Chapter 6 (Section 4): The Age of Napoleon

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Define plebiscite: Why did Napoleon hold a plebiscite?

A popular vote by ballot. Napoleon held a plebiscite because the French strongly supported him.

Which countries made up the Quadruple Alliance?What did they pledge to each other?

Austria, Russia, Prussia, and Great Britain made up the Quadruple Alliance. They pledged to maintain the balance of power and to suppress revolutionary uprisings, especially in France.

How did the citizens feel about the revival of the monarchy?

Citizens were weary of the revival of the monarchy because of the fear of a return to the old regime.

How did Napoleon's ideas of the revolution spread across Europe?

French armies backed liberal reforms in the lands they conquered. They helped install revolutionary governments that abolished the titles of nobility, ended Church privileges, opened careers to men of talent, and ended serfdom and manorial dues.

Why did Napoleon side with the Jacobins and republican rule?

He sided with the Jacobins and republican rule because he believed they were successful/victorious.

Define guerrilla warfare:

Hit-and-run raids (against the French).

What did the Vienna statesmen fail to foresee?

How powerful new forces such as nationalism would shake the foundations of Europe and Latin America.

Napoleon's coup d'etat overthrew the Directory. What was set up in 1799? 1802?

In 1799, Napoleon overthrew the Directory and set up a three-man governing board known as the Consulate and took the title First Consul. In 1802 Napoleon named himself consul for life.

What happened in 1812?

In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia.

(1793-1800) Where was Napoleon successful and what land did he capture? Where was Napoleon unsuccessful and how did he control the negativity seeping into France?

In December 1793, Napoleon drove British forces out of the French port of Toulon. He later went on to win against the Austrians, capturing most of northern Italy and forcing the Hapsburg emperor to make peace. He also led an expedition to Egypt in 1798 in hopes of disrupting the British trade with India. The Egyptian campaign was a disaster, however he hid the stories of his losses by establishing a network of spies and censoring the press.

Define annexed:

Incorporated into (an empire).

What happened to the Holy Roman Empire?

Napoleon abolished the Holy Roman Empire and created a 38-member Confederation of the Rhine under French protection.

How did nationalism work against Napoleon?

Napoleon and his armies were seen as foreign oppressors and resented the Continental System and Napoleon's efforts to impose French culture on them. Nationalism unleashed revolts against France.

How did Napoleon restore economic prosperity?

Napoleon controlled prices, encouraged new industry, and built roads and canals. He set up a system of public schools under strict government control to ensure well-trained officials and military officers.

Napoleon is considered to be either "the revolution on horseback" or a traitor to the revolution: Why do people regard him as a hero? Why do people regard him as a tyrant?

Napoleon created a centralized state with a constitution. Elections were held with expanded, though limited, suffrage. Citizens had rights to property and access to education than under the old regime. However, French citizens lost rights promised by republicans during the Convention.

When did he die?

Napoleon died in 1821.

How did Napoleon win support across class lines: Emigres, peasants, middle class

Napoleon encouraged emigres to return if they took an oath of loyalty. Napoleon recognized the peasants' right to the lands they had bought from the Church and nobles during the revolution. The middle class approved of Napoleon's economic reforms and the restoration of order after years of chaos. Napoleon also opened jobs based on talent.

What happened between 1804 to 1812?

Napoleon furthered his reputation on the battlefield and successfully battled the combined forces of the greatest European powers. By 1812, his Grand Empire reached its greatest extent.

What happened at Napoleon's coronation as emperor?

Napoleon invited the pope to preside over the coronation in Paris. During the ceremony, Napoleon took the crown from the pope and placed it on his own head.

What was the Concordat of 1801?

Napoleon made peace with the Catholic Church in the Concordat of 1801. The Concordat kept the Church under state control but recognized religious freedom for Catholics.

What happened at the Battle of Trafalgar?

Napoleon planned to evade and conquer the English however, British Admiral Horatio Nelson smashed the French fleet off the southwest coast of Spain.

When did Napoleon return?

Napoleon returned in March 1815 to Paris, France.

Napoleon birthplace and date

Napoleon was born in Corsica, Italy in 1769.

Where was Napoleon sent and who replaced him to rule France?

Napoleon was exiled to Elba and recognized Louis XVIII as the king of France.

Beginning of Napoleon's military career

Napoleon was sent to a military school at age 9 and enrolled in a military academy at age 15. He was a lieutenant during the revolution at age 20.

