Chapter 10 LearnSmart

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Intimacy between individuals and their parents increases primarily between ______.

10th grade and young adulthood

Match the following age groups with the percentage reporting have had a romantic relationship in the past 18 months.

12 year- 25 15 year- 50 18 year- 60

Intimacy between individuals and their parents declines primarily between grades ______.

5 and 10

(Peers/Parents) become more important for emotional support during adolescence.


Changes in sexual impulses at puberty provide interest in sex, which leads to the development of ______.

romantic relationships

The normal and adaptive motivation that prompts most people to reconnect with others when they feel lonely is known as .

reaffiliation motive

Rita emerged from infancy with an insecure attachment, making her more sensitive to being rejected by others in later romantic encounters. We can surmise that Rita has ______.

rejection sensitivity

According to Sullivan's theory, the quality of individuals' ______ is predictive of the quality of their later romantic relationships. academic self

same-sex friendships

In the study of adolescence, intimacy does not include a(n) ______.

sexual connection

A term that represents the group of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) is ______ youth.


support is the extent to which an individual receives emotional or instrumental assistance from his or her network.


Adolescents who do not date at all show signs of ______.

stunted social development feelings of insecurity

When a friend has a problem, older adolescents are most likely to try ______ him or her.


An adolescent who enters into serious dating relationships before they are normative is termed a(n) .

early starters

During middle adolescence, girls are more likely than boys to demonstrate what behavior in their friendships?

Close friendship

Which of the following are types of adolescents who date early?

Adolescents with older siblings Adolescents who live with single mothers Early maturers whose peers are dating

A(n) interview is structured to assess an individual's attachment history and internal working model of relationships.

Adult attachment

Which of the following is structured to assess an individual's attachment history and internal working model of relationships?

Adult attachment interview

Match the age group with the corresponding phase of romantic development.

Ages 11-13- matches Choice, Socializing with potential romantic and sexual partners Socializing with potential romantic and sexual partners Ages 14-16- Developing meaningful dyadic relationships Ages 17-18- Developing concerns about commitment

Which of the following results from an increase in friendship quality over adolescence?

An increase in social competence

Which type of infant attachment is characterized by indifference on the part of the infant toward the caregiver?


Which of the following changes in adolescence enable adolescents to become more intimate people? (Select all that apply.)

Better communication skills More sophisticated conception of social relationships Advances in thinking

In general, which activity consumes most of adolescents' time?

Conversations with friends

Which type of infant attachment is characterized by extremely problematic behavior?


Which of the following are adolescents more likely than children to show toward their friends?


Those who enter into dating relationships well before their peers are termed "______."

early starters

True or false: Having friends is associated with a wide range of psychological and social problems.


True or false: In terms of the development of intimate relationships, the experiences of LGBTQ youth are roughly the same as those of their heterosexual peers.


In contrast to parent-adolescent relations, which of the following characterizes peer-adolescent relations?

Greater opportunity to express alternative views Mutuality Balance

Which of the following theorists emphasized the social aspects of growth, suggesting that psychological development can be best understood by looking at our relationships with others?

Harry Sullivan

Which of the following best describes conflict among close friends in adolescence?

Highly emotional

The model determines in large measure whether people feel trusting or apprehensive in relationships with others and whether they see themselves as worthy of others' affection.

Internal Working

What is the implicit model of interpersonal relationships that an individual employs throughout life, believed to be shaped by early attachment experiences?

Internal working model

Which of the following are girls in middle adolescence more likely to report than boys?

Intimate conversations with friends. Greater concern over loyalty Greater interest in close friendships

How has the practice of dating among adolescents changed over the past 30 years?

It has decreased substantially.

What is the first phase in the evolution of romance in the adolescent's life?

Learning about oneself as a potential romantic partner

Co-rumination contributes to ______.

emotional mimicry depression anxiety

How would most researchers describe parents' and educators' concerns over adolescents' use of social media?


Which of the following are linked to early dating among girls?

Poorer mental health Greater depression Lack of imagination

Which of the following best describes research findings on how social media affect adolescent relationships?


Which of the following do chronically lonely teenagers generally lack?

Reaffiliation motive

A heightened vulnerability to being rejected by others is called

Rejection Sensitivity

Match the type of attachment with its primary characteristic.

Secure attachment matches Choice, Trust Trust/ Anxious-avoidant attachment matches Choice, Indifference toward the caregiver/ Indifference toward the caregiver Anxious-resistant attachment matches Choice, Ambivalence Ambivalence/ Disorganized attachment matches Choice, Extremely problematic behavior Extremely problematic behavior

Which of the following is the extent to which an individual receives emotional or instrumental assistance from his or her social network?

Social support

Insecure infants are more likely to ______.

develop social problems during childhood and adolescence develop psychological problems during childhood and adolescence exhibit poor self-regulation during childhood and adolescence

Which of the following best describes conflict among casual acquaintances in adolescence?

Somewhat common

The theorist, Harry , viewed the challenges of adolescence as revolving around trying to satisfy changing interpersonal needs.


Which of the following is true regarding other-sex peer relationships during adolescence?

The amount of time adolescents spend with other-sex peers increases.

Which of the following is NOT true of girls who date early?

They are happier with how they look.

How do most young people respond to the development of romantic interests in other people?

They discuss potential romantic partners with close friends.

Excessive talking with another about problems is called


Which of the following is NOT typically a reason that early adolescents date?

To develop intimacy with the other sex

True or False: Since interpersonal development is cumulative, we know that problems in peer relationships during childhood affect the development of social competence during adolescence.


Advances in adolescents' thinking enable them to establish and maintain relationships with greater ______.


Adolescents who date and go to parties regularly ______.

are more popular have a stronger self-image

Infant is defined as a strong and enduing emotional bond between infant and caregiver.


The strong and enduring emotional bond that occurs in infancy is known as ______.


Adolescent girls' conflicts with close friends are more likely than boys' conflicts to ______.

be resolved upon delivery of an apology be centered on relationship betrayal be protracted

Relationships with the other sex play a more important role in the development of intimacy among (boys/girls) than among (boys/girls) .

boys/ girls

Conflicts between adolescents and their friends typically end with ______.


Those who date in early adolescence typically do so to ______.

establish emotional and behavioral autonomy from their parents learn about themselves as a romantic partner further the development of their gender identity

Adolescent boys' conflicts with close friends are more likely than girls' conflicts to ______.

focus on power and control

Adolescents spend more time in conversation with their ______ than in any other activity.


Adolescents who date early are likely to ______.

have a sexually active single mom

Friendship quality (decreases/increases) over adolescence.


The amount of time spent with same-sex peers remains stable through early and middle adolescence, whereas the amount of time adolescence spend with other-sex peers (increases/decreases) .


The number of peers listed as important in the life of an adolescent ______.

increases throughout adolescence

According to Sullivan, the need for (intimacy/sex) precedes the development of romantic relationships.


An emotional attachment characterized by concern for each other's well-being, a willingness to disclose private topics, and a sharing of common interests is a(n) relationship.


Those who do not have a romantic relationship until young adulthood are said to be a(n) bloomer.


People who have others to turn to for emotional support are (more/less) likely to suffer from psychological and physical disorders.


According to the internal working model, individuals who enjoyed a secure attachment relationship during infancy will have a ______ positive and healthy internal working model of relationships during adolescence, whereas those who were anxiously attached as infants will have a ______ positive one.

more; less

True or false: Adolescents who stop dating after having dated heavily often experience symptoms of depression.


True or false: Girls develop and experience intimacy earlier with same-sex friends than boys do.


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