Ch 5: Civil Rights

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civil rights acts

1960 & 1964, Passed by Congress, it set up a permanent Civil Rights Commission to investigate violations of civil rights and authorized federal injunctions to protect voting rights.

civil war amendments

13th (ended slavery, but not institutionalized racism), 14th (states may not deny equal protection or due process under the law), and 15th (black males right to vote) amendments

single race

A number of highly segregated neighborhoods exist in the United States, which lead to predominantly _________-________ schools

intermediate scrutiny test

A test applied by courts to laws that attempt a gender classification. In effect, the test eliminates gender as a legal classification unless it serves an important objective and is substantially related to the objective's achievement.

reasonable basis test

A test applied by courts to laws that treat individuals unequally. Such a law may be deemed constitutional if its purpose is held to be "reasonably" related to a legitimate government interest.

35, 12

According to the United States government statistics, roughly _____% of black children live in poverty, compared to _____% of white children

political, corporations

According to today's statistics, Asian Americans are underrepresented in holding high-level __________ office and the top positions in _______________

state, local, private

Acts of segregation and racial discrimination conducted by _______ or _________ government, or ____________ individuals were not prohibited by the 14th Amendment

employers; educational

Affirmative action policies have been used by ______________ and _______________ institutions to expand opportunities for women and minority group members

paying women less than men

Among the laws giving women greater equality in the workplace were laws prohibiting certain employers from ... for doing the same job


An unfortunate legacy of redlining is that Hispanics and African Americans still have difficulty obtaining _____________ (compared to whites).


An unfortunate legacy of redlining is that segregated ___________________ still exist

strict scrutiny

Any law that treats individuals differently based on race is subject to the _________-___________ test

income, college educated

Asian Americans are more likely than other minority groups to have a high median __________ and be ...


At one time, banks engaged in a practice known as _____________, refusing to grant mortgage loans to people who live in certain neighborhoods, especially those neighborhoods with large black populations


At the heart of many civil rights struggles for equality in the United States, people hold deep-seated ______________ based on such things as race, color, and religion

race, color, and religion

At the heart of many civil rights struggles for equality in the United States, people hold deep-seated prejudices based on such things as _______, _________, (and) ______________

public, businesses

Challenge of the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which guaranteed equality of all persons in the enjoyment of ___________ services provided by privately-owned _______________ (for instance attending a movie theatre or patronizing a restaurant

public facilities

Civil rights includes equal access to __________ _____________


Civil rights includes equal access to the _______________ society provides

equal protection

Civil rights includes the right of every person to __________ _______________ under the law

nature, performance

Concerning age discrimination in employment, the courts have given employers the right to force individuals to retire based on the __________ of the job and the _________________ of a particular employee

protection, facilities, opportunities

Equal rights/civil rights include the right of every person to equal _______________ under the law; equal access to public _________________, and equal access to the __________________ society provides

still exists today

De facto segregation (does not exist today/still exists today)

choices of people

De facto segregation describes separation that is present because of the ...

race, religion, or ethnicity

De jure and defacto segregation are the two broad types of separation, whereby groups are separated based on ________, _____________, (or) ______________


De jure discrimination is the type in which traditionally disadvantaged groups have fewer opportunities because of prejudice ____________ legal protections


De jure forms of segregation by law are no longer _______________ in the U.S.


De jure segregation was finally _______________ when the Supreme Court overturned separate-but-equal in Brown v Board of Education and Congress passed the Civil Rights of 1964

specific laws

De jure segregation was separation that existed because of ...

elective office

Despite the persisting issues of institutional racism, one area in which African Americans have made significant gains is in winning ...

real estate

Discriminatory ______ _________ practices such as steering African American families to certain neighborhoods were banned as a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1968

housing, mortgage

Discriminatory practices in ____________ and _____________ lending were banned as a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1968

benefits, military

Gays and lesbians had to fight for the right to have the same ____________ as traditional couples and the right to openly enlist in the ____________

Cruz, Rubio

Hispanic politicians Ted ________ and Marco ___________ were top contenders for the Republican presidential nomination

states of entry

Hispanics in the U.S. are generally concentrated in their ...

