Chapter 8

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Personal Attitudes

-Feelings or opinions about people, places, objects -Ranges from positive to negative -Important because they impact behavior

Benefits of OCB's: For the Organization

-Higher productivity/efficiency -Lower costs -Improved customer satisfaction -Higher unit-level satisfaction -Lower turnover

Benefits of OCB's: For the Individual

-Improved job satisfaction -Improved performance ratings -Reduced intention to quit -Lower absenteeism -Lower turnover

Benefits of Employee Engagement

-Increased employee performance -Increased employee well-being -Increased customer loyalty and satisfaction -Greater financial performance

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

-Individual behavior that is discretionary -Not directly or explicitly recognized by formal reward system -Promotes effective functioning of the organization

Application of Schwartz's Value Theory

-Managers are more effective if they understand employees' values and motivation -Pursuit of incongruent goals leads to conflicting employee actions/behaviors -Attracting employees whose personal values align with organizational values: -Lower employee turnover -Higher employee engagement -Increased customer satisfaction -Employees derive more meaning from work by pursuing goals consistent with their values

Second bipolar dimension

-Openness to change: independence of thought, action, feelings, readiness for change -Conservation: focus on order, self-restriction, preservation of the past, resistance to change

Key Workplace Attitudes

-Organizational commitment -Employee engagement -Perceived organizational support -Job satisfaction


-Positive: poor employees leave -Negative: good employees leave To reduce voluntary turnover: -Hire for fit with the culture -Foster employee engagement -Provide effective on-boarding -Recognize and reward high performers

First bipolar dimension

-Self-enhancement: pursuit of one's own interests, success, dominance over others -Self-transcendence: concerns for the welfare and interests of others


-abstract ideals that guide thinking and behavior across all situations -when these are formed, they are very hard to change

Values are Influenced by:

-religious or spiritual beliefs -values of our parents -experiences during childhood -events occurring in our community, society

D) Personal attitudes

1- Maria focuses on community volunteerism, while Anna focuses on getting a promotion at work. ________ are represented by Maria's and Anna's focuses. A) Behaviors B) Cognitions C) Workplace attitudes D) Personal attitudes E) Endpoints of one of the dimensions of values


2- Personal attitudes affect behavior via intentions. True False


3- Catherine is walking through the employee parking lot on her way to her office. She notices someone left an empty fast food bag in the parking lot. Catherine goes out of her way to pick it up and dispose of it. What behavior is Catherine exhibiting? A. Psychological contract B. Green behavior C. Withdrawal cognitions D. CWB E. OCB

E. affective, cognitive, and behavioral

4- The components of attitudes include A) values, beliefs, and emotions. B) public and personal. C) perceived and real. D) personal and workplace. E) affective, cognitive, and behavioral.

Three Components of Attitudes

Affective = "I feel" Cognitive = "I believe" Behavioral = "I intend"

Outcomes Linked to Job Satisfaction

Attitudes: -Motivation -Job Involvement -Withdrawal Cognitions -Perceived Stress Behavior: -Job Performance -Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) -Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB) -Turnover

Five Models of Job Satisfaction

MODEL: HOW MANAGERS CAN BOOST JOB SATISFACTION -Need fulfillment: Understand and meet employee's needs -Met expectations: Meet expectations of employees about what they will receive from the job -Value attainment: Structure the job and its rewards to match employee values -Equity: Monitor employees' perceptions of fairness and interact with them so they feel fairly treated -Disposition/genetic components: Hire employees with an appropriate disposition

Dynamics of Values

Personal values are relatively stable for an individual - but: -Values vary across generations -Values vary across cultures

Job Satisfaction and Job Performance

Research indicates: -Job satisfaction and performance are moderately related -Complex relationship - both variables indirectly impact each other -Incomplete measures of individual performance understates the relationship -More accurate to consider variables at the business-unit level

Organizational Commitment

The extent to which an employee identified with an organization and is committed to its goals Outcomes: -Greater employee retention -Greater motivation in pursuit of organizational goals

Employee Engagement

The extent to which employees give it their all in performing their work roles Four key markers of engagement: -Urgency -Focus -Intensity -Enthusiasm

Schwartz's Value Theory

Two bipolar dimensions -Dimension 1: Self-enhancement vs. Self- transcendence -Dimension 2: Openness to change vs. Conservation -Values are motivational -Represent broas goals over time -Bipolar values are incongruent -Adjacent values are complementary

Attitude VS Values

Values: -Scope: Global -Influence: Broad:All situations - Affects Behavior: In a variety of ways Attitudes: -Scope: Specific -Influence: Targeted:Specifically -Affects Behavior: Via intentions

Job Satisfaction

an affective or emotional response toward various facets of one's job

Counterproductive work behavior (CWB)

behavior that harms other employees, the organization as a whole, or organizational stakeholders

Cognitive Dissonance

psychological discomfort experienced when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions (ideas, values, or emotions) Reduced by: -Changing attitude or behavior or both -Belittling the importance of the inconsistent behavior -Finding consonant elements that outweigh dissonant ones

Perceived Organizational Support

the extent to which employees believe that the organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being -People are willing to work hard and commit to the organization -Results in: -Increased organizational commitment -Job satisfaction -Organizational citizenship behavior -Task performance -Lower turnover

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