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Please select all the accurate statements about the importance of prions and viroids and the diseases they cause.

Viroids pose significant problems in many economically important crops. Prions induce abnormal folding in normal proteins. Prion infections have long latent periods.

Which of the following describes the movement towards or away from light? Multiple choice question. Chemotaxis Phototaxis



This structure stores inorganic compounds, such as sulfur and polyphosphate.

This is the general term which describes all the various coatings covering the surface of the cell.


bacteria that normally have a cell wall but can lose it during part of their life cycle

L form

Clear, defined patches in a monolayer of cells infected with a virus are called __________, which are essentially a cytopathic effect.


Smooth ER

This organelle is composed of a series of tunnels within the cell which are used for synthesis, storage and transport of lipids.

please match the virus to the cytopathic change it causes in animal cells adeno virus


Diseases caused by obligate intracellular bacteria include Rocky Mountain spotted fever. endemic typhus. anthrax malaria. German measles.

Rocky Mountain spotted fever. endemic typhus.

This loosely attached, thin mucoid layer protects the cell from dring out or losing nutrients.


Please select the properties that can be associated with the Chlorophyta (green algae).

contain chlorophyll cell wall made of cellulose multicellular unicellular contain xanthophyll

The three basic groups of viruses based on morphology include

enveloped viruses, non enveloped viruses, and complex viruses.

A taxonomical outline of bacterial species based on shared evolutionary histories would be described as a phylogenetic system. biochemical system. metabolic system. phenetic system.

phylogenetic system.

The special affinity that a virus has for a particular type of tissue is called a __________.


serological analysis

use antibody reactions to identify an organism or to determine relatedness

Phylum Spirochetes:

slender, twisted cells that move by means of periplasmic flagella

Cytoskeleton duplicate

5. This framework, composed of microfilaments and microtubules, serves to anchor other organelles, provide support, and permit movement in some cells.

The eukaryotic ribosome is a(n) __________ ribosome, composed of 40S and 60S subunits.


Which appendage(s) provide motility? Multiple select question. Glycocalyx Axial filaments Flagellum Fimbriae

Axial filaments Flagellum

The two major types of prokaryotic cells are ____ and ____

Bacteria and Archaea

Bacterial appendages that provide attachment sites or channels are called ____ and _____

Blank 1: fimbriae or fimbria Blank 2: pili or pilus

viruses can infect host cells and later lead to cancer.

Oncogenic viruses.

Which step is present in bacteriophage multiplication but not in multiplication of an animal virus?

Viral genetic material is injected into the host cell.

Fully formed viral particles capable of establishing infection in a new host are called


Please select all of the following that represent viral characteristics.

are composed of a capsid surrounding a nucleic acid core have a 20 to 450 nanometer diameter are obligate intracellular parasites

The mycoplasmas are bacteria that naturally lack cell walls and as such, their cellular morphology is described as pleomorphic because it varies so greatly.


Phylum Cyanobacteria

domain in phylum bacteria with very ubiquitous photosynthetic bacteria found in aquatic habitats, soil, and often associated with plants, fungi, and other organisms; blue-green, green, yellow, red, and orange in color

Please match the representative example of each fungal group to the characteristics of that group. Cryptococcus neoformans

fungi with incompletely septate hyphae that commonly have fleshy fruiting bodies

Please select the cellular structures that are present in ALL eukaryotic cells.

mitochondria nucleus cytoskeleton

Which is mismatched? Group of answer choicescytoplasm-dense, gelatinous solutioninclusions-excess cell nutrients and materials plasmids-genes essential for growth and metabolism nucleoid-hereditary material ribosomes-protein synthesis

plasmids-genes essential for growth and metabolism

The ability of cell shape that varies extremely is called mutants. shifters. mycoplasmas. pleomorphism.


