Ch 9 Critical Incidents

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Searching possibilities:

Keep in mind of the possibility of booby-trapped detonation devices, watch for tripwires, look for lumps or bulges in the carpet and rugs, and step over floor maps.

In an emergency, if the owner or building representative cannot be located

You may conduct the search without consent


the act of taking immediate shelter in a readily accessible location or remaining inside a structure to prevent exposure to a dangerous situation that exists outside of the structure

protective action distance

the distance that people should stay from a hazardous spill

standard of care

the level of competency expected or required during the performance of a service or a duty

ricin definition

a highly toxic poison found in the seeds of the castor bean plant

After-action analysis

The agency's goal is to review any weaknesses and implement any additional or corrective training, as necessary.

Describe the design and color codes of the NFPA's 704 marking system (National Fire Protection Association)

The diamond-shaped symbol is divided into four segments that indicate the following risks: -Blue: health hazards -Red: flammability hazards -Yellow: reactivity -White: other (provides information on any special hazards of the material) In each area, a number from 0 to 4 indicates the material's relative hazard with 0 indicating no hazard and 4 indicating the highest hazard.

Secure a hazmat scene by establishing an evacuation zone, access points, and/or a perimeter to minimize exposure

The evacuation subsection gives information about how far people should stay from a spill (protective action distance). Consult the Table of Initial Isolation and Protection Action Distances (green section) if the type of hazardous materials is highlighted in the ERG. Evacuate the area if the incident is going to last for an extended period or could potentially cause a fire or explosion.

Who is the incident commander on scene?

The first person on scene

Describe effective techniques to use when searching an area related to a bomb threat (Part Two)

The first step should be an exterior search of the building perimeter. Follow this by searching evacuation routes, evacuee collection points, staging areas, and command posts. Then conduct an interior search; be sure to look for any items that seem out of place, and search potential hiding spots. Search the interior bottom to top.

A key indication of exposure to biological agents is?

The slow onset of symptoms

Explain standard of care as it applies to the role of a law enforcement officer in a hazardous materials incident

The standard of care is the level of competency expected or required when performing this duty. Although public safety employees have this duty to act, as a responder you should not try to do something beyond your level of training or the capability of your equipment when responding to an incident

Identify the correct response provided in the ERG when safely responding to a hazmat scene

The notification subsection lets you know the first thing to do when called to a scene. Call the emergency contact number on the shipping papers or the emergency response telephone numbers listed inside the ERG's back cover for more information. Advice other responders of incident conditions, type and amount of materials, safe approach information, ERG page to use, needed resources, and any action taken. The protective clothing subsection lets you know about protective clothing you may need. Protective clothing requires proper training to use. Most agencies do not furnish protective clothing to patrol officers. After you isolate the immediate danger area, the next step is to evacuate or protect people in the downward hazard area or within the radius of the incident.

Recognize the indicators of a methamphetamine laboratory in order to avoid exposure to the officer and the public

The presence of a combination of the materials that are readily available (listed in the previous flashcard) may indicate that a meth lab exists. Meth labs produce strong chemical odors, similar to rotten eggs or cat urine. Areas surrounding meth labs often have dead vegetation. Be aware of the toxic nature of the discarded by products of the meth manufacturing process.


The primary means of exposure to anthrax are through the skin and by inhalation. If exposure occurs through the skin, symptoms include a rash and lesions that begin small but grow over a period of days. If inhaled, flu-like symptoms, such as respiratory distress, vomiting, and fever, occur several days after exposure. Inhalation of anthrax has a very high mortality rate, while skin exposure to anthrax has a high survival rate.

CBRNE chemical threats include what types of of chemical hazards

-Industrial chemical hazard -Weaponized chemical hazard

Common method used in manufacture of meth

-One pot "Shake and Bake" method -Red phosphorous method -"Nazi" (anhydrous ammonia) method

If you are the first on the scene of a CBRNE incident, relay information to responding units through dispatch. Your responsibilities might include communicating updates and setting a perimeter. Tell dispatch about?

-any substance involved -the number of exposed victims -the type of vehicles, containers, or device involved, if known -setting up an Incident Command Post -directing EMS to the contaminated and uncontaminated victims

Your first responsibility in a CBRNE situation and your secondary responsibility

First: protect yourself Second: protect other people and property

Class 2: gases

Gases are materials that are neither solid nor liquid at ordinary temperatures; they are contained under pressure. Gases may be flammable, nonflammable, poisonous, or corrosive. Some examples of potentially hazardous gases are acetylene, hydrogen, and anhydrous ammonia.

