suppressed, but this causes exacerbation later Medication frequently has negative side effects

open brain injury

Open brain injury: skull and brain being penetrated either by severe impact or by projectiles. In many cases there is a single trajectory of the projectile and it is mainly the tissue damaged along the path that causes the impairment. (ex. bullet)

What evidence led to an increase in teaching manual communication in the later part of the 20th century?

Oral education USED TO BE the leading method in teaching deaf youth -Began to change in 20th century with the publication of research indicating that oral-only preschool programs were relatively ineffective and with research reporting that the academic achievement and English proficiency of deaf children of deaf parents were superior to those of deaf children of hearing parents, leading to the conclusion that the short manual communication would be more beneficial academically.


Retrograde: loss of information that occurred before the accident/injury Individual

From Tanner, describe the quality of life domains defined by Lawton, 1991: perceived quality of life

Perceived quality of life is the assessment the individual has about his or her existence. It is a subjective judgment about satisfaction with life in general.

Selective Attention

ignore competing distractions

name and describe the methods of communication a Deaf or severely/profoundly hard of hearing individual might use

Signed languages (ASL) - unique vocab and syntax (grammar) Manual versions of a spoken language (SEE - signing exact english) Aural/Oral communication: residual hearing/speaking (hearing aids, cochlear implants, lip reading)... or a combination

List common social-behavioral issues after TBI, and characteristics of frontal lobe injury

Social-behaviors- socially INappropriate behavior, anger management, pragmatics, judgment and decision making, and impulsivity, isolation, guilt Characteristics of Frontal Lobe Injury- impulsivity, lack of initiation, personality change, poor executive functioning, and attention problems.

list strategies for reducing stigma experienced by youth with Tourette syndrome

Some simple steps may help in responding to potential stigmatization among youth with Tourette Syndrome. First, we should be alert and recognize stigma in both the school and the community and be aware of the impacts of long-term stigma. It is helpful to talk with youth about stigma experiences and to ask about teasing or bullying. It is important to identify the threshold when teasing becomes a damaging burden and to intervene with counseling or peer support. Finally, we can help reframe social values if we are willing to have a conversation with employers, schools, and insurers about enacted stigma and discrimination.

Ischemic stroke

Stroke is caused by a blockage disruption in the blood supply to the brain. Tissue dies due to lack of blood supply to that area of the brain

list the common causes of motor speech disorders

Stroke, brain injury, any disorder affecting important brain structures, certain congenital motor conditions, a disease process which affects the nerves or muscles

Declarative memory

Things you know and can talk about

Four Processes of hearing: Nerve Transmission

The creation of a nerve impulse that travels to the brain (pick up sound, understand frequency)

From Tanner, describe the quality of life domains defined by Lawton, 1991: objective environment

The environment must meet basic needs and supply the materials necessary to thrive because it serves as a foundation for self actualization

Four Processes of hearing: Hydraulics

The movement of liquid in the inner ear (airwave to liquid wave) (this contributes to balance)

discuss the common course of "emerging" from coma and how it is incorrectly portrayed in films

There are periods of agitation, confusion, post traumatic amnesia "re-learning" skills and tasks (walking, self care, basic routines) In films we often see that when the patient wakes up they are completely aware and highly functioning

outer ear (tympanic membrane)

Thin layer of tissue that separates the outer ear from the middle ear. It functions by vibration in response to percussion from compression sound waves in the air.


absence of oxygen supply to an organ/tissue (anoxia is usually anterograde because it affects the hippocampus which prevents new memories from forming)

Executive functions:

a complex set of functions allowing you to carry out goal directed behaviors. (includes planning, monitoring, detecting and correcting errors)

conductive hearing loss-

can be caused by structure/ function differences in the tympanic membrane and middle ear. this reduces loudness (not quality)

Sensorineural hearing loss-

can be caused by structure/function differences in the inner ear and auditory nerve. this reduces acuity.

Hemorrhagic stroke

caused by broken blood vessel. The blood is toxic to the brain, brain tissue dies

The auditory nerve carries auditory sensory information from the ____ of the ____ directly to the ____.

cochlea inner ear brain

How do social models view deafness?

examining how societies include/exclude (examines deaf individuals in terms of their roles in society, and needs; societies construct of themselves to exclude)


occur from a collision between the head and another object while both are in motion. causing an instantaneous stopping of the head movement but with the brain tissue shifting back and forth. This lacerates the brain on the sharp edges of bones inside the skull; stretches, tears, shears axons; and hemorrhages capillaries and other blood vessels.


occur when the head is hit from the side, causing it to rotate on its axis. The acceleration of the head causes a twisting motion between the skull and the brain, resulting in stretching, tearing, and shearing of axons and dendrites, as well as hemorrhaging of capillaries and other blood vessels.

Contrecoup injuries:

occur when there is tissue damage on the side opposite the trauma site, such as when an impact to the left frontal side of the skull results in brain damage on the right posterior side.

outer ear (pinna)

outer part of the ear that collects sound by acting as a funnel

dysarthria associated areas of damage

paralysis and weakness- motor cortex, nerves unintended movement- basal ganglia lack of coordination- cerebellum Main issue: lack of intelligibility

outer ear (auditory canal)

passage way that leads from outside of ear to the tympanic membrane

Reasoning/Problem solving:

people can't reason or problem solve, lose sense of logical thinking


people may not know where they are/why, may not know time/date/year, make up stories that they believed happened

Diffuse axonal injuries:

result in an array of impairments in diverse areas of the brain because the sheared axons damage connections in various cortical areas.

Inner Ear (semicircular canals)

serves as the body's balance organ. Lined with cilia.


simple tics; movements of a single body part (ex. facial muscle) complex tics; actions involving multiple muscle groups(such as jumping, arm waving)


simple; involuntary vocalizations such as speech sounds, grunts, etc.;common complex; including repetition of words or sentences, coprolalia(curse words) and echolalia(repetition of what another person just said)

Sustained Attention

the ability to shift and maintain focus

Four Processes of hearing: Mechanics

the movement of the tympanic membrane and ossicles

Define Audism

the notion that one is superior based on one's ability to hear or behave in the manner of one who hears, life w/o hearing is miserable, negative stigma towards anyone who does not hear

describe the common cognitive effects of mild brain injury (concussion)

there is no loss of consciousness or no more than 30 minutes of LOC. difficulty concentrating under distracting conditions, multitasking, attention, memory, higher level cognitive functioning, motivation is often impaired. Also have increased anxiety, depression, and irritability.

How do medical models view deafness?

veiw hearing loss as an impairment (loss of structure/function), disability/focus on cure

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