slavery, women

Historically, the United States' legacy of ___________ and a diminished role of ___________ in society contributed to unequal treatment of some groups within society

Asian Americans

Historically, this ethnic group has lacked equality in the United States


Historically, this gender group has lacked equality in the United States


Historically, this religious group has lacked equality in the United States


In 1892, Congress suspended Asian immigration to the United States on the grounds that Asians were an ___________ people

Indian Civil Rights Act

In 1968 Congress passed a law, this Act that granted Native Americans constitutional rights similar to those held by other Americans

Broken Treaties

In 1972, Native Americans organized a caravan titled the Trail of ___________ _____________ that journeyed from California to Washington, D.C., to protest federal policy

Brown, Rosa, King

In chronological order, some major events to challenge the segregation laws included the Supreme Court ending school segregation in __________ v Board of Education of Topeka, then _________ Parks refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white rider in Montgomery, Alabama, then Dr Martin Luther ________ Jr delivers a speech before the participants of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

narrowly tailored; affirmative action

In determining that it was unconstitutional to reserve 10 percent of federally funded construction projects for minority-owned firms (Adarand v Pena), the Supreme Court used this part of the test it applies to _____________ __________ cases

almost always

In general, the Supreme Court has held that gender discrimination is law is ____________ _______________ constitutional


In order for an affirmative action program to be upheld as constitutional, the Supreme Court requires that government prove _____________ interest

minority, jobs

In order to ensure equal employment opportunity for all, the federal government in the 1960s began to require agencies and businesses to establish policies aimed at giving _________-group members equal opportunities to obtain _______

federal oversight

In the 2013 case of Shelby v Holder, the Supreme Court invalidated Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act that included the formula for determining which states and counties were subject to ...


In the 2013 cawse of __________ v Holder, the Supreme Court invalidated Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act that included the formula for determining which states and counties were subject to federal oversight


Less than a ____________ of congressional seats are held by women

less money

Jobs traditionally held by women pay _________ ___________ than many of the jobs traditionally held by men

boycotts, marches

Martic Luther King, Jr., used _________ and ________ in nonviolent protest in his leadership of the civil rights movement


More than _____ Hispanics currently serve in the U.S. House of Representatives

single parent

More than half of African American children in the United States grow up in a ___________-____________ family


Most Americans oppose programs that give ____________ treatment to groups that have been disavdantaged historically

equal treatment

Most Americans support programs to give __________ _______________ to groups that have been disadvantaged historically

infant mortality

Native Americans ____________ ________________ rate is nearly twice that of white Americans


Native Americans are less than half as likely as other Americans to have completed ____________


Native Americans were not considered to be ____________ until 1924


Of the 500 largest U.S. corporations, about ____% are headed by women


On appeal, the Supreme Court ruled that the 14th Amendment only protects against segretation by the ___________, which is de jure discrimination

private and public

Plessy allowed for both _________ (and) _________ discrimination and segregation because of the "separate but equal" doctrine

1896; 1954

Plessy v Ferguson case took place in the year _________; Brown v Board of Education took place in the year ________

facilities; equal

Plessy v Ferguson decided that "as long as the ____________ were ________, separation of the races by law (de jure) does not violate the 14th Amendment

Arkansas National Guard

President Eisenhower fedarized the ____________ _____________ ____________ during the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School

neighborhoods, de facto

Segregated ___________________ which exist because of a tendency in individuals to live near others who share common racial and ethnic characteristics, is an example of ___ ________ segregation

racial, ethnic

Segregated neighborhoods exist because of a tendency in individuals to live near others who share common __________ and __________ characteristics

fundamental rights

Since the 1950s, the federal government has passed a series of laws that secured _________________ ___________ for African Americans

end of the civil war

Societal protections against discrimination and segregation have evolved over time starting with the 14th Amendment in 1868, following the ... in 1865


Southern states used a number of devices to prevent African Americans from voting, including ________ taxes


Southern states used a number of devices to prevent African Americans from voting, including ___________ tests