Industrial chemical hazard

Occurs when hazardous materials are released due to accidents. Some examples include accidents involving tanker or semitrucks, railroad cars, gasoline stations, and manufacturing plants

Describe the basic protocol for a law enforcement officer when responding to an ongoing ICS situation

Personnel not at the scene or working in a command post depend on the responding officers to provide regular updates as events develop. Communicate in plain language since different agencies may use different radio codes. Most incidents require some type of debriefing or documentation when they are over.

Class 3: flammable liquids and combustible liquids

These materials burn in the presence of an ignition source. Some examples are gasoline, diesel fuel, and acetone.

Class 8: corrosive substances

These materials include acids, solvents, or other materials that may cause irreversible damage to human tissues.

Recognize the indicators of a chemical suicide to prevent hazardous exposure to the officer and the community

-an unresponsive or sleeping person in a vehicle -warning sign(s) taped to doors or windows -unusual odors such as rotten eggs, sulfur, or burnt almonds -suicide note inside the vehicle -pennies in the area tarnished with residue -yellow-green or white residue on vehicle seats, dashboards, or windows -household cleaning or pesticide containers -buckets for mixing chemicals -a vehicle's inside door handles removed -tape or towels sealing a door or air vents -a bag over the person's head

Where can dangerous chemicals used in the manufacturing process of meth be found?

-anywhere in a home -vehicle -vessel -shed -motel -or other locations

Secure the scene in order to isolate exposed victims and the contaminated area. Tactics include the following:

-monitoring entry to the scene -ensuring public protection by evacuating or protecting an area -confining and containing all contaminated victims -determining if the scene is or can be made safe for operations -protecting the scene and any evidence -coordinating with other agencies to provide security and control perimeters

The public safety topic has three subsections:

-notification -protective clothing -evacuation

Sight and hearing are considered lower-risk senses when identifying hazmat. Use these senses from a safe distance and look for the following:

-pressure release -smoke or fire -liquids, gas leaks, or vapor cloud -condensation on pipelines or containers -chemical reactions -mass casualties

The Florida Department of Transportation has established the United Nations/North American four-digit numbering system to identify materials. You may be able to identify a material using the ERG by finding any one of the following:

-the four-digit number on the placard or orange panel on the container -the name of the material on the shipping papers or packaging -the number of the materials on the shipping papers or packaging

Types of surveillance used by terrorists before executing a WMD attack

-videotaping a potential target location -sketching floor plans -photographing structural features -taking notes on security measures -studied and recorded law enforcement responses to false alarms or other calls for service in order to develop plans

Things law enforcement may encounter at an active shooter incident

A chaotic situation with large numbers of injured people, fleeing crowds, and secondary hazards such as improvised explosive devices.

The Environmental Protection Agency and placards:

All pesticides and some other chemical substances to show warning labels on the outside of the container to indicate harmful contents.


Are on all four sides of a vehicle, railcar, or other large containers, and on the individual packages of the materials. In special circumstances, DOT does not require placards. Anything that holds two or more classes of hazardous materials must display a "DANGEROUS".

Operational Role

At this level, responders protect nearby people, property, or the environment from the effects of the release. Their goal is protection, not to stop the release. Their function is to contain the release from a safe distance, keep it from spreading, and prevent exposures

Spill or leak

Awareness level responders do not have training in spill or leak control. Operational level responders can perform spill control if they avoid direct contact with the material and have proper protection. They can also activate remote shut off. Technician level responders can perform leak control.

First aid

Awareness level responders may identify contaminated people who present a significant risk of secondary contamination but should avoid direct contact with these people to prevent exposure. Encourage contaminated, conscious victims to move to an isolated area and await medical assistance from properly trained and protected personnel.


Awareness level responders must not attempt to extinguish a fire that involves hazardous materials. Normal fire extinguisher training is not sufficient to fight a fire that directly involves hazardous material. You should attempt to fight such a fire only if you have proper training and protection. Operational level personnel with the necessary protection and training can accomplish defensive fire attack. Technician level personnel can conduct an offensive fire attack.

