Ch. 4 End of Chapter Questions

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2. Which statement is false? a. The primary lesion of syphilis is called a chancre. b. The secondary lesion of syphilis occurs at the site of inoculation with the organism c. The tertiary lesion of syphilis is called a gumma. d. Syphilis is caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum.


20. Another name for a common wart is: a. Papilloma b. Verruca vulgaris c. Condyloma acuminatum d. Fibroma


38. "Strawberry tongue" is associated with which condition? a. Herpangina b. Scarlet fever c. Rheumatic fever d. Tuberculosis


1. The most specific of the body's defense mechanisms against infection is: a. Intact skin b. The immune response c. Skin secretions d. The inflammatory response


10. Which condition is not associated with the Epstein-Barr virus? a. Hairy leukoplakia b. Herpangina c. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma d. Infectious mononucleosis


16. Which of the following is not a clinical characteristic of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis? a. Painful gingiva b. Xerostomia c. Foul odor d. Metallic taste


19. Verreca vulgaris: a. Clinically resembles an irritative fibroma b. Is caused by a human papillomavirus c. Is most commonly seen on the buccal mucosa d. Clinically resembles a pyogenic granuloma


24. The primary infection with the varicella-zoster virus is called: a. Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis b. Chickenpox c. Shingles d. Measles


3. Perioral lesions of impetigo may resemble: a. Syphilis b. Herpes labialis c. Herpes zoster d. Actinomycosis


31. Which of the following statements is false concerning primary herpetic gingivostomatitis? a. After primary herpes simplex infection, the latent infection is usually in the trigeminal ganglion. b. The virus is able to survive outside the body and is therefore easily transmitted by fomites. c. The initial oral infection is usually due to HSV type 1. d. The HSV altered epithelial cell is called a Tsanck cell.


37. All of the following are characteristic features of hand-foot-and-mouth disease except one. Which one is the exception? a. Occurs in epidemics in children younger than 5 years. b. Is caused by Epstein-Barr virus. c. Is characterized by painful oral vesicles. d. Is characterized by multiple papules on the skin.


4. Which of the following is not associated with group A. B-hemolytic streptococcal infection? a. Tonsillitis b. Syphilis c. Scarlet fever d. Rheumatic fever


5. Oral candidiasis is caused by a: a. Bacterium b. Yeastlike fungus c. Spirochete d. Protozoan


7. Which type of infection is involved when normal components of the oral microflora can cause disease? a. Chronic inflammatory b. Opportunistic c. Hyperplastic d. Granulomatousq


11. Which of the following stages of syphilis is not infectious? a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. All stages are equally infectious


13. Which of the following microorganisms causes tuberculosis. a. Mycobacterium israelii b. Actinomycosis israelii c. Mycobacterium tuberculosis d. Treponema pallidum


21. Which of the following is caused by a papillomavirus and is considered a sexually transmitted disease? a. Actinomycosis b. Syphilis c. Condyloma acuminatum d. Infectious mononucleosis


27. Which of the following oral conditions is an early sign of a deficiency in the immune system and is commonly found in patients with HIV infection? a. Erythema migrans b. Advanced periodontitis c. Candidiasis d. Histoplasmosis


28. Hairy leukoplakia most commonly occurs on the: a. Buccal mucosa b. Dorsal tongue c. Lateral tongue d. Soft palate


33. Which of the following statements is false concerning oral human papilloma virus (HPV) infection? a. HPV may be present in the oral mucosa without any signs or symptoms. b. HPV causes papillary oral mucosal lesions. c. HPV is transmitted by droplet infection. d. Microscopically, HPV-infected epithelial cells are called koiloctes.


35. Which of the following is the name of the oral lesions of primary syphilis? a. Gumma b. Mucous patch c. Chancre d. Verruca vulgaris


36. All of the following statements are correct statements concerning HIV infection except one. Which one is the exception? a. Two positive Elisa tests followed by a positive Western blot test confirms HIV infection. b. Initial infection with HIV can be asymptomatic. c. Antibodies to HIV are usually detectable in the blood by 2 weeks after infection d. PCR is a test that measures viral load.


