Ch.1 Stats
Observational Sampling:
Representative sample
sample statistic
a number that describes a characteristic of a sample
o Generates data to help identify cause effect relationships
identify a sampling technique for following study: A pollster chooses twenty people at random from each math class.
stratified sampling
study that compiles info from previous studies
subjects dont know, but experimenters do
substance that looks identical to actual treatment
identify the sample: The number of hours a group of 11 children in Mrs. Smith's kindergarten class watch television in a day.
the 11 children selected in Mrs. Smith's kindergarten class
Descriptive Statistics
"just the facts" sample data about a population w/o assumptions abt population
Level orders of measurement
1. Nominal 2. Ordinal 3. interval 4. ratio
sample statistic example
100 college students are chosen and 42% do laundry
population parameter example
76% of all college students own a laptop
Two types of Quantative Data
Continuous and Discrete
descriptive or inferential: The average price of a car at the new car dealership in town is $28,200
Descriptive Statistic
IQ scores, reported in whole numbers, of research scientists are an example of which type of data? (cont or desc)
Random Sample
Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected
Systematic Sampling
Every nth member of the population is chosen
Ordinal Example
Excellent, average, poor
When working with humans or animals, the ____ requires extensive proof that no physical or mental harm will occur to the subjects in the study.
Institutional Review Board
Indicate the level of measurement for the data set described. Number of class meetings in a term at various schools
Nominal Example
Maeve belongs in the second grade
Discrete and continuous are both what type of data
Football jersey numbers are an example of which type of data?
Sampling Methods
Random Sampling, Simple Random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, convivence sampling
Parameter or statistic: A survey of 3159 people in the U.S. revealed that 73% of those surveyed are self-conscious about their weight.
Sample Statistic
Convivence Sampling
Sample is chosen b/c it is convenient for researcher
Stratified Random Sample
a few members from each group are randomly chosen
identify the population: The number of hours a group of 15 children in Mrs. Smith's kindergarten class sleep in a day.
all children in Mrs. Smith's kindergarten class
Cluster Sample
all members from a few randomly chosen clusters (or groups) are selected
Continuous Data
any value in a given range
Classify the following scenario as a meta-analysis or a case study. Fifteen cattle are selected and examined for signs of disease.
case study
meta-analysis or a case study: Fifteen fish caught in a bay are measured to determine the overall health of the fish in the bay.
case study
difference between meta analysis and case study
case study is singular (detailed description of a single thing) while meta analysis is an analysis of several sources concerning a single thing
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. For budget purposes, a financial advisor needs to know the average salary of instructors at their school.
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. Select each member of the entire sampling frame.
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. A pollster interviews each member from each of the five randomly chosen neighborhoods throughout a city.
cluster sampling
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. A random number generator is used to choose twenty-five zip codes. Then a biologist collects data from each person in these zip codes.
cluster sampling
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. A statistics student interviews each member from each of the ten randomly chosen zoning districts in a town.
cluster sampling
Temperatures in Kelvin of various sites on the moon are an example of which type of data? (cont or descr)
Types of Observational Studies
cross-sectional study, longitudal, meta-analysis, case studies
longitudinal Study
data gathered over periods of time
Determine whether the statement describes a descriptive or inferential statistic. 63% of all freshmen at your school reside on campus.
descriptive statistic
The numbers of TV shows taped in Los Angeles on various days are an example of which type of data? (cont or descrete)
Cofounding Variables
factors other than the treatment that cause an effect
qualitative data example
foods, hometown
treatment group
has an applied treatment
Determine whether the statement describes a descriptive or inferential statistic. A recent poll of 3505 home owners in Indiana showed that the average price of a house in the U.S. is $339,000.
inferential statistic
descriptive or inferential statistic: A survey of 3459 people revealed that 52% work a full-time job; therefore it can be assumed that 52% of the U.S. population works a full-time job.
