Chapter 1: Race in the Twenty-First Century, Soc 2 Chapter 6: Crime and Punishment, Race and Culture Chapter 4

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split labor market

workers split along racial-ethnic, gender, age, or any other lines; this split is exploited by owners to weaken the bargaining power of workers

Who's receiving food stamps?

52 Percent

Who's receiving Medicaid

63 percent of all Americans

How many companies voluntarily have an affirmative action plan


How many blacks feel that AA hasn't played a role in their employment


How many women feel that AA hasn't played a role in their employment


Racial conflict unfolded at a high school in Jena, Louisiana, with protests over the "Jena 6." Place the events in the order from first to last.

A black student sat under the "white tree."White students hung three nooses on the tree.A group of black students beat a white student unconscious.Black students were charged with attempted murder.Black students were charged with "aggravated battery" and the tennis shoes they wore were considered dangerous weapons.

glass ceiling

A metaphor alluding to the invisible barriers that prevent minorities and women from being promoted to top corporate positions.

New Deal

A series of reforms enacted by the Franklin Roosevelt administration between 1933 and 1942 with the goal of ending the Great Depression.


A shared lifestyle informed by cultural, historical, religious, and/or national affiliations.

Consequences of Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

Altered scope and composition of immigration Asian and Latin America immigration especially pronounced Changed the face of American Society

Institutional Racism

Systemic white domination of people of color, embedded & operating in corporations, universities, legal systems, political bodies, cultural life, & other social collectives.

Which of the following is an example of the deterrent effect?

A person considers selling drugs to earn money, but chooses not to because of the possible penalty

How much money did the United States spend in social benefits

$95 billion

Today about ____of the breadwinners of American Families make less than $10 an hour.



Money obtained from work, retirement, or government aid

end of industrialization

No manufacturing jobs from the northwestern and Midwest in 80's Factories gave way to service economy

Place the countries in order from lowest to highest incarceration rate.

Incarceration Chart (pg. 192) Norway, China, Russia, and United States

Immigrant women are especially vulnerable to abuse. Indicate why legal requirements exacerbate this problem.

immigrant women have difficulty documenting partner abuse

Taft-Hartley Act (1947)

legalized the right-to-work laws and stopped feather bedding and closed shop practices

split labor market

This term refers to a labor market that contains at least two groups of workers whose price of labor differs for the same work, or would differ if they did the same work.

What was the "devils bargain" Southern democracy's forced northern democrats into?

"Either you design New Deal policies in such a way that Jim Crow remains perched atop hi roost, or we will align with the Republicans and veto them."

Place the racial groups in order from lowest to highest drug usage rates.

- Asian americans, hispanics, whites, african americans, american indians

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about the rise of the American prison population.

- Between 1925 and 1975, the American prison population averaged around 150,000 people. By 2000, the prison population had reached 1.4 million people. This represents approximately 686 out of every 100,000 people.

Applicants with "white sounding names" were ___ percent more likely to receive a callback after submitting a resume than were those with "black sounding names"


Despite the fact that crime was not considered a major problem, the political focus on crime had many important social impacts. What were some of these effects?

- Voters became more concerned about crime. - Federal spending on drug control increased by a factor of nine. -Poverty was essentially made a crime.

Match each bill to its impacts on immigrants.

- denied noncitizens many basic civil rights, Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options.2001 PATRIOT Act Correct label:2001 PATRIOT Act - extended the list of criminal actions that warranted deportation for noncitizens, Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options.Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act Correct label:Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act - denied legal immigrants numerous public benefits, Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options.1996 Welfare Reform Act Correct label:1996 Welfare Reform Act

There is significant academic evidence showing that media violence (especially in video games) causes violence in real life.

- false

During the prison boom, politicians increasingly sought to frame themselves as strong "law and order" advocates. Match each president to his contribution to this political development.

