Chapter 2 (formulating hypotheses and research questions)

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directional hypothesis

a hypothesis that makes a specific prediction about the direction of the relationship between two variables


a measurable characteristic that varies amend the subjects being studied

hypothesis generating study

a study that generates hypotheses by pulling together pieces of data from several descriptive/exploratory studies

independent variables

a variable that is manipulated and controlled by the researcher; also called a predictor variable. usually symbolized by the letter x

extraneous variable

a variable that is not controlled for in a study, which threatens the internal validity of the study

dependent variable

a variable that is observed for changes or to assess the possible effect of a treatment of manipulation, may be the effect or outcome of an experimental procedure; also referred to as criterion variable. usually symbolized by the letter Y

limiting hypotheses to a single relationship between two variables adds

clarity in terms of understanding the intended relationship and the conclusions that follow data analysis

good hypothesis state

clearly and concisely the expected relationship (or difference) between two or more variables

directional hypothesis states

direction of relationship between variables directional hypothesis are more clearer and more logical than nondirectional researchers are better able to indicate a direction of relationship between the variables being studied as knowledge about particular topic increases ex: women who have higher levels of depressive symptoms will have lower levels of maternal fetal attachment

one purpose of hypotheses is to

guide scientific inquiry for the advancement of knowledge. another purpose is to provide direction for the research design and the collection, analyzed, and interpretation of data

qualitiative research

provides information regarding individuals values, beliefs, understandings and interpretations in order to discover meaningful patterns of a particular phenomenon leading to hypothesis generating research

hypotheses provide a framework for

reporting the conclusions of a study, each hypothesis is tested separately and conclusions relevant to each are stated

stating hypotheses and research questions require

the researcher to identify variables that are pertinent to the study

hypothesis and research questions influence

the study design, sampling techniques and plans for data collection and analysis.

Y the observed outcome

which is dependent variable

X represents the treatment

which is independent variable or variable manipulated by the researcher

nondirectional hypothesis

a hypothesis that does not stipulate in advance the direction and nature of the relationship between two variables

research question

a concise, interrogative statement written in the present tense that includes one or more variables

research hypothesis ( H1 or Ha)

a hypothesis stating a relationship or difference between two variables, also called an alternative, declarative, or scientific hypothesis

null hypothesis (H0)

a hypothesis stating that no relationship or difference exists between two variables. also called statistical hypothesis

quantitative research (traditional approach) describes

a phenomenon and tests relationships between and among independent and dependent variables leading to hypothesis testing research


a statement about the relationship between the variables that are being investigated

simple hypothesis

a statement explaining and or predicting a relationship between one independent and one dependent variable

hypothesis is

a statement that explains or predicts the relationship or difference between two or more variables in terms or expected results or outcomes of a study

research hypothesis also referred to as

alternative declarative or scientific hypothesis, states that no relationship or difference exists between variables

a research question is a

concise, interrogative statement written in the present tense with one or more variables or concepts. research questions focus on describing variables examining relationships among variables and determining differences between two or more groups regarding the selected variables how is X described? (describing variables) what is the perception of x? (describing variables) is x related to y? (examining relationships) what is the relationship between x and y? examining relationships) is there a difference between groups 1 and 2 with respect to y? (determining difference)

dependent variable is also called

criterion or outcome variable is the variable that is observed for change or reaction after the treatment is applied under investigation researchers determine to be a result of conducting the study

a hypothesis must state an

expected relationship between two variables

children ages 5 to 10 years old who are provided with prior information about their tonsillectomy will experience less post op anxiety than children of same age who do not receive prior info the independent and dependent variable

independent variable is prior info about tonsillectomies and is considered the treatment dependent variable is post op anxiety- focus of the study

simple hypotheses examples: subjects will have less discomfort following administration of the two track intramuscular injection compared with administration by standard injection

independent- type of injection administered( two track versus standard) dependenet- discomfort

simple hypotheses examples: patients with greater knowledge of diabetes will have significantly higher rates of adherence to the treatment regimen than will patients who have less knowledge about diabetes

independent-amount of knowledge (greater vs lesser) dependent- compliance adherence

simple hypotheses examples: healthy young adults who consume 720 mL of ice water within 10 min will have significant increase in systolic bp as compared with healthy young adults who consume 720 mL of room temp water within 10 min

independent: temp of water ( ice vs room temp water) dependent: systolic bp

complex hypotheses newborns fed at 1, 2, 3 hours of life (HOL) produce stool earlier, have lower serum indirect bilirubin levels, less observed jaundice at 48 HOL, and a lower percentage of weight loss than do infants initially fed at 4 HOLD

independent: times of feeding ( 1, 2, 3 HOL versus 4) dependent: time of stool, level of indirect bilirubin, presence/absence of jaundice at 48 HOL, percentage of weight loss

complex hypotheses abdominal surgery patients who received preoperative teaching will have a decreased perception of pain and request fewer analgesics than patients undergoing abdominal surgery who receive structured post op teaching

independent: timing of teaching ( pre op vs post op) dependent: perception of pain, request for analgesics

variable is a

measurable characteristic that varies amend the subjects begin studied research variables are either independent or dependent

null hypothesis states that

no relationship or difference exists between two variables ex: there will be no significant difference in the weights of children obtained while being help by an adult on adult scales compared with the weights children obtained using infant scales

the hypothesis is the researches

prediction about the outcome of the study

complex hypothesis states

relationship between two or more independent variables and two or more dependent varaibles

nondirectional hypothesis states

relationship between variables but it has no specifc direction what is the relationship between X and Y?

hypotheses are never proved

right or wrong through testing hypotheses are either supported or not supported, based on the collection and analysis of the data

to test a hypothesis, research determines the

sample, measuring instruments, design, and procedure for collecting data. a testable hypothesis is one that contains variables that are measurable, with a relationship that can be either supported or not supported based on data collected

hypotheses are classified as:

simple versus complex nondirectional versus directional statistical versus research

deductive reasoning is a process that beings with a general picture and moves to

specific direction or prediction derived from theory and contribute to science of nursing by providing evidence that supports, expands, contradicts a given theory ex: social support will be associated with preference for engaging in physical activity with others at a community or diabetes center or having supervised instructed sessions

null hypothesis (H0) also called

statisitical hypothesis

examples of independent and dependent variables: nursing home residents exposed to 10 minutes of calming music experience less agitation than those who receive no such intervention

subject = nursing home residents X- 10 minutes of calming music Y- less agitation

examples of independent and dependent variables: children with a high sense of humor adjust better to having cancer than do those children with a low sense of humor

subjects= children X- sense of humor ( high vs low) Y- better adjustment to cancer

examples of independent and dependent variables: children ages 5-10 years old provided with prior information about their tonsillectomy will experience less postoperative anxiety than children of the same age who do not receive information

subjects= children ages 5-10 X- provided with prior information Y- less postoperative anxiety

examples of independent and dependent variables: patients who have had internal mammary artery grafting following coronary artery bypass surgery will experience greater chest pain or discomfort than patients who have had saphenous vein grafting

subjects= patients X-internal mammary artery grafting following coronary artery bypass surgery Y- greater chest pain or discomfort

simple hypothesis states

the relationship between two variables. this makes it easier for readers to understand and formulate conclusions following data analysis

hypotheses provide direction for the researchers efforts and determine the research method and type of data

to be collected

independent variable is a

variable that is observed, introduced or manipulated to determine the effect it has on another variable independent variable may be classifie as an experimental, treatment, intervention, or predictor variable treatment means manipulation

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