Ch.7 Skeletal system

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caranoid process characteristics

1. Anterior projection of ramus 2. Attachment site for chewing muscles

endochondral ossification steps

1. Hyaline cartilage model forms 2. Cartilage tissue breaks down 3. Osteoblasts form spongy and compact bone. 4. Osteoblasts become osteocytes.

2 characteristics of the hyoid bone

1. Located between the lower jaw and the larynx 2. Provides attachment for muscles that move the tongue

Characteristics of epiphyseal plate

1. Seperates the diaphysis and the epiphysis of long bones 2. Consists of cartliagenous cells 3. Responsible for the growth in length is of long bones

Characteristics of paranasal sinuses

1. They reduce the weight of the skull 2. They're air filled cavities 3. Increase the intensity of the voice

What role do sex hormones play in bone growths

1. They stimulate growth at the epiphyseal plate and therefore long bone growth 2.they stimulate closure of the epiphyseal plate and therefore stop long bone growth

Sequence of events in the process of healing fractures

1. hematoma formation 2. Fibrocartilage formation 3. Bony callus formation 4. Bone remodeling by osteoclasts

mandibular condyle characteristics

1. posterior projection of ramus 2. articulates with the temporal bone

4 major functions of a bone

1.) Blood cell formation 2.) storage of inorganic salts 3. Attachment for muscles 4.) support and protection

functions of pelvic girdle

1.) protects urinary bladder 2.) supports the trunk 3.) Provides muscle attachment for muscles of lower limbs

Thoracic vertebrae number


the thoracic cage has how many pairs of ribs?


How many bones are in the human body?


The human body has __ ribs


How many distinct layers form an epiphyseal plate

4 layers

Base of vertebral column is composed of __ fused vertebrae and is called the sacrum


Lumbar vertebrae number


How many tarsal bones are there in the foot


cervical vertebrae number



A projection situated above a condyle

Components of intervertebral discs

Annulus fibrosis and nucleus pulposus

Cellular process of osteocytes pass through small tunnels called ...


Bone tissue is largely composed of..

Collage and inorganic salts

2 main components of the extracellular matrix of bone

Collagen and inorganic salts

___ bone has a continuous extracellular matrix organized into osteons w/ no gaps


The medial and lateral __ of the tibia are concave surfaces that provide an articular surface for the femur


How does a long bone grow in width

Deposit of new bone under the periosteum of the diaphysis

A long bone has an expanded portion at each end called an epiphysis and a shaft called ..


Indicate the paranasal sinuses

Ethmoid, maxillary, sphenoid, frontal

The lateral malleolus is located on the inferior end of the bone called the


What bones are found in the lower limb

Fibula, phalanges, tarsals, femur, metatarsals, and tibia

Bones that form through intramembranous ossification

Flat bones of the skull Mandible Sternum

Name for the passageway at the base if the skull where the brainstem connects to the spinal cord

Foramen magnum

Osteoporosis is characterized by

Fragile bones that fracture easily

At what site on the scapula does the humerus articulate

Glenoid cavity

Name of the small oval depression on the lateral surface of the scapula

Glenoid cavity


Groove in a bone

What helps control the opposing processes of resorption and deposition of the bony matrix?


Function of skeletal system

House blood producing cells

The____ articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula


What bones are found in the upper limb?

Humerus, ulna, metacarpals, radius, carpals, phalanges

Where does hematopoiesis first begin?

In the yolk sac outside the embryo

Within the vertebral column the vertebrae are separatesby masses of fibrocartilage called

Intervertebral discs

2 characteristics of the 1st vertebrae the atlas thats dont apply to other cervical vertebrae

It has no vertebral body it has no spinous process

Body of a mature bone cell occupies a small chamber called a...


Small chambers that house bone cells


Concentric circles of bone tissue around a central canal are called ...



Largest portion of the hipbone that articulates with the sacrum.

Features of the temporal bone

Mastoid process External acoustic meatus Zygomatic process Styloid process

Indicate the features of the temporal bone

Mastoid process Zygomatic process Styloid process External acoustic meatus

2 bony projections under the ear are the rounded ___ and the pointed ___

Mastoid process; styloid process

what bone has palatine processes?


The ___ bones make up the instep of the foot


hyaline cartilage

Most common type of cartilage; it is found on the ends of long bones, ribs, and nose


Narrow, ridge like projection

Which bone forms the back of the craniums base of the skull?

Occipital bone

Thyroxine stimulates

Osteoblast activity

Cells that deposit and form bones are called ..


cells that deposit and form bone


Cells that dissolve in inorganic components of the calcified bone matrix


When osteoblasts completely surround themselves with extracellular matrix, they become cells called ....