- first to dramatically expand the "war on drugs", Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options.Ronald Reagan Correct label:Ronald Reagan won the presidency, in part, by painting his opponent as "soft on crime", Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options.George H. W. Bush Correct label:George H. W. Bush launched the "war on crime", Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options.Richard Nixon Correct label:Richard Nixon passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options.Bill Clinton Correct label:Bill Clinton

Consider these two scenarios: First, a corporate executive ignores environmental regulations and dumps chemicals near a city's water supply, which results in three deaths. The executive is fired but does not face a criminal trial. Second, a man robs a convenience store and, while trying to escape, he hits a car and kills three people. The man serves 20 years in jail. What do these differences tell us about criminalization processes?

- how we define crime is connected to system of power

Based on the current violence and increasing power of drug cartels in Mexico, what is likely to happen to future immigration into the United States?

- immigrants will continue seeking legitimate jobs in the United States

Three Pathways of Segmented Assimilation

-Acculturation and parallel integration into the white middle class -Descent into poverty and assimilation into the underclass -Economic advantage with deliberate preservation of the immigrant communities values and solidarity

What are the major predictors of how well immigrants will do in the US

-How the economy is structured -class privileges brought along with them -existences of ethnic enclaves with semiautonomous economies -racial privileges brought along with them

For every 100,000 black male youth, approximately how many are murdered each year?


It costs about______1____ thousand per year to incarcerate a person. This means the United States spends over _____2______ billion per year on prisons and an additional_______3_____billion on policing, legal processing, court fees, and all other criminal justice expenses. At the individual level, being an ex-convict means that one's chances of getting a job are reduced by at least ________4_______ Ex-convicts also earn approximately -_________5_____ less each year than people with the same job skills and education.

1. $30 thousand 2. $60 billion 3. $50 billion 4. 50% 5. 35%

Members of each racial group have different likelihoods of being a victim of a homicide. In 2008, the victimization ratio for white adults was ____1____ out of every 100,000 people. For African American adults, the ratio was ____2____ per 100,000. When we focus on young people (ages 10-24), the victimization ratio for white boys was____3_____ for every 100,000 people. The comparable rates for Hispanic male youth was _____4_____ and for African American male youth was _____5______

1. 4.5 2. 27.8 3. 3 4. 13.5 5. 52

In the months and years following September 11, non-Arab Americans' interpersonal racism toward Arab Americans _____1____, and today, the average American is _____2____ likely to harbor anti-Arab prejudices than in 2001. According to recent polls, _____3____of Americans harbor "unfavorable" views of Muslim Americans; _____4____ believe that Arab Americans are "more sympathetic to terrorists"; and _____5______ confess to having less trust in Arab Americans after September 11.

1. grew 2. more 3. 25% 4. 33% 5. 44%

Who's receiving cash assistance ?

13 Percent

Who's on Welfare ?

2/3 of all Americans

Today, about _______ percent of the breadwinners of American families make less than $10 an hour.


industrial restructuring 60's-70's

A term used to refer to the alternating phases of growth and decline in industrial activity. It emphasizes changes in employment between regions and links these with changes in the world economy. Manufacturing decreased—

Americans have been grappling with the question of whether immigration makes the country safer or less safe. Do people's perceptions match reality in this case? Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

According to a recent Gallup poll, 45% of Americans believe that immigrants make "the crime situation" in America worse. The data shows that as immigration increases, homicide rates decrease

Identify the true and false statements about racial profiling during traffic stops.

African Americans have grown so used to being pulled over by the police that many speak of being stopped on account of DWB: "driving while black.", Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options. Black and Hispanic drivers are more likely to be searched, fined, and arrested than are their white counterparts., Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options. Many police officers intentionally target blacks and Latinos.

Men in the United States have different likelihoods of going to prison. Drag the demographic group to their corresponding lifetime likelihood of attending prison.

All men: 1 in 9 White men: 1 in 17 Black men: 1 in 3 Latino men: 1 in 6

Which of the following is true about America's welfare programs ?

America spends a smaller portion of its wealth on antipoverty programs than almost any other developed country.

Race impacts how women experience violence. Drag each demographic group to the appropriate blank.

