chapter 10

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

(Q035) Which of the following tribes managed to keep part of its members in their traditional land of Florida?


(Q037) Who wrote the first significant autobiography of a Native American?

William Apess

(Q030) The Tariff of 1816 protected goods produced in the United States, especially

cheap cotton textiles.

(Q017) The Panic of 1819 was caused by

the land bubble burst and fallen prices.

(Q009) Andrew Jackson was the standard-bearer for which political party?


(Q067) The election of 1824 resulted in Andrew Jackson being elected president that year.


(Q062) Andrew Jackson believed slanderous comments during his election bid contributed to his wife's early death shortly after the election.


(Q063) During the market revolution, the emergence of organized political parties spurred newspaper publication.


(Q018) Which of the following is an element of Chief Justice John Marshall's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)?

"The power to tax involves the power to destroy," and states did not have authority to destroy an agency created by the federal government.

(Q038) By what decade did white Americans consider Indians a relic of the past?


(Q006) The Constitution was amended to require states to allow women to vote in


(Q001) The author of Democracy in America was

Alexis de Tocqueville, from France.

(Q003) Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

American System program; "Tariff of Abominations"; veto of Second Bank recharter

(Q002) A significant theme of the Monroe Doctrine was that

European powers should refrain from further colonization in the Americas.

(Q042) As working-class whites gained equal rights in the political arena, they grew increasingly critical of racial inequality.


(Q044) In the election of 1824, John Quincy Adams won the popular vote, but lost the electoral vote.


(Q045) The Democrats nominated William Henry Harrison without a platform, instead promoting him as the "log cabin" candidate, or a champion of the common man.


(Q047) Despite his reputation for stubbornness, President Jackson proved timid and conciliatory during the nullification crisis and the Bank War.


(Q051) The states that entered the Union after the original thirteen made property ownership a requirement of voting, at least for a time.


(Q053) Free blacks gained the right to vote in every state in the Union after 1800.


(Q054) The charter for the Bank of the United States was renewed in 1811.


(Q058) The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was renounced by President Jackson.


(Q065) Andrew Jackson appealed to the changing voting pool because he represented those who came from generations of wealth and supported a strong federal government-controlled nation.


(Q066) Andrew Jackson and his supporters publicly argued that the presidential election of 1824 had been determined in his favor by a "corrupt bargain" between some of the participants.


(Q069) Both John C. Calhoun and Andrew Jackson believed in states' rights to nullify federal law.


(Q015) Which of the following is a true statement about Jackson's political beliefs?

He felt African-Americans should either remain as slaves or be freed and sent abroad.

(Q031) In Johnson v. M'Intosh, the Supreme Court proclaimed that

Indians were not in fact owners of their land, but merely had a "right of occupancy."

(Q013) The man who was responsible for negotiating a treaty for the United States to acquire Florida from Spain, aided in an agreement with Great Britain to fix the Canadian-American border at the 49th parallel, and wrote a majority of the Monroe Doctrine was

John Quincy Adams.

(Q022) What doctrine was articulated in a U.S. President's 1823 annual message to Congress?

Monroe Doctrine

(Q039) What state forced its Indian population to leave in the 1820s?


(Q023) What was Andrew Jackson's nickname?

Old Hickory

(Q012) By 1825, Spain's once vast American empire had been reduced to Cuba and

Puerto Rico.

(Q014) Which is true of Martin Van Buren's campaign for president?

Rather than being dangerous and divisive, he believed political parties were a necessary and desirable element of political life.

(Q004) Which of the following was a trend in American democracy during the 1820s and 1830s?

Selling candidates and their images was as important as the positions for which they stood.

(Q020) Which of the following was part of the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

Slavery was prohibited in the remaining Louisiana Territory north of 36°30'.

(Q011) Which of the following was an element in the 1841 Dorr War?

Supporters of democratic reform organized a People's Convention, which drafted a new constitution for the state of Rhode Island.

(Q008) This person refused to sign the Pennsylvania constitutional conversion document because it had a provision limiting suffrage to only whites and later became a leader in the drive for equal rights for African-Americans after the Civil War.

