Chapter 5 Terms & Learn Smart

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Job content factors that create motivation include:

achievement recognition, characteristics of the work responsibility stimulating work and advancement

David McClelland's theory about the drivers of employee behavior is the:

acquired needs theory

job design

also referred to as job redesign or work design, refers to any set of activities that alter jobs to improve the quality of employee experience and level of productivity

content theories of motivation

are based on the idea that an employee's needs influence his or her motivation

McGregor's Theory Y is a more positive set of assumptions managers have about employees including that they:

are creative self-engaged responsible creative

Managers can use McClelland's Acquired Needs theory to motivate employees when they

assign tasks set goals provide feedback design the job


need for reputation, prestige, and recognition from others. Also includes need for self confidence and strength

Jobs designed using Taylor's scientific management methods often create problems such as

poor mental health ob dissatisfaction higher levels of stress low sense of accomplishment and personal growth

Valence, as used in Vroom's expectancy theory refers to the:

positive or negative value people place on outcomes

According to equity theory, people compare

their own inputs to the outputs received by others their own inputs and outputs to those of relevant others

Three innate needs

Competence - I need to feel efficacious Autonomy-I need to feel independent to influence my environment. Relatedness - I want to be connected with others


Consists of the need to be safe from physial and psychological harm

The theories that focus on what people need to motivate them are ______________ theories. The more dynamic theories that focus on how to motivate them are _____________ theories.

Content Process


Desire for self-fulfillment

Which of the following are included in Maslow's need hierarchy theory?

Self-Actualization Esteem Love Safety Physiological


The desire to be loved and to love. Includes the needs for affection and belonging

Douglas McGregor called managers' pessimistic assumptions toward employees:

Theory X

McGregor's Theory __________ proposes a set of assumptions about people at work: that they are responsible, creative, and committed.


equity theory

a model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships

Theory Y

a modern and positive set of assumptions about people at work: that they are self-engaged, committed, responsible, and creative

Theory X

a pessimistic view of employees: that they dislike work, must be monitored, and can only be motivated with rewards and punishment

Herzberg's motiving factors include:

achievement recognition characteristics of work responsibility advancement

self-determination theory

assumes that three innate needs influence our behavior and well-being - competence, autonomy, and relatedness

although not supported by research, Herzberg's two-factor theory is useful because:

building motivators into a ob is the core of job design positive recognition to reinforce performance increases intrinsic motivation it is harder to motivate someone who is dissatisfied with pay or working conditions

job rotation

calls for moving employees from one specialized job to another

An unfair social exchange, such as not being paid for overtime worked, is likely

cause cognitive dissonance that prompts action lead to changes in attitude or behavior create the need for the employee to correct the situation

Equity theory, which states that we try to eliminate perceived unfairness in social exchanges, is based on:

cognitive dissonance theory

Expectancy theory states that people are motivated to behave in ways that produce:

combinations of desired outcomes

Self-determination theory assumes that three innate needs, ___________, autonomy, and relatedness drive our behavior


three innate needs

competence, autonomy, relatedness

The personal factors that moderate the effectiveness of the core job characteristics include

context satisfactions such as pay and co-workers the strength of an individual's need to grow knowledge and skill

According to Locke and Latham's research on the mechanisms behind goal setting theory, goals:

create persistence direct attention regulate effort foster development


defined as physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior

Process theories of motivation

describe how various person factors and situation factors in the organizing framework affect motivation


describes the positive or negative value people place on outcomes


describes the psychological processes "that underlie the direction, intensity and persistence of behavior or thought"

Interactional Justice

describes the quality of the interpersonal treatment people receive when procedures are implemented

The job characteristics model builds intrinsic motivation by:

designing jobs with the five core characteristics

need for power

desire to influence, coach, teach, or encourage others to achieve

in Herzberg's theory, the absence of grievance about hygiene factors

does not create motivation

In equity theory, inputs can include:

education/training, skills, creativity, seniority, age, personality traits, efforts expended, experience personal appearance

Among the lessons to be learned from equity and justice theories are:

employees want a voice in decisions that affect them employee perceptions about reward systems and procedures are what is important An appeals process is important to employees feeling of equity.