Approximately 50 percent of Asian women are beaten during their lifetimes. Compared with black women, white women have almost double the chance of being murdered by an intimate partner. The racial group that is abused the most of any group are Native American women. When it comes to sentencing male sex offenders, men receive the lightest penalty when they rape black women.

Identify the true and false statements about violence against women.

Approximately 50 percent of rape victims are assaulted below the age of 18., Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options. Twenty-five percent of all rapes take place on college campuses., Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options. Three women are killed by their husbands or boyfriends every day.

Racial Privilege for Asians

Asian Poverty decreases by the 3rd Generation


Assets that make money (stocks, bonds, savings accounts, real estate, businesses, farms)

Legalistic Fallacy

Assumption that abolishing racist laws it automatically leads to the abolition of racism in everyday life.

Tokenistic Fallacy

Assumption that presence of people of color in influential positions (ex. Obama) is evidence of complete eradication of racial obstacles.

Fixed Fallacy

Assumption that racism is fixed, it's immutable, constant across time & space, and doesn't develop in any way.

Why were many nonwhites denied benefits ?

Because their occupation was not covered by the New Deal

Racial Privileges for Blacks

Black poverty increased by 26% by the 3rd generation Poorer than their Caribbean or African immigrant grandparents

Ahistorical Fallacy

Bold claim that most U.S. history, including legacies of slavery & colonialism, is inconsequential today.

Post War Industrialization

Boom Times for American Manufacturing Many nonwhites benefited from the social programs of the 03's-50's Found jobs in the rising manufacturing sector

Based on evidence presented in this chapter, we should conclude which of the following?

C: - Politicians sometimes manipulate knowledge about crime for personal gain. - Facts often contradict conventional wisdom. - People often respond emotionally about race and crime. F: - There is no relationship between race and crime.

Which of the following factors help explain why blacks and whites are arrested at such different rates?

Cities with larger black populations have more police per resident., Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options. Poor nonwhite neighborhoods have higher rates of violent crime., Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options. "Stop and frisk" policies target blacks.

Who do the federal mandates apply to?

Companies that conduct a fair amount of business with the federal government 3% of US Firms which Emely 20% of the countries workforce

From 1980 through the early 2000s, the prison population exploded. Identify the reasons for this dramatic increase.

Correct: - People who used drugs were more likely to get arrested. - Drug offenses were given harsher penalties. False: - Overall crime rates increased. - Drug usage rates among black men and women steadily rose.

In both politics and the media, Arab people and Americans are often portrayed in us-and-them terms. Identify the true and false statements about this dichotomy and its effects.

Correct: -Arabs are portrayed as freedom-hating and Americans as freedom-loving. -It shows how racial identity can often trump national identity. False: -Americans who identify as Republicans and Democrats have equally unfavorable views of Arab Americans. -Fewer than 25 percent of Americans now report having a "favorable" view of Muslim Americans.

While police have unjustly used deadly force against African Americans, the author cautions us from simply blaming "racist" police and demanding their resignation. Which argument(s) do the authors use to support their position?

Correct: -Simply attacking the police as racists ignores our complicity in a system that facilitates racially motivated violence. -Focusing only on the officers obscures the complexity of these circumstances. False: -It ignores the violent crimes that each of the individuals committed.

The American legal system is heavily biased against the poor and people of color. Identify the true and false statements about how this system disadvantages these groups.

Correction: - Young black offenders are more likely to be viewed as "inherently criminal" by their parole officers. - They are more likely to rely on public defenders. False: - They are less likely to receive plea deals. - Nonwhite juvenile offenders are less likely to be tried as adults.

Mass incarceration has many costs to society. Which of the following accurately depict these costs?

Correction: - higher unemployment - fewer marriages False: -higher divorce rates - high taxpayer dollars spent on job retraining programs

Income inequality between white and nonwhite people is _______, and wealth inequality between white and nonwhite people is ______.