What makes WMDs unique

Because of the scope of death and destruction it may cause, the treacherous nature of the weapon, and the personal danger to first responders

Recognize the indicators of chemical weapons of mass destruction to contain and prevent additional contamination of resources and the community

Can cause mass casualties because a small amount of the chemical(s) can spread over a large area. They can target humans as well as plant and animal life. While physical destruction of property may be minimal, environmental contamination can be serious and prolonged. Use a chemical weapons can result in the destruction of food crops, the contamination of water source, and the death of animals. It is harder to determine the danger of a chemical weapon because it might release gases or aerosols only recognizable upon exposure or shortly thereafter.

List the categories of weapons of mass destruction as identified in the CBRNE classification system

Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Explosives

Explain the nine classes of hazardous materials identified by the U.S. Department of Transportation

Class 1: explosives Class 2: gases Class 3: flammable liquids and combustible liquids Class 4: flammable solid, spontaneously combustible, and dangerous when wet Class 5: oxidizers and organic peroxides Class 6: toxic materials and infectious substances Class 7: radioactive substances Class 8: corrosive substances Class 9: miscellaneous dangerous goods

If you cannot approach from upwind, your next choice is what?


Explain current practice used by law enforcement to resolve an active shooter incident

Current tactics focus on immediately locating the active shooter and neutralizing them before helping the injured. Follow agency policies and training.

Things that affect the distribution of any hazardous materials

Depend on the spill's size, weather conditions, and time of day. Geographical conditions can also affect the distribution of any hazardous materials.

There is what type of relationship between the size of the container and the size of the affected geographical areas?

Direct! Therefore, the bigger the container, the bigger the area covered

Explain how to safely secure and isolate a meth lab when responding to a contaminated site

Evacuate the occupants and leave the premises immediately. Do not place anything in the patrol car before decontamination or allow the removal of any items from the site. It is necessary to establish a perimeter and follow agency policies and procedures for a meth lab response. Always use caution when encountering a meth lab or suspected meth lab. Following the initial response, interview all involved people, document the incident, and identify any need for post exposure medical evaluations.

Class 1: explosives

Explosives are materials or devices designed to release energy very rapidly. Consider all explosives to be extreme hazards when they are involved in or near a fire. Some examples of explosive materials are dynamite, black powder, and small arms ammunition.

Complete the two National Incident Management System online modules regarding Incident Command System (ICS) training with a passing score

FEMA There are two courses: IS-100c Introduction to the Incident Command System and IS-700b Introduction to the National Incident Management System.

Awareness Role

First responders at the awareness level start the emergency response process and notify authorities of the situation. They take no further action.

If you encounter a chemical suicide situation what do you do?

Follow the procedures for a hazmat response, including establishing a safe perimeter. Do not enter or let the public enter an area or vehicle, and do not rescue or resuscitate a person.

List the actions an officer should take prior to the onset of a natural disaster when advance notice is received

Have a disaster plan in place for your family members and pets. You should also keep a prepared travel and safety kit on hand. The kit should contain the basic supplied you will need for a 48 hour period.

Describe the necessary precautions to take when encountering a meth lab

If you suspect a lab is present, do not inhale fumes, touch or taste the chemicals, or turn anything on or off. Meth labs can also be booby-tapped. Anyone involved in the manufacturing of meth may pose a threat to you and the community. Use caution when making contact with any person exposed to a meth lab.

Describe the duties that an officer may be expected to perform in the aftermath of a natural disaster

Immediately after the disaster, your work will shift from evacuation to search and rescue, and providing security to shelters and distribution centers and protection from looting


Is using personal protective equipment and evacuating nearby structures for the safety of both you and the public

Describe how location, container shapes and sizes, and placards and labels are used to identify hazardous materials

Location refers to an area and its use. Details such as traffic patterns, time of day, inhabitants, and type of location may affect how you respond to a potential hazard. The shape of the container include portable, fixed, and transportation containers. Containers that store contents under pressure, such as propane or oxygen tanks, can have additional problems, like explosions and vapor releases. The U.S. Department of Transportation requires most vehicles transporting hazardous materials to display placards that describe the class of hazardous materials on board. Understand that just because there is no placard, label, or other warning does not mean that hazardous materials are not present.

List the warning signs that an individual may be planning an active shooting event

Many active shooters show their desire to hurt others through social media posts, journal writings, and statements made to others.