Psychologist J. Stacy Adams first applied ___________ theory in the workplace


the theory that explains how people strive for fairness in social exchanges is ____________ theory.


The outcomes of a equity comparison include which of the following?

equity positive inequity negative inequity

Maslow's needs hierarchy theory would predict that once the need for love is satisfied, the need for _________ will emerge as the most powerful.


Vroom's ____________ ___________ requires that all three of the elements must be high for motivation to be high

expectancy theory

pay raises, promotions, and recognition are examples of

extrinsic motivators

Successful people tend to have __________ orientation in common.


If you are trying to complete a term paper by the due date, setting a goal of avoiding a late penalty will help to direct your attention away from ______________-_____________ activities


Locke and Latham's theory is that:

goals that are specific and difficult lead to higher performance than general goals Certain conditions are necessary for goal setting to work Performance feedback and participation in deciding how to achieve goals are necessary but not sufficient for goal setting to work Goal achievement leads to job satisfaction

Managers should design jobs that fulfill _________ level needs to create committed and motivated employees.


expectancy theory

holds that people are motivated to behave in ways that produce desired combinations of expected outcomes

Herzberg proposed that individuals will experience the absence of job dissatisfaction when they have no grievances about _______________ factors.


Content Theories

identify internal factors such as needs and satisfaction that energize employee motivation

Job design terms that individuals negotiate for themselves involving schedule flexibility, career development, or other adjustments are know as _____________ deals.


motivating factors or motivators

including achievement, recognition, characteristics of the work, responsibility, and advancement - cause a person to move from a state of no satisfaction to satisfaction

Hygiene factors

including company policy and administration, technical supervision, salary, interpersonal relations with one's supervisor, and working conditions - cause a person to move from a state of no dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction

Job crafting is expected to result in:

increased employee engagement improved employee performance

Hygiene factors that create job context include

inefficient company administration poor pay a lack of safe working conditions

education, skills, creativity, experience, and personal appearance can all be perceived as ___________ in Adam's equity theory.


The question "What intrinsic and extrinsic rewards will I receive if I achieve my desired level of performance?" represents which element of Vroom's expectancy theory?


the goals of the bottom-up form of job design known as idiosyncratic deals include improving ________________ motivation and productivity through individual arrangement such as scheduling flexibility.


voice climate

is one in which employees are encouraged to freely express their opinions and feelings


is the discretionary of formal expression of ideas, opinions, suggestions, or alternative approaches directed to a specific target inside or outside of the organization with the intent to change an objectionable state of affairs and to improve the current functioning of the organization.

The approach to job design in which individual make physical and cognitive changes in the task or relational boundaries of their work is known as:

job crafting

Any set of activities that involve the alteration of specific job activities to improve the quality of employee job experience and motivation is:

job design

The job design method that puts more variety into a job by combining specialized tasks of comparable difficulty is

job enlargement

Managers can improve feelings of inequity over pay by:

making sure objective measures for rewards are understood communicating reasonable expectations

goal specificity

means whether a goal has been quantified

job enrichment

modifies a job such that an employee has the opportunity to experience achievement, recognition, stimulating work, responsibility, and advancement

An important lesson from Maslow is that once a need is fulfilled, it no longer __________ an individual


An important lesson from Maslow is that once a need is fulfilled, it no longer ____________ an individual.


