Chapter 22 - HW assignment

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The formation of sperm cells (spermatogenesis) occurs in the _____. The resulting cells mature into sperm cells in the _____

seminiferous tubules; epididymis

What are gametes?

sex cells produced by the reproductive organs

A cross-over in meiosis is an exchange of genetic material between what structures?

chromatids of homologous chromosomes

Which of the structures would be scar tissue?

corpus albicans

After ovulation, the remnant of the follicle goes through what changes (assuming fertilization did not occur)?

corpus luteum to corpus albicans

In males, testosterone is converted to ______, which then stimulates cells of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and external accessory organs.


Spermatogenesis occurs in the

seminiferous tubules

Of the cells undergoing spermatogenesis, which have 46 chromosomes?

spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes

List the correct order of cell stages in spermatogenesis

spermatogonium → primary spermatocyte → secondary spermatocyte

During the female reproductive cycle, what triggers ovulation?

surge in blood levels of luteinizing hormone

Of the various classes of birth control methods, what is the most effective?

surgical intervention

What structures help support the breast tissue?

suspensory ligament

prior to ovulation, follicle progresses through what stages

primordial, primary, secondary, mature

The development, maintenance, and regulation of the male and female reproductive systems are the functions of:

reproductive hormones

Name the first haploid cells (with 23 chromosomes) produced during spermatogenesis

secondary spermatocyte

During sperm development, the process of meiosis 1 results in cells called

secondary spermatocytes

A patient presents with low semen volume. In addition, he has a decrease in sperm motility due to a decrease in nutrients that supply energy to power the flagella. Which of the phone accessory glance of the protective system may be malfunctioning?

seminal vesicle

Define synapsis

Pairing of homologous chromosomes

A diaphragm or a condom used with spermicide are examples of ________ methods of birth control.


Describe the chromosome number before and after meiosis ll


Describe the chromosome number before and after the fist meiosis division (meiosis 1)

2N—-> 1N

During the female reproductive cycle, what triggers menstruation?

A decrease in blood levels of estrogens and progesterone

The anterior pituitary releases two gonadotropins that target the testes; ______ promotes the development of cells that secrete testosterone and _____ stimulates cells that will give rise to sperm cells


Describe the fate of each spermatid.

It differentiates into a sperm cell.

What is the definition of capacitation?

Weakening of the acrosomal membrane, conferring on the sperm the ability to fertilize an egg.

What is the theca?

a capsule around a follicle

During spermatogenesis, a spermatogonium divided by mitosis to produce

a spermatogonium and a primary spermatocyte

Within the mammary glands, milk is produced by _____ glands.


In the presence of the hormones ______ and testosterone, substentacular cells stimulate the spermatogenic cells to undergo spematogenesis, giving rise to sperm cells

follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

Where does a corpus luteum form?

from a follicle that ovulated an oocyte

What disease is caused by the human papilloma virus?

genital warts

Name the cells surrounding an oocyte

granulosa cells

The corona radiate consists of

granulosa cells

Beginning at puberty, primary oocytes continue meiosis. The resulting cells are secondary oocytes (future egg cells) in which the original chromosomes number is


When homologous chromosomes are paired up during the first meiotic division (meiosis 1), they may trade segments, forming new combinations of genetic material. What is this called?

homologous recombination

What cells produce androgens (including) testosterone?

interstitial cells of the testes

On the day 14 of the reproductive cycle, an oocyte is ovulates from what structure?

mature follicle

What period of time is defined by the cessation of the reproductive cycle?


What is the name of the process that results in the formation of the female gametes by meiosis?


What is the process of egg formation called?


Although mammary glands in males and females are similar, the development of mammary glands is different in males and females. Why?

ovarian hormones stimulate development of mammary glands in females

In a nonpregnant female, what is the primary source of estrogens and progesterone?


In erectile tissue, impulses from the _____ nervous system cause _____ of the arteries and subsequent ____ of the veins. Consequently, blood accumulated in the erectile tissue, producing an erection.

parasympathetic; dilation; constriction

A condition called ___, in which bacteria spread throughout the reproductive organs, can result from gonorrheal of chlamydial infections.

pelvic inflammatory disease

How do birth control methods that involve the women receiving a combination of estrogen and progestin (as the "pill" or as a patch, ring, or injection) function as birth control?

preventing development, ovulation, or implantation of an oocyte

What is the definition of contraception?

the prevention of pregnancy

Describe the four daughter cells produces by the process of meiosis

they have one of each homologous pair of chromosomes found in the parent cell

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