While examining a sample of pond water you note a cell covered with thousands of minute hair-like extensions which it uses to propel itself through the water. This cell can immediately be classified as a/an protozoan. algae. fungus. bacterium.


smallest to largest

rhinovirus ecoli yeast lymphocyte ragweed pollen


these tests use cell shape and gram reaction to classify organisms.

This layer of polysaccharides and/or proteins is tightly bound to the cell and contributes to the cell's pathogenecity.


please match the virus to the cytopathic change it causes in animal cells measles virus


Phylum Proteobacteria

Gram-negatives including rickettsias and enterics


The structure which contains the essential DNA of the cell.


The structure which contains the nonessential DNA of the cell.

acid fast cells Please match the cell types with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of cell walls and wall-free cells.

acids cells which contain a thick layer of mycolic acid or cord factor

please match the virus to the cytopathic change it causes in animal cells reovirus

cell enlargement

Phylum Firmicutes

mostly Gram-positive bacteria with a low G+C content

Together, the capsid and the nucleic acid are referred to as the


All viruses possess a capsid composed of protein. have both DNA and RNA. are free-living. are reliant on a host cell for their own reproduction.

possess a capsid composed of protein. are reliant on a host cell for their own reproduction.

please match the virus to the cytopathic change it causes in animal cells influenza

rounding up of cells

Prions are responsible for .transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Mad Cow disease. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Rabies. Alzheimers disease.

transmissible spongiform encephalopathies Mad Cow disease. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.


4. This organelle contains two membranes of which the inner membrane contains the enzymes and electron carriers that carry out aerobic respiration.

What is true concerning the viral envelope?

It contains viral proteins. It is the primary location of metabolic reactions in the virus.

What is true concerning the viral envelope?

It contains viral proteins. It may be described as icosahedral or helical.

Please choose the statement that is incorrect about fungi to test your understanding of their importance in ecology, agriculture, commerce, and medicine. Fungi decompose organic matter and return the nutrients to the soil. Fungi synthesize antibiotics which inhibit bacterial growth. Fungi form associations with plant roots to help them take up water and nutrients. Fungi are only detrimental to the food industry. Fungi can be pathogenic to field crops and can rot food during transport.

fungi are only detrimental to the food industry

During the life cycle of a parasitic helminth, development of larvae occurs in the __________ host, while mating between adults occurs in the __________ host.

intermediate, definitive

The bacterial chromosome forms a single linear strand of DNA. contains all the cell's plasmids. is part of the nucleoid. All of these choices are located in the cell membrane.

is part of the nucleoid.

Which of the following terms is associated with the release of nonenveloped or complex viruses from the host cell?


Of the photosynthetic bacteria, cyanobacteria produce __________ as a product of photosynthesis, but the green and purple sulfur bacteria do not produce this substance.


Gram-positive cell that has lost its cell wall


Gram-negative cell that has lost its cell wall


Feline leukemia virus may be lethal to cats but does not infect humans. This is a reflection of

the host range of feline leukemia virus.

Please order the following choices to test your understanding of the stages involved in the synthesis, packaging, and export of proteins. DNA is copied into RNA. Protein is synthesized by the ribosome using an RNA code. Proteins are deposited in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. Proteins are transported from the ER to the Golgi apparatus. Proteins are chemically modified. Proteins are packaged into secretory vesicles.

DNA is copied into RNA.

Which of the following characteristics does not pertain to helminths? In kingdom Protista Have various organ systems Eggs and sperm for reproduction Often alternate hosts in complex life cycles Parasitic worms

In kingdom Protista

The __________ level of bacterial organisms refers to a group of organisms that all share the same traits while the subspecies level refers to the variation or differences of individual cells within that group. genus species family strain