(1) While affirmative action creates opportunities for the better trained, talented, and educated segments of the minority population, (2) a large proportion of nonwhites lacking qualification - a good education, job training, network connections - are virtually unaffected by affirmative action.

Does affirmative action in employment help those it was intended to help?


Dominant racial category which normalizes racial domination & reproduces many cultural, political, economic, & social advantages. Disadvantages for nonwhite people.

Interpersonal Racism

Everyday interactions & practices; either overt (old fashioned bigotry). People act out their prejudices & give direct expression to their negative attitudes guided by stereotypes of others.

Nearly all new immigrants to the United States follow the acculturation and parallel integration path into the middle-class.


Legal History of Affirmative Action

FDR in 1941 JFK in 1961 Civil Rights Act on 1964 Johnsons Executive Order 11246 & Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs Nixon 1969 & Executive Order 11625 in 1971

In the 1970s, the prison population started to rise. At that time, experts in the field of criminal justice generally agreed that using the threat of incarceration would be an effective deterrent to crime.


Studies have shown that people are more likely to favor harsher punishments to black people convicted of white-collar crimes.


industrial restructuring-after the 70's

Fewer jobs for unskilled workers but increasing opportunities for skilled and educated workers

What is the term for the unspoken obstacles to advancement experienced by white women and people of color?

Glass Ceiling

(1) Most poor whites live in areas where the majority of their neighbors are not poor. (2) In the black ghetto poverty is more concentrated and (3) everyday establishments, such as banks, grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, and childcare centers, are scarce.

How has contemporary institutional racism extended significant income gaps between whites and nonwhites?

Banks impede nonwhites' access to homeownership through three mechanisms: by (1) disproportionately denying loans to nonwhite applicants; by (2) charging nonwhites higher interest rates; and by (3) devaluing homes in nonwhite neighborhoods.

How has contemporary institutional racism extended significant wealth gaps between whites and nonwhites?

Some sociologists have connected job status, wages, and race in a single equation, claiming that (1) when a job becomes associated with a dominated racial group— just as domestic service is equated with Latinas or New York City taxi driving is equated with Arab American men—that job loses status. (2) Once a job's status declines, so too do its wages.

How has historical institutional racism extended significant income gaps between whites and nonwhites?

In whites' healthy assets, as compared to the sparse wealth of most people of color, we see (1) the legacies of slavery, colonization, and "the Indian Problem"; we see (2) the hundred years that ran from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement, during which people of color were barred from participating completely in business or commerce; we see (3) government policies that uplifted poor whites while leaving poor nonwhites behind; and we see (4) decades of meager wages, bad schools, and sharecropping.

How has historical institutional racism extended significant wealth gaps between whites and nonwhites?

Race Is a Social Reality

Idea by James Baldwin. Race is not a biological reality, rather a political reality, or social construction.

homosocial reproduction

In sociology, this term refers to a process were authorities tend to fill positions of power with people like themselves. This process is practiced by whites and nonwhites alike. However, because they are disproportionately represented in positions of power, only white men can do so with some regularity.

The split labor market can cause

Interpersonal Racism

Not necessarily, because research shows that skills, abilities, and talent are not the only considerations employers or admissions officers consider when selecting candidates.

Is affirmative action an affront to the American ideal of meritocracy?

Why did dominant understandings of affirmative action change after the era of the Civil Rights Movement?

It is nonwhite and nonmale now

GI Bill of Rights

Law Passed in 1944 to help returning veterans buy homes and pay for higher education

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

Law that changed the national quota system of limits for Eastern and Western immigrants per year

What were the limitations of the GI Bill

Many blacks and Latinos were denied access because of those persons that were in charge. They couldn't start new businesses, buy new homes, go to the ame colleges and universities as white. They could only get jobs for menial unskilled worker

What are the three structural causes of poverty that are highlighted in the text?

Modern Day Capitalism DeIndustrialization worsened poverty conditions Small portion ofsocial spending dedicated to welfare programs

Whites convicted of selling drugs are ___ likely to lan a job than blacks with no criminal history


Fill in the blanks to complete the passage about arrest rates.