What started the chain of events leading to Napoleon's eventual downfall?

Napoleon's campaign to continue his pursuit of world domination and invade Russia began a chain of events that led to his downfall.

What did Napoleon's successes do for France?

Napoleon's successes boosted the spirit of nationalism. People celebrated the glory and grandeur that Napoleon gained for France.

How did Napoleon control much of Europe through forceful diplomacy? Cite specific examples.

One tactic was placing friends and relatives on the thrones of Europe. For example, he made his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, the king of Spain. He also forces alliances on European powers from Madrid to Moscow.

What was the slogan of the new regime?

Order, security, and efficiency replaced liberty, equality, and fraternity as the slogans of the new regime.

How did Spaniards resist Napoleon's rule? How did Spanish patriots hold off Napoleon's troops? How did Spanish resistance encourage other countries?

Resistance to foreign rule bled French-occupying forces dry in Spain. Napoleon's efforts to undermine the Spanish Catholic Church made Spaniards remain loyal to their former king and devoted to the Church. The Spanish resisted the invaders and inflamed Spanish nationalism. Efforts to draw out the French intensified. Spanish resistance encouraged Austria to resume hostilities against the French.

Define legitimacy:

Restoring hereditary monarchies that the French Revolution or Napoleon had unseated.

What happened to Napoleon's army in Russia and why?

Russians retreated eastward, burning crops and villages as they went. The scorched earth policy left the French hungry and cold as winter came. He turned homeward when he reached Moscow. As they retreated, Russian attacks and the Russian winter killed many soldiers and only 20,000 of the once 600,000 soldiers of the Grand Army returned.

Define abdicated:

Step down from power (Napoleon).

What ended his 100 day return? Where was he exiled a second time?

The Battle of Waterloo in Belgium ended Napoleon's 100 day return. Napoleon was forced to abdicate and to go to exile in St. Helena.

What was the Concert of Europe?

The Concert of Europe was a system in which the powers of the Quadruple Alliance met periodically to discuss any problems affecting the peace of Europe.

When did the Congress of Vienna take place? What was the task of the Congress of Vienna? Which leaders attended and from what countries?

The Congress of Vienna took place after Waterloo in order to restore stability and order in Europe after years of war. Leaders included Prince Clemens con Metternich of Austria, Tsar Alexander I of Russia, and Lord Robert Castlereagh of Britain, and France was represented by Prince Charles Maurice de Talleyrand.

What countries restored monarchs to the throne?

The Congress put monarchs to the thrones in France, Portugal, Spain, and the Italian states.

Why did the rulers redraw the map of Europe?

The Congress redrew the map of Europe.

Describe the Continental System and explain what Britain did in response. Why did the Continental System fail?

The Continental System was a kind of warfare that closed European ports to British goods. Britain responded with its own blockade of European ports so supplies could not move in or out of the ports. The Continental System failed because Britain's powerful navy kept vital trade routes open to the Americas and India. The trade restrictions created a scarcity of goods in Europe and sent prices soaring and intensified resentment against French power.

Describe the Napoleonic Code. Which group did not benefit from the Napoleonic Code and why?

The Napoleonic Code was a new code of laws that embodied the Enlightenment principles such as the equality of all citizens before the law, religious toleration, and the abolition of feudalism. Women did not benefit from the Code because they lost many newly gained rights and could not exercise the rights of citizenship.

What alliance brought France down at the Battle of the Nations at Leipzig?

The alliances of Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia defeated France at the Battle of the Nations at Leipzig.

Define scorched earth policy:

The burning of crops and villages in Russia by Russians to ensure France would have no supplies for winter.

What was the chief goal of the Congress? What did each figure at the Congress want, specifically?

The chief goal of the Congress was to create a lasting peace by establishing a balance of power and protecting the system of monarchy. Metternich wanted to restore things the way they were in 1792. Alexander I urged a "holy alliance" of Christian monarchs to suppress future revolutions. Lord Castlereagh was determined to prevent a revival of French military power. Talleyrand played the other leaders against each other so France would be accepted as an equal partner.

Describe Tsar Alexander I's relationship with Napoleon.

Tsar Alexander I was once an ally of Napoleon. The tsar and Napoleon planned to divide Europe if Alexander helped Napoleon in his Continental System. Russia became unhappy with the economic effects of the system and Napoleon's efforts to enlarge the Grand Duchy of Warsaw that bordered Russia on the west. The tsar withdrew his support from the Continental System. Napoleon responded by assembling the Grand Army.

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