Chapter 28. EMT, Chapter 27. EMT, Chapter 26, Chapter 25, Chapter 24. EMT, EMT

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The phrenic nerves control the diaphragm and exit the spinal cord at:

C3, C4, and C5.

Which of the following statements regarding abdominal trauma is correct?

The absence of abdominal pain does not rule out intra-abdominal bleeding.

Which of the following statements regarding motor nerves is correct

They carry information from the CNS to the muscles.

Which of the following statements regarding motor nerves is correct?

They carry information from the CNS to the muscles.

The MOST reliable sign of a head injury is:

a decreased level of consciousness.

Compression injuries to the abdomen that occur during a motor vehicle crash are typically the result of:

a poorly placed lap belt.

An indicator of an expanding intracranial hematoma or rapidly progressing brain swelling is:

a rapid deterioration of neurologic signs.

A flail chest occurs when:

a segment of the chest wall is detached from the thoracic cage.

When immobilizing a seated patient with a short backboard or vest-style immobilization device, you should apply a cervical collar:

after assessing distal neurovascular functions.

Subcutaneous emphysema is an indication that:

air is escaping into the chest wall from a damaged lung

The body's functions that occur without conscious effort are regulated by the _________ nervous system.


When documenting a call involving a female patient who was sexually assaulted, the EMT should

avoid speculation and document only factual data.

When worn properly, a seatbelt should lie:

below the anterior superior iliac spines of the pelvis and against the hip joints.

Rapid deceleration of the head, such as when it impacts the windshield, causes:

compression injuries or bruising to the anterior portion of the brain and stretching or tearing to the posterior portion of the brain.

Hemoptysis is defined as:

coughing up blood.

Difficulty breathing and a sunken appearance of the anterior abdominal wall is MOST indicative of a ruptured:


Common signs and symptoms of a chest injury include all of the following, EXCEPT:


Bleeding within the brain tissue itself is called a(n)

intracerebral hematoma.

In contrast to a cerebral concussion, a cerebral contusion:

involves physical injury to the brain tissue.

The _________ nervous system consists of 31 pairs of spinal nerves and 12 pairs of cranial nerves.


When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated:

the heart rate decreases and the blood vessels dilate.

A 19-year-old male is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless after being struck in the center of the chest with a softball. Based on the mechanism of injury, what MOST likely occurred?

ventricular fibrillation when the impact occurred during a critical portion of the cardiac cycle

Pleural fluid is contained between the:

visceral and parietal pleurae.

A 66-year-old male presents with dark red rectal bleeding and abdominal pain. He is conscious and alert; however, his skin is cool and clammy and his heart rate is elevated. Further assessment reveals that his blood pressure is 112/60 mm Hg. Which of the following questions would be MOST pertinent to ask him?

Have you experienced recent abdominal trauma?

Following blunt abdominal trauma, a 30-year-old male complains of referred pain to the left shoulder. This finding is called the:

Kehr sign.

Which of the following statements regarding a basilar skull fracture is correct?

The absence of raccoon eyes or Battle's sign does not rule it out.

Which of the following statements regarding abdominal eviscerations is correct?

The protruding organs should be kept warm and moist.

The mesentery is

a membranous fold that attaches the intestines to the walls of the body

While jogging, a 19-year-old male experienced an acute onset of shortness of breath and pleuritic chest pain. He is conscious and alert with stable vital signs. Your assessment reveals that he has diminished breath sounds over the left side of the chest. You should:

administer oxygen and transport to the hospital.

A 54-year-old male experienced an avulsion to his penis when his foreskin got caught in the zipper of his pants. He was able to unzip his pants and remove the foreskin prior to your arrival. Your assessment reveals that he is in severe pain and that the avulsion is bleeding moderately. The MOST appropriate treatment for this patient includes:

applying direct pressure with a dry, sterile dressing.

A female patient with a suspected spinal injury is breathing with a marked reduction in tidal volume. The MOST appropriate airway management for her includes:

assisting ventilations at an age-appropriate rate.

A 20-year-old male was accidentally shot in the right upper abdominal quadrant with an arrow during an archery contest. Prior to your arrival, the patient removed the arrow. Your assessment reveals that he is conscious and alert with stable vital signs. The entrance wound is bleeding minimally and appears to be superficial. You should:

assume that the arrow injured an internal organ.

An epidural hematoma is MOST accurately defined as:

bleeding between the skull and dura mater.

