Chapter 7, Computer-Aided Design and Drafting in Architecture
A 2D drafting product.
Virtual Building
A 3D digital database that tracks all elements that make up a building, allowing the designer to use items such as surface area and volume, etc.
A collection of symbols in a symbol library.
Autodesk Revit platform for BIM
A complete architectural design and documentation solution supporting all phases of design and all the architectural drawings and schedules required for a building project.
A folder placed inside another folder and contains files related to the folder in which it resides.
A grouping of related features or applications. They format information in rows and columns to clearly provide design information.
CADD Template
A pattern of a standard or commonly used feature or features that is created once and then used on following drawings.
A physical structure or group of structures, including site construction, serving one or more purposes.
MicroStation PowerDraft
A professional CADD application used for production 2D/3D drafting and detailing.
A set of related activities taking place at a facility.
Detail files
A specific type of model file that can include plans, elevations, sections, and details. They are placed on a sheet using sheet grid coordinates.
Reference Bubble
A symbol placed below the detail or section drawing used to designate the origin of details and sections.
A two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) drafting and design software product.
A worldwide network of communication between computers.
AKA directories, on your computer allow you to store and organize computer files. Without them, your hard drive can have thousands of separately named files that would make it difficult or impossible to control.
Symbols module
Addresses commonly used standard symbols, classifications, etc, and ensure clear and concise communication on drawings.
Drafting Conventions module
Addresses standard practices used on drawings.
Facility Model
All information created that relates to a specific facility.
Allow for details of a design or different drafting information to be separated. They are generally of different colors and have their own names.
Building Model
An electronic representation of a building, with elements graphically representing the building drawn with real-world size in their real-world units.
An engineering project team collaboration system that is used to help teams improve quality, reduce rework, and meet project deadlines.
Architectural Design software is a residential and light commercial CADD software package. It allows you to create floor plans, cross sections, elevations, framing plans, detail drawings, and site plans.
Because the Virtual Building is ___, changes are automatically updated in all views, saving time and reducing errors along the way.
Can be described as a camera in a computer program that is set up like a person walking through a building, around a building, or through a landscape.
Project Code
Can have up to 20 characters that are placed before the discipline designator. It is optional and is determined by the designer or architect.
Computer-aided design and drafting
Computer-aided design, often used as a reference to computer-aided drafting.
Model Files
Contain the individual elements that make up the final drawing of the building model, such as the walls, doors, windows, dimensions, and the various drawing features on their own layers.
3" = 1'−0"
Detail of a windowsill can be drawn at a ___ (1:5 metric) scale to clearly identify the features and dimensions.
1" = 1'−0", 1 1/2" = 1'−0", and 3" = 1'−0"
Details are drawn using ___
Drawing Set Organization
Establishes standard discipline designators for each discipline, such as A for Architectural, and establishes the order of presentation of these disciplines within a drawing set.
Sheet Organization module
Establishes standards for sheet sizes in the metric, or International System of Units (SI), and the inch measurement systems.
Realistic renderings, animations, and VR
Excellent tools for showing a client how a building will look inside and out.
1/4" = 1'−0" and 1/8" = 1'−0"
Floor plans, Roof plans, Exterior elevations, and Interior elevations are drawn using ___
Real-world units
Full actual units
1/4" = 1'−0" and 1/8" = 1'−0"
Full sections are drawn using ___
Generally not used to describe a tour through a building.
Has a variety of products available for industries such as building, infrastructure, manufacturing, media and entertainment, and wireless data.
Drawing Module
Identified by a letter and a number, such as A1.
Identified with alphabetical characters beginning at the bottom starting with A and increasing toward the top of the sheet.
Identified with numerical characters starting with 1 and increasing to the right.
Code Conventions module
Identifies types of general regulatory information that should appear on drawings, locates code-related information in a set of drawings, and provides standard graphic conventions.
Management block
Information about the designer, checker, and drafter.
The operating system
Is a master program that controls a computer's basic functions and allows other programs to access the computer's resources such as the disk drive, printer, keyboard, and screen.
DesignCenter Online Web page
It allows you to download drafting symbols from manufacturers and catalogs online, which gives you access to a large number of architectural symbols.
Graphic Scale
It is like a small ruler that represents the numeric scale.
Links computers within a company or organization.
Sheet Identifier
Located in the title block and in any reference to the sheet on a drawing.
Makes detailing and drafting easy with a complete library of over 200 predrawn details. Each detail can also be customized and saved. It saves drafting time when used with SolidBuilder.