National statistics show that blacks and whites are arrested at very different rates. According to statistics released by the FBI, 13 blacks in 100 are arrested annually, whereas only 5 whites in 100 are.

Native American Poverty

Native American unemployment is about 50% on reservations Poverty is almost twice the national average Tribal Sovereignty is how to fix poverty growth

Does Affirmative action hurt white men ?

No: 40% of American feel that whites being. Diasadvantaged by AA at work is a bigger problem that blacks being disadvantaged by race based discrimination. Not supported claim, just fears


Overlapping system of advantages and disadvantages, wherein racism intersects with other forms of domination, such as those based on gender, class, sexuality, religion, nationhood, ability, and etc.

Assumptions about American meritocracy

People get ahead only by virtue of talents, skills, and work ethic The wealthy do not benefit unduly Employment practices without affirmative action are more merit based

Many studies have been conducted that evaluate Americans' perceptions of crime and violence. Which of the following illustrate the findings of these studies?

Perceived racial composition of a neighborhood is a better predictor of one's fear of crime than the actual crime rate., Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options. As the percentage of blacks and Hispanics in a neighborhood increases, fear of crime in that neighborhood increases., Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options. Hispanics living in predominately white areas perceive less crime than Hispanics living in more racially mixed neighborhoods.

Compared with whites, police are much more likely to use deadly force on an African American. Match each individual to the circumstances of his death at the hands of police.

Police beat, tortured, and sodomized him with a broomstick., Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options.Abner Louima Correct label:Abner Louima Police were investigating a strip club, where he was celebrating his last hours as a bachelor; when he walked out, police shot him, his car, and nearby houses., Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options.Sean Bell Correct label:Sean Bell Police believed him to be holding a gun and shot him several times, but he was merely hanging onto his wallet., Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options.Amadou Diallo Correct label:Amadou Diallo

"Cadillac Driving Welfare Queens"

Policy makers and the media use racially coded language to "blacken" Welfare 59% of white believe that blacks would rather collect welfare than work 46%^^Latinos 18^^ Asians 3%^^Whites

1980 Refugee Act

Political asylum for refugees and asylees victimized on the basis of their race, religion, nationality, political affiliation, or group membership

Racial Privilege for Whites and Hispanics

Poverty stays the same by the third generation

The New Deal anti-poverty programs were initiated by ?

President Franklin Roosevelt

Individualistic Fallacy

Racism assumed to belong to the realm of ideas and attitudes; racism is only the collection of nasty thoughts as "racist individual" has about another group.

What explains racial income disparities?

Segregated labor force Low wages in majority minority jobs

Between 1880 and 1930, lynch mobs murdered over 2,300 black men, women, and children whom we know of. What were the justifications given for the lynching of black men?

Sexual assaulting a white woman. Winking at a white woman Being too "uppity"

How did the GI Bill, more than other program, create the American middle class?

The GI bill helped people get houses, go to college, finance small businesses and purchase farmland

Which of the following provides a structural explanation for why a young black man might resort to violence in a ghetto community?

The community is a long distance from legitimate jobs and it is necessary to succeed in the underground economy.

For the last 25 years, the United States has experienced a drop in crime, which has coincided with the prison boom. Based on existing evidence, which of the following best explains this relationship?

The effect of mass incarceration on crime is weak

Why were many nonwhite denied access into the new deal ?

The program disqualified certain jobs that nonwhites were more likely to have.

Compared with white youth, black youth who live outside predominantly black neighborhoods, have _________ of crime.

The same rates

Native American Affluence

There is an elite group of tribes who have succeeded through casinos and anti poverty programs

If most Americans benefit from government welfare at some point in their lives, why do Americans generally have such negative attitudes about it?

They see it as a racialized policy and there is a lazy sterotype attached to people that are on it.