Which of the following sets of vital signs depicts Cushing's triad?

blood pressure, 190/110 mm Hg; pulse, 55 beats/min; respirations, 30 breaths/min

A football player was struck by another player in the right flank area just below the posterior rib cage. He complains of severe pain and point tenderness to the area. Your assessment reveals that there is a small amount of blood in his underwear. You should be MOST suspicious for:

blunt injury to the kidney.

The central nervous system (CNS) is composed of the:

brain and spinal cord.

Patients with rib fractures will commonly:

breathe rapidly and shallowly

Coordination of balance and body movement is controlled by the:


A temporary loss or alteration of part or all of the brain's abilities to function without physical damage to the brain MOST accurately describes a(n):

cerebral concussion.

The MOST common and serious complication of a significant head injury is:

cerebral edema.

The five sections of the spinal column, in descending order, are the:

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal.

Signs and symptoms of a tension pneumothorax include all of the following, EXCEPT:

collapsed jugular veins.

You are transporting a stable patient with a possible pneumothorax. The patient is receiving 100% oxygen and has an oxygen saturation of 95%. During your reassessment, you find that the patient is now confused, hypotensive, and profusely diaphoretic. What is MOST likely causing this patient's deterioration?

compression of the aorta and vena cava

Your presence is requested by law enforcement to assess a 33-year-old female who was sexually assaulted. The patient is conscious and obviously upset. As you are talking to her, you note an impressive amount of blood on her clothes in the groin area. Her blood pressure is 98/58 mm Hg, her pulse is 130 beats/min, and her respirations are 24 breaths/min. You should:

control any external bleeding, administer oxygen, and transport at once

The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by the


Accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity will MOST likely cause:


Following a stab wound to the left anterior chest, a 25-year-old male presents with a decreased level of consciousness and signs of shock. Which of the following additional assessment findings should increase your index of suspicion for a cardiac tamponade?

engorged jugular veins

When immobilizing a patient on a long backboard, you should:

ensure that you secure the torso before securing the head.

Which of the following head injuries would cause the patient's condition to deteriorate MOST rapidly?

epidural hematoma

The hormone responsible for the actions of the sympathetic nervous system is:


The MOST important treatment for patients with a head injury, regardless of severity, is

establish an adequate airway.

It would be MOST appropriate to perform a focused secondary assessment on a patient who:

fainted and fell to the ground from a standing position.

Contraction or tensing of the abdominal muscles in an effort to ease pain is called:


Air bags, in conjunction with properly worn seatbelts, are MOST beneficial when a person is involved in a:

head-on crash

A sign of kidney damage following blunt trauma is:


Peritonitis, an intense inflammatory reaction of the abdominal cavity, usually occurs when:

hollow abdominal organs are damaged and spill their contents.

You respond to a residence for a 40-year-old female who was assaulted by her husband; the scene has been secured by law enforcement. Upon your arrival, you find the patient lying supine on the floor in the kitchen. She is semiconscious with severely labored breathing. Further assessment reveals a large bruise to the left anterior chest, jugular venous distention, and unilaterally absent breath sounds. As your partner is supporting her ventilations, you should:

immediately request ALS support

A 45-year-old male was working on his roof when he fell approximately 12′,landing on his feet. He is conscious and alert and complains of an ache in his lower back. He is breathing adequately and has stable vital signs. You should:

immobilize his spine and perform a focused secondary exam.

You are transporting a 42-year-old male who experienced blunt abdominal trauma. He is receiving oxygen at 12 L/min via a nonrebreathing mask, and full spinal precautions have been applied. During your reassessment, you note his level of consciousness has decreased and his respirations have become shallow. You should:

insert an airway adjunct if he will tolerate it and begin assisting his ventilations with a bag-mask device.

The MOST critical treatment for a tension pneumothorax involves:

inserting a needle through the rib cage into the pleural space.

During your primary assessment of a semiconscious 30-year-old female with closed head trauma, you note that she has slow, shallow breathing and a slow, bounding pulse. As your partner maintains manual in-line stabilization of her head, you should:

instruct him to assist her ventilations while you perform a rapid assessment.

During your assessment of a patient who experienced blunt trauma to the abdomen, you notice bruising around the umbilicus. This is a sign of

intra-abdominal bleeding.

During your assessment of a patient who experienced blunt trauma to the abdomen, you notice bruising around the umbilicus. This is a sign of:

intra-abdominal bleeding.

A tight-fitting motorcycle helmet should be left in place unless:

it interferes with your assessment of the airway.