Thaddeus Stevens

(Q028) John Tyler was given numerous nicknames upon assuming the office of the presidency, including the title

The Executive Ass.

(Q007) Which of the following was a difference between the Democrats and the Whigs during the Jackson years?

The Whigs favored public measures and other policies to regulate personal morality; the Democrats did not.

(Q040) The Dorr War revolved around the issue of whether propertyless white men should have the right to vote.


(Q046) Between Democrats and Whigs, the Democrats found greater support among subsistence farmers, aspiring entrepreneurs, and urban workers; the Whigs found greater support among wealthy landowners and well-connected businessmen.


(Q049) President Jackson's critics called him "King Andrew."


(Q050) As a boy, Andrew Jackson had almost been killed when, during the War for Independence, a British officer struck him with his sword after the boy refused to polish the soldier's boots.


(Q064) Culturally speaking, in the United States the right to vote is tantamount to being a citizen.


(Q068) The election of 1824 injured Henry Clay's political career.


(Q070) Because of their written language and constitution, the Cherokee were considered by many white Americans to be a "civilized tribe."


(Q071) The Indian Sequoia developed an alphabet from the Cherokee language.


(Q072) Among his other plans, John Quincy Adams wanted the United States to adopt the metric system of weights and measures.


(Q024) What percentage of the adult white male population in the United States could vote by 1840?

approximately 90 percent

(Q034) Pet banks were created when

both houses of Congress approved the president's appointment for a new pet bank, which handled more gold and silver than paper money.

(Q005) William Henry Harrison's presidency ended as he

died from pneumonia a month after taking office.

(Q036) Who assisted the Red Sticks led by Osceola against the Americans?

escaped slaves

(Q010) In the mid-1800s, this concept had replaced class as the boundary between those American men who were entitled to enjoy political freedom and those who were not.


(Q016) President James Madison favored a system of national economic incentives for manufacturers, a protective tariff, a new national bank, and federal financing of roads and canals that came to be known as

the American System.

(Q021) When Thomas Jefferson wrote, "This momentous question, like a fire bell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror," he was referring to

the westward expansion of slavery.

(Q029) The government-sponsored construction of roads and canals in the early 1800s later deemed unconstitutional was called

internal improvements.

(Q027) By 1860, most states had eliminated ____________ from their voting requirements.

property requirements

(Q052) White Americans enjoyed a much less stratified system of society than did Europeans.


(Q055) The Second Bank of the United States held all the funds of the federal government and accumulated a large amount of paper money issued by local banks.


(Q056) The 1828 "tariff of abominations" led to the nullification crisis.


(Q057) John Tyler's presidency could best be summed up as devoid of accomplishment.


(Q060) Martin Van Buren's presidency, to a large degree, was occupied in dealing with issues arising from the Panic of 1837.


(Q048) President Andrew Jackson's inauguration was a quiet affair in which a small group of close-knit friends of the new president met at the White House for a solemn, elite dinner.


(Q074) While Whigs considered individual morality a private matter, not a public concern, Democrats insisted that liberty and power reinforced each other.


(Q033) Which of the following is true regarding the Bank War?

The banks tended to overissue paper money, which deteriorated the value compared to the real income of wage earners.

(Q041) Although denied the ballot, women found a voice in the public sphere during the 1820s and 1830s.


(Q075) In Worcester v. Georgia, Chief Justice Marshall described Indians as "wards" of the federal government, deserving paternal protection.


(Q059) The 1836 Specie Circular declared that the federal government would accept only specie (gold and silver) in payment for public land.


(Q019) The Era of Good Feelings was so-called because

they were years of one-party government.

(Q059) The 1836 Specie Circular declared that the federal government would accept only species (gold and silver) in payment for public land.


(Q061) The proper chronological order for presidents from 1817 forward is Monroe, J.Q. Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, and Harrison.


(Q073) During Jackson's presidency, Democrats reduced expenditures, lowered the tariff, killed the national bank, and refused pleas for federal aid to internal improvements.


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US Government and Politics Chapters 11-14

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