The rigidity of a compact bone comes front he arrangement of osteocytes in concentric circles around a central canal forming a structural unit knows as a


When the blood calcium levels are low ____ stimulate___ osteoclasts to break down bone tissue in order to raise calcium levels

Parathyroid; osteoclasts

Bones that form part of the roof and side of teh cranium


Horizontal or transverse tubes that connect central canals are...

Perforating canals

Bone found in the fingers are called


axial skeleton

Portion of the skeletal system that consists of the skull, rib cage, and vertebral column

intramembrous ossification

Process of bone formation from membranelike layers of connective tissue

endochondral ossification

Process of transforming cartilage into bone.

crista galli

Sharp triangular peak

How do intramembranous bones form?

Sheetlike layers of unspecialized connective tissue

From fetal period to death what organs can produce blood cells

Spleen, bone marrow, liver

The numerous spaces between trabeculae in ___ bone helps reduce the weight of a long bone


___bone has irregular interconnecting spaces between bony platea called trabeculae


Another name for fissue


What is the role of the superior and middle nasal conchae

Support mucous membranes that filter and warm air

What bone forms the side of the skull around the ear

Temporal bone

What is the function of red bone marrow

The production of blood cells

What are trabeculae?

Thin bony plates in spongy bone

Name of the process on the proximal end of the tibia where the patellar ligament attaches

Tibial tuberosity

What structure of a typical vertebrae projects laterally and allows for ligament and muscle attachment

Transverse process

True/False a bone such as the femur is made up more than one type of tissue


The humerus, radius, ulna, and carpals are found in the ...

Upper limb

The bone marrow that stores fat and is inactive in blood cell production is ....

Yellow bone marrow

The bone that forms the bony prominence of the cheeks is the ....

Zygomatic bone

scapula, femur, and carpals


Bones of the limbs

appendicular skeleton

What is the name of the 1st cervical vertebra?


ribs, frontal bone, and vertebrae


The bones of the head, neck, and trunk.

axial skeleton

A function of a bone is to house tissues that produce...

blood cells

appendicular skeleton

bones of the shoulder, pelvis, and upper and lower extremities



Anatomical name for the heel bone


What bones compose a pectoral girdle

clavicle and scapula

what bones compose a pectoral girdle

clavicle and scapula

Incomplete fusion of the palatine processes of the maxillae during fetal development is a disorder called...

cleft palate

Anatomical name for tailbone


What structure articulates with the sternum

costal cartilages

articular cartilage

covers the surfaces of bones where they come together to form joints

structures that compose the skull

cranium and facial bones

most bones of the body are ___ bones


Membrane lining the medullary cavity


band of the cartilage that allows for growth in length of an endochondral bone

epiphyseal plate

The ends of long bones are called


The ends of the long bone are called the...


What 2 bones form the nasal septum?

ethmoid and vomer

The cribriform plate is part of the ...

ethmoid bone

what group of bones, 13 immovable and 1 movable, provide location for muscle attachment?

facial bones

structure in the skull that allow for compression of the skull during childbirth and rapid brain growth in early life


clinical term for a broken bone


What hormone stimulates growth at the epiphyseal plate

growth hormone

process of blood cell formation



hip socket

lowest part of the hip bone that you sit on and is found on the posterior portion of the hip


Where is the vertebral column located?

it extends from the skull to the pelvis

Where is the fibula located

lateral side of lower leg

Categories of Bones

long, short, flat, irregular

Hollow chamber of the diaphysis

medullary cavity

The cells that deposit new bone matrix are called


cells called ____ dissolve bony matrix


cells that dissolve the bony matrix


Mature bone cells are called


The bones of the lower limb include the ...

phelanges, tarsals, metatarsals, femur, tibia, and fibula

What is ossification?

process of bone formation

what are the functions of the vertebral column

protects the spinal cord, supports the head and body, attaches to skeletal muscles of the back

Name of the bone that makes up anterior portion of the hip bone



rounded process that articulates with another bone

a large, triangular bone at the base of the spine


saggital suture

separates the left and right parietal bone

characteristics of an infantile skull

sinuses are incompletely formed and the frontal bone is in 2 parts


small, flat articular surface

when comparing an infant skull to an adult skull; the infants mandible is ____ and the infant has ____ bones

smaller; more

Anatomical name for breastbone


coronal suture

the suture between the parietal and frontal bones of the skull

Anatomical name for the shin bone


What bone is located on the medial side of the leg


what is the function of the thoracic cage

to assists in breathing


to break


to make, to produce

Branching bony plates in spongy bone


name of the bone on the medial side of the forearm


the spinal cord passes through what structure in the vertebrae

vertabral foramen

Bones that form the spinal cord or back bone are called


The carpal bones form the:


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