Welfare Reform Act of 1996

This act established the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program in place of the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program (AFDC) and tightened Medicaid eligibility requirements. This greatly reduced the width of welfare, and imposed strict employment requirements on the states. Promised to end welfare as we know it Clinton

racial disparities in income

This chart shows that, in the United States, despite working the same hours, white workers make more than their black and Hispanic peers. This shows evidence of what?

racial disparities in wealth

This chart shows that, over the past 20 years in the United States, the white/nonwhite wealth gap has grown. This shows evidence of what?

nonwhite affirmative action

This is an umbrella term referring to a collection of policies and practices designed to address past wrongs, institutional racism, and sexism by offering people of color and women both employment and educational opportunities.

white affirmative action

This term refers to a series of exceptions, put forth by the southern arm of the Democratic party, which precluded a large majority of nonwhites from benefiting from Roosevelt's New Deal by disqualifying certain jobs (those dominated by nonwhite workers) from the policy.


This term refers to government provisions intended to help disadvantaged people, including those who are poor, elderly, war veterans, unemployed, and disabled.

Employers are _____ more likely to offer whites a job than equally qualified blacks or Hispanics

Three to four times

Fill in the blank to complete the sentence about murder rates and black youth.

To explain why black youth are murdered at such high rates, social scientists point to structural disadvantage.

During and after World War II , the economic gap between whites and nonwhites increased


In middle class occupations, blacks are ______ as likely to be laid off as whites


Following the September 11 terrorist attacks, immigration officials stopped making "voluntary returns," in which someone caught crossing the border illegally would be bussed back across without going through a formal deportation proceeding. What was the impact of this policy change?

Undocumented immigrants were now officially labeled as criminals.

In the first half of the 1900s, why did the use of convict labor dramatically decrease?

Unions protested it

Affirmative Action policies are designed to redress specific people who have been victimized by discrimination.

What are affirmative action policies designed to do?

Research shows that white Americans (1) consider blacks and Hispanics to be welfare dependent and (2) incorrectly assume that welfare is a policy that benefits only nonwhites.

What are the prevailing racial attitudes regarding welfare in the United States?

(1) Unemployment: A natural side effect of market capitalism is the fact that the number of people willing to work far exceeds the number of job vacancies. (2) Deindustrialization: Midlevel occupations, such as factory work, have sharply declined, resulting in an economy shaped like an hourglass, with opportunities at the very top and at the very bottom but little sustainable work in the middle. (3) Decline of social spending: food stamps, housing subsidies, aid to needy families, Medicaid, and Social Security has been rolled back in recent years.

What are three structural causes of poverty in the United States?

(1) By income, we mean wages and salaries earned from employment, retirement, or government aid. (2) By wealth, we mean owned assets that yield monetary return, such as stocks and bonds, savings accounts, houses and real estate, and business and farm ownership. (3) Income comes from your job, while most wealth comes from intergenerational transfers (that is, passed down from one generation to the next).

What is the difference between income and wealth?

The media is one explanation for why Americans have such a great fear of crime. Fill in the blanks to complete the passage.

When asked why they felt America had a crime problem, more than 75% of survey respondents referred to stories they had seen in the media. Between 1990 and 1998, America's murder rate fell by 20%, but during this time, the number of stories about murder airing on network newscasts increased by 600%.

What caused affirmative action to become controversial?

When president Kennedy issues Executive Order 10925

Who have been the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action

White Women.

Who was in charge of distributing the benefits of the GI Bill

White state and local authorities

Sociologist Devah Pager conducted an audit study of hiring practices and found that

Whites convicted of selling drugs were more likely to land a job than were blacks with no criminal history

Why is American Welfare the size it is?

Whites turned away from the Democratic Party Backlash against integration brought resistance to fair housing and public spending Johnsons War on Poverty led to continuous cuts in welfare spending

Two-thirds of all Americans collect means-tested public assistance during some point in their lives, 63 percent of them receiving Medicaid, 52 percent food stamps, and 13 percent cash assistance.

Who benefits the most from the welfare system in the United States?

