Ch 1 Components of Effective Teaching

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above elementary level

motion pictures

edited version of reality

rules, regulations, routines

3 R's of hidden curriculum

Social climate

3 types: autocratic, laissez-faire, democratic

teacher, learner, classroom, curriculum, materials of instruction, administration

6 Important Elements/Factors of T-L Process

relationship with the community

As an intellectual leader, he should be willing to share his knowledge, training, and experience with the community

interests, intellectual preparedness, emotional stability, task readiness, levels of aptitude, degree of maturity

By nature the learner varies with

Physical Environment Intellectual Climate Social Climate Emotional Climate

Classroom environment encompasses 4 factors

Sponsoring extra class activities

Extra class are part of any school program. These activities are considered important in contributing to the development of students. The extent of extra class programs varies from one school to another. Some of these activities are student organizations, publications, athletics, speech, drama, and music.

relationship with his associates

He should be be willing to share his professional knowledge and experience with fellow members of the profession

relationship with the profession

He should be physically, mentally, and morally fit.

relationship with parents

He should be prudent and tactful in his relationship with parents

relationship with non-teaching personnel

He should be punctual in the submission of requirements, requests, adn other support documents to avoid unnecessary delay in office transactions

relationship with the community

He should conduct himself in such a way as to merit the confidence and respect of the community within and outside the school

relationship with the state

He should consider himself as a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation; hence, he should uphold moral principles, promote a sense of nationhood, deepen love of country, instill respect for constituted authority, and foster obedience of the law of the land

relationship with the profession

He should continually grow in his profession and uphold the highest possible standards that will earn for him social recognition as well as material compensation for service rendered.

relationship with the state

He should earnestly endeavor to help carry out the declared policies of the State in accordance with the Philippine Constitution

relationship with his associates

He should exercise discretion in matters concerning confidential information about associates.

relationship with parents

He should keep continuous contact with parents to inform them of their children's progress and problems in school

relationship with parents

He should keep in confidence all information gathered during visits and interviews with parents

relationship with his associates

He should make due acknowledgment of assistance received from his associates and should not appropriate the work of others to claim credit for himself

relationship with his students

He should make the learning experiences of the students enjoyable, fruitful, and meaningful.

relationship with the profession

He should observe propriety and good taste in language at all times.

relationship with non-teaching personnel

He should treat the non-teaching personnel with courtesy, respect, and consideration

pleasing personal appearance; intelligence, emotional stability, and self control; sympathy, kindness, helpfulness, patience; integrity, trustworthiness, honesty, loyalty; flexibility, creativity, resourcefulness; sociability, friendliness, cooperativeness; fairness, impartiality, tolerance; sense of humor, cheerfulness, enthusiasm

Highly rater personal qualities

Teaching skills, guidance skills, management skills, evaluation skills

Instructional competencies

intellectual, social, physical, emotional, moral

Personal qualities/characteristics related to the five aspects of personality

General understanding of other branches of knowledge

Present-day teaching demands that a teacher possesses a general understanding of other branches of knowledge. If a teacher expects to help students understand and appreciate the world they live in, he must understand the interrelation and interdependence of the various areas of knowledge. He must be able to show how his subject relates with other fields, particularly in the solution of life's problems.

Mastery of the subject/ field one teaches; Understanding of the learner; Understanding of teaching principles and skill in the use of techniques for their implementation; General understanding of other branches of knowledge; Understanding and appreciation of the teaching profession

Professional Qualities

manager, counselor, motivators, leader, model, public relations specialist, parent-surrogate, facilitator, instructor

Roles of teachers

relationship with the profession

Service in education calls for the highest standards of integrity and morality. The teacher should conduct himself accordingly and behave properly at all times.

Guiding the learning process; Counselling and guidance; Sponsoring extra class activities; Working with parents and the community; Professional responsibilities

The Teacher's Job

Working with parents and the community

The community environment is an important factor in the development of children. Today's teacher is expected to become familiar with the community and to work with people to improve community conditions.

Understanding and appreciation of the teaching profession

The degree of a teacher's success depends to a great extent on his attitude toward his job. A teacher must understand the importance of his profession as socially useful work and recognize its rewards as well as its restrictions and trials. He must be aware of the need for keeping abreast with changes in education through various in-service education programs.

Relationship with the state; his students; his associates; parents; school officials; non-teaching personnel; the community; the profession

The ethics of the teaching profession

Mastery of the subject/ field one teaches

The first essential of effective teaching is that the teacher must have a thorough grasp of the subject he teaches. Effective learning demands that the teacher possesses solid knowledge of the subject or field that he teaches

Guiding the learning process

The major task of a teacher is to promote learning. To do this, he has to guide the learning process of students by planning and organizing meaningful learning experiences, creating a desirable learning environment, using a variety of instructional materials, providing for individual differences, and appraising student growth and development

Understanding of teaching principles and skill in the use of techniques for their implementation

The old notion that "If a person knows his subject, he can teach it" is not true. To promote learning effectively, a teacher must know not only what (subject matter) but also how (method) to teach. Hence, the third essential of effective learning is skill with teaching methods.