Other than maintaining the shape of the cell, what is the primary function of the cell wall, and which component contributes most to this function? controlling what enters the cell; phospholipids controlling what enters the cell; peptidogly can maintaining strength; peptidogly can allowing water into the cell; protein maintaining strength; phospholipids

can maintaining strength; peptidogly

Which of the following are the most useful using modern systems to classify a newly discovered virus? capsid is icosahedral genome is RNA envelope contains particular spike proteins virus causes gastrointestinal disease

capsid is icosahedral envelope contains particular spike proteins genome is RNA

please match the virus to the cytopathic change it causes in animal cells pollo virus

cell lysis

The cell envelope is the external covering that lies outside of the cell cytoplasm and is composed of the __________ and __________. cell membrane cell wall slime layer flagella nucleus

cell membrane cell wall

Viruses are not considered living things because they only show signs of life when they are inside a host______

cell or organism fill in blank

Please select the properties that can be associated with the Rhodophyta (red seaweeds). unicellular multicellular cell wall made of silicon dioxide cell wall made of cellulose contain chlorophyll contain phycobilin contain xanthophyll contain fucoxanthin source of carrageenan source of alginate cause of "red tide"

cell wall made of cellulose contain chlorophyll contain Phycobillin multicellular contain xanthophyll source of carrageenan

All of the following are found in some or all protozoa exceptAll of the following are found in some or all protozoa except

cell walls

gram-positive cells Please match the cell types with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of cell walls and wall-free cells.

cells which contain a thick layer of peptidoglycan and teichoic acids

gram-negative cells Please match the cell types with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of cell walls and wall-free cells.

cells which contain both an inner and outer membrane as well as a thin layer of peptidoglyan

mycoplasms cells Please match the cell types with the statements that most accurately describe them to test your understanding of cell walls and wall-free cells.

cells which lack a cell wall with peptidoglycan but contain sterols to strengthen their cell membrane

Please select all of the following which are characteristics of the nucleus to test your understanding of the structure of the nucleus. contains nuclear pores for transporting materials out of the nucleus contains a ribosome contains a granular mass known as a nucleolus contains DNA in the form of chromosomes is surrounded by one membrane

contains nuclear pores for transporting materials out of the nucleus contains a granular mass known as a nucleolus contains DNA in the form of chromosomes

Please select all of the following which are found in all cells regardless of cell type. cell membrane cell wall cytoplasm DNA organelles

cytoplasm cell membrane

When a trophozoite is exposed to dry conditions or a lack of nutrients, it will enter the __________ phase. Cells in this phase round up and lose motility and are called __________. When the environment becomes moist and nutrients are restored, the protozoan will enter __________, thus reactivating the trophozoite.

encystment; cysts; excystment

Please select all of the following that are true regarding fungi. Fungi can be found in two cell forms: hyphae and yeasts. Fungi are autotrophic saprobes. Most fungi obtain nutrients from decaying matter but some fungi can be parasites of living hosts. Unicellular fungi are prokaryotic whereas multicellular fungi are eukaryotic. Fungi are heterotrophic.

fungi can be found in two cell forms: hyphae and yeasts Most fungi obtain nutrients from decaying matter but some fungi can be parasites of living hosts. fungi are heterotrophic

You are studying a new variant of a eukaryotic cell. The variant cell has mutated so that it no longer attaches well to surfaces or initiates the formation of a biofilm. The mutation in this cell has most likely affected the __________. flagellum glycocalyx cell membrane mitochondria


Which of the following has historically been the first division in a system of bacterial taxonomy endospore formers versus non-endospore formers cocci versus bacilli pathogen versus non-pathogen aerobe versus anaerobe gram-positive versus gram-negative cells

gram-positive versus gram-negative cells

Phylum Chlorobi

green sulfur bacteria

Match the type of extremophile with the correct definition. halophile hyperthermophile methanogen psychrophile

halophile - an organism that lives in an environment that contains high amounts of salt such as the Dead Sea hyperthermophile - an organism that lives in extremely hot temperatures such as the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park methanogen an organism that lives in anaerobic environments and converts CO2 and H into methane psychrophile an organism that lives in very cold conditions, including temperature below freezing

Phylum Deinococcus

highly resistant to radiation and desiccation

Virus-induced damage to host cells, called __________, can include changes in cell size and shape.

host range ??? see 6.4 questionable not CPE

Cytopathic changes in virally infected animal cells include inclusions in the cytoplasm. clumping of cells. cell lysis. cytoplasmic inclusions. formation of multinucleate syncytia.

inclusions in the cytoplasm. clumping of cells. cell lysis. cytoplasmic inclusions. formation of multinucleate syncytia.