(1) At the very moment when a wide array of public policies was providing most white Americans with valuable tools to advance their social welfare—insure their old age, get good jobs, acquire economic security, build assets, and gain middle-class status—most black Americans were left behind or left out. (2) Affirmative action then was white."

Why did President Franklin D. Roosevelt's antipoverty programs fail to decrease the economic division between whites and nonwhites?

(1) At the end of the twentieth century, manufacturing jobs, that employed large numbers of semiskilled black workers, were moved in large numbers from the central city to the suburbs. (2) In the past, many blacks who wanted to leave the ghetto and who had the means to do so simply couldn't because of entrenched racial segregation and the virtual absence of fair housing policy enforcement. (3) However, the Civil Rights Movement broke down legally enforced barriers to residential mobility, and many middle-class black families moved out of the central city.

Why did inner-city poverty in ghetto neighborhoods become more severe and more concentrated during the latter decades of the twentieth century?

(1) Racially Biases hiring: Research shows qualified Hispanics and blacks seeking jobs are passed over for white applicants. (2) Homosocial reproduction: authorities tend to fill positions of power with people like themselves.

Why does racial discrimination persist in today's job market?

(1) During the development of New Deal policies, the southern arm of the Democratic Party was a powerful force in the House and Senate. (2) By securing a disproportionate number of committee seats and flexing their political muscle, southern Democrats forced northern Democrats into a bargain: "Either you design New Deal policies in such a way that Jim Crow remains perched atop his roost, or we will align with the Republicans and veto them." (3) Northern Democrats gave in, barring nonwhites access to social spending programs.

Why were most black Americans left behind or left out of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs?

Who does Affirmative action increases employment for?

Women and NONwhite men

All women ar less likely to hold positions of power but _______ experience greater disadvantages

Women of color

ethnic enclave

a small area occupied by a distinctive minority culture


a system in which promotion is based on individual ability or achievement

What is affirmative action?

an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination, especially in relation to employment or education; positive discrimination. Does not allow quotas

Match each bill to its impacts on immigrants.

denied noncitizens many basic civil rights, Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options.2001 PATRIOT Act Correct label:2001 PATRIOT Act denied legal immigrants numerous public benefits, Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options.1996 Welfare Reform Act Correct label:1996 Welfare Reform Act extended the list of criminal actions that warranted deportation for noncitizens, Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options.Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act Correct label:Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act

Gangs are associated with drug trafficking and other criminal activity. Why do people join gangs?

economic opportunity, Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options. social belonging

The #MeToo movement began in October 2017 as a way to draw attention to sexual harassment in Hollywood.


Beginning in the late 1960s and into the 1970s, politicians began focusing on crime as the main problem plaguing America, even though most Americans did not view it as a major problem. Why did they do this?

politicians wanted to take the energy out of the civil rights movements

Interpersonal Racism

racial domination manifest in our dispositions, interactions, and practices

Audit Studies

research carried out by social scientists to measure the extent to which hiring practices are discriminatory.

High neighborhood crime facilitates a "cycle" that causes more crime. Drag each step to its corresponding box within this cycle.

residents lack trust in one another, community relationship unravel, informal social breaks down

In addition to America's history of racism, which is the best explanation for Americans' fears about crime in relationship to race?

some media portrayals tap into a collective fear of blackness

Social scientists have advanced three interlocking explanations for why inner-city poverty became more severe and more concentrated during the latter decades of the twentieth century. Which explanation points to the decline of manufacturing jobs?

spatial mismatch thesis

Executive Order 10925

take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.

segmented assimilation

the outcome of immigrants and their descendants moving in to different classes of the host society. No monolithic immigrant experience

Which of the following help explain why immigrants commit so few crimes?

the presence of professionals in immigrant neighborhoods, Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options. high marriage rates, Press Alt+DownArrow to open the options. a code of informal social control

Wealth Inequality

the unequal distribution of assets within a population

Compared to other abused women, black women who are raped are more likely to face pressure to stay silent about their attackers.


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