The psychological mechanisms that guide the intensity of one's behaviors are known as:


Hunger or thirst are examples of physiological deficiencies that arouse behavior known as ______________


intrinsic motivation

occurs when an individual is turned on to one's work because of the positive internal feelings that are generated by doing well

According to David McClelland's acquired needs theory

one need often predominates over the others

The theory that uses our perceptions of _____________, ___________, and comparisons of ratios to others is equity theory

outputs, inputs

Elements of equity theory

outputs, inputs, comparison

Goals lead to higher performance when:

participation is used to build commitment to a specific goal feedback is used to stay focused on the goal

outputs recognized as positive outcomes in equity theory include

pay/bonuses medical benefits challenging assignments job security promotions status symbols recognition participation in important decisions

procedural justice

perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make allocation decisions

McClelland's power need has two sides. The need for ______ power refers to the desire to manipulate and control others for self-gratification. The need for ________ power refers to the desire to organize others to achieve organizational goals.

personal institutional

The form of organizational justice that reflects the perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make organizational decision is:

procedural justice

According to research on the elements of organizational justice, which two of them relate strongly to desired outcomes?

procedural justice distributive

job characteristics model

promote high intrinsic motivation by designing jobs that possess the five core job characteristics

Using McCelland's theory to motivate an employee with high need for achievement would include:

providing balanced feedback so they can improve performance assigning challenging but achievable projects

job enlargement

puts more variety into a worker's job by combining specialized tasks of comparable difficulty

distributive justice

reflects the perceived fairness of the way resources and rewards are distributed or allocated

idiosyncratic deals (i-deals)

represent employment terms individuals negotiate for themselves, taking myriad forms from flexible schedules to career development


represents an individual's belief that a particular degree of effort will be followed by a particular level of performance

job crafting

represents employees' attempts to proactively shape their work characteristics

Extrinsic motivation

results from the potential or actual receipt of extrinsic rewards

the job design method that moves employees from one job to another is job __________________


The method of job design that draws from observation, experiments, and reasoning is _________________ _________________

scientific management

What are some of the factors that research has shown to affect expectancy in Vroom's model of motivation?

self-efficacy time pressures task difficulty ability and knowledge resources support from peers leader behavior organizational climate

The quantifiability of a goal is known as goal __________________


need hierarchy theory

states that motivation is a function of five basic needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization

scientific management

that kind of management which conducts a business or affairs by standards established by facts or truths gained through systematic observation, experiment, or reasoning

Douglas McGreor's book, which formulated two contrasting views of human nature is:

the Human Side of Enterprise

need for achievement

the desire to excel, overcome obstacles, solve problems, and rival and surpass others

need for affiliation

the desire to maintain social relationships, to be liked, and to join groups


the perceived relationship between performance and outcomes

Job enrichment is the job design method that uses ____________ loading to improve motivation


motivator-hygiene theory

which proposes that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two different sets of factors - satisfaction comes from motivating factors and dissatisfaction from hygiene factors

acquired needs theory

which states that three needs-for achievement, affiliation, and power-are the key drivers of employee behavior

Process Theories

Focus on explaining the process by which internal factors and environmental characteristics influence employee motivation

The theory that proposes that job satisfaction comes from motivating factors and dissatisfaction from the absence or weak presence of hygiene factors is based on research done by:

Frederick Herzberg

Herzberg's theory classified company administration, salary, and working conditions as ____________ factors.


Jamie just finished learning to use the company's scheduling program for employees in her department. Her satisfaction with her herself and good feelings are examples of:

Intrinsic motivation

Self-determination theory emphasizes intrinsic motivation because:

It is longer lasting and more positive than extrinsic motivators

Frederick Herzberg's theory states that:

Job dissatisfaction is associated with hygiene factors managers can improve motivation by improving both motivators that create satisfaction and hygiene factors that reduce dissatisfaction job satisfaction is associated with motiving factors

Among the content theories of motivation are:

McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Maslow's need hierarchy theory Acquired needs theory Self-determination theory Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory


Most basic need. Entails having enough food, air, and water to survive

The theories that focus on the process by which internal factors influence employee motivation are known as:

Process theories

The top-down approaches to job design include:

1. Scientific Management 2. Job Enlargement 3. Job Rotation 4. Job Enrichment 5. Job Characteristic Model

The acquired needs in McClelland's acquired needs theory include the:

Need for achievement Need for affiliation Need for Power

According to McClelland's acquired needs theory, the need to maintain social relationships and join groups is the:

Need for affiliation

The National Labor Relations Act supports the right of certain employees to discuss compensation in which of the following situations?

On social media outside work time

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