Symptoms of chemical suicide

Mild exposure to such chemicals can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. Moderate exposure can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, coughing, and difficulty breathing. High exposure symptoms include severe respiratory irritation, severe eye irritation, convulsions, coma, and death.

Smell, touch, and taste are considered higher-risk senses when identifying hazmats.

Never use them to identify a hazardous material.

Class 9: miscellaneous dangerous goods

Not belonging to Classes 1-8, these materials are subject to DOT regulations on transportation. Some examples are: -lithium ion batteries -dry ice -magnetized metals -auto-inflating devices, such as airbags -asbestos -molten sulfur, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) -hazardous waste

Weaponized chemical hazards

Occurs as acts of terrorism or war

On-scene debriefing process

Officers are advised of the materials to which they may have been exposed, signs and symptoms of overexposure, and who to contact if they notice signs or symptoms of exposure. If exposure exceeds the acceptable published limits, the agency will send the officer for medical evaluation.

Incident critique phase

Officers provide information on operational strengths and weaknesses

active shooter

One or more individuals participating in a random or systematic killing spree demonstrating their intent to harm others with a firearm

Describe basic protective actions a law enforcement officer should take when dealing with a hazardous materials incident

Only a properly equipped and trained officer should approach any potential hazmat situation, always using extreme caution. -isolate the area without entering it -keep people away from the scene -make sure that people are upwind and out of low-lying areas

Explain the need for caution in responding to an act of terrorism

Recent increases in domestic terrorist activity means that law enforcement officers should be prepared to handle incidents involving weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism has become a realistic concern for law enforcement. Terrorists may choose to use weapons of mass destruction on civilians as a primary means of achieving their goals.

Explain the four goals of response on the awareness level to a CBRNE or WMD incident

Recognition and Identification Isolation Protection NOTification

Explain weapons of mass destruction as defined in the Florida Statutes

Section 790.166 F.S. defines a weapon of mass destruction as: 1. Any device or object that is designed or intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to any human or animal, or severe emotional or mental harm to any human, through the release, dissemination, or impact of toxic or poisonous chemicals, or their precursors; 2. Any device or object involving a biological agent; 3. Any device or object that is designed or intended to release radiation or radioactivity at a level dangerous to human or animal life; or 4. Any biological agent, toxin, vector, or delivery system

A primary indicator of chemical exposure is the quick onset of symptoms. These symptoms can appear within minutes or hours.

Symptoms of exposure to nerve agents include blurred vision, uncontrolled twitching, convulsions, seizures, or respiratory distress. Symptoms of choking agents include respiratory distress, burning of the lungs and airways, choking, and coughing.

Explain the nature of an active shooter incident, to include the location and characteristics typically associated with the shooter

The FBI defines an active shooter as one or more individuals participating in a random or systematic killing spree demonstrating their intent to harm others with a firearm. An active shooter's goal is mass murder, not traditional criminal acts, such as robbery or hostage taking. Characteristics will be discussed in another flashcard.

Class 6: Toxic materials and infectious substances

These materials include medical waste and biological hazards

Class 7: radioactive substances

These materials include nuclear waste, radioactive medical materials, and x-ray equipment

Class 5: oxidizers and organic peroxides

These materials may cause spontaneous combustion or increase the intensity of a fire. Examples include bromine or calcium hypochlorite (bleach).

Certain traits are common to active shooters

They may be socially isolated, have feelings of hate and anger, or have a history of mental health problems. Very few active shooters have had previous arrests for violent crimes.

How can biological agents be spread?

Through food and water supplies by using aerosols, liquid droplets, or solid distribution (such as through a powder), or by using creatures such fleas, ticks, or other insects to spread the agent.

Explain the primary methods that a law enforcement officer can use to detect the presence of a hazardous materials

To identify the material, you may have to look at documentation or shipping papers or interview the transport driver or facility staff. Employees, vehicle drivers and bystanders may be able to identify the product. If you cannot identify the materials's specific name, you should make decisions as an awareness-level responder to minimize potential health hazard.

Under 790.166 it is a second degree felony when?

To unlawfully manufacture, possess, sell, deliver, send, mail, display, use, threaten to use, attempt to use, conspire to use, or make readily accessible to others a "hoax weapon of mass destruction." OR For a person to make a false report of the placing or planting of a weapon of mass destruction

Under 790.166 it is a first degree felony when?

