Chapter 2: Developmental, Congenital, and Childhood Diseases and Disorders

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Childhood asthma can be treated with all of the following except?

Tetracycline (Sumycin).

Mumps is a childhood disease that is best prevented by?

The MMR vaccine.


The application of a medicine or drug through the skin, so it can be absorbed slowly into the body.


The back part of a structure, the dorsal surface.

Childhood obesity may be caused by?

The child-eating to much food and not exercising enough, fast-food restaurants type of food, snacks like cookies, crackers, candy, and soda that are high in calories.

List symptoms and sign of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?

The collapse of a healthy young athlete, cardia arrest, chest pain, syncope, hypertension, palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue.


The destruction of red blood cells with the release of hemoglobin.

If a baby is born with anencephaly, what is the prognosis?

The fetuses or neonates will lack sufficient cerebral tissue to sustain life.


The first stool of a newborn, greenish black and with a tarry consistency.


The lack of a blue appearance of the skin and mucous membrane.


The movement of a limb toward the midline or axis of the body.


The period after childbirth.


The period before childbirth.

Normal flora

The presence of normal bacteria and fungi adapted for living in, and characteristic of, the area considered.


The state or quality of dullness, prolonged sleepiness, sluggishness, or serious drowsiness.


The surgical or pathologic connection between two vessels or tubular structures.

The test for cystic fibrosis that measure the levels of sodium and chloride is called what?

The sweat test reveals elevated levels of sodium and chloride.


The temporary cessation of breathing.


The tightness of the prepuce of the penis prevents the retraction of the foreskin over the glands.

Trace fetal circulation from umbilical vein through the system to umbilical artery?

The umbilical vein transports oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to the fetus.

List the four abnormalities present in the heart of an infant who has tetralogy of Fallot?

(1) VSD, an abnormal opening in the ventricular septum. (2) Pulmonary stenosis, a tightening of the pulmonary valve or vessel. (3)Dextroposition of the aorta, which overrides the VSD. (4) Right Ventricular hyper trophy, caused by increased pressure in the ventricle.

Autosomal inherited condtion

When an abnormal gene causes the condition is on one of the 22 pairs of autosome and can be dominant or recessive.

Describe patent ductus arteriosus?

PDS happens when the ductus fails to functionally close.

List he major clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis?

Paroxysmal cough, exercise intolerance, pneumonia, bulky diarrhea, vomiting, bowel obstruction. Pancreatic changes occur, with fat and fiber replacing normal tissue, etc.

Acute tonsillitis (strep positive) is generally treated with ___ to prevent rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease.



Perceivable by touch.


Pertaining to a secondary disorder associated with hospitalization.

The condition were the foreskin of the penis does not have adequate opening to allow it to be pulled back over the end of the penis is called?


List examples of helminths that can live in the gastrointestinal tract?

Pinworms, whipworms, roundworms, hookworms, port tapeworms, and beef tapeworms.

An infant with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is very susceptible to respiratory infections, such as ____ and ____.

Pneumonia, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).


Present at birth, as a congential anomaly or defect.

An infant with ____ ____ has episodes of projectile vomiting after feeding. The onset of symptoms usually begins within 2 to 3 weeks after birth.

Pyloric stenosis.


Rapid and shallow respirations.


Rapid heartbeat; greater than 100 beats per minute.

List the symptoms associated with adenoid hyperplasia?

Recurrent otitis media, conductive hearing loss, breathe from the mouth, snores, sleep apnea, and the child's speech has a nasal quality.

Croup is an acute, severe inflammation and obstruction to which of the following?

Respiratory tract.

The number one cause of death in children between the ages of 1 month and 1 year is?

Sudden infant death syndrome.

An infant with cri du chat syndrome exhibits an abnormally ____ head; and, if born alive, the infant will have a weak ____ catlike cry.

small, mewing.

At what age should a child receive the second MMR?

Between 4-6 years old.

At what age should a child receive influenza vaccine?

Between 6 months and 6 years old.

Is the condition of conjoined twins more prevalent in females or males?


The diagnosis of congenital anomalies in a fetus can be accomplished by amniocentesis between the ____ and ____ week of pregancy.

Fifteenth, eighteenth.

Women of childbearing age are advised to increase their intake of ____ to help prevent neural tube defects in their unborn child.

Folic acid.

If a child is born with tetralogy of Fallot, how many actual heart defects are present?


Klinefelter's syndrome and Turner's syndrome are both chromosome disorders. Which one affects males, and which one affects females?

Klinefelter's syndrome affects males and Turner's syndrome affects females.


Labored or difficulty breathing.

Loss of appetite, vomiting, irritability, and ataxic gait are symptoms associated with?

Lead poisoning.

The most common childhood malignancy is?