Southern states used a number of devices to prevent African Americans from voting, including whites-only ___________

primaries, poll, literacy

Southern states used a number of devices to prevent African Americans from voting, including whites-only ____________, ________ taxes, and ____________ tests

protective, rights

Starting with the case "Brown v Board of Education", the interpretation of the 14th Amendment became more __________ of the _________ of all citizens

black and white, women

State requiring separate public bathrooms for _________ (and) __________ people, and ___________ not being allowed to vote in federal elections are examples of de jure discrimination

equal protection

The "___________ __________________" clause says that all citizens will be given equal protection under the law

enforcement clause

The "______________" clause says that no state will make or apply any law that denies to its citizens equal protection of the law


The "enforcement" clause means that government cannot make a law or enforce a law that ________________ against any citizens


The "equal protection" clause means that all citizens will be treated equally by the ___________________

life, liberty, or property

The 14th Amendment continues "...nor shall anystate deprive any person of ______, __________, (or) ____________, without due process of law"

jurisdiction, protection

The 14th Amendment ends with "...nor deny to any person within its __________________ the equal __________________ of the laws"

rights and liberties

The 14th Amendment redefined and extended protections of __________ (and) ____________

privileges or immunities

The 14th Amendment states "No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the ______________ (or) ________________ of citizens of the United States..."

emancipation proclamation

The 14th Amendment was ratified in the aftermath of the _______________ _________________ and the end of the Civil War

Brown v Board

The 1954 landmark case that ended segregation in public schools was ___________ v ___________ of Education of Topeka

same sex marriage

The 2015 Supreme Court decision in Obergfell v Hodges removed the ban on _________-______ ____________, citing it violated the Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection and due process clauses


The 2015 Supreme Court decision in Obergfell v ____________ removed the ban on same-sex marriage, citing it violated the Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection and due process clauses

accessible, disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires government agencies to take steps to make their buildings _______________ to persons with _____________

public accomodations

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 stated that race-based discrimination in all ___________ ____________________ was a violation of the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause


The Hispanic population in the United States has ____________ in the past twenty years

all deliberate speed

The Supreme Court considered the timeline of desegregation of schools in Brown II of 1955 and declared that such must occure "with all _______________ ___________"


The Supreme Court decision in the case of Adarand v ________ led many affirmative action opponents to believe that the Court may have been on its way to abolishing affirmative action completely

inherently unequal

The Supreme Court ended separate-but-equal in education by ruling that separate facilities for white and black children were .... and therefore violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment in Brown v Board of Education

narrowly tailored

The Supreme Court has stated that in order for an affirmative action program to be upheld, the program must be ...

suspect classifications

The Supreme Court's position is that race and national origin are ____________ __________________--in other words, laws that classify people differently on the basis of their race or ethnicity are assumed to have discrimination as their purpose

education, separate

The Surpreme Court ended separate-but-equal in ___________ by ruling that ____________ facilities for white and black children were inherently unequal and therefore violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment in Brown v Board of Education

federal intervention

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 allowed _____________ _______________ in states with a history of discriminating against black voters


The Voting Rights Act of 1965 banned __________________ voter registration practices

preclearance provision

The _________________ ______________ of the Voting Rights Act states that designated states and counties must obtain federal permission before making changes that might adversely affect a minority group

80 percent

The average pay for women workers is only _____ ___________ of the amount earned by male workers

enforcement, equal protection

The clauses in the 14th Amendment about preventing segregation are "_____________" and "_________ _____________"

force integration

The de facto segregation, while problematic, presents questions about the need to _________ ______________ when the segregation itself is not the result of force

Civil Rights Act of 1968

The discriminatory practices in real estate, housing, and mortgage lending were banned as a result of this Civil Rights Act

national legislation

The dismantling of separate-but-equal and race-based segregation took many years and was facilitated by a few key court cases and pieces of ...