You arrive at the scene of a major motor vehicle crash. The patient, a 50-year-old female, was removed from her vehicle prior to your arrival. Bystanders who removed her state that she was not wearing a seatbelt. The patient is unconscious, tachycardic, and diaphoretic. Your assessment reveals bilaterally clear and equal breath sounds, a midline trachea, and collapsed jugular veins. You should be MOST suspicious that this patient has experienced a

laceration of the aorta

You are dispatched to a residence for a young female who was kicked in the abdomen by her boyfriend. While en route to the scene, you should ask the dispatcher if:

law enforcement is at the scene.

While assessing a 21-year-old female who struck a tree head-on with her small passenger car, you note that her air bag deployed. You should:

lift the air bag and look for deformity to the steering wheel.

Which of the following organs would MOST likely bleed profusely when injured?


All of the following are hollow abdominal organs, EXCEPT for the:


Bruising to the right upper quadrant of the abdomen following blunt trauma is MOST suggestive of injury to the:


Which of the following organs or structures does NOT reside within the mediastinum?


Lacerations to the scalp

may be an indicator of deeper, more serious injuries.

Placing a pregnant patient in a supine position during the third trimester of pregnancy:

may decrease the amount of blood that returns to the heart.

When a person is lying supine at the end of exhalation, the diaphragm

may rise as high as the nipple line.

If a person's tidal volume decreases, but his or her respiratory rate remains unchanged:

minute volume will decrease.

If a patient with a chest injury is only able to inhale small amounts of air per breath, he or she:

must increase his or her respiratory rate to maintain adequate minute volume.

A rapid, irregular pulse following blunt trauma to the chest is MOST suggestive of a:

myocardial contusion.

You have sealed the open chest wound of a 40-year-old male who was stabbed in the anterior chest. Your reassessment reveals that he is experiencing increasing respiratory distress and tachycardia, and is developing cyanosis. You should:

partially remove the dressing.

When a hollow organ is punctured during a penetrating injury to the abdomen:

peritonitis may not develop for several hours.

The ________ nerves control the diaphragm.


When immobilizing a child on a long backboard, you should:

place padding under the child's shoulders as needed.

Irritation or damage to the pleural surfaces that causes sharp chest pain during inhalation is called


In order to avoid exacerbating a patient's injury, it is especially important to use extreme caution when providing positive-pressure ventilation to patients with a:


A 28-year-old male was struck in the chest with a baseball bat during an altercation. He is conscious and alert and complains of severe chest pain. Your assessment reveals a large area of ecchymosis over the sternum and a rapid, irregular pulse. In addition to applying 100% oxygen, you should:

prepare for immediate transport.

Because the depth of an open abdominal wound is often difficult to determine:

prompt transport to the hospital is essential.

Following blunt trauma to the chest, an 18-year-old female presents with respiratory distress, reduced tidal volume, and cyanosis. Her blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg and her pulse is 130 beats/min and thready. You should:

provide some form of positive-pressure ventilation

Early bruising following abdominal trauma often manifests as:

red areas of skin.

A patient who presents with profound cyanosis following a chest injury:

requires prompt ventilation and oxygenation.

A patient who cannot remember the events that preceded his or her head injury is experiencing

retrograde amnesia

Which of the following nerves carry information from the body to the brain via the spinal cord?


When assessing a patient with a hemothorax, you will MOST likely find:

signs and symptoms of shock.

During your assessment of a patient with blunt chest trauma, you note paradoxical movement of the left chest wall. As your partner is administering oxygen to the patient, you should:

stabilize the chest wall with a bulky dressing.

During your primary assessment of a 19-year-old unconscious male who experienced severe head trauma, you note that his respirations are rapid, irregular, and shallow. He has bloody secretions draining from his mouth and nose. You should:

suction his oropharynx for up to 15 seconds.

Elevation of the rib cage during inhalation occurs when

the intercostal muscles contract.

Elevation of the rib cage during inhalation occurs when:

the intercostal muscles contract.

When immobilizing a trauma patient's spine, the EMT manually stabilizing the head should not let go until:

the patient has been completely secured to the backboard.

A 22-year-old male was punched in the abdomen several times. You find him lying on his left side with his knees drawn up. He is conscious and alert and complains of increased pain and nausea when he tries to straighten his legs. His blood pressure is 142/82 mm Hg, his pulse rate is 110 beats/min and strong, and his respirations are 22 breaths/min and regular. In addition to administering high-flow oxygen, you should:

transport him in the position in which you found him.

Immediate death from blunt chest trauma following a motor vehicle crash is MOST often the result of:

traumatic aortic rupture

Immediate death from blunt chest trauma following a motor vehicle crash is MOST often the result of

traumatic aortic rupture.

Which of the following organs is at MOST risk for injury as the result of a pelvic fracture?

urinary bladder

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