39. Which one of the following is considered a deep fungal infection? a. Median rhomboid glossitis b. Angular cheilitis c. Histoplasmosis d. Herpangina


8. The most characteristic clinical feature of ehrpes zoster is: a. Ulcer formation b. Pain c. Unilatreral distribution of lesions d. Abscesses that drain through fistulas


34. Which of the following is the best diagnostic test for oral candidiasis? a. A mucosal smear (cytologic preparation) showing fungal hyphae b. A mucosal smear (cytologic preparation) showing Tzanck cells c. A positive culture for Candida albicans d. A blood test for Candida antibodies


14. A positiive skin reaction to PPD indicates: a. Active tuberculosis b. Contagious tuberculosis c. If a person has ever been infected with the tuberculosis bacteria d. Need for antibiotic therapy


22. Painful oral ulcers, gingivitis, fever, malaise, and cervical lymphadenopathy in a child younger than 6 years old would cause the hygienist to suspect which of the following diseases? a. Herpangia b. Heck disease c. Primary herpes simplex infection d. Herpetic whitlow


6. Which statement is false: a. Angular cheilitis may be caused by Candida albicans. b. White lesions resulting from candidiasis may not rub off the mucosal surface. c. Erythematous candidiasis is usually completely asymptomatic. d. Denture stomatitis may be a form of oral candidiasis.


18. Which of the following is not associated with the development of oral candidiasis? a. Antibiotic therapy b. HIV infection c. Xerostomia d. Herpangina


23. The most common form of recurrent herpes simplex infection is: a. Herpes zoster b. Herpetic whitlow c. Herpangina d. Herpes labialis


30. Linear gingival erythema has specific characteristics that include spontaneous bleeding, petechiae on the attached gingiva and alveolar mucosa, and a band of erythema at the gingival margin. Which one of the following statements is true? a. These tissues respond well to scaling and root planing. b. Excellent oral hygiene and home care techniques will eliminate these gingival conditions. c. This condition will automatically develop into advanced periodontal disease in all patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. d. Patients with linear gingival erythema do not respond to scaling or oral hygiene techniques; the gingival condition exists independently of the patient's oral hygiene status.


25. Herpangina is caused by: a. Coxsackievirus b. Herpes simplex virus c. Varicella-zoster virus d. Epstein-Barr virus


32. Which of the following clinical features would help differentiate between recurrent oral mucosal simplex infection and recurrent aphthous stomatitis? a. The location of the ulcers; herpes simplex ulceration occur on keratinized epithelium and aphthous ulcers occur on nonkeratinized epithelium. b. Systemic signs and symptoms accompany recurrent herpes simplex infection, but do not accompany recurrent aphthous ulcers. c. Recurrent herpes simplex ulceration is painful; recurrent aphthous ulcers are usually asymptomatic. d. Recurrent aphthous ulcers take much longer to heal than recurrent herpes simplex ulceration.


12. Which of the following is not associated with syphilis? a. Mucous patch b. Venereal Disease Research Laboratories and fluorescent treponemal antibody c. Dark-field microscopy d. Hypodontia


15. A specific clinical characteristic found in actinomycosis is: a. Periapical radiolucency b. Filamentous bacteria c. Fungal infection d. Sulfur granules present in exudate


17. Which of the following is associated with chronic osteomyelitits? a. Sickle cell anemia b. Paget disease of bone c. Radiation treatment involving bone d. All of the above


26. Antibody testing to determine whether a person has been infected with human immunodeficiency virus includes which of the following tests? a. Schilling b. Schirmer c. Prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time d. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Western blot


29. Which of the following oral conditions is not a lesion associated with HIV or AIDS? a. Candidiasis b. Hairy leukoplakia c. Kaposi sarcoma d. Leukoedema


9. A cytologic smear may be helpful in the diagnosis of: a. Coxsackievirus infection b. Human papillomavirus infection c. Tuberculosis d. Candidiasis


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