Phylum Thermotogae

thermophilic halophiles found in deep sea vents

Please match the representative example of each fungal group to the characteristics of that group. penicillium

these fungi have hyphae with porous septa

bacterial physiology/biochemistry

these tests use the presence or absence of biochemical processes and enzymes to group organisms

Please select the characteristics that are used to identify and name viruses. type of capsid type of envelope nucleic acid strand number type of infection area of the host cell in which the virus multiplies

type of capsid type of envelope nucleic acid strand number area of the host cell in which the virus multiplies

genetic techniques

use DNA to determine the identity of an organism

Which of the following strategies are used by parasitic helminths to ensure their survival? larvae are resistant to heat and drying use of mouth glands to breach host tissues fertilized eggs are provided with a protective shell some worms carry millions of eggs in development mate and develop in the absence of a host

use of mouth glands to breach host tissues Fertilized eggs are provided with a protective shell Some worms carry millions of eggs in development

Please select all of the characteristics that define life and living things. the ability to synthesize new cell components or release energy through chemical reactions ability to respond to their environment ability to control the flow of some materials across cell boundaries the presence of a cell wall the presence of a nucleus

-The ability to synthesize new cell components or release energy through chemical reactions -ability to control the flow of some materials across cell boundaries -Ability to respond to their environment

Rank the following viruses from smallest to largest.

1 - Yellow fever , 2 - phage T2 , 3 - influenza virus , 4 - Herpes virus , 5 - pox virus , 6 - mega virus

The majority of medically important protozoans are found among three supergroups: SAR, Excavata, and Amoebozoa. Match the following groups to the correct description.

1. apicomplexan - parasites with a complex life cycle, contains an apical complex 2. ciliate - use cilia for motility and possesses two types of nuclei; micronuclei and macronuclei 3. diplomonad - have reduced mitochondria, can form cysts 4. parabasalids - have reduced mitochondria, do not form cysts 5. euglenids - typically a mixotroph, possess crystalline structure within flagella 6. kinetplastids - named for the mass of DNA within their single mitochondrion

Rough ER

2. This organelle, composed of a series of membranes to which ribosomes are attached, functions to process and modify proteins.

Prokaryotic cells evolved on Earth about how many years ago? Multiple choice question. 5 million years 3.5 million years 3.5 billion years 5 billion years

3.5 billion years

Please select all of the statements that are true about endospores. Bacterial endospores are highly resistant to heat, drying, and radiation. Endospores are only found in the environment and are not medically relevant. Endospores can exist in the environment for indefinite periods of time. Endospores resist boiling and therefore steam must be used to destroy endospores present in food. Endospores can be formed by any genus of bacteria.

Bacterial endospores are highly resistant to heat, drying, and radiation. Endospores can exist in the environment for indefinite periods of time. Endospores resist boiling and therefore steam must be used to destroy endospores present in food.

Which of the following is the movement towards or away from a chemical stimulus? Phototaxis Chemotaxis Dethantaxis


All cells that are capable of replication and metabolism contain which of the following characteristics? Flagella Ribosomes Cell membrane Cell walls Chromosomes Membrane-bound organelles

Chromosomes Cell membrane Ribosomes


Composed of RNA and protein, this structure synthesizes new proteins.