Understanding of the learner

The second essential of effective teaching is knowledge of the students. This means understanding the basic principles of human growth and development. If a teacher expects to guide learning effectively, he must know how much students at various levels of maturity are capable of understanding. He must know their interests and previous experiences which he can utilize in motivating them. He must know the adjustments students have to make at various stages of development and the special skills needed in gathering information about students.

relationship with the state

The teacher should consider it an obligation to see to it that the national objective of education is achieved by the school he serves

relationship with his associates

The teacher should maintain wholesome and cordial relationship with his associates. His relationship should be based on the principles of democratic cooperative action and mutual respect.

Personal and social competency

prepares and submits neat and accurate reports on time

Personal and social competency

accepts and performs leadership roles competently in the school and in the community

Personal and social competency

accepts the followership role whenever the need arises and assumes this intelligently

Management skill

achieves teaching objectives to the optimum degree possible for the particular subject, lesson, or activity within a reasonable period of time

Management skill

administer tests effectively and returns corrected papers and other students' work promptly

flat picture

aka universal language


an organized, purposeful, & deliberate effort to bring desirable ends to an individual showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, providing w/ knowledge, causing others to know/understand

Teaching skill

analyzes and identifies specific learning tasks

Evaluation skill

analyzes and interprets evaluation results skillfully

two-dimensional materials

any visual w/ HxW flat picture graphics


art or science of drawing

teaching and learning

aspects of education


audio device used by teachers can be used anywhere with or without electricity

Teaching skill

communicates ideas effectively

Teaching skill

creates and tries out appropriate strategies and materials that meet the peculiar needs and problems of the students


comes from the latin root "currere" which means to run in educational usage, the "course of the race" became "course of study" 2 mutually inclusive components: curriculum/blueprint & instruction (actual implementation)

laissez-faire climate

each learner operates as an individual, strives for recognition of his own achievements, and develops little regard for the rights and accomplishments of others


elementary level


full-size dummy or structural model designed to be worked with directly by the learner for analysis or training

Guidance skill

functions effectively as a member of the teaching group

seeing that all school money is economically expanded and accounted for; preparing the school budget; selecting and purchasing school sites; planning, erecting, and equipping the school buildings; operating the school plant and keeping it in an excellent state of repair; selecting, training, and supervising teachers; providing supplies; providing textbooks; assisting in curriculum construction

functions of school administration

Personal and social competency

gets along well with students, the school staff, and the community without compromising rules of propriety

democratic climate

goals are established by group participation and plans are made on the basis of cooperative group planning great deal of cooperative teamwork resulting from a wide circle of communication

three-dimensional materials

have depth or width + HxL model realia mock-up diorama puppets

relationship with his students

he should always maintain his dignity and self-respect when dealing with students and should refrain from receiving favors directly or indirectly from any of his students or their parents.

relationship with his students

he should be firm but gentle in matter of discipline

relationship with school officials

he should develop openness regarding the professional aspect of the work

relationship with school officials

he should devote official time fully, faithfully, and honesty in the accomplishment of official functions and responsibilities

relationship with his students

he should never allow himself to be influenced by any consideration other than merit in the evaluation of the students in work

Guidance skill

helps students develop self-discipline in and through the learning process

Teaching skill

identifies specific needs, interests, and capacities of individual students and provides adequately for these

physical environment

includes the: location, size, shape, construction of the room itself the furniture in the room instructional supplies or resources for learning provisions for lighting, heating, and ventilation acoustics of the room provisions for sanitation, cleanliness, and orderliness


inclusive term that covers the tangible or visible things which serve the purpose of teaching objects, specimens, relics, replicas, exhibits


integrated, ongoing process within individual, enabling him to meet specific aims, fulfill needs and interests, and cope with the living process acquiring/getting of knowledge of a subject or skill by study, exp., or instruction relatively permanent change in behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice

Teaching skill

motivates the lessons and asks questions effectively to develop critical thinking and creativity

Counselling and guidance

not the responsibility of the school guidance counselor alone. Every teacher shares in this responsibility. Because of his close contact with students, the teacher is in the best position to know much about them- their interests, needs, difficulties, habits, attitudes, beliefs, and aspirations.