To unlawfully manufacture, possess, sell, deliver, send, mail, display, use, threaten to use, attempt to use, conspire to use, or make readily accessible to others a weapon to mass destruction.

List the basic steps a law enforcement officer follows as the first responders to an ICS event

When acting as part of the initial response to an incident, you should obtain the necessary information from dispatch and immediately do the following: -Identify the type of incident or threat -Determine the appropriate personal protective equipment -Establish the ICS -Set up a command post -Determine the resources needed, including the assistance of other agencies -Determine whether to shelter-in-place or evacuate (with evacuation routes and collection points) -Be prepared to expand the ICS and transfer command as needed

Compare the levels of training for a safe CBRNE or WMD response

While there are five levels of training for response to hazardous materials, you will need to focus on the first two: -Awareness Role -Operational Role

Describe the duties that an officer may be assigned in preparation for and during a natural disaster

You can expect to help with evacuations and traffic control and directions, as well as provide security for shelters

Identify the importance of recognizing potential terrorist activity through proactive patrol

You must recognize that an incident involves WMDs or hazardous materials and, if possible, identify the materials involved. Make every effort to avoid exposure. You can identify most materials from a safe distance.

chemical suicide

a method of committing suicide by mixing two or more easily acquired chemicals, commonly an acid and a base; also known as "detergent suicide"

Emergency Response Guidebook

a resource to guide a first responder's initial actions to a hazmat incident including the identification of hazardous materials, outline basic actions for first responders, recommend areas of protective action, and give responders an initial safety plan

hazardous material (hazmat)

a substance or material that when released may cause harm, serious injury, or death to humans and animals, or harm the environment

Emergency Response Plan (ERP)

a written plan that describes the actions that an organization would take in response to various major events

Primary locations for WMD attacks include

airports, subways, schools, places of worship, government buildings, or large public gatherings such as fairs, festivals, or sporting events


an acronym that stands for Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Explosives and that is used to identify types of hazards associated with an accidental release or intentional use of a weapon of mass destruction

Define a hazardous material as identified by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration

as any substance or material that, when released, may cause harm, serious injury, or death to humans or animals, or harm the environment

Emergency Response topic has three subsections:

fire spill or leak first aid

The most common method used for chemical suicide

hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen cyanide

Where do chemical suicides typically occur?

in vehicles, closets, bathrooms, or other small, confined spaces where the concentration of gas can quickly accumulate to deadly levels

A hoax weapon of mass destruction

is any object that is designed to appear as an actual weapon of mass destruction

meth labs

locations where methamphetamine is manufactured


materials or devices designed to release energy very rapidly


materials that are neither solid nor liquid or ordinary temperatures; flammable, non-flammable, poisonous, or corrosive materials in containers under pressure

Describe the three common steps required in the termination process of a hazmat incident

on-scene debriefing incident critique after-action analysis


the ability to deny or restrict access to the involved area and remove uninjured and uncontaminated people from that area. Tell everyone to move upwind, uphill, and upstream from the contaminated area to secure positions, commonly called triage areas.

What materials are used?

-coffee filters -two-liter bottles -blenders -lithium batteries -red-tipped matches -cold tables -camp stove fuels -drain cleaner -brake fluid -bleach

Explain the motives that may drive an individual to become an active shooter

-loss of significant relationships -changes in financial status or loss of or termination from a job -changes in living arrangements -major adverse changes to life circumstances -being the victim of bullying or feeling of humiliation or rejection

When securing the scene your top priorities are?

Focus more on keeping people out than letting people leave. You should also try to keep the contamination from spreading by relocating contaminated and injured people to the triage area and keeping them from getting in their cars, leaving the scene, or going to a hospital.

The ERG helps:

Identification of materials, outlines basic actions for first responders, recommends areas of protective action, and gives responders an initial safety plan.

What is the intention of a dirty bomb?

To cause psychological panic and physical harm

Gather information related to the bomb threat from dispatch to include the complainant, location, and type of threat

-The nature of the complaint -The means of the threat -The time the threat was received -The alleged time of detonation -A description of the device -The location of the device -The identity of the threat recipient If dispatch does not have this information, try to get it from witnesses, or the complainant.