inferential statistic
inferential statistics
interpretation of collected information
Indicate the level of measurement for the data set described. Temperatures (in degrees Celsius) of various sites on the planet Saturn
identify level of measurement: Copyright years of all books in a library
double blind
neither subjects nor experimenters know
Control group
no applied treatment
Identify level of measurement: Favorite category of movies reported in a survey
Indicate the level of measurement for the data set described. Preferred cellphone brands of AT&T customers
Qualitive levels of measurement
nominal, ordinal
population parameter
numbers that describe a population
observational study
o Observes data that already exists
o Qualitative o Can be arranged in a meaningful order/ natural order o Calculations still do not make sense
o Quantitative o Differences b/t data entries are meaning, zero point indicates absence of something
Discrete Data
only particular values, no in between
Identify level of measurement: Letter grades given for a college course
Indicate the level of measurement for the data set described. Karate belt colors worn by members of a martial arts gym
difference between nominal and ordinal:
ordinal has an order to qualitative data, while nominal does not
Discrete Data example
people population, how many pets you own
identify population and sample: The heights of 4 out of the 36 pepper plants at Mr. Lonardo's greenhouse.
pop: the 36 pepper plants at Mr. Lonardo's greenhouse Sample: The 4 pepper plants at Mr. Lonardo's greenhouse
population or sample: The price of homes of all the employees at a software company.
Indicate the level of measurement for the data set described. Number of athletes on the roster of each football team in the NCAA
Indicate the level of measurement for the data set described. Total dollar value of all items in a safe
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. First, the population is subdivided by city. Then a college student uses a random number generator to select ten members from each city to study.
stratified sampling
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. First, the population is subdivided by city. Then a quality assurance analyst uses a random number generator to select twenty-five members from each city to study.
stratified sampling
Quantative data example
length, width
identify level of measurement: Number of siblings that students in your statistics class have
difference between interval and ratio:
ratio data has a defined zero point (income). zero on a interval data does not have a true zero (time)
placebo effect
response to power of suggestion, not the treatment itself
population or sample: The heights of 1414 out of the 3131 cucumber plants at Mr. Lonardo's greenhouse.
parameter or statistic: A recent poll of 3787 home owners in Pennsylvania showed that the average price of their houses is $317,000
sample statistic
Observational Study Example
scores, colors
Quantative data
Counts or measurements
Simple Random Sample
Every sample of the population has an equal chance of being selected
Interval Example
Temperature being calculated and interpreted
Select the term which best describes the following scenario. A new painkiller is studied. A group of people with chronic pain participating in the study are administered the drug. It is not identified prior to the study what is causing their pain, and the source of their pain impacts their response to the drug.
cofounding variable
Quantitative levels of measurement
interval, ratio
labels and names, NO calculations can be performed
Qualitive data
labels or descriptions
Continuous Data example
length, width
case study
looks at multiple variables that affect a single event
Classify the following scenario as a meta-analysis or a case study. An underwriter compares ten weather reports from hurricanes to compare for common factors.
meta-analysis or a case study: A police chief compares five newspaper articles about crime prevention.
o Quantitative o Can be ordered, however is disguised b/c differences b/t data entries are meaningful o Comparing and ordering
observational or experimental: A general manager of a restaurant wants to study the number of cars passing a billboard in a day.
Select the term which best describes the following scenario. A study is done an a new drug designed to lower blood pressure. Individuals with high blood pressure are selected for the study and some are given pills containing the drugs while others are given pills that do not contain any of the drug. Even the group which did not take the drug sees an improvement in their blood pressure. What could be causing this?
placebo effect
parameter or sample statistic: The average number of hours students in your statistics class study per week is 12.2
population parameter
Hair colors are an example of which type of data? (qual or quant)
Types of movies people go to see are an example of which type of data? (qual or quant)
Amounts of yearly rainfall in Miami over the last 55 years are an example of which type of data?
Pounds gained by persons in your class during the first month of the semester are an example of which type of data? (qual or quant)
In a ____ experiment, only the subject does not know whether they have been placed in the control or experimental group.
Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. A market researcher chooses fifty people at random from each neighborhood.
stratified sampling