Personal and social competency

observes official time and is ready to serve beyond the call of duty when the need arises

Personal and social competency

observes proper grooming and attire at all times

Personal and social competency

observes the Teachers' Code of Ethics and other pertinent rules and regulations of the school service

Personal and social competency

participates actively in cultural, professional, and other community organization activities

emotional climate

pertains to the emotional adjustment and mental health of the children; the teacher must see that the personality needs of the learners are met in the classroom; the learner needs to feel secure in his group opportunities to make decisions become increasingly self-directing

the classroom

place where formal learning occurs; standard classroom & outdoor space offers a wholesome venue for learning activities conducive to learning process: its activities are well-organized mutual sharing of responsibility in establishing and maintaining a state of order and democratic living pleasant and hygienic conditions prevail`

instructional learning center

place where non-book materials are housed

extra curriculum

planned but voluntary activities that are sponsored by the school

Management skill

prepares adequately for the days' learning activities

educational television

provide enrichment and meaning, teach skills, perform drills,encourage research work and other projects stimulates students to new insights, perceptions, and discoveries

Management skill

provides a permissive and stimulating atmosphere that encourages students to raise questions and suggest alternative solutions to problems

Guidance skill

provides for the maximum involvement of students in the learning activities

Teaching skill

provides varied learning experiences for the development of communication, for work, and for interpretative and other basic skills involved in the learning tasks

non-book materials

refer to the other members of the instructional media family that should be part of the library collections

academic curriculum

refers to formal list of courses offered by a school

Intellectual climate

refers to patterns of behavior, the interaction pattern, qualities of interaction, and attributes that help the learners think clearly, critically, and creatively the gen atm should be characterized by intellectual activities and pursuit for excellence


registers sounds or visual images in some permanent form as on a phnograph disc, magnetic tape, etc for reproduction on a playback device


representation of a real thing that is infinitely large or small provides the interior view of objects

Teaching skill

selects appropriate available community resources and uses these effectively in the T-L process

Evaluation skill

selects, evolves and utilizes criterion-referenced tests

Teaching skill

selects, prepares, and utilizes instructional materials and aids effectively in achieving teaching goals

Personal and social competency

sets the example in moral and ethical behavior to students, peers, and the community

Personal and social competency

shows creativity and resourcefulness in his performance

Teaching skill

shows evidence of mastery of subject matter

Personal and social competency

shows evidence of mental health and stability

Personal and social competency

shows evidence of professional and cultural growth

Personal and social competency

shows evidences of sound physical health

Personal and social competency

shows honesty and integrity in all his activities

Guidance skill

shows interests in students' problems and needs and helps them meet them

still projection

slides transparencies, filmstrips, overhead projection, opaque projection, microfilm, microfiche, microprojection


small, usually jointed fingers in the forms of human beings, animals, etc moved with the hands or by strings, wires, or rods, usually in a puppet show

Management skill

starts learning activities promptly

Guidance skill

stimulates and compliments students to elicit positive and active interaction

relationship with school officials

teacher-administrator relationship should be a partnership characterized by mutual cooperation and sharing, imbued with honesty, loyalty, and professionalism


the organization, direction, coordination, and control of human and material resources to achieve desired ends principal function: to provide optimum educational opportunities for all children in the school a mean towards the achievement of instructional objectives

relationship with his students

the responsibility of guiding every student to develop his potentiality and capability to the utmost should be the foremost concern of the teacher

The Learner

the subject of the schooling process person receiving instruction or lessons from a particular teacher

Professional responsibilities

the teacher has certain duties and responsibilities as a member of the teaching profession. It is his responsibility to improve himself by maintaining high standards of personal and professional conduct and by continuing to grow professionally.

autocratic climate

the teacher makes all the important decisions, directs all the activities, and evaluates pupil progress in terms of arbitrary standards

relationship with non-teaching personnel

the teacher should accept non-teaching personnel as partners and co-workers in the task of achieving the goals of education

relationship with the community

the teacher should actively participate in & initiate community movements for moral, social, educational, economic, and civic betterment

relationship with school officials

the teacher should know and abide by the policies, rules, and regulations of the school

relationship with parents

the teacher should maintain a harmonious and cooperative relationship with parents

audio-recording materials

to provide learning experiences of pure listening recordings radio

two-dimensional materials three-dimensional materials audio-recording materials projected materials

types of audiovisual aids

hidden curriculum

unplanned learning activities that are a natural by-product of school life; informal part of the curriculum 3 R's to which the school must adapt

projected materials

use a machine for throwing images on a screen as from a transparent slide or motion picture film all the instructional materials which are enlarged on a viewing screen

Personal and social competency

uses free time wisely

Evaluation skill

uses specific criteria for the accurate evaluation of individual performance


using a group of modeled objects and figures in a natural setting

Evaluation skill

utilizes evaluation results as a basis for improving instruction

The materials of instruction

various resources available to the teachers and learners which help facilitate instruction and learning audiovisual aids

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