Cerner training
Power plan icon meaning?
Part of power plan.
Can remove be used on a Power Plan?
What is " +Add to Phase" ?
An icon found on the "Plan" toolbar.
Delete or Cancel/DC
An option used to delete or cancel an active Individual Order
An option used to restore a PowerPlan to its original state during a Void action.
An option used to restore an order to its original state during a Delete or Cancel/DC action.
An option used to void an active PowerPlan
Which command may be used to delete an order if the Delete option is not available (aka gray/not active/dithered out)?
What does the checkmark icon represent?
Checkmark represents an active order.
What does the blue circle with a slash icon mean?
What does the icon with 2 lightbulbs represent?
Displays Excluded Components of a Plan
T or F Orders checked in the subphase powerplan show in the parent plan.
Which command may be used to delete an order if the Delete option is not available (aka gray/not active/dithered out)?
There are two ways to add an outside order to a PowerPlan: +Add or +Add to Phase
False. +Add will add an additional order, but +Add does not include that order in the PowerPlan.
What does the single light bulb icon represent?
Identifies Initiated Pending Plan Order
What does the double power plan icon mean?
Identifies Subphase Plan
What is the icon for excluded components for a power plan look like?
Like 2 light bulbs
Scroll icon meaning?
Med from home MD
What does merge view do?
MergeView is an button icon that can be turned ON and OFF Your Answer MergeView can be used when reviewing orders and help identify possible duplicates, errors, or omissions. Your Answer MergeView identfies non-PowerPlan orders with a dark blue band. Your Answer MergeView is only available from within a PowerPlan.
Orange circle + white Star icon meaning?
Not yet reconciled.
Hospital icon meaning?
Ordered in hospital
When should you use the Delete option to delete an order?
Ordered the wrong test. Your Answer Ordered a test on the wrong patient. Your Answer Ordered on the wrong encounter (admission visit).
What does the blue circle with a white X icon mean?
The order is missing required details.
Remove" command is only available for use before an order is signed.
Using the "Remove" command does not require you to "Sign"?
You cannot add a PowerPlan within a PowerPlan. T or F
What is " +Add to Phase" ?
Your Answer A method used to add an "outside" order to a Powerplan. Your Answer An icon found on the "Plan" toolbar.
Which icon below identifies the order as a subphase to a powerplan?
Your Answer one that shows 2 smaller multicolor tiles touching each other.