The goal of the 14th Amendment is to ensure all ___________ receive equal treatment under the law

reasonable basis

The judiciary allows inequalities that are "reasonably" related to a legitimate government interest; in applyihng this ________________-__________ test, the courts require government only to show that a particular law is reasonable (the raised drinking age is an example of this law)


The landmark case of Lau v Nichols (1974) resulted in many states offering ___________ education in their public schools

undocumented immigrants

The largest recent Hispanic demonstration in the U.S. have been in reaction to a bill passed by the House that would have led the arrest and deportation of millions of ...

arrest and deportation

The largest recent Hispanic demonstration in the U.S. have been in reaction to a bill passed by the House that would have led to the ____________ (and) __________________ of millions of undocumented immigrants

Mexico, Caribbean

The majority of Hispanics are immigrants from ___________ and the _______________ islands

making changes

The preclearance provision of the Voting Rights Act states that designated states and counties must obtain federal permission before __________ ____________ that might adversely affect a minority group

minority group

The preclearance provision of the Voting Rights Act states that designated states and counties must obtain federal permission before making changes that might adversely affect a ______________ __________


The sociologist ___________ Myrdal authored the book "An American Dilemma"

Pueblo, Navajo

These two Native American tribes have a majority who speak native languages at home

Americans with Disabilities Act

This Act grants certain employment protections to persons with disabilities

Voting Rights Act of 1965

This Voting Rights Act focused on banning voting discrimination against black voters

nineteenth amendment

This constitutional amendment granted women the right to vote

casino gambling

This has raised Native Americans' average income legel, but it is still far below the national average

de facto

This is the type of discrimination whereby historically disadvantaged groups have fewer opportunities and benefits because of prejudice and economic circumstance, such as their inability to pay for a college education

de jure

This is the type of discrimination which is based on law, as in the case of state laws requiring black and white children to attend separate schools during the pre-Brown period


This minority group makes up the largest Hispanic population in the United States

affirmative action

This policy required the federal government to begin implementing measures aimed at reinforcing equal access to employment by mandating recruitment procedures that gave qualified minority workers an equal opportunity to gain government jobs

Equal Rights Amendment

This proposed amendment to the Constitution was passed by the Congress in the early 1970s but failed to receive the necessary three-fourths majority


This took the heaviest toll on the Native American population after white settlers arrived in what is now the U.S.

inherent characteristic

Treating groups differently can lead to separation of groups by race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, or some other ________________ ___________________ is called segregation


Treating groups differently can lead to separation of groups by race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, or some other inherent characteristic is called ...

True (Many public accomodations refused to serve black customers even after the law, leading to a wave of civil unrest and protest)

True or False: Following the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, many restaurants, hotels, and other establishments still refused to serve black customers

fines, jail time

Violation of the law was punishable by ________ and ________ ________

Ronal Reagan

What president appointed the first woman to the Supreme Court?

equal protection clause

Which clause of the U.S. Constitution was at the center of the argument in Brown v Board of Education in Topeka

Cesar Chavez

Which influential figure began civil rights work by organizing strikes by farmworkers to attain basic labor rights for migrant workers?

de jure

Which type of discrimination is based on the law?


While prohibited by the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause initially, the United States Supreme Court ruled that some forms of de jure segregation were ...

NOT unconstitutional

While prohibited by the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause, initially the United States Supreme Court ruled that de jure segregation was ....


____________ segregation and ... acts of racial discrimination were not prohibited by the 14th Amendment

strict scrutiny test

a test applied by the court when a classification is based on race; the government must show that there is a compelling reason for the law and no other less restrictive way to meet the interest

intermediate scrutiny

a test used by the Supreme Court in gender discrimination cases that places the burden of proof partially on the government and partially on the challengers to show that the law in question is unconstitutional

suspect category

any classification of people on the basis of their race and ethnicity and courts have ruled that laws classifying people on these grounds will be subject to "strict scrutiny"


de facto segregation describes separation that is present because of the _________ of people


de facto shows segregation in practice in _______________ life


de jure segregation describes separation that exists because of specific ...

groups, people

in a democratic society, all __________ and all ___________ should be treated equally

equality under the law

one of the goals of any democratic society is...

not suspect category

other categories such as age and income that is assumed constitutional unless no sound rationale for the law can be provided


separation of groups by race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, or some other inherent characteristic caused by treating groups differently

plessy v ferguson

the 1896 court case ... states that segregation based on race does not in itself constitute unlawful discrimination

almost suspect category

the category of people on the basis of their gender as courts have ruled unconstitutional unless the law serves a clearly compelling and justified purpose; subject to "intermediate scrutiny"

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