chapter 5 Lipids

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Dietary percent for fats


Risk for CVD is high when the total cholesterol is over mg/dl


What are the two most synthetic antiO in foods?


What are some components of plaque

Ca, WBC, cholesterol

Fatty acid

Chain of carbons flanked by hydrogens with an acid group on one end and a methyl group on the other end

What fat is similar to unsaturated fatty acids are similar to saturated fatty acids with regard to shape and functions


What are some examples of AntiO additives used to protect foods against rancidity


is a type of liquid that is only found in animals


What elements are true about sterols?

cholesterol is a common example, produced by the body, contain a multi ring structure

What happens to the products of chylomicron metabolism? Glycerol

circulates back to the liver

Food sources that contain cholesterol

ice cream chicken eggs

What are some deficiency symptoms experiences of essential fatty acids?

impaired wound healing growth restriction flaky/itchy skin

Choose the functions of phospholipids

important for the proper function of the nervous system unique ability to be soluble in water and fat participates in fat digestion by working as an emulsifier

What are foam cells?

lipid-filled macrophages

Some margarine spreads that contain plant sterols may

lower blood cholesterol

What happens to food produces when it becomes hydrogenated?

molecular shape of the fats in the food resembles saturated fats trans fatty acids content is increased

what kind of fatty acids are liquid and room temp

mono and poly unsaturated fats

What are the products of fat digestion in the SI?

monoglycerides and fatty acids

Linoleic acid AKA

omega 6

Monoun fatty acid

one carbon double bond

What statement are true about a monoglyceride?

one of the products of digestion of triG consists of one fatty acid bonded to a glycerol backbone

Enzymes that digest fat are secreted by the

pancreas salivary glands stomach cells

This listed ingredient indicates a present of trans fat

partially hydrogenated oils

What are some good food coursed of phospholpids?

peanuts soy beans organ meats

What is important for fat digestion because they try to help emulsify lipids in chyme


Which of the following are functions of HDL cholesterol in the blood stream?

picks up cholesterol from dying cells and other sources donates cholesterol to other lipoprotein for transport back to the liver for excretion

Phytosterols are plant chemicals that can reduce blood cholesterol, they can be found in

pill form pistachios and sunflower seeds specialty margarines and salad dressings

Choose the following statements that are true regarding plant food sterols and stanols

plant sterols have blood cholesterol lowering properties and are similar to cholesterol

Fat replacements?

proteins, gums, starch derivatives

Phytosterols are plant chemicals that

reduce cholesterol absorption in the SI

Some health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids

reduce inflammation and risk of heart disease decreased blood triG levels

Antioxidant may be helpful for preventing CVD disease because they

reduce the oxidation of LDL

Match the health effect associated with consumption of each fatty acid? omega 3 fatty acids

reduces inflammation response, blood clotting and triglycerides

Long chain fatty acids

reform into a triG in the intestinal absorptive cell and travel through the lymphatic system

What happens to the products of chylomicron metabolism? Chylomicron remnant

removed from circulation b the liver and recycled to make other lipoprotein and bile acids

AHA recommends consuming 2 or more serving of fatty fish each week because fish

rich source of omega 3 protein provides trace elements that may provide protective effects for the CV system

What is added to reduce fat foot to compensate for the loss of taste and texture when fat is removed?

salt and sugar

butter is solid at room temp, contain mostly

saturated fatty acids

What are some examples of foods that may contain partially hydrogenated trans fat?

stick margarine french fries shortening

Three fish species high in mercury

swordfish shark king mackerel

Which of the following are function of cholesterol?

synthesis of certain hormones, bile acids, incorporation into cell structure

Why are emulsifiers important in cooking and baking?

the keep mixtures of fat and water from separating

What are some examples of food that are cholesterol free?

vegetable shortening, margarine, vegetable oil, peanut butter

Choose food sources of alpha-linolenic acid the essential omega 3 fatty acid

walnuts flax seeds

Choose characteristics of the LDL

carries primarily cholesterol linked to CVD transports cholesterol to the tissues

Cis fatty acids

causes the carbon chain to bend

How does food you eat affect your blood lipoproteins?