Explain the most common examples of biological weapons and the signs of human exposure to prevent contamination of the officer and the community

-anthrax -smallpox -ricin -botulinum

In a bomb threat situation, the decision to conduct a search depends on different factors:

-permission to search a building or area -the level of risk for those conducting the search -the credibility and amount of detail provided in the threat, as discussed in the previous lesson -additional threats or the possibility of secondary devices -agency policies on officers searching for explosives

Explain a dirty bomb and the symptoms of human exposure to identify when a hazmat response is needed

A dirty bomb is also known as radiation dispersal devices, are traditional bombs with radioactive materials loaded into the casing. Symptoms of exposure include gastrointestinal disorders, bacterial infections, and hemorrhaging. The time spent in the contaminated area, the distance from the exposure site, and the degree shielded from radioactive materials determine the amount of radiation a person may experience.

Identify where to establish the initial perimeter at the scene of a bomb threat to ensure public safety

A general safe distance for the initial perimeter is 1,000 feet from the supposed location of the bomb. This is a minimum evacuation distance and applies to situations in which the type or amount of explosive is unknown. If there is no good protective cover available, or if the type and amount of the explosive requires it, substantially increase the evacuation distance. Upon arrival, direct everyone to move to a safe location. If circumstances allow, people should evacuate upwind, or at least crosswind.

Vehicle-borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED)

A motor vehicle used as a bomb

Explain an improvised explosive device (IED), including possible physical forms and places of concealment

An IED is made from commercially available materials and can be disguised as almost anything. IEDs have been hidden in trash bins, backpacks, and road signs, concealed under debris, and otherwise constructed to prevent discovery. Since these items may not be easily recognized, treat anything found under suspicious circumstances as a possible explosive device. Remember to consider the possibility that a door or entryway could have an IED attached.

Three components of incendiary devices

An ignition source, a combustible filler material, and a housing container

Assess the scene for potential evacuation areas and signs of hazardous materials upon arrival to ensure officer and public safety

As you approach the scene, note prominent landmarks and approximate safe distances so that you can give specific directions to other responding units. Such sites also serve as good evacuation gathering areas. When approaching the scene, it is necessary to look for secondary devices or suspicious packages as well as signs of hazardous materials.

Recognize the indicators of biological weapons of mass destruction to contain and prevent exposure to resources, people, and the environment

Aside from written or oral threats, possible signs of a biological attack include the following: -unusual numbers of sick or dying people or animals -an unusually high occurrence of respiratory problems in disease that typically cause a non-pulmonary syndrome -unexplained damage and ruin to crops and agricultural products -abnormal swarms of insects -unscheduled or unusual spraying or fogging -casualty distribution that corresponds with wind direction -abandoned spray or distribution devices -the appearance of containers from laboratory or biological supply houses or bio hazards cultures

What can turning your radio off do?

Avoiding radio use may stop the accidental triggering or detonation of a bomb designed to explode by radio waves.

If you find nothing suspicious during the search

Be careful telling the property owner. Liability could be an issue if you offer such definitive statements as, "There are no explosives at this location" or "It is safe to go back inside"

Determine if the bomb threat is credible by obtaining relevant information

Credibility will be the major issue in determining whether to search or evacuate. The owner or building representative must give permission to search or evacuate, unless you find a device. In this case, the area has become a crime scene, and you will order a mandatory evacuation.

Contrast nuclear weapons with dirty bombs to recognize the extent and nature of a WMD situation

Dirty bombs are not nuclear weapons because they do not contain the same explosive power and their radioactive material is already in the bomb. Health effects for a dirty bomb are generally not immediate or as deadly as other WMD incidents. Nuclear weapons create radioactivity when detonated.

Indicators of a dirty bomb

Dirty bombs require a casing and a detonation mechanism, these pieces may be present at the scene of an explosion. Witnesses may give details of the explosion that do not seem to fit with the effects of explosive devices. For instance, they might say the bomb did not blow up anything, but just blew up.


Exposure is primarily by ingestion and inhalation. When ingested, symptoms begin within a few hours. The symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Within several days, sufferers experiences severe dehydration, decreased urination, and decreased blood pressure. When a person inhales ricin, symptoms begin 18-24 hours after exposure and include fever, chest tightness, cough, nausea, and joint pain. Severe respiratory distress and death can occur in 36-72 hours.

Identify the potential bomb's location in relation and proximity to other potential threats

If you can tell the bomb squad the exact location of the suspected device, the bomb squad may be able to find it and predict possible damage caused by detonation. You must also determine and describe as best you can where the item is in relation to both the layout of the building or area and any possible hazards.