A bluish appearance of the skin and mucous membrane that usually indicates reduced hemoglobin levels in the blood.


Loss of appetite for food.


Low oxygen levels in tissue.


Narrowing of an opening.

What is the weight range for premature infants?

12 ounces or less.

What is the recommend schedule for Haemophilus influenzae type B immunizations?

A child should receive their first vaccine at 2 months old. The 2nd dose at 4 and 6 months old. At age 9 months old is the recommended age to catch-up for immunizations. Between 12 months and 15 months is the recommended age for the 3rd or 4th dose. Between 18 months and 5 years old is the recommended age to catch-up for immunizations. Ages between 5 years and 18 years old is the range of recommended ages for certain high-risk groups.


A condition of nearsightedness.


A condition that occurs when blood in the circulatory system is decreased.

The incubation period for tetanus is ____ to ____ days, with onset commonly occurring at about ____ days.

3, 21, 8.

Preterm birth or prematurity is the result of birth before which week of gestation?

37 week of gestation.


A disorder in which an organ or tissue of the body is aggravated by defective nutrition.


A drug or treatment that reduces of relieves fever.


After childbirth, relating to the mother's condition.

The causative agent of mumps is a(n) ____ virus, which is spread by ____ nuclei from the respiratory tract.

Airborne, droplet.

At what age should a child receive the first varicella immunization?

Between 12 and 15 months old.


An abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

Closure of patent ductus arteriosus may be attempted by drug therapy using?

An antiprostaglandin.


An electrodiagnostic assessment of the activity of skeletal muscles.

Name an example of an abnormality that may be detected by examination of amniotic fluid?

An elevated alpha-fetoprotein level.


An impaired ability to coordinate movement, often characterized by a staggering gait and posture imbalance.

When should an infant receive the first in the series of hepatitis B immunizations?

An infant should receive the first Hep B vaccine at birth.


An obstetric procedure in which a small amount of amniotic fluid is removed for laboratory analysis.

Foramen ovale

An opening in the septum between the right and left atria of the fetal heart.


An opening through the neck into the trachea in which a tube may be inserted.

Explain how retinopathy of prematurity (retrolental fibroplasia) is diagnosed?

An ophthalmologist uses an ophthalmoscope and scleral depression to visualize the retina, lens, and iris.


An underdeveloped brain and an incomplete skull, where there is a defect of the neural tube during development.

Which measure are treatment for lead poisoning?

Antiemetics help to control nausea and vomiting, sedation is given for convulsions.

Medications that contain ____ may mask the symptoms of Reye's syndrome and are generally avoided in the treatment of chickenpox.


Reye's syndrome has been associated with the use of?


The leading cause of absenteeism is school children is?


What color is the skin a baby born with tetralogy of Fallot?


Phenylketonuria is an inborn error in the metabolism of amino acids that causes ____ and ____ if not treated.

Brain damage, intellectual developmental disorders.

Congenital ____ defects are developmental anomalies of the heart or ____ of the heart.

Cardiac, great vessels.

What is considered to be the most common crippling condition of children?

Cerebral Palsy.

Which type of congenital disorders can be diagnosed by amniocentesis?

Chromosomal abnormalities.

What occurs when there is a failure in the separation process of identical twins before the 13th day after fertilization?

Conjoined Twins occurs.

Distinguish between croup and epiglottis?

Croup is an acute, severe inflammation and obstruction of the respiratory tract. Epiglottis is the inflammation of the epiglottis.

The failure of the testicle(s) to descend into the scrotum is called?


An atrial septic defect that is large would cause pronounced symptoms of ____, ____ and ____.

Cyanosis, dyspnea, syncope.


Death of tissue.

What is the method of transmission for lead poisoning?

Developed in children who eat flakes of peeling paint, drink water from lead pipes, or ingest lead salts in certain foods, some imported toys, lead dust in soil contaminated by exhaust from gasoline.


Difficulty speaking, usually caused by a lesion in the CNS.

Diphtheria can be prevented by the administration of ____ to produce active immunity.

Diphtheria toxoid.

What are the two formal of Robinow syndrome?

Dominant and recessive.

What treatment options are available to a baby born with patent ductus arteriosus?

Drug therapy by using antiprostaglandin or ibuprofen and the other is surgical closure of the ductus.

The most progressive from of muscular dystrophy is?



Enlargement of an organ or structure.

The exact cause of spina bifida is unknown. However, ____ and ____ factors may play a role. In addition, a decrease in the amount of ____ and ____ may contribute to the occurence.

Environmental, genetic, vitamin A, folic acid.

The drug of choice to treat pertussis (whooping cough) is ____.



Fainting, lightheadedness.

The prognosis for cleft lip and cleft palate is ____ with surgical repair.