VR World
Often appears and feels so real that it is almost real. This is where the computer is used to simulate environments, including the inside and outside of buildings; sound; and touch.
Project identification block
Project name and location.
Drafting Conventions
Provide a standard format for graphic and text content on drawings.
Computer operating systems
Provide a tool that allows you to create folders that are like the traditional file folders found in the office file cabinet.
Drawing standards
Provide uniform guidelines for developing a set of construction drawings of consistent quality and by avoiding duplicate information.
UDS (Uniform Drawing System)
Provides a framework for the creation of a facility model that is represented using drawings.
Bentley Systems
Provides a wide range of software products for building areas such as plant, civil and geospatial, architecture, engineering, construction, and operations.
Notations module
Provides guidelines for note classification, format, components, and location, and includes the use of notes, terminology, and linking drawing notes to specifications.
Digital Canal
Provides home design software, with Building Blocks technology.
Schedules module
Provides standard formats for schedules used in construction documents, and has an organizational system for identifying and filing schedules.
Terms and Abbreviations
Provides standard terms and abbreviations used in construction documents and specifications. It provides consistent spelling and terminology, standardizes abbreviations, and notes common usage.
AutoCAD Architecture
Provides the efficiency of real-world building objects, design, and documentation productivity for architects and architectural designers.
Virtual Reality (VR)
Refers to a world that appears to be a real or actual world, having many of the properties of a real world.
Issue block
Revision area or addenda.
Template Drawings
Save time and help produce consistency in the drawing process. They can and should be updated and added to periodically. For example, they are referred to a base drawing that contains standard components, values, settings, borders, and title blocks.
Sheets are ___ into three main areas: drawing area, title block area, and production data area.
Should be used to save time and drawing space.
Text Files
Similar to library files, they are notes that can be used on multiple projects, such as commonly used general notes.
Sheet Grid Coordinates
Similar to zoning, they are a system of numbers along the top and bottom margins and letters along the left and right margins, allowing a drawing to read like a road map.
1" = 20" and up to 1" = 2000"
Site plans are drawn using ___
Sheet margins
Spaces between the edge of the sheet and the sheet area. They vary depending on plotter capabilities, sheet size, and sheet area dimensions.
1" = 1'−0" and 1 1/2" = 1'−0"
Stair details are drawn using ___
Plan Components
Such as room arrangements, can be stored in a design file; this allows the designer to call on a series of these components and rearrange them in a new design.
Takes the drawing created in SoftPlan and generates a 3D rendering of the model.
The camera is like a helicopter flying over the area.
The drawing area and title block area are ___
Drawing layout
The goal of it is to organize drawing areas in columns and rows.
Designer identification block
The logo or name of the agency or company.
The manufacturer of the ArchiCAD Design/ Building Series, which is a set of tools for builders and residential designers.
1 1/2 inch (40 mm)
The minimum left margin should be ___
3/4 inch (20 mm)
The minimum right margin should be ___
3/4 inch (20 mm)
The minimum sheet margins for the top and bottom margin is___
Note Block
The module or modules within the drawing area where keynotes, general notes, and key plans are located. Located in the far right column of the drawing area, and reserved for sheets that have notes.
The production data area is ___
The program or instructions that run the computer.
The quantity estimates and areas and footages taken from a drawing.
The ratio of measuring units expressing a proportional relationship between a drawing and the full-size item it represents.
Sheet identification block
The sheet identifier.
Drawing Content
The variety of information in the drawing, such as layers, layouts, line types, text styles, and symbols.
Drawing and Title Block
These areas are surrounded by border lines to outline and separate the areas.
Graphisoft packages
They are based on open standards, allowing you to create data without recreation.
This estimating software is used to produce professional estimates, proposals, and bids for all types of construction projects, with an Excel-like interface that contains the power of a database.
This software package was created by contractors for contractors.
Real-world size
True size
U.S. National CAD Standard, a single CADD standard for the United States developed by a group of agencies in 1997.
AutoCAD Civil 3D
Used for civil engineering applications using a dynamic engineering model.
Used to create, edit, and manipulate drawings and models, and is completely integrated with all Bentley solutions.
Drawing clarity
Using a variety of line weights, or thicknesses, helps improve ___
1/2" = 1'−0" and 3/4" = 1'−0"
Wall sections are drawn using ___
Key Plan Block
When used, should always be located in the lowest module of the note block.
With regard to computer usage, this term refers to something that appears to have the properties of a real or actual object or experience.