Identify the elements of a potential explosive device that an officer should observe to give an accurate description to the bomb squad or specialized unit

If you find an explosive device vacate the room or area immediately. You should take a quick look at the device before leaving. Note any identifying features, including type, color, shape, and size of the device, as well as any names, labels, placards, chemical symbols, or signs indicating the type of explosive.

Characteristics of a nuclear attack

Include a massive explosion, a mushroom cloud, an intense brilliant flash of light, and the use of bombs or missiles as a delivery method.

Possible hazards at the location

Include fuel storage tanks, other stored chemicals, tanks of pressurized gas, steel rods, rolls of wire, or containers of bolts or nails. Be sure to inform the bomb squad of any such additional hazards.

Explain incendiary devices, including possible forms, modes of delivery, and the response required

Incendiary devices can start fires, destroy property, and harm people. These devices are very similar to explosive devices and can function in the same manner. They can be placed anywhere or thrown at a target. Respond to potential incendiary devices the same way you would respond to a bomb situation and never touch, move, or disturb a device. Be aware that people have used incendiary devices against police force during crowd control operations.

State the appropriate response to a call for service to a potential military explosive

Include hand grenades, land mines, and rocket launchers. You may encounter such devices when responding to a report of a found, abandoned, or suspicious military item. Military assume that such devices are live. Do not handle them. Clear the area and request assistance from a bomb squad for proper removal or disposal.

Recognize the indicators of a potential vehicle-borne IED to alert bomb technicians and initiate an evacuation

Indicators of a VBIED include the following: -a threat that specifically mentions explosives in a vehicle -a vehicle that is parked suspiciously close to a building or in a restricted parking area without a proper decal or sticker -a car that is unfamiliar to building occupants or seems to have a heavy load, indicated by riding low on its rear axle -a vehicle that has a strange smell or leaks powder or liquid -reports that a driver or passenger exited a vehicle and left hurriedly -a bomb dog alerting officers that a vehicle is a threat

Botulinum toxin:

It is extremely toxic. It can cause the disease botulism. It enters the body through ingestion, inhalation, or absorption through mucous membranes, eyes, or broken skin. Symptoms include difficulty seeing, speaking, and swallowing and having double vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, dry mouth, and muscle weakness. These symptoms occur within 12 to 80 hours of exposure.

Recognize the indicators of a potential mail bomb to alert bomb technicians and initiate an evacuation

Mail bombs: Some possible signs are envelopes or packages that: -are rigid -have too much postage -have misspellings of common words -are handwritten -have poorly typed addresses -have discoloration -have protruding wires -have strange odors If you or others become suspicious of a mailed item, do not handle it. Isolate the item and evacuate the area.

Examples of Incendiary devices

Molotov Cocktail Napalm Firebombs

Threat methods

Most threats come via telephone. However, some come by voice mail, a note left at the scene, social media, a mailed letter, a fax, or an email. Identify the time the complainant received the threat. Possible reason: the threat states "the bomb will go off one hour from now" the time of the call becomes very important.

If you suspect that a vehicle might contain explosives

Note the description and size of the vehicle. Evacuate the area around the vehicle and establish a perimeter. Evacuate distance from a vehicle should be much greater than evacuation distance from a building because a VBIED is potentially very large, and pieces of the vehicle can act as shrapnel.

Nuclear weapon of mass destruction

Nuclear detonation energy is released through light, thermal energy, shock waves, blasts of wind, direct radiation, and fallout. Potential injuries include light damage to the eyes, burns to the skin, blast (pressure) injuries, cuts from propelled objects, radiation from the bomb ignition, and falling radioactive particles.

What is the most important part of the ERG?

Orange color-coded pages. This section has three main topics for each substance identified. -potential hazards -public safety -emergency response

Other when conducting a search:

Pay attention to any vehicle parked unusually close to the building, abandoned luggage, gym bags, backpacks, buggies, strollers, or suspicious packages.

Identify the resources available to help an officer make sound decisions regarding a hazardous materials incident

Resources that help you make sound decisions include the agency's ERP and standard operating procedures (SOP), and the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG).