Having two horns or processes.

List symptoms and signs of Down syndrome?

Heart defects, congenital abnormalities, small head with a flat back skull, slant to the eyes, flat nasal bridge, small low-set ears, small mouth with a protruding tongue, and small week muscles. Hands are short, stubby fingers, deep horizontal crease across the palm, and a exaggerated space between the toes.

What is another name for infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS)?

Hyaline membrane disease.

Intracranial pressure is present when cerebrospinal fluid accumulated in the skull when the patient has?


An electrocardiogram is suggested for athletes to identify those who may have?

Hypertrophic cardiomegaly.

One way to prevent epidemic of contagious disease is?


What is the cause of cerebral palsy?

Inadequate blood or oxygen supply to the brain during fetal development, the birth process, or in early childhood until about age 9 years.

List three causes of prematurity?

Incompetent cervix, bicornuate uterus, toxic conditions.

When a person is diagnosed with leukemia, there will be a(n)?

Increase in white blood cells.

Sensitivity to iron or cow's milk may cause?

Infantile colic.

Cite possible causes of nongenetic congenital abnormalities that may be present in a child?

Infection in the mother, drugs taken by the mother, the age of the mother, radiographic examination earlier in the pregnancy, and injury to the mother or fetus.


Inflammation of one or more joints that can cause pain and stiffness.


Inflammation of the bursa, the connective tissue structure surrounding a joint.

List causes of anemia?

Iron deficiency, acute or chronic blood loss, decreased blood formation, nutritional deficiency disorders, hemolytic disease, inhibition or loss of bone marrow, and sickle cell disease.


Itching, itchiness.

Roundworms, pinworms, and tapeworm can be treated with which medication?

Mebendazole (Vermox).

Discuss possible causes and prevention of SIDS?

Mother's age less than 20, poor prenatal care, smoking, and drug abuse during pregnancy, exposing the infant to secondhand smoke, prematurity, recent upper respiratory tract infection, etc. Preventions include not sleeping in a prone position unless supervised, no exposure to cigarette smoke, firm bedding, etc.

Muscular dystrophy is diagnosed by muscle by ____, ____, ____.

Muscle biopsy, electromyography (EMG), elevated serum creatinine kinase (CK).

Identify the most serious form of spina bifida?

Myelomeningocele is the most serious form of spina bifida.

Erythroblastosis fetalis is condition caused by?

Rh incompatibility.

List a few precaution women can take to help decrease the risk of abnormal fetal development?

Rho(D) immune globulin is given to the Rh-positive pregnant woman as soon as possible to prevent Rh isoimmunization and complications.

Muscular Dystrophy is a progressive degeneration and weakening of the skeletal muscles abnormally vulnerable to injury. MD initially affects which muscles?

Shoulders, hips, thigh, and calves of the legs.

Treatment for hydrocephalus usually includes placing a(n) ____ in the ventricular or subarachnoid spaces to drain off the excessive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).


What are some of the physical characteristics that a child with Down syndrome will exhibit?

Small head with a flat back skull, a characteristic slant to the eyes, flat nasal bridge, small low-set years, small mouth with a protruding tongue, small, weak muscles. The hands are short with stubby fingers, deep horizontal crease across the palm, and a exaggerated space between the big and little toe.

List the three major types of Cerebral palsy.

Spastic CP is characterized by hyperactive reflexes or rapid muscle contractions. Athetoid CP is by involuntary muscle movements during stress, and reduced muscle tone. Ataxic CP is by a lack of control over voluntary movements, poor balance, and a wide gait.

Treatment of hydrocephalus include?

Starting surgical intervention to insert a shunt.

The umbilical cord contains ____ and ____.

To arteries, one vein.

Explain the goal of treatment for cerebral palsy?

To minimize the handicap by providing every possible therapeutic measure to help the child reach his or her potential.

Rheumatic fever, kidney complications, and rheumatic heart disease may be complications of untreated?

Tonsillitis caused by A beta-hemolytic streptococci.

Explain the treatment measures that may be used if clubfoot is present?

Treatment must start early in the neonatal period and a cast or splint is used. The cast must be reapplied at frequent intervals as the correction increases and the infant grows. The child must be observed throughout childhood for reversal of improvement.


Treatment of disease by exposure to light.


Unusual sensitivity to light.

Identify the organism responsible for causing chickenpox?

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) and known as human herpes virus 3 (HHV-3).

Name the most common congenital disorder?

Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD).

A common disease in infancy, bronchiolitis is usually caused by a(n) ____.


Hypertension, hematuria, and pain are symptoms of?

Wilms Tumor.

Nsme the most common kidney tumor childhood?

Wilms Tumor.

Surgical intervention for myelomeningocele is recommended when?

Within the first 24 hours of life.

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