Chapter 27: Cultural Studies

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is the process of speaking out on oppression and linking that subjugation with media representations.


A neo-Marxist critique that sets forth the position that mass media manufactures consent for dominant ideologies is known as

Cultural studies

the term ____ indicates communication that established frameworks of interpretation.


The process by which unquestioned and seemingly natural ways of interpreting the world become ideologies is known as

Discursive formation

The belief that human behavior and relationships are ultimately caused by differences in financial resources and the disparity in power that those gaps create is called

Economic determinism

The subtle sway of society's haves over its have-nots is called


According to Hall, identify the true statement about information displayed by the media.

It is controlled by the corporations that own that particular media

What is a characteristic of Hall's cultural studies?

It places more emphasis on resistance than on rationality.

Match the following statements of Hall to their appropriate explanations.

Pessimism of the intellect --- Hall has trouble believing that the powerless can change the system Optimism of the will --- Hall is determined to do everything to expose and alter the media's structuring of reality

Phoenix Inc. is a corporation that owns Coffee Today, a lifestyle magazine; Star Universal, a TV channel; and Today's Times, a newspaper publishing firm. According to Hall's cultural studies, who would most likely decide and control the information that is displayed in the above forms of media?

Phoenix Inc.

Hall regards the masses as cultural dupes who are easily manipulated by those who control the media.

Reason: This is false. He doesn't regard the masses as cultural dupes who are easily manipulated by those who control the media.

True or false: All of the media's ideological work is accomplished through the presentation of news.

Reason: This is false. Not all of the media's ideological work is accomplished through the presentation of news.

According to Hall, which of the following has caused the study of communication theoretically less relevant?

Stripping the study of communication away from a cultural context

What makes Deetz consider that employees are complicit in their own victimization?

They unknowingly accomplish the desires of the management in an attempt to fulfill their own interests.

Hall refers to his work as cultural studies rather than media studies because:

academic isolation separates messages from the culture they inhabit.

According to Foucault's findings, discursive formations resulted from the _____.

arbitrary lines drawn by people with power

According to Winslow, the primary goal of ideological scholarship is to:

bring comfort to the afflicted.

According to Stan Deetz, a critical theorist, the term ______ describes how workers unwittingly accomplish the desires of management in the faulty attempt to fulfill their own interests.


According to Hall's cultural studies, _____ prevents stories from being told in the mass media.

corporate control over information

Hall considers the cultural studies approach valid when it _____.

deconstructs an existing media research establishment that fails to deal with ideology

According to Hall, the mainstream mass communication research in the United States serves the myth of _____.

democratic pluralism

The myth of _____ is the pretense that society is held together by common norms.

democratic pluralism

According to Stuart Hall, meaning is acquired through _____.


According to Hall, the fact that the media present a preferred interpretation of human events:

doesn't mean an audience will take in the offered ideology.

In the context of cultural studies, Hall does not support:

economic determinism.

According to Hall, the purpose of cultural studies and research is to:

empower people who live on the margins of society.

One of the factors discovered by Herbert Gans that affect the selection of news is _____.


According to Hall, it is not just enough to simply recognize the meaning created in a discourse but one must also _____.

examine the sources of that discourse

In an international context, ______ usually refers to the preponderant influence or domination of one nation over another.


hall drew upon the concept of ______ to explain why the revolution Marx predicted hasn't occurred in any industrial society.


Hall considers economic determinism as oversimplification because:

it sees all economic, political, and social relationships as ultimately based on money.

In relation to Hall's concept of discourse, the sources of a discourse that are required to be examined include ______.

its originators

According to Luke Winslow, representation of ordinary people on reality TV shows _____.

offers its viewer more explicit guidelines for living

One of the three decoding options a powerless audience uses to resist dominant ideologies portrayed by media is by:

operating inside the dominant code.

According to Hall, cultural analysis that takes power relationships into consideration helps:

people who have little say in their lives.

Consistent with his brand of Marxism, Hall insists that communication scholarship should examine _____.

power relations

According to Winslow's critique of ideological scholarship, the comfortable are afflicted by:

questioning taken-for-granted assumptions.

In the context of media studies, Hall believes that it is a mistake to treat communication as a(n):

separate academic discipline.

In the context of articulation, ______ provide the terrain where meaning is shaped.

the communication media

Telemax is a corporation that owns a TV broadcasting network. According to Hall, the information that people receive from the network is most likely controlled by _____.

the corporation, Telemax

According to Gans' view in relation to the impact of the news source on its selection, bulk of broadcast and print news comes from:

those who already have power.

In relation to cultural studies, one of Hall's aims was to:

unmask the power imbalances within society.

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