Assess the scene of a bomb threat for potential secondary explosive devices

Secondary explosive devices are designed to explode after a primary explosion or other major emergency response event has attracted large numbers of responders to the scene to inflict additional injury, damage, and fear. These devices are hidden or camouflaged. Bombers place the devices in ordinary objects such as vehicles, flashlights, backpacks, flowerpots, or garbage cans. During a search, always assume that there is a secondary device in the area.

Describe different means of detonation that an officer should be aware of when responding to a potential explosive device

Some examples include tripwires, pressure switches, motion detectors, infrared beams, and remote triggers. A person can place a pressure switch under a rug, beneath a doormat, or in soil. They can wire a wall light switch into the bomb's triggering circuit so that it detonates by operating the switch. They can use a cell phone or a key fob to remotely detonate an explosive device.


Spreads through face to face contact with an infected person, direct contact with infected body fluids, and direct contact with infected objects such as clothes. After an incubation period of 7 to 17 days, symptoms such as a pox like rash, raised bumps, fever, muscle rigidity, shivering, lethargy, headaches, and vomiting occur.

Class 4: flammable solid, spontaneously combustible, and dangerous when wet

These materials are neither liquid nor gas. They may burn in the presence of an ignition source, in the presence of heat or friction, ignite spontaneously, or when in contact with water. Some examples are magnesium, sulfur, and calcium carbide.

The most obvious areas to search:

Those mentioned in the threat, if any. If you find no device in the suspected places, search the publicly accessible areas.

Explain concerns related to an officer's electronic equipment when safely responding to a bomb threat

When approaching a possible bomb situation, you must decide whether to turn off radios and radio wave-transmitting devices. There is no universal agreement on whether to do this at or near a bomb threat scene. Agency policies will determine whether to use the radio. Notify dispatch and supervisors just before arrival if you plan to turn off radios or other equipment that emits radio waves.

Describe effective techniques to use when searching an area related to a bomb threat (Part One)

When planning a search, use resources such as a person who has knowledge of the building layout, any existing search plan or search teams, and information contained in the threat or warning. If there is no existing search plan, make a plan that will systematically cover all necessary areas and remove confusion. Conduct a search thoroughly. Remember that explosives can be hidden anywhere.

When approaching the scene...

You might notice an unusual smell or irritation to your skin, eyes, or breathing passages. If this occurs, you should, if possible, move upwind and uphill from the hazard and seek medical attention. If you approach the scene and see signs of an explosion, the situation has changes. Now there may be additional safety issues such as broken gas lines, weakened building structures, debris, and fires. Immediately alert EMS, the fire department, and the bomb squad, and request additional backup. Increase the perimeter and secure potential evidence.

Interviewing People at the Scene

You must identify and locate the person who received the threat, even though that person may not be present at the scene. If the recipient is present, do not allow them to leave the perimeter. Keep track of them for additional questioning by the bomb squad and investigators. Interview the complainant and the owner or representative of the building or threatened area. If there is video surveillance, view the footage as soon as possible.

Assessing the credibility of the threat

You must treat all threats and bomb situations as credible until proven otherwise. This assumption will help you decide what action to take next. You may recommend a search or evacuation, participate in a search, notify the bomb squad, fire department, or EMS, or move the public farther from the threat. Finding a device, suspicious item, or other suspicious circumstances may indicate that the threat is credible. The amount of detail provided in the threat may also show that the threat is real and let you know the risk level involved.

secondary explosive device

a bomb placed at the scene of an ongoing emergency response that is intended to cause casualties among responders

smallpox definition

a contagious infectious disease transmitted by prolonged face to face contact with an infected person, direct contact with infected body fluids, and direct contact with infected objects

Improvised Explosive Device (IED)

a homemade bomb constructed and deployed in ways other than conventional military action and which can be made from commercially available materials

anthrax definition

a naturally occurring bacterium which when inhaled causes a very high mortality rate for its victims; when exposure occurs through the skin, victims have a high rate of survival

nuclear weapon

a weapon that derives its destructive power from an uncontrolled nuclear reaction

dirty bomb

also known as radiation dispersal device; a traditional bomb with radioactive materials loaded into the casing

botulinum toxin definition

an extremely toxic biological agent that can be introduced to the body through ingestion, inhalation, or absorption

What are some ideal places for secondary devices?

evacuation routes, evacuee collection points, staging areas, and command posts

Common materials used in manufacture of incendiary devices

roadway flares, gasoline or motor oil, and glass containers

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