dietary cholesterol does not have a big impact on the levels of HDL and LDL in blood Eating saturated fats and trans fat raises total cholesterol and particularly LDL

Function of phospholipids

digestion of fats, formation of cell membranes absorption and transport of nutrients

Typical signs of a heart attack in women include

dizziness, nausea and vomiting, jaw neck and shoulder pain

major function of phospholipids


Why are triG ideal for fat storage?

energy dense they are chemically stable

Food source of long chain saturated fat

fat in meat

Some high fat foods should be in your diet because they are sources of

fat soluble vitamins essential fatty acids

Long chain fatty acid is defined as

fatty acid that contain 12 or more carbon atoms in length

If a food manufacturer sets out to reduce the fat content of a cookie, the food scientists will need to consider

changes in the texture of the food produce changes in the flavor of the food product

Primary component of LDL


Saturated Fatty Acid

contains no carbon double bond

What is the chemical structure of an omega 3 fatty acid

contains the first double carbon bone on the third carbon from the omega end of the carbon chain

Function of HDL

contributes to cholesterol removal from the body and excretion from the body

What are some good food sources of polyunsaturated fats?

corn and soybean oil

Food source of polyunsaturated fats

corn, fish, sunflower, and safflower oil

List steps of Atherosclerosis?

damage occurs in blood vessels plaque is deposited at the site of initial damage Arteries harden and narrow clot or spasm in a clogged artery leads to heart attack

AHA recommends using plant oils than animal fats in food to

decreased saturated fat intake

Match the health effect associated with consumption of each fatty acid? Polyunsaturated fatty acids

decreases blood level of cholesterol

How does nicotinic acids lower TriG

decreasing TriG production in the liver

What foods are highly susceptible to rancidity?

fatty fish deep fried high fat foods with large surface area

Oleic acid structure

first double carbon bond is at the ninth carbon from the methyl group

Linoleic acid structure

first double carbon bond is at the sixth carbon from the methyl group

Alpha Linolenic acid

first double carbon bond is at the third carbon from the methyl group

by products of phospholipids digestion

glycerol flatty acids phosphorus compounds

What are the structural components of a triG

glycerol backbone three attacked fatty acids

What are the components of a phospholipids molecules?

glycerol backbone and phosphorous containing molecule


glycerol backbone with fatty acids and at lease one phosphorus containing group


glycerol backbone with three fatty acids

What are some examples of foods low in trans fat, cholesterol, saturated fats and high in mono and poly unsaturated fats ?

grilled skinless chicken salmon and walnuts

Food source of monounsaturated fats

olive, canola, peanut oil

alpha-liolenic acid

omega 3

EPA and DHA are

omega 3's

In a chemical reaction, when a compound loses a reaction, the compound has been


Majority of fat digestion is accomplished by

pancreatic lipase

Primary component of HDL


Current cholesterol lowering medication act to

reduced cholesterol synthesis of the liver bind to cholesterol in the GI tract

How does fat influence the enjoyment of foods?

some flavor compounds dissolve in fat fat imparts a rich, creamy texture in foods

What are some good food sources of phospholipids?

soy beans peanuts organ meats

What would you recommended to a heart patient?

whole grains walnuts baked sweet potatoes salmon, tuna, mackerel

Do phospholipids contain fatty acids within their molecular structure


choose a lipid that can be synthesized by the body


Choose the correct statement about how the food you eat affects your blood lipoproteins

Eating saturated fats and trans fat raises total cholesterol and particularly LDL Dietary cholesterol does not have a big impact on the levels of HDL and LDL in the blood

Place the steps of dietary fat absorption in the order they occur,

Glycerol, mono and fatt acids are absorbed from the lumen of the SI into SI cells triG are reassembled triG are packaged into chylomicrons Chylomicrons enter the lymphatic system

Two ways to cause reversal of atherosclerosis

LDL lowering medicine, vegan diet and lifestyle changes

Considering their health effects, trans fatty acids are most similar to

Saturated fatty acids

What happens to the products of chylomicron metabolism? Fatty acids

absorbed by the cells and used for fuel or reformed into triG for storage

Trans fatty acids

allows the carbon chia to remain straighter

Which fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids?

