chapter 1

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What is average life expectancy in the US?


Lectures and Chapter 1 Definition(s) of Health and Wellness.

The ever-changing process of achieving individual potential in the physical, social, emotional, mental, spiritual, and environmental dimensions.

What are the leading causes of death in the U.S. by age and gender?

chronic diseases - associated with behavioral, social and environmental factors

Models of behavior change (Health Belief Model, Social Cognitive, Transtheoretical Model)

health belief model - explain how beliefs may influence behaviors, perceived seriousness of health problems social cognitive model - emphasizes role of social factors and thought processes in behavior change, ex. social environment, thought or cognition transtheroretical model of noshiro change - identifies 6 stages through to alter behavior patterns >precontemplation - no intention of changing >contemplation - recognize that they have problem and contemplaate need for change >preparation - close to taking action >action - follow action plans >maintenance - continues actions in action stage and try to make it permanent >termination - behavior become essential part of daily living

What are the different Models of Health (medical model versus public health model)?

medical model - health status focuses on individual and their tissues and organs public health model - views diseases and other negative health events as result of individual's interaction with their social and physical environment -- emphasize health promotion, policies and programs promote behaviors known to support good health

Greatest Public Health Achievements of the 20th Century.

vaccinations, motor vehicle safety, workplace safety, reduction of cardiovascular disease, safe and healthy foods, maternal and infant care, family planning, safe water

What are the Determinants of Health?

- Individual Behaviors, helps you attain, maintain, or regain good health, or they can undermine your health and promote diseases. modifiable determinants - Biology and genetics, things you can't typically change or modify, nonmodifiable determinants - Social factors, include both the social and physical conditions in the environment where people are born or live. --Economic factors --The built environment, includes anything created or modified by human beings, buildings, roads, recreation areas, transportation systems, electric transmission lines, communication cables, etc - Policymaking, public policies and interventions - Access to quality health services, including services for physical and mental health, accurate and relevant health informations and products such as eyeglasses, medical supplies and medications

Four-Steps to behavior change What is the SMART System?

1. increase your awareness 2. contemplate change - examine current health habits and patterns, identify taget behavior, learn more, assess motivation and readiness, develop self-efficacy, cultivate an internal locus of control 3. prepare for change, set SMART goals, use shaping (small steps), anticipate barriers to change, enlist others as change agents, sign a contract 4. take action to change - visualize new behavior, learn to "counter", control the situation, change your self-talk, reward yourself, journal, deal with relapse

What is meant by "Health Disparities"?

Health disparities - differences in incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of diseases and other health conditions among specific population groups - race and ethnicity - different diseases, poor access to health care, insurance, education, etc - sex and gender - different rates of diseases and disability -economics and education - income and education provide resources that protect against health problems through out life - geographic location - impact diet, amount of physical activity, accessibility to healthcare - sexual orientation - lgbtq community may lack social support or denied health benefits and may experience high stress - disability - associated with behavioral, social, and environmental factors

Healthy People 2020

Healthy People 2020 - The Surgeon General's health promotion plan, published every 10 years since 1990 with the goal of improving the quality and years of life for all Americans Goals include - attain high quality, longer lives free of preventable diseases. - achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve health of all groups. - create social and physical environments that promote good health for all. - promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages.

Dimensions of Wellness Healthy People 2020 and

Physical Health - shape size of your body, how responsive and acute your senses are, how susceptible you are to disease and disorders, as well as general body functioning, overall physical fitness and your body's ability to heal Social Health - The ability to have a broad social network and maintain satisfying interpersonal relationships with friends, family members and partners is a key part of overall wellness. Intellectual Health - The ability to think clearly, reason objectively, analyze critically, and use brainpower effectively to meet life's challenges are all part of this dimension. Emotional Health - The feeling of component - being able to express emotions when appropriate, and to control them when not Spiritual Health - Having a sense of meaning and purpose in your life. Environmental Health - understanding how the health of the environments in which you live, work, and play can affect you.

SMART system

Specific Measurable Action-oriented Realistic Time-oriented

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