Ch. 12 Lessons 1, 2, 3, 5

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Light rays bouncing off a surface at random angles is called_________.


Objects that do not allow light to pass through cause_________.


The wavelength of a wave times its frequency is the_________of the wave.


If some light goes through, the object is_______.


If most light goes through an object, the object is__________.


The Earth is a giant permanent _____.


Whenever an electric charge moves, it creates _____ forces.


When a magnet is cut in half, each of the two pieces has a _____ pole and a _____ pole.

north, south

The higher the frequency of pitch of a sound wave, the more ________________________________ pass in a period of time.


To increase the pitch of a musical instrument, you need to ________________________________ the part that vibrates.


Sound travels faster through a _________________________________ than it travels through a liquid or a _______________________________________.

solid / gas

A series of compressions and rarefactions moving through a medium is a ____________________________.

sound wave

Heat continues to flow from one object to another object until both have the same __________________________________.


Light waves vibrate in directions ___________ to the direction of their motion.


Light is vibrating __________ and _____ energy.

Electric, Magnetic

If no light goes through, the object is_______.


Light travels fastest in a __________.


Light has properties of both ______ and ______.

Waves, particles

You can increase the strength of an electromagnet in three ways: ___________, place an iron rod inside the coils, or ___________.

Wrap wire into a loop, Increase the current

When sound hits soft, thick, or uneven materials, much of the sound is _____________________________; when sound hits flat, firm surfaces, much of it is ______________________________.

absorbed / reflected

Heat traveling by conduction moves at the speed of which molecules can ______________________ one another and change how fast nearby molecules are vibrating.


A magnetic field _____ around a straight wire when current is flowing through it.


The _____ together the lines of a magnetic field, the stronger the magnetic force.


Regions of a material that have many molecules squeezed together are ____________________________; regions that have fewer molecules spread apart are _________________________________.

compressions / rarefactions

As hot and cool portions of liquids or gas move, _______________________________ currents form.


An electric current that produces a magnetic field is a called a _____


Heat is energy that moves from an object with a(n) ____________________________ temperature to an object with a(n) ______________________________ temperature.

higher / lower

Wrapping many loops of wire together _____ the magnetism of the coil.


The heat you can feel radiating away from hot objects as electromagnetic rays is called ____________________________ rays.


Convection currents move heat more slowly than do ________________________________ but more quickly than conduction.


Like poles of a magnet _____ each other, and unlike poles _____ each other.

repel, attract

Sound waves vibrate the medium in the ________________________________ direction that the energy moves.


Heat is the ________________________ amount of thermal energy that an object releases.


Conduction can occur between objects that are _________________________________.


Sound cannot travel through a _____________________________, which is a region of space that contains no matter.


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