alpha-linolenic acid linoleic acid

Primarily, fatty acids are transported through the blood steam

as part of lipoproteins

percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)

balloon catheter into an artery to crush a lesion

CLA appears in food such as

beef, milk, butter

This acts to emulsify fat in the SI, suspending them in digestive juices to enhance the action of digestive enzymes

bile acids

Lipoprotein lipase breaks down triG in the

blood vessels

Lipoprotein lipase breaks down triglycerides in the

blood vessels

In what way are the chemical structures of trans and saturated fatty acids are similar?

both have a straight

Which statements are true about a diglyceride?

breakdown product of triglyceride consists of two fatty acids bonded to a glycerol backbone

What foods are high in fat

butter, mayo, salad oils, margarine

trans fatty acids

byproduct of hydrogenation of vegetable oils, similar to sat fatty acids in structure and physiological effects

What are some good food sources of monounsaturated fats?

canola oil peanut and olive oil

Function of LDL

carries cholesterol made by the liver and from other sources to cells

Functions of Chylomicron

carries dietary fat from the SI to cells

Function of VLDL

carries lipids made and taken up by the liver to cells

What foods are high in saturated fatty acids?

cheeseburger butter coconut oil

Choose food sources of linoleic acid

nuts, seeds, sunflower, safflower oil

Match the health effect associated with consumption of each fatty acid? Saturated fatty acids

increases blood levels of cholesterol

What are the major functions of fatty acids and triG in the body

insulation energy storage transport of fat soluble vitamins

Major Functions of fatty acids and triG in the body

insulation transport of fat soluble vitamins energy storage

Coronary artery bypass graft

involves the removal of a vein to replace or bypass a blocked artery

Which of the following food has a presence of fat?

lard, yolks, cream, shortening

How are the different types of fatty acids distinguished?

length of carbon skeleton position of carbon double bonds number of carbon double bonds along the skeleton position of carbon double bonds along the skeleton

What are some ways to minimize trans fat intake?

limit consumption of cookies, pastries, fried foods

Which gastric enzyme released in the stomach acts primarily on triG that have fatty acids with short chain lengths


Fat digestion is rapid and thorough in the SI under what right circumstances?

lipase brakes down triG down to monoglycerides and free fatty acid Bile is released from the gallbladder

Place the steps of dietary fat absorption in the order they occur

lipase is released by the salivary glands and stomach begin digesting short chain fatty acids bile emulsifies with fat pancreatic lipase digests long chain TriG are broken down and absorbed in the SI

What enzymes breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol in the blood stream?

lipoprotein lipase

What transports lipids from the SI and liver to body tissues


When fat content has been reduces, what may not be substantially reduced

more sugar has been added

What is one characteristic that lipids found in foods and in the body have in common?

mostly in the form of TriG


multi-ringed compound with a hydroxyl group

Choose true statements about avocados

they can be substituted for butter rich in monounsaturated fatty acids

Why partially hydrogenated oils are less likely to go rancid?

they have fewer double bonds

Structural components of a triG

three attached fatty acids glycerol backbone

What kind of fat should be less than 1% in diet?


To reduce risk of CVD, limit

trans and sat fatty acids

What leads to raising level of cholesterol in blood?

trans and saturated fat

High levels of HDL in the blood tend to slow the development of CVD because HDL

transport cholesterol from the blood stream to the liver for excretion

Short chain and medium chain fatty acids

travel as a water soluble molecule through the portal vein to the liver

Megadoses of nicotinic acids, can lower


These are the major form of lipids in food and in the human body


in the SI, lipase breaks down this to produce a mixture of fatty acids, glycerol and monoglycerides


Primary component of chylomicron


What are some examples of food that contain cholesterol

turkey eggs lean ground beef

Polyun fatty acid

two or more carbon double bond

fatty acids containing carbon double bonds are considered as what fatty acids

unsaturated fatty acids

Which statements are true about omega 6 fatty acids

unsaturated fatty acids, first carbon double bond is on the 6th carbon from the methyl end of carbon chain

A recipe may have been adjusted when substituting reduce fat margarines for regular margarine because of the extra what in the reduced fat margarine


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