Please choose the statement that are true regarding the importance of fungi to ecology, agriculture, commerce, and medicine. Fungi synthesize antibiotics which inhibit bacterial growth. The photosynthetic activities of fungi provide energy that makes it way up the food chain. Fungi can be pathogenic to field crops and can rot food during transport. Fungi form associations with plant roots to help them take up water and nutrients.

Fungi synthesize antibiotics which inhibit bacterial growth. Fungi can be pathogenic to field crops and can rot food during transport. Fungi form associations with plant roots to help them take up water and nutrients.

Which of the following are characteristics inherent to life? Multiple select question. Metabolism Heredity Growth and development Sexual reproduction

Growth and development, heredity, and metabolism

The functions of the cell envelope include Helping to determine the shape of a bacterial cell. Preventing rupture of the cell from increased internal pressure. Allowing the cell to regulate the transport of many molecules from the internal to external environment. Allowing the cell to reproduce sexually .Providing the cell with a means of motility (movement).

Helping to determine the shape of a bacterial cell. Preventing rupture of the cell from increased internal pressure. Allowing the cell to regulate the transport of many molecules from the internal to external environment.

Please choose the answer that describes the function of the Golgi complex. It synthesizes, stores, and transports lipids. It produces the energy needed to fuel the cell. It adds lipids and sugars to proteins and then packages these proteins for transport to their final destination. It stores the DNA of the cell and produces RNA from the DNA.It synthesizes, stores, and transports proteins.

It adds lipids and sugars to proteins and then packages these proteins for transport to their final destination.

Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in prokaryotic cells? Lysosomes Nucleus Endoplasmic reticulum All of the choices are correct.Mitochondria


Which of the following is not a characteristic shared by all cells? Organelles Chromosomes Ribosomes Cytoplasm Cell membrane


Which of the following describes any arrangement of flagella where they are either attached at one or both ends of a bacterium? Monotrichous Amphitrichous Polar Lophotrichous


Please select characteristics exhibited by protozoa to test your understanding of protozoan form, nutrition, and locomotion. Protozoa have a thick cell wall which protects them from dying. Protozoa can move using flagella, pseudopodia, or cilia. Protozoa have an ectoplasm involved in locomotion, feeding, and protection. Protozoa can be free-living or parasitic.Protozoa can be free-living or parasitic. Protozoa are typically photoautotrophs.

Protozoa can move using flagella, pseudopodia, or cilia. protozoa have an ectoplasm involved in locomotion, feeding, and protection protozoa can be free-living or parasitic

Bacterial appendages can be divided into which two functional groups? Multiple select question. Provide motility Provide attachment sites or channels Storage of nutrients Generation of energy

Provide motility Provide attachment sites or channels

Which of the following explains why archaeons are extremophiles? They are extremophiles because they cause extremely severe disease. They share characteristics with both bacteria and eukaryotic cells. They are extremophiles because one archaeon can live in both hot and cold temperatures. They are ancient, primitive organisms that adapt well to extreme conditions because they have retained characteristics of the cells that first evolved when Earth's conditions were far more extreme.

They are ancient, primitive organisms that adapt well to extreme conditions because they have retained characteristics of the cells that first evolved when Earth's conditions were far more extreme.


This structure is a network of protein polymers that helps stabilize the shape of the cell from within.

Inclusion bodies

This structure stores nutrients during periods of ample resources to compensate for times when nutrients are scarce.

Please order the following choices to reflect the evolution of the origin of eukaryotic cells and multicellularity. Individual, specialized cells lose the ability to exist independently. Two prokaryotes developed a symbiotic relationship where the smaller prokaryote lived within the larger prokaryote. Colonies of cells began to develop. The smaller prokaryote within the symbiotic relationship developed into an organelle. Certain cells within the colony developed specialized functions.

Two prokaryotes developed a symbiotic relationship where the smaller prokaryote lived within the larger prokaryote. The smaller prokaryote within the symbiotic relationship developed into an organelle. Colonies of cells began to develop. Certain cells within the colony developed specialized functions. Individual, specialized cells lose the ability to exist independently.

Please order the following choices (1 being the smallest to 4 being the largest) to test your understanding of the size ranges of bacteria in comparison to other organisms. rickettsias and chlamydias a typical virus human red blood cell typical bacteria

a typical virus rickettsias and chlamydias typical bacteria human red blood cell

The best understood bacterial cytoskeletons are composed primarily of myosin. messenger RNA. phospholipids. actin. peptidoglycan.


Bacterial species are defined in a fundamentally different way than mammalian species are. This is because some bacterial cells produce endospores while mammals cannot produce a similar structure. mammals are large enough to easily see the characteristics used to assign them to a particular species. bacteria may move from one species to another as they progress through their life cycle, while mammals are always assigned a single to a single species. mammals reproduce sexually while bacteria reproduce asexually.

mammals reproduce sexually while bacteria reproduce asexually.

Choose all of the techniques commonly used to classify bacteria. morphology bacterial physiology analysis of bacterial fossils serological analysis genetic analysis

morphology bacterial physiology serological analysis genetic analysis

The ____are bacteria that naturally lack cell walls and as such, their cellular morphology is described as ___ because it varies so greatly.

mycoplasmas ... pleomorphic

please match the virus to the cytopathic change it causes in animal cells rabies virus

no change

Together, the capsid and the nucleic acid are referred to as the __________ spike envelope genome nucleocapsid


Please select all of the following which are useful for identifying and classifying protozoa using microscopic morphology. size and shape of the cell type and number of locomotor appendages presence of hyphae presence of hyphae number of nuclei structure of the cell wall

number of nuclei size and shape of the cell type and number of locomotor appendages

Phylum Chlamydiae

obligate intracellular parasites that are extremely small in size

Which of the following methods can be used to detect viral infections in human patients? presence of cytopathic effects in tissue sample presence of viral indicator molecules (antigens) PCR of viral nucleic acid identification of antiviral antibodies culturing virus in cell culture

presence of cytopathic effects in tissue sample presence of viral indicator molecules (antigens) PCR of viral nucleic acid identification of antiviral antibodies culturing virus in cell culture

Please match the representative example of each fungal group to the characteristics of that group. Chytrids

primitive fungi which have flagellated spores

__________ are the only active biological agents lacking any nucleic acid (DNA or RNA).


Eukaryotic ribosomes are the site of protein folding. protein glycosylation. protein synthesis. protein degradation.

protein synthesis.

The cell membrane is composed of __________

proteins dispersed throughout a phospholipid bilayer

Eukaryotic organisms studied in microbiology include protozoa. fungi. viruses. parasitic worms. photosynthetic bacteria.

protozoa fungi parasitic worms

Prions are resistant to routine sterilization techniques. composed of protein, with no RNA or DNA. able to alter the configuration of normal proteins in nerve cells. responsible for several diseases, including measles and mumps far larger than prokaryotic cells but smaller than most eukaryotic cells.

resistant to routine sterilization techniques. composed of protein, with no RNA or DNA. able to alter the configuration of normal proteins in nerve cells.

Phylum Aquificae

small thermophilic rods found in underwater volcanoes

Which term(s) refer to cells without cell walls? mycoplasma mycobacterium sphereoplast protoplast bacillus

sphereoplast protoplast mycoplasma

Please match the cell components with the type of cell where it is found. If the component is found in both gram-positive and gram-negative cells, select "both gram-positive and gram-negative cells" teichoic acid peptidoglycan; cell membrane lipopolysaccharide; outer membrane

teichoic acid - gram Positive peptidoglycan; cell membrane - peptidoglycan; cell membrane lipopolysaccharide; outer membrane - gram negative

Please match the representative example of each fungal group to the characteristics of that group. Rhizopus

the hyphae of these fungi are usually nonseptate